Why is Black still defined as dirty, evil, n the dictionary & White is pure & In

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  1. AJX-Diop profile image61
    AJX-Diopposted 14 years ago

    Why is Black still defined as dirty, evil, n the dictionary & White is pure & Innocent?

  2. Koby profile image61
    Kobyposted 14 years ago

    because that is the connotation.  That's how the words are used and viewed as.

  3. someonewhoknows profile image74
    someonewhoknowsposted 14 years ago

    I'm writting this blog because of a question about the definition of the word "black" in the English dictionary.The text below was my response it may be your's as well.If ,not you can make your comments in the space provided below as always.
    Most... read more

  4. profile image0
    danmayerisgodposted 14 years ago

    I think much of this stems from the actual colors and what we associate them with in the world. Black in nature is the absence of light, and since we need light to see, darkness and the unknown scare us. Over time, our culture has come to associate darkness and the color black with all things unknown, as well as things evil and wicked. White is the exact opposite, the presence of light, the force that casts out darkness. As such, we come to associate white with knowledge and goodness.

    To some degree, this way of thinking may have seeped into people's opinions of race relations. No doubt this is where much racism came from in the past. To this day, the effects of those connotations have shaped our society. It's regrettable, but I think as we learn to acceptance of others, we'll overcome the mistakes of the past.

  5. Katharella profile image75
    Katharellaposted 14 years ago

    I personally think people are taking this question out of context.
    I don't view it as a racially at all. I could put white chicken on my grill or stove, and burn it, and it will burn black and impossible to eat. But I can open a box of chocolates and yum, eat them down without a thought to their color.

    Regardless of our race, far down we dig up black soil that is healthy in minerals that grow our food. We look up to the sky and see white billowy clouds. We need daylight (white?) to see our way, but we need the darkness (black) to get a good nights sleep. They work together.

    Black is mysterious, fear is of the unknown. White lights our way, so we don't stumble and fall. It has nothing to do with race, so why make it about race.

    Back in the days the slaves were freed. But they were not given jobs, so they stole, and got by with violence because that's survival. Whites then feared blacks. That could be one way of looking at it. Regardless of how the Romans bread white blonde haired, blue eyed girls for sex slaves, and nobody in history is standing up for them. Nor are "us blondes" rebelling or even acknowledging it. We endure all the "blonde" jokes, but nobody ever seeks to put a stop to "a blonde moment is a dumb moment."

    If a Black person falls down in the dark dirty soil while planting seeds for food, just because he goes and washes himself clean doesn't make him dirty or evil. His heart is what makes him pure or innocent, not his skin.
    This is a very twisted question, and has nothing to do with race,  until someone made it about race. It has to do with cleanliness, and mysteriousness. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Peace be with you. -Kathy

  6. supremeGODism profile image57
    supremeGODismposted 14 years ago

    The answer is simple because you have not redifined it. Many words should probably be updated. Who is going to do it? We could begin by stating what we feel the correct definition is.
    Black- verile, majestic,  rich. harmonious with life.
    White- desolate, barren, pale, sickly. sickness

  7. pelt545 profile image40
    pelt545posted 12 years ago

    This seems like racism.

    Well, I can say that white can become polluted and or more affected by a different color. For example, if pink or any other color mixes with white, then there is a secondary color existing in place.

    Black may seem bad but at least it is solid and not affected with other colors or so.

  8. juiwei2000 profile image59
    juiwei2000posted 11 years ago

    That is a good question, but I don't think it have a racist implication, it is just like why red is a symbol of danger and blue stand for gentle.  But the fact that white symbolize pure and innocent, and black symbolize dirty and evil, definitly create certain racist implications, even today.  However, why black is define as dirty and evil and white is define as pure and innocent, is beyond my understanding, it definilty isn't the case in Asia where i come from.  My theory is that it is because white is Jesus' favor colour and black is seen to be in contrast to white and maybe also because, the indeguinous race of europe are white.


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