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The Choice for 2014 - Partisan Government Or Representation

Updated on May 29, 2019

A lot has changed in politics since 2008. The partisan politics that both parties complained about has been replaced by institutionalizing a partisan system that has been re-affirmed (by actions, not by words) by our Supreme Court. This occurred when a majority of States joined together in a lawsuit to overturn a bill passed by those same States Senators. We were taught that our States are supposed to be represented by our Senators, yet few made note or pointed out that this was actually a contest between the States and their Senators. The lawsuit was rejected by the Supreme Court, thus establishing a precedent. Senators can act against the will of their States to impose a law upon those same States.

This is the beginning. As this partisan system evolves, the States will have an even more diminished role in contesting the actions of their Senators.

We remain the United States of America; however, it seems that the States remain united only in their subjugation to the will of the currently ruling party.

We continue to teach our children that our House represents for the people, and that our Senate represents for our States. It is a lie. In our hearts, we know it is a lie. Our Senators no longer act as representatives, they act as rulers. Worse, lies from our rulers have become what our nation is about. The rest of the world has taken note, and the respect for the once great United States of America has dwindled across the globe. Other countries can sense that we are no longer the country united in freedom that we used to be. Where they once saw strength, they now see weakness.

I hesitate to speak up to point this out, since it will be perceived as an attack upon the rulers in our system. Yet I must, even knowing that in today’s system those that speak up often get labeled as radicals, or as terrorists. I must speak up because we need to recognize we brought this on ourselves and take what civilized actions we can to correct it.

We are slowly but surely watching (and participating in) the decay of our representative system.

The Divided Parties of America?

No changes were made to the source of this image. License is located at
No changes were made to the source of this image. License is located at | Source

What Can We Do?

We can follow a process. First step, acknowledge that we have a problem. Next, vote out those who did their part to institutionalize this new system. Then, correct or amend our Constitution so that those who seek to rule can never twist our system to their will.

But fair warning, this is not a process that will result in instant gratification – it will take years. It took over a hundred years to fully shift from a representative system to a partisan system. It may take as long to change it back.

That first step is up to you. No matter which party you are from, if you don’t think this is a problem, then you can expect to hear more partisan bickering in the future, and worse we may all face a future of partisan rule. If you acknowledge that we have a problem, and agree that the problem has its roots in partisan politics, then you can vote.

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Vote in November 2014

For the next step, you need to vote. In 2014, there are five Senators up for re-election who voted against the will of their State while they served as their States Senator. Another three have either moved to another position in the Federal government, elected not to run, or retired. Each is listed below. For each, if there is a primary, the date is listed. If there are opponents from another party, their name is indicated.

You can find links to each of your candidates at the link below. This link is a favorite in my browser.

The State Seal of Colorado
The State Seal of Colorado | Source

Result: Voted Out Colorado Senator Udall

The Colorado Primary was scheduled for June 24, 2014. Senator Udall ran unopposed in the primary and as expected, will be the Democratic candidate in November. His November 2014 election opponents are:

  • Republican Congressman Cory Scott Gardner
  • Unaffiliated candidate Steve Shogan
  • Unaffiliated candidate Raul ACosta
  • Libertarian Gaylon Kent
  • Unity Party Bill Hammons
  • Write-in Kathleen Rosewater Cunningham
  • Write-in Donald Willoughby

2014 RESULT: The citizens of Colorado elected Congressman Cory Scott Gardner as their State Senator.

Michigan Senator Levin

Thank you, Senator Levin, for deciding not to run in 2014. May the people of Michigan choose the best candidate to represent for the State of Michigan in the November 2014 election.

Montana Senator Baucus

Senator Baucus has taken a position as Ambassador to China. May the people of Montana choose the best candidate to represent for the State of Montana in the November 2014 election.

The State Seal of Oregon


Result: Re-elected Oregon Senator Merkley

Senator Merkley was selected to represent for the Democratic party in the Democratic primary on May 20, 2014. His opponents in the November 2014 election are

  • Republican Monica C. Wehby
  • Constitution James E. "Jim" Leuenberger
  • Libertarian Mike Montchalin
  • Pacific Green Christina Lugo

2014 RESULT: The citizens of Oregon re-elected Senator Merkley.

Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia


Result: Re-elected Virginia Senator Warner

Senator Warner was selected to represent for the Democratic party in the Democratic Primary of 10 June, 2014. His opponents in the November 2014 elections were:

  • Republican Edward W. Gillespie
  • Libertarian Robert Christopher Sarvis

2014 RESULT: The citizens of Virginia re-elected Senator Warner.

State Seal of Alaska


Result: Voted Out Alaska Senator Begich

Primaries were held August 19, 2014. The results reduced the field of twelve challenging candidates down to five. His opponents in the November 2014 election are:

  • Republican: former Alaska Natural Resources Commissioner Dan Sullivan\
  • Libertarian: Thom M. Walker
  • Alaskan Independence: Vic Kohring
  • write-in Ted Gianoutsos
  • write-in Sid Hill
  • write-in John Michael Jaramillo
  • write-in Karen Perry

2014 RESULT: The citizens of Alaska elected former Alaska Natural Resources Commissioner Dan Sullivan as their State Senator.


Result: Voted Out Louisiana Senator Landrieu

There were eight candidates seeking to replace Senator Landrieu in the November 2014 election. Her opponents in the November 2014 elections were:

  • Republican William Cassidy is endorsed by the Republican Party in Louisiana.
  • Republican Thomas Patrick Clements
  • Republican Robert L. Maness
  • Libertarian Brannon L. McMorris
  • Democrat Wayne Ables
  • Democrat Vallian Senegal
  • Democrat William P. Waymire, Jr.

2014 RESULT: Republican William Cassidy defeated Senator Landrieu in a run-off election December 6, 2014.

South Dakota Senator Johnson

Thank you Senator Johnson, for electing to retire. May the people of Montana choose the best candidate to represent for the State of Montana in the November 2014 election.

Move On.  This house will have new occupants in 2017.
Move On. This house will have new occupants in 2017. | Source

Step Three – Amend Our Constitution

Partisan politics might not have happened if the legislatures of the various States had been able to maintain control over their Senators. However, after the passing of the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution, the states lost the ability to select their Senators. Instead, who was selected fell back to the people of the State. That’s not totally a bad thing, but, it meant the Senators no longer were required to satisfy the will of their State government in order to continue in their role. Instead, it became much more profitable and more career enhancing to respond to the will of the party that they served.

The result is the fully partisan system that we see today. This system has been upheld by the Supreme Court. Now you might think that the Supreme Court did something that violated the Constitution when they upheld a majority Party decision over a majority state decision. But this is not true. Go read the Constitution. There are actually no words in there that say Senators are required to owe their allegiance to the State they represent. Clearly, in practice, Senators have no fear of being unseated if they vote against the will of their State. A Senator can owe their allegiance to a Party, to China, to their State, or to their own heart if they so choose. There is nothing in the Constitution to say who they will represent for, only to say how they are chosen. This will not change unless each and every State takes action to change it, or unless the Seventeenth Amendment is repealed.

Why Did Brat Upset Cantor?

The speculation on why David Brat upset Eric Cantor in the Virginia Primaries in 2014 included notions that Democrats crossed party lines in the primaries, or that Cantor had assumed an unpopular stance on immigration, or that Cantor refused to meet with his constituents.

The truth is probably that Cantor was no longer perceived as listening to his constituents. In today's world, our elected rarely seem to listen; they seem too busy shouting at each other or supporting their team-mates. The tool we have to change this is our vote, and we need to do our part to finish the job.

Ultimately, who you vote for and why is up to you. If you like this partisan system, then by all means, vote to maintain it.


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