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Women Empowerment

Updated on August 17, 2018

women empowerment


Empowering women means making a woman able to choose and control the choices that were previously restricted to her. It’s not merely a product or end-result, it’s a complete process. It’s the ability for a woman to have their own right to control and take advantage from different resources, assets, income and their own time as well. It also includes her ability to foresee the possible risks and improve the overall economic status and well being. Empowering women is important for a balanced society as women have always been discriminated in the society. It’s very important for the overall development of the society. It increases the quality as well as the quantity of the human resources for the development of the society. Nations and businesses can benefit a lot from the implementation of these women empowerment projects and policies.

Women account for about two-thirds of the world’s illiterate population. There are innumerable girls who are not receiving basic education. This has led to the number of social problems ranging from poverty to unemployment to other social issues as well. Women suffer a lot of discriminations ever since they are born in an Indian society. Some kill the girl child inside the womb, most girls are discriminated against a male child in families, most are mistreated by their spouses, some are married off at an early age and yet many are denied education. A balance needs to be drawn in the imbalanced society. Supporting women and giving them equal opportunities in education and workplace can be beneficial to everyone in the society. Women will join the workforce, start earning, and be more mindful about the nutrition of their kids. Thus, it will contribute to the progress of the nation.

The literacy rate among the women living in rural areas is just 31%. These figures are staggering. Education is the best thing that can help in empowering the women. Education widens their horizons and broadens the outlook and makes one aware about their rights. There are enough examples worldwide that imply that improvements in girls' education benefit the status of the family and empower women. The gap in girls' education is attributed to apathy and resistance of parents, unfavorable attitudes toward coeducation, poverty of parents, shortages of schools, and poor quality instruction. In order for girls' to continue education it should be ensured by incentives, such as free books and clothes; time tables useful to work; support systems; and work schemes.

Considering these points in the mind, Plan to Empower has started a program to empower the women of rural and Urban slums of India who will be able to support themselves and their families financially, provide basic healthcare to themselves and their families and stand up for equality for themselves at home and outside.

Some of the programs that come under our woman empowerment project are as follows:

  • Conducting English language classes for girls in the age group of 10-20 in order to improve their language skills and prepare them for their future career.
  • Provide counseling to the women who come to our camps.
  • Teach the women about some livelihood earning skills like sewing & stitching, beautician training, handicraft work etc.
  • Guide the woman about good and healthy nutrition and diet.
  • Give guidance about the early childhood care.
  • Conduct adult literacy classes for woman above the age of 30.
  • Conduct computer classes for the young woman and provide basic computer knowledge
  • Give them tips on home budget managing.
  • Inform and guide the women about the cons of marrying their girl child early.


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