Does anyone believe in murder....

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 13 years ago

    Does anyone believe in murder....

    recently a body of a little girl was found in Norh Carolina , her prosthetic leg was found a couple of weeks ago ,  I was struck by the the beauty and innosence in her smiling picture.  Her father , mother and step mother all somehow making a bad impression  on my sense of judgement. Though none of us believes in murder ,  not enough of us believe in justice .  Who thinks our justice sysrem is broken. And is our jury system poluted by emotional idiots.

  2. colonial82 profile image60
    colonial82posted 13 years ago

    I don't necessarily think it is the jury system that is broken, but I do think the way the rich can buy all the best lawyers and get off for murder, but if you are poor, you go to jail for years for a simple crime.  Case in point, if someone like Lindsey Lohan didn't have money and didn't have her fame, a regular person would have  been sent to jail a long time ago for a long time, but she keeps getting prohibition or pitful "30 days" bs.

    Have a good day.

  3. phiphi profile image61
    phiphiposted 13 years ago

    This is the long story but some says that is murder and some says that was not i personal believe that the girl is already murdered in life or either you want to read more so you can

  4. sofs profile image75
    sofsposted 13 years ago

    Aww.. Ahorseback... life is sometimes very cruel..some people are evil, but the some dont make the whole... there is yet goodness.. there is yet love.. there is yet justice and mercy...Yes ... the very fact that you ask this question makes me believe that there is a good Human..
    AHB as long as you can and will make the difference in some small way.. keep believing... keep living for it.. Bless your kind heart!

  5. wychic profile image86
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    (The following comments are based on the question about the justice system, and not this girl's case in particular)

    I agree that the justice system has some major issues. The basic idea is good, except I personally would overhaul a number of sentences for particular crimes, and forget about parole. Unfortunately, it doesn't work the way it's intended, and whether we like it or not, the justice people get is that which they can afford.

    I wouldn't say that none of us believes in fact, my husband and I were just discussing this the other day. It all really comes down to your opinion on morality -- does the end justify the means, or is each action inherently good or evil in and of itself? I like to look at it as yes, it is bad to steal, but isn't it worse to let your family starve because you didn't? I personally believe that in many cases, the ends justify the means, and as such there are times when murder is not wrong (i.e. killing someone in order to protect yourself or your family). Taking the question another way...obviously, I believe that murder exists, it happens all the time. That said, I don't believe that the government should have the power over life and death, but that what are now death sentences should be life sentences at hard labor with no possibility of parole.

    The jury system is as polluted by emotional idiots as the general population, in my opinion. In other words, every single trial has just as much chance of getting a jury that is ruled by emotion as one that is ruled by logic, it all depends on who happens to get called in and make it through jury selection. For big trials, a lot is decided by which lawyer happens to be a better character judge and selects the best jury for their own means.

  6. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 13 years ago

    Well, I do believe our system is broken , rich or poor, the revolving doors of justice are lined up with the same people reusing the doors ,and quite often now the  system of defense attorneys , public defenders and judges with many personal agendas are misusing the system. Virtually every crime is plea'd down a notch or two before charges are even filed. And trials take several years to prosecute . I believe one should be a victim of a crime just to be eligible to be a jurist., as much as I believe Only those whom are or have been a  victim can begin to understand this. The tragedy of Zahra  Baker happens every day, over and over again . The perps will be out  in a few years  , once one of them turns "states evidence"
    and Zahra will be dead ......forever!

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