Why is the United States Divided Politically?

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  1. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 11 years ago

    I am seriously concerned about the political stalemate in this country.  I would like to know from Conservatives, Liberals and Libertarians what is causing this deep divide?  This Forum is for conservative posts only.  I will do one for Liberals and Libertarians as well.

    Thanks for your comments in advance.

    1. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is the age-old battle between good and evil, which has been allowed to come to the forefront via a twisted version of "free speech"---the so-called American "right" to say anything that comes to one's mind.    There are some things that should be taboo (yes, even these days).   We are not morally at liberty to voice all the things that might come to our minds;  people have adopted a habit of thinking we don't need to exhibit any self-control.
      You may have wanted a more "politically correct" answer or a more shallow answer or a more specified one,  but that's my answer.

    2. rhamson profile image71
      rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The reason why we are in a political stalemate is that the political process is owned by corporations and special interest that operate best when there is no consensus to challenge their agenda. The donations, gifts and bribes are dolled out to members of either side of the isle because the corporations and big business back all of them to a certain degree. Why is it that wall street is usually in charge of a cabinet position in the administration? Why are oilmen appointed to energy cabinet positions? Because they have their nose in the tent as the saying goes. They run portions of the campaigns, feed money into the election and are rewarded with the spoils for their efforts. There is only one way to change the political stalemate and that is term limits, publicly financed campaigns and lobby reform. Cut the purse strings, cut the corruption.

      1. tammybarnette profile image62
        tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        And cut the pensions to 5 or 10 yrs...big problem sucking 19% of the spending pie chart, more than welfare and right under healthcare, but you never hear them mention that...oops, sorry, will look for the dem forum smile

  2. innersmiff profile image67
    innersmiffposted 11 years ago

    Keep it all in one, asking people to name their view (there are more than three options of political thought), so we can debate as well.

    1. peoplepower73 profile image83
      peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't want any debate right now.  I just want to keep it pure as far as each side goes.  It's been my experience that debate can cloud the issue.  Thanks for your comments.

      1. innersmiff profile image67
        innersmiffposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Debate can cloud the issue? In my experience, the only thing debate can cloud is propaganda.

  3. Barefootfae profile image60
    Barefootfaeposted 11 years ago

    Political stalemate?

    Harry Reid.

  4. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 11 years ago

    Because more than one human being is allowed to vote.

  5. Reality Bytes profile image74
    Reality Bytesposted 11 years ago

    By creating a false belief of a political divide among the people it is easier to pit one side against the other, banishing any form of unity among the masses.  No matter what party holds an elected office, the actual government remains in place, the various councils, think- tanks, and commissions, the ones that actually dictate policy.

    Division is done in as many ways as possible.  With a complacent media to drive the furor, the propaganda apparatus has the ability to sway public opinion in whichever direction their handlers dictate.  There is only one corporate party, although they do present a facade of differentiation, it does not matter if the red sox or the yankees win, major league baseball retains control.

  6. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 11 years ago

    I'm not sure where to post. I'm a fiscal conservative but am pretty liberal on social issues, along with some Libertarian thrown in.

  7. profile image54
    Education Answerposted 11 years ago

    President Obama is both fiscally and socially liberal, very liberal.  Few politicians are both fiscally and socially liberal or conservative.  This is difficult for the opposing side.  Conservatives are very unhappy with President Obama, and you have a large political divide.  President Obama has furthered this divide by failing to cross the aisle for compromise.  Thus, you have a massive divide in Washington.

  8. taburkett profile image59
    taburkettposted 11 years ago

    the nations problems are created by incapable and irrational people elected to positions that they cannot handle because they lack the skills to do the job.
    due to lack of skills and capabbilities the current leadership executes a continual blame game that results in total paralysis.

  9. Patriot Quest profile image60
    Patriot Questposted 11 years ago

    Many answers but no one is being direct with the answer, there is only one,  IDEOLOGY, nothing more and nothing less,  The ideology of the left is so far from the ideology of the right there can be no compromise between the two.  The right has kept to what they believe and the left has gone to the extreme.............we have reached a point where there is no return in American politics.

  10. Zelkiiro profile image62
    Zelkiiroposted 11 years ago

    The only reason America is divided nearly 50/50 is because big businesses trick Republicans into being social and fiscal Conservatives by pretending to care about "family values." Thus, you have poor people being suckered into voting for the rich's interests simply because some multi-millionaire said "God" in a speech once.

  11. Patriot Quest profile image60
    Patriot Questposted 11 years ago

    Zelk..........all the poor voted for Obama,............need to recheck your information base my friend

    1. Zelkiiro profile image62
      Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      >Implying that racist, xenophobic rednecks who stockpile guns and live way, way below the poverty line vote Democrat.

      1. Barefootfae profile image60
        Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Don't have any regional issues do you?
        I am finding the attitude you are showing to be a major part of why there is political gridlock.

        1. Zelkiiro profile image62
          Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          When the other side promotes an ideology of obstructing scientific progress, continuing to oppress people who want equal rights, and teaching mythology as fact in science class, what do you expect?

          Those who oppose progress, knowledge, and equality should be looked down upon. They are the ones who are holding us back as a species.

          1. Barefootfae profile image60
            Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Well congratulations for doing a fine job looking down on others.

            Also thinks for highlighting wherein the problem lies.
            Not with us but you.

          2. TB Bullock profile image61
            TB Bullockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Obstructing scientific progress? I don't even consider myself to be a part of the right wing, but which components of Republican ideology are specifically aiming to accomplish that goal? Additionally, every American citizen has equal rights. Nobody is "oppressed" anymore, and any potential candidate attempting to legitimately oppress a group of people would never make it to public office with the accessibility of the general public to watchdog journalism. For the same reason, no potential candidate attempting to force Creationism (I'm assuming that's what you meant by 'mythology') to be taught in schools as fact would make it to public office. I agree with you that suppressing freedoms is something that should certainly be guarded against, but your intolerance is quite disturbing. If you want to make the case that people should be free to do as they please with protection,  then you shouldn't attack  people who may disagree with you, but are rightfully exercising the freedoms you're arguing in favor of.

  12. Patriot Quest profile image60
    Patriot Questposted 11 years ago

    Am I the only one who laughed when he ridiculed those suppressing "mythology" as fact?  .........correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the word MYTH in there???


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