Who will win the 2012 presidential election between Romney and Obama

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  1. profile image0
    Elijahokelleyposted 12 years ago

    I personally think that Romney will win because Obama's supporters won't be as enthusiastic and riled up as they were in 2008. He'll likely have losses in key demographics, such as the African American vote, that won't be large but may still add up to hurt him whether these votes transfer to Romney or end up just being people not voting.

    1. profile image0
      HowardBThinameposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think Obama will win by a narrow margin. He won't be getting my vote, but I think he still has a measure of support.

    2. nanderson500 profile image84
      nanderson500posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Obama in a close one, similar to the 2004 margin between Bush and Kerry.

    3. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It depends on whether or not the media will be drooling all over Obama like they did last time.

  2. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    Not to mention the wide margin of outspending by the Romney campaign and Super PACs and the sustained discrediting effort by Congress during his term.
    Obama has done a shite job of promoting his accomplishments and the other side has done (as per usual) an excellent job of stirring up hate.

    People need to be either pissed off or desperate to vote in something new.
    We always expect a quick fix and get impatient when it doesn't materialize.
    The economy hasn't bounced back, people are still hurting.
    They want to believe that a rich man will bring riches to them, too.
    Talk about drinking poisoned Kool-Aid.

    1. Cody Hodge profile image60
      Cody Hodgeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      For what it's worth, it's being projected that Obama will win 330 EV this year.

  3. profile image0
    screamingposted 12 years ago

    Without a doubt, President Obama. Too many questions unanswered about Romney. He answers a question differently every day, depending on his audience. And avoids too many questions about him which need to be answered.

    1. RednecksForObama profile image61
      RednecksForObamaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      They have to watch him so he doesn't wander off.

  4. RednecksForObama profile image61
    RednecksForObamaposted 12 years ago

    Oh, please. You are dreaming. You over estimate the people of the USA. They don't want that wind up toy Mit Romney. President Obama is much more popular than you give him credit for.

  5. profile image0
    JaxsonRaineposted 12 years ago

    I think the independent vote is going to swing Romney's way enough to put him over the top.

    Obama's supporters aren't going to be out in as much force... history has already been made. Other supporters of his are disappointed that he hasn't made the changes that he promised. Others will be voting based on the continually struggling economy.

    Republicans probably won't be out in as much force as before either, because Romney is, in reality, too moderate for them. They'll just vote against Obama.

    Independents care more about the issues than what letter is next to someone's name. I think the majority of them will see Obama's hypocrisy, and how he hasn't fixed things.

    Romney by 1.5 points.

    1. Cody Hodge profile image60
      Cody Hodgeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Again, FWIW, Nate Silver of fivethirtyeight.com is projecting Obama to win 300-330 EV.

  6. habee profile image91
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    I feel sure Obama will win.

  7. habee profile image91
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    I don't think Romney's VP pick is going to help him.

  8. Shadesbreath profile image76
    Shadesbreathposted 12 years ago

    I think Obama gets it again.

    The Republicans just can't pick candidates anymore. I thought that maybe Palin for VP last time was just a stunt or something, but then I saw the choices coming through the primaries and it was like... are you kidding me? So, we got stuck with Romney, the least horrible clown out of the clown car. Bleh. No way he can beat Obama. I don't even want to vote for him, and he's supposed to be "my" candidate.

  9. Moderndayslave profile image61
    Moderndayslaveposted 12 years ago

    I don't know who will win, but I know Americans will be the loser.

  10. Wesley Meacham profile image61
    Wesley Meachamposted 12 years ago

    It is hard to pick a winner here. Romeny has a lot of problems to overcome; he is a Mormon and most Americans don't know anything about Mormonism and his wealth came from his involvement with a company that essentially guts other companies and outsources jobs and this is generally viewed as distasteful even by most conservatives.

    Add to this the fact that it is rare for an incumbant to lose an election...

    However, historically speaking no president has ever won a re-election with unemployment as high as it currently is.

    Obama might make history again. Who knows. I'm just going to be glad when it is over.


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