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Smoke And Mirrors - A Compromise?

Updated on February 13, 2012

So He Does Think Everyone But Him Is Stupid

You need to understand Obama and his inability to compromise. I'm believing to think he sees himself as a dictator with unlimited powers to get his way and exercise his agenda, the US Constitution be damned. Never in our history has such an assault on the rights contained in the First Amendment been under such an assault by any administration. What amazes me is that his latest attempt is being cloaked as a "women's rights issue" which is nice window dressing but just not the truth as usual.

The issue is really about the government's interference in the church and its institutions and mandating (dictating) that its employees be provided contraceptives, sterilization services and abortion inducing drugs. The use of those various things amounts to conscience, not necessarily a right to have anything. The other thing the press is failing to mention is that the mandate isn't really included in Obamacare. It came through the office of HHS via Commissar Sibelius. This is a mandate, not a law. Since when do we allow the executive branch to mandate anything upon the people it serves. Or does Obama think we serve him?

So lets look through the usual smoke and mirrors act, which he is calling his compromise, since it isn't a compromise at all. It's more of a laundering scheme than anything else. Obama claims that his policy shift would lift the mandate to provide the services but in actuality it would do no more than shift the mandate over to those institution's health insurance providers. That's rather transparent, and he did promise to provide us transparency. I, myself, have seen right through him from the get go.

So who pays the insurance premiums for this supposed compromise? That's a valid question and the the answer is simple - the employers do. In this case the employers are the churches and religious institutions that pay the premiums for the services that their conscience dictates they should have nothing to do with. Many of these "employers" are self-insurers so where is that addressed in his mandate "compromise?"

The argument here isn't, and won't be, whether the churches have a valid position. That is their right under the First Amendment to exercise their conscience. Some one has to pay for these free contraceptives, sterilizations and abortifacients, so who is it? Or is this another free Obama free lunch?

I believe that a woman has the right to take contraceptives. I also believe she has the obligation to pay for them. What I see from this administration is hyping that the real issue is about withholding those pills from poor, innocent women how are smart enough to keep their britches up. It's supposed to lower insurance premiums which puzzles me because Obamacare was supposed to do that and we're already seeing an inverse effect before it is even fully implemented. Fooled you again did he?

Any time an insurance company has to provide a "free lunch" someone is going to pay for that lunch. Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen and most of us knew that and opposed it from the beginning and the number in opposition has grown as more has been found out about the "pass the bill so we can see what's in it" has been winnowed through and the winnowing isn't nearly done as the HHS has been given the authority to mandate to the American people what they will or will not do. Is that what you want from your government?

Any time an insurance company has to provide a "free lunch" someone is going to pay for that lunch. Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen and most of us knew that and opposed it from the beginning and the number in opposition has grown as more has been found out about the "pass the bill so we can see what's in it" has been winnowed through and the winnowing isn't nearly done as the HHS has been given the authority to mandate to the American people what they will or will not do. Is that what you want from your government?

Who Has The Vaseline? Is That Free Now Too?

I see more of our tax dollars being spent to hash this out in court. There is also now a bill gathering sponsors and support in the Senate called the Freedom of Conscience Act which will be considered in the health committee today. What is this country coming to when a law has to be passed to insure the supreme law of the land, the US Constitution, is upheld?

I'm just asking...

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember What You're Seeing...


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