The outdated 2nd amendment.

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  1. Doug Cutler profile image66
    Doug Cutlerposted 8 years ago

    6.  The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB): Is totally unconstitutional.
    The states have said early 1800's that the citizen will have weapons equivalent to what a rouge gov. or other force would use. The M-16  should be allowed in its fully auto mode. 
    Or any other weapon that may be used. AK-47 etc. The 1934 gov. gun laws are also unconstitutional. It is up to the state to determine what is allowed in each state.
    My state has outlawed fully autos and sawed off weapons.

    The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 is for known criminals. The gangs and other groups. Go after these!

    1. My Esoteric profile image86
      My Esotericposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Then why did the Courts uphold it?  Or is your personal opinion supposed to rule or does Scalia, who disagrees with you?

      1. Doug Cutler profile image66
        Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Who says the courts are Constitutional? The regime certainly isn't!

        I just hope the judges now can hold up till Constitutional types can appoint new ones.

        I would bet a lot agree with me. Problem is there are too many sheeple. We may have reached that "give me" tipping point where the lazy and greedy will keep the corruption going for their own greedy selves.

        1. Sgt Prepper profile image61
          Sgt Prepperposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Sad to say but modern-thinkers believe our Constitution means whatever the latest Supreme Court says it means.  Our Constitution actually means the original intent of our founders. Keep means own and Bear means carry.  All American citizens can legally own and carry whatever firearms are compatible with those of law enforcement officers and footsoldiers as those are the ones we will be taking our government back from.
          Federal background checks for citizens buying firearms actually violates our Second Amendment.

        2. My Esoteric profile image86
          My Esotericposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I can't believe you ask such a question "Who says the courts are Constitutional? "  But I will give you the answer anyway ... the Constitution.

          BTW, it is the rich and powerful that are "greedy"; how do you think they got that way, certainly not by hard work for most of them, but manipulating the system.

          1. wilderness profile image88
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Only the rich and powerful that are greedy?  Not those that demand what they have not earned?

            We have differing definitions of that word, I do believe.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

    “The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records.They are written, as with a sun beam in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.”
    — Alexander Hamilton, 1775 … /M-654.pdf

  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

    Uh hrum ….In Anarchy, rights are guaranteed by WHAT, wB? Please let us in on it as soon as possible!! We need to know!  For the sake of the good name of Anarchy, TELL US!

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Also Peoplepower , answer this , how would America protect itself  in wars TODAY with a flintlock  ?  Your whole premise that its all "outdated" , is quite simply' naïve', whether you personally like that description or not ,    Naïve , IS the entire  definition of this entire thread !    And by the way ;  I believe I 've said it before   , thank you for your service , it has been a pleasure debating this with you , you ARE a worthy , if only  misinformed opponent .

  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

    PS We are supposedly a civilized society and we can't even find a civilized American to vote for to lead us!! … -3194.html

    But I do hope we don't revert back to the days of the Wild West where everybody was shooting each other, like in western movies.
    ~ wouldn't that be horrible?

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image70
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      We are already on the same page. That's why I brought you a flower. The Hippies were moving in the right direction during the late sixties; at least the ones who were serious about change. But Kent State put and end to all that on May 4, 1970. That's the day  the music really died.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        This guy looks so familiar …

        But nothing like a hippie of the 60's.

  6. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Just how is it that we can except violence  ,  hatred , broken families ,   death and destructive moral behavior in the animal world ?   But not in ours ,   Evolution promises nothing  to us that it doesn't give to the lion , to the grizzly  or the cougar and yet  the utopia that  some humans THINK is achievable  by writing another law or  amendment is about as foolish as is gets .

    Try telling a cheetah that it can no longer kill the gazelle , or the hyena's  that they can't   chase down , cripple and devour  a zebra ,  Tell the python   not to swallow whole a  baby deer . There is the element of human behavior as well ,that is always going to  go towards hurting another  , towards violence and self abuse of addictions . What childlike mentality  really believes that one day we can stop all this  violence.

    You can ALL accept the animal worlds natural instincts and live with them , but not that basic  human behavior  is unchangeable .   Some people really need to  grow up and accept  some things that will not change ., AND that no amount of written law can instill  decency to all humans..

    1. My Esoteric profile image86
      My Esotericposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback asks "Just how is it that we can except violence  ,  hatred , broken families ,   death and destructive moral behavior in the animal world ?   But not in ours , "

      First let me correct his supposition.  There is no evidence, except with chimps, that the animal world experiences the emotion of hate, "broken families" in the way we understand it, and moral behavior whether good or bad from the human perspective.  That leaves you with violence and death.

      Since I don't know in what context you mean by "death", I will leave that alone other than to note that death is ubiquitous and is excepted as normal in all societies including human.

      OK, so what about violence.  Well, again, except for chimps (man's closed evolutionary relative), there is little evidence that the animal world experiences gratuitous violence.  Your picture exhibits normal violence in the animal world, the kind associated with feeding oneself and their offspring.  But, they appear to lack the mental capacity to form the intent to do violence for reasons other than hunger and self-defense.

      Now, what are we left with?  One is that chimps and humans are the only species that can form the intent to do purposeless harm to others, whether of their own spices or not.   BTW, in one endeavor, non-survival related hunting, violence is quite acceptable to humans. 

      A moral code is also unique to humans (don't know about chimps), so it is only humans that can violate it.  Humans don't accept other humans breaking this arbitrary moral restrictions because it is their own rules being broken; that is not possible in the animal world.

      Consequently, save for chimpanzees, your question has no meaning because it addresses something that not only isn't true, it just isn't.

    2. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback:  If you believe what you said, then why do you bitch and complain about the violence and killings of inner city folks?  It is just part of your reality that no written  laws can instill decency to all humans.  Why not just accept it?  By the way, inner city is just another name that the conservatives use for black folks.

      I do believe that greed and corruption are part of human nature and that is why we need laws. Humans left to their own volition can be dangerous.  Remember, man draws maps and borders, not nature.

      1. Doug Cutler profile image66
        Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Inner city also means rednecks and if you live in a Muslim city like Dearborn it means them also. Basically: the slums no matter ethnicity.  This is an equal opportunity type endeavor. I am an Irish, Indian and other redneck me self.  There are some good in every area.

        Some animals are very territorial. They piss around marking a boundary. like a map or border. That is their territory! The nose is the indicator.

        Greed and corruption is also a leftist trait. Can they be taught or shamed any different??
        Of coarse the present regime doesn't want any changes. If people woke up they would not be the sheeple that follow it. Now would they! Common Core is loosing out because enough people woke up and saw how that is a leftist brainwashing tool. Next is Agenda 21. A good reason for the 2nd to remain.

        1. Sgt Prepper profile image61
          Sgt Prepperposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Yuppers and the UN's Project-2030 is Agenda-21 on steroids.

      2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Will there ever be a time when man has 100% self mastery, has love for fellow man as himself?
        It is not destined. There is another destiny for us.

        As far as Guns ...
        Most people are too lazy to own a gun. Only if there is a need or some sort of unusual prompt will people gain interest in these instruments of death. Who wants the death of another on their hands?
        Only the crazy.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Kathryn , The only gun owners , of the hundreds ,I've known in my sixty two years  are peace loving  hunters and  law abiding sportsman ,    have you TOO fallen into the  pit of "any gun owner is a murderer ?    I hadn't thought so .

          1. Doug Cutler profile image66
            Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            The one on this hub has come out and said he has murdered, not with a gun, but some other means. Via speech or aggravation of some sort. He is also one of the most out spoken against guns. He is gleeful when a gun owner hurts or kills himself accidentally.

            Is this the type of person an anti-gun person looks up too? Is this behavior acceptable because he hates gun and gun owners?  Stay away from me! I don't want to associate with you no more than the gangs and other evil people.

            Gangs are mostly black, live in the inner city.  Blacks are responsible for 53% of gun murders. Facts don't lie!

            For Obama and regime to get up and lie about where most gun murders come from is just pure evil! Something is going on here. I am sure they know about those facts. What is their real reason? It has been discussed in earlier posts.

          2. My Esoteric profile image86
            My Esotericposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            i'm not sure "lazy" and "not owning a gun" fits in the same sentence; other than I wouldn't want a lazy person owning a gun because they may be too lazy to keep it safe.

            I don't own a gun because I don't need a gun.  I don't have a need to hunt animals for food, nor do I murder animals for sport and fun.

            And ahorseback, the only person I know who wrote, or implied, the words "gun owners are murderers" is you.

            1. Doug Cutler profile image66
              Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Please go back and read Biscuits' posts. All sorts of hateful drivel about gun owners this and that. Also, one of the most racist of all here.

  7. Sgt Prepper profile image61
    Sgt Prepperposted 8 years ago

    Whatever happened to the Tenth Amendment?  Anybody?

    1. Doug Cutler profile image66
      Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this … mples.html
      The 10th Amendment was added on to the Constitution to assure reluctant delegates that the Federal Government would not overstep its boundaries. It specifies the federal system in the United States. Very few federal laws, however, are overturned because of the 10th Amendment.
      The 10 is a reaffirmation of of the separation of powers with a further definition of those powers.

  8. Sgt Prepper profile image61
    Sgt Prepperposted 8 years ago

    Thanks Doug.  When do you think the Feds started collecting taxes?

    1. Doug Cutler profile image66
      Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      There has always been a tax on something or other, even before 1776. Income tax is as the following: … ted_States
      The United States imposed income taxes briefly during the Civil War and the 1890s, and on a permanent basis from 1913. There have been no export taxes, taxes on trade between states, or taxes on charities and religious bodies, and no value added tax.

  9. Sgt Prepper profile image61
    Sgt Prepperposted 8 years ago

    "For those who guide the people are leading them astray; And those who are guided by them are brought to confusion." Isaiah 9:16

  10. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Peoplepower , You should be perfectly ashamed of throwing the race card around at me so easily ! But you should also be ashamed of not knowing more REAL facts about gun  violence too !  But then ou should have also been ashamed of inciting such a false  and perfectly   distorted thread about untruths ,    You've already broken the oath that you took to  protect the constitution of the US. in the military ,

    They say that some older  minds regress as they age ,  personally ,   I would be even more worried about the lies though ,  pretty soon  no one around you believes anything you say ,So,    I challenge you to look at inner city crime statistics and make up what's left of the inquiring mind that you still vaguely possess.  The gun crimes and violence numbers are racially divided , but liberal  fairy tails and those who spread them don't allow such honesty in analyzing fact from fairy tale .

    1. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback:  You are so full of B.S.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I am so full of bull shit  , but it is you that would trade away our collective liberties for the impractical and immature inclusion in the crowds of P.C., and for what , simple inclusion  ? What , are you lonely or something ?  American  history  indictates that from it's very beginning ,liberty  was the  entire original intent !   That liberty  was completely and has been constantly  guaranteed by  the second  amendment , and those who went before you and I and suffered greatly  , sometimes to the extent of the ultimate sacrifice !   But for you .......that amounts to B.S.

        I still say , shame on you .

        1. My Esoteric profile image86
          My Esotericposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Liberty is NOT guaranteed by the 2A.  The 2A says specifically that the right of a single thing, to bear arms, is guaranteed .... nothing more.  It does not speak to any other liberty and is not the end-all, be-all of everything sacred in this world.

          While you are right, the Constitution, a legal document (including the Preamble), as a whole is what guarantees us limited liberty (and not unlimited liberty).  The Constitution, as outlined in the Preamble, says the purpose of gov't is to "provide for" Justice, Tranquility, general Welfare, and defense.  Each one of those puts a limit on the final purpose "... to secure the Blessings of Liberty."

          By their very nature, Justice, Tranquility, general Welfare, and defense implies that a person cannot do whatever they want (liberty) but proscribes to only those activities which "do no harm" (limited liberty).

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I tend to agree  everything BUT the first sentence   , Of course it guarantees liberty , the freedom of all of us  in this turbulent time as well as  all our tomorrows , in America ,  A law abiding  and patriotic gun owner  IS the best defense against any evil intention , crime , invasive war  or illegal and  tyrannical political leadership .

            The outdated 2nd amendment ?----  Americans  collectively , say thank you to the past gun owners each and every  memorial day , veterans day , 4th of July celebration !   The only thing outdated is  the unappreciative  attitudes of  leftist  frauds in this forum  including the OP.

            1. My Esoteric profile image86
              My Esotericposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I am not sure I can agree with your theory that -

              "A law abiding  and patriotic gun owner  IS the best defense against any evil intention , crime , invasive war  or illegal and  tyrannical political leadership"  followed by

              ".Americans  collectively , say thank you to the past gun owners each and every  memorial day , veterans day , 4th of July celebration !"

              In the main, the first assertion is not really true even taking into account the Revolutionary War.  After it ended, historians concluded that unregulated, untrained citizen soldiers who picked up their arms to fight the British did more harm to the effort than good; Thomas Jefferson came to the same conclusion in his contemporary writings.  Also, it didn't ultimately work where it originated, ancient Athens after they picked a fight with Sparta.

              As to the second, I know you didn't mean it has an insult, but it is a bit demeaning to those who served in the Armed Forces nevertheless. 
              - Memorial Day is to honor soldiers who have died serving their country, not law abiding and patriotic gun owners as you state. 
              - Veterans Day is to celebrate people like me (and maybe you) who served in the Armed Forces and put their lives on the line and not law abiding and patriotic gun owners (many of whom whose main purpose in having guns is to kill intelligent, feeling animals for the fun/sport of it) as you state. 
              - Independence Day is to celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence; which has nothing to do with law abiding and patriotic gun owners.

              The 2A is there for one purpose, and one purpose only ... to make sure the federal government cannot confiscate guns en masse thereby allowing to states to maintain regular militias to fight against an actually out-of-control central gov't (and not the sky-is-falling out-of-control gov't the Right insists on being real).  Part and parcel of that particular guaranteed liberty is the right to use those arms for any lawful purpose while not being used in the militia.

              1. Doug Cutler profile image66
                Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Sole purpose? Who here also uses that term to push his highly cherry picked ideology?
                You are half right! The other half is to protect us from a foreign force. Example: Our troops are spread thin in other countries and the regime invites the U.N. in to take care of a southern boarder problem. Then they turn on the citizens of the U.S. Of course, with the regimes permission! Hitler did this quite effectively! Sent one country to another to do what they would not do to their own country folk.

                I believe a scenario like this has been thwarted recently, along with some other crap, behind the scenes.

                1. profile image0
                  ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I  couldn't have said that better my friend !

                  1. Doug Cutler profile image66
                    Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks for your compliment!

                    One of my fears has come to pass. Who is the butt head in chief going to appoint to fill in for Antonin Scalia?

                    The left will get their way with the 2nd if the bone heads in the houses just vet anyone Mr O appoints!  sad

              2. profile image0
                ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Ahha !  And this is where the NRA comes in !    Beginning in it's infancy to train young men and boys in the art of target practice , hence , the first and second world wars where  allies and especially American troops were so far advanced in hitting their targets as to WIN both wars , and why today , does everyone run  screaming , collectively, to America  for its superiorly trained soldiers ? .....Hummm?       because they are the absolutely best trained troops in the entire universe .

  11. Sgt Prepper profile image61
    Sgt Prepperposted 8 years ago

    The ship at the bottom of the North Atlantic: Scraping through the layers on that hull will expose the gray paint the Olympic was originally painted before the botch-job repairs and black paint were applied. If you do an image search you might find a pictures taken when the wreck was discovered which clearly show letters on plates riveted over the deeply etched in "OLYMPIC" fell away revealing the letters Y and M on the starboard bow. At least two YouTubes expose this Jesuit-driven fraud. Two books I recommend are "Titanic: The Ship that Did not Sink" and "The Ship that Stood Still" concerning the S.S.Californian and Capt Lord. An old Irish merchant seaman, Patrick "Paddy-the-Pig" Fenton, was found crying in his beer in the 1960s in an Australian pub. He confessed he was the one who riveted the Titanic nameplates onto the Olympic.
    The evil-cabal which is covering this up isn't just The White Star Lines but goes all the way to the Vatican. And hence the Jesuit Priest who was aboard taking pictures until the Ireland stop. The truth will never be revealed in the mainstream media as then people will ask "Well what else are they lying to us about?"
    Consider this too! Before the OKC bombing of the Federal Murrah building militias were becoming quite prevelant and the FBI didn't know how to get them under control. John Doe #2 was an FBI-plant, informant and Provacatuer. Hence the militia-movement got a bad-name and deteriorated in shame. That is why McVeigh had to die. That is why Oswald had to die. I am amazed Snowden is still around somewhere. When the Bundy Ranch fiasco started making the BLM and feds look like the jack-booted thugs they are they had to prompt a racist-sounding remark out of Bundy to stem the resurgence of militias.

    1. Doug Cutler profile image66
      Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The OLYMPIC was rammed by a British war ship and damaged beyond repair. Star Lines said it was the Navy's fault but lost the court battle. Both ships where docked side by side and switched places and names. Star lines wanted to collect insurance money and planned to scuttle the now Titanic on the maiden voyage. A freighter was sent out the same time to magically appear as the ship was scuttled. The ice burg happened before the scuttling could occur. This is how I remember the episode. The Brit gov. lied so they didn't have to pay.

      Just like the regime today lied about Benghazi and 9-11before. And all the lies concerning gun violence. Nice try Obama! Busted! The regime has far too many of Obama's favorites.

  12. Sgt Prepper profile image61
    Sgt Prepperposted 8 years ago

    Thank you Doug.  Everything we thought we knew is turning out to be a lie.

  13. Freyja Holt profile image58
    Freyja Holtposted 8 years ago

    Well said, sir. wink

  14. Elesh profile image61
    Eleshposted 8 years ago

    Has America ever won any war in any part of the world other than have troops on stand-by for decades in war zone countries.

    1. Doug Cutler profile image66
      Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Both WWI and WWII. The U.S. didn't have a lot of troops in foreign countries at the start of either. Even the Civil War the Union had to recruit and draft heavily. The war zone stuff started after WWII.

      What does it have to do with the 2nd amendment? hmm

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Civil, revolutionary, Kuwait, Spanish-American.

  15. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Peoplepower,   Here's the thing ,  any infraction against the second amendment is unconstitutional , just as putting duct tape over your mouth  until you are blue in the face ,  and restricting your free speech ! .... I , as a law abiding owner of dozens of guns can confirm to you this ,

    One , there will never be an involuntary confiscation  of guns from law abiding citizens without an all out civil war , The right knows that and so does the left .   And I'm not even worried about it .

    Two , as long as those like yourself live in  denial of truth , the one truth , the only truth  , that  of true statistical presentation of  exact gun death statistics :   you will never be a part of a solution to gun crimes .

    Three , the Glass Stegal act IS unconstitutional !

    Four , The greatest Conspiracy  theory  inflicted onto the American public  is the  liberal ideologies of  the nineteen -sixties liberal  Supreme Court justices  decisions to reduce punishing,   prosecution AND incarceration of criminals in America  , WITH the affirmation that incarceration doesn't affect crime rates  .

    Five , you obviously know very little about shear pins and the legality of  guns to begin with .

    1. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback:  You know not of what you speak.  The Glass Stegal Act was enacted  in 1932 and was in place  until 1992 when it was repealed by the Republican Gramm Leach Bliley Act.  So by your reckoning it was illegal for 60 years.  You better stick to worrying about your guns being confiscated.  It's obvious, you know nothing about financial regulations other than what you hear and see from right wing propaganda.

      As long as you keep bringing up statistical analysis, innocent school children and others will continue to be murdered by gun toting people.  Talk to the parents of the kids and others that have been killed about your statistics.  It means nothing to them.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  I don't normally say things like that, but you have said it so many times to me, I thought I would try it on you.

      As far as reducing crimes, it is the right wing that reduces funding for laws and prosecutions by sequestration of funds to hold the country hostage while they get their way.

      I know enough about shear pins and what makes them illegal to implement them.  I know the difference between a real automatic weapon and a semiautomatic weapon and I know how they make a semi-auto fire like an auto.

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        "As long as you keep bringing up statistical analysis, innocent school children and others will continue to be murdered by gun toting people.  "

        You're right.  And as statistical analysis shows, they will continue to be murdered even if we manage to take the guns away.  So let's take the guns because...because...well, because I don't want a gun and therefore no one else should have one either.

        1. peoplepower73 profile image84
          peoplepower73posted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Wilderness:  Do you want to live in the present or do you want to worry about your guns being taken away in some future date? What are the possibilities of that happening with the 2nd amendment being intact?

          Then you come up with this insane logic that if all guns were taken away, statistics shows that people will continue to be murdered by guns.  Oh I get it then we are going to use clubs and knifes and all the other things that you and your people argue about being used as weapons that should be banned as well.

          I have guns and I don't worry about them being confiscated.  Most liberals don't because they know it's not going to happen and we don't live in fear of tyranny and conspiracies, or having to fight those who would confiscate our weapons, like ahoirseback does.

          1. wilderness profile image88
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I agree - guns will not be confiscated in my lifetime.  We won't even see an effective program to get those dreaded "assault weapons".

            Does that mean we should allow it to go further than it has?  Or that it won't work is only because of strong opposition all along the line?  Of the choices, my opinion resides in the second, and I shall continue to point out the fallacy of thinking that guns are to blame for our high murder rate.  AND that pretending the gun legislation is anything but a sop to those that haven't bothered to educate themselves, instead soaking up emotional arguments that have exactly zero to do with reality.

            Just like the derision you exhibit when you pretend that clubs, knifes and all the other things won't be used.  It's nonsense, you know it, and you very much deserve to be called on such silly arguments. 

            So the bottom line is that we don't live in fear of tyrannical government taking our guns because we will oppose such action.  And that means fighting those who would absolutely confiscate our weapons.  Again, you will pretend that there aren't people, politically strong people, that would ever do that, but again you know better.  There ARE people who would and work every day to do so.

            Don't know your age, but if you want to keep your guns for more than a a few decades, you'll quit supporting useless gun legislation that will have no effect on the killing and begin opposing it instead.  And the same goes for personal freedom; should you wish to keep yours rather than have it constantly eroded "for the good of the people" (meaning because I don't like what you do), you can start with the second amendment and defend it rather than trying to find a way around it's meaning.

            1. Jean Bakula profile image87
              Jean Bakulaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              But then what about all the people who are shot to death with guns on an almost weekly basis in our country? This doesn't happen in other countries. And I don't mean Syria, Libya, and other hot spots of terrorism. Is it a mental health issue? Just crazy people who have access to guns? Do you think if they couldn't get a gun, they would find another way to shoot a classroom of kids or a group of movie goers? Just curious.

              And I don't want to take the lazy way out, but as soon as we had a black President, people went crazy buying guns, and their fear of having guns confiscated went way up. Why? President Obama is a rational person who puts a lot of thought into everything, and has tried hard not to be "the black President" to the point many people of color are angry at him.

              I have not studied guns or ever had one, so don't have knowledge of them. I agree that the government is overstepping in the way it knows way too much about our personal lives, I guess we have computers to thank for that. But I never lived in fear that I needed to protect myself with a gun, and don't worry about the military rushing up my street everyday either. I also live in a small, out of the way town with a population that is mostly white, but I choose to stay here because I like nature.

              1. wilderness profile image88
                wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                You are still trying to confuse yourself by thinking that killers won't kill if they don't have a gun.  Statistics show otherwise; that the death toll has zero to do with the number of guns in the population.  Just as Australia found out: take away the guns and the death toll goes on unchanged; the killers just switch weapons.  Yes, taking guns away will reduce the number of gun deaths, but the dead don't care how they are killed. 

                So don't be curious as to what happens when guns are taken from a society; educate yourself.  Look for statistics, look for results, look for thoughtful articles on the subject and reject anything that emphasizes that gun deaths will go down.  Those writers have an axe to grind, and confusing the real issue of murder with murder by gun is indicative of that axe.

                (Did you know that more people are murdered with hands and feet than with those terrible, dreaded "assault weapons"?  Or with the entire class of long guns, for that matter?  Don't want to believe that?  Look for FBI statistics on what murder weapon is most often used.)

                I might add that Mexico has a major problem with guns being smuggled, illegally, from the US into Mexico.  If guns are outlawed in the US, where do you think those guns are going to end up?  In Mexico or in the US, as they become impossible to buy legally?  Just curious...

                1. Jean Bakula profile image87
                  Jean Bakulaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  That's what I asked you. If the killing wasn't done with guns, do you think it would be accomplished another way. It probably would, if the person is so intent on killing.

                  Once you try to take away anything from people, immediately they want it more, and will do or go anywhere to get it. Supply/Demand. That's simple enough.

                  1. wilderness profile image88
                    wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    You're getting it, except that there is no "probably" involved.  On a statistical (large) basis, they will keep killing, and history and experience shows that to all too true.  It isn't a "probably", it isn't a "maybe", and it isn't a wild theory; it is fact that has been observed over and over.

                    You're also right on possession of guns whether legal or illegal.  We did it in prohibition, we do it with THC and other drugs and we do it with guns even now.  The gangs can't pass the background checks to legally buy a gun but somehow they still get them!

                    So what's the excuse, again, for taking/forbidding guns to citizens?  It isn't to save lives, because experience shows that doesn't work, so what is it?  We keep seeing that it's to prevent "gun homicides" as if the dead will be happier being clubbed rather than shot, but there can't be anyone at all that actually believes that.

        2. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          That's it right there ,wilderness ",........If I don't want a gun , its okay to take the liberties away from "them gun owners  "! .......   How shallow the liberal-socialist left of the  American public truly is . I find myself  almost wishing for the coming  ideological revolution in America . It is the voices like Peoplepower's that all but disappear in times of such  revolutions as they often create and the loudest voices in the world are  uninformed  liberals .

          Real fact -
          - almost all  gun crimes are committed with handguns .
          - most crime itself becomes so diluted  with pleas by defense attorneys as to render laws themselves  completely useless. Want to stop  gun crime , STOP THAT ! That's the fault of liberal supreme courts of the sixties.
          -Yes , inner city gangs commit most gun crime
          - When President Obamas  guards give up there assault weapons , I will Too !

  16. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    There is a complete idiocy in the rhetoric about gun control that makes  absolutely no sense whatsoever .    So here's a list of things to BAN rather than a gun that  absolutely WILL make a difference.

    -Liberal Activist  Judges
    -Plea bargains
    -Early release
    -Publicly Paid Defense attorneys
    -Illegal immigration
    -Gun Free Zones
    -Any more NEW LAWS

    One day utopian dream liberals will awaken in America and face REAL truths .

    No........I think not !


    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image70
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It is the mindset of Neanderthals that keeps the killing alive. None of the items on your list can be protected with a gun. It is the false belief that violence can be tamed, diminished, or eradicated with violence that perpetuates violence. To suggest that we can put out a fire with gasoline is ludicrous.

      You cannot even protect yourself with a gun! Do you actually think that fate will give you fair warning so that you have time to arm yourself and react during a crisis? The fact that soldiers who have been trained to fight continue to be  killed by the tens of thousands clearly indicates that a gun offers little protection when someone is determined to kill you.

      1. Doug Cutler profile image66
        Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I, and most other people would rather take that chance that having a gun does prevent deaths by not allowing thugs just to walk in and do their thang. This includes: individuals, gangs. govs, dictators and those that use other means of murder. Like you do.

        I know better than to use gasoline to but out a fire! You???

        If you can remember that the biggest mass murders were against peoples that had no weapons or the weapons were taken away. Hitler. Moe, Stalin, Turkey/Muslim massacre of the Armenians, African groups etc.

  17. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Just what is an "Assault Weapon" ?   Lesson One .

    I believe that anti gun people especially but perhaps lots of uninformed people need a few weapons informational posts so here's one .     The Ruger * , LC9s semi automatic pocket or concealed carry  handgun ,  I believe it holds seven  shots of  .9mm caliber " rounds" or bullets  .  Its design is for  close range personal protection , to be either carried or stored for home defense . Not a very a effective handgun  for accuracy  but  simply one of many available  for protection .  Not what anyone would call an Assault Weapon , right ?

    Wrong ,......  Okay , lets say  you have this gun  for whatever reason , either protection or sport target shooting ,  NOW , take this weapon  and purchase  say,  ten - seven shot magazines ,   Now , you have a small concealable , effective at close range  , powerful ,  handgun with  seventy rounds of ammo able to fire all of which just as fast as you can change magazines  ,  Anyone with any practice and dexterity at all can change a magazine in mere seconds !

    Now can you see just why , when  people say "All Assault Weapons Should Be Banned "  , There is so much controversy ?

    Any ,  perhaps WHY   those of us law abiding gun owners get nervous  when  uninformed people start hyperventilating and chanting  uninformed  opinions ?

    1. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback:  It does not matter what you think or I think is an assault weapon.  It is what the law states and defines as assault weapons.  You and I both know there was a federal law written for a ban on assault weapons back in 1994.  It defined what assault weapons were.  The NRA, through its lobby groups influenced congress to put a sunset clause in it that it would expire in 10 years.  This is the only way it passed congress. 

      After it expired in 2004,  the NRA and states including you and all the other people that argue about what an assault weapon is, muddy the waters of the definition.  The federal government had its definition, but thanks to the 2nd amendment and states rights, each state can have its own laws about gun jurisdiction.  Who wins, state or federal?  That's why there are so many variations of the open carry law, and many other gun laws.

      This is how I had it explained to me: 

      It's the "go ask your mother" law. Regress back into your childhood and think of your father as the state law and your mother as the federal law. You want to go to a party and stay out a little later past your curfew. Your father (state) says yes but your mother (federal) says no. Who ultimately has the final say?

      "Go ask your mother."

      So you can breath into a bag and stop hyperventilating over trying to define an assault weapon with all of its variations.  It's like porn, it's hard to define, but you know it when you see it and when it is in use.

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        "but you know it when you see it and when it is in use."

        Really?  A kids .22 is known to be an "assault weapon" by looking at it?  You need to read some of the definitions used in some states: they are ridiculous in the extreme and very obviously being used as nothing more than a scare tactic to limit general use guns.

  18. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Doug ,  Wrenchbisket is right ,  "You give me too much credit........... "  ,That's the  most accurate line he's ever written here ,     Pie in the sky  utopian-ist's  are forever  unclear about anything dealing with truth  , reality or solution . Their  entire premise is simply a delusional dream world based on  happy- happy story -book outcomes of real  life experiences .   We  have determined that most of these liberal's  places in life and in forums is simply to entertain , to  cry out for attention . Much like the present presidential elections .  While real and even social , cultural , and even revolutionary  issues face Americans , the left lives in a  fantasy world .

    If this ultra- leftist populace ever faced the truth of our problems and  realities in  America to actually solve them , they would cringe in the face of basic understandings!  Just as they do with even minor  issues.  As in world hunger , "............Give a man a fish you feed him once ,but teach him how to fish and he eats forever  ......."   

    While you or I would use the gun to feed ourselves and others even  in a post- revolutionary reality , the leftist would  confiscate it from you or I , pawn it  ,then  buy a happy-burger for themselves !

    1. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback:  Excuse me, what delusional world are you living in?  Have you even compared a republican debate to a democratic debate?  The republicans are like naughty, loud mouth, bombastic school children without any regard for whom they insult or the facts.  On the other hand the democratic debate is about civil respect and decorum.

      You make accusations that are nothing more than your opinion.  The bottom line is you are paranoid about having the left confiscate your guns. I have told you this many times, as long as the 2nd amendment stands, no one can confiscate your guns. And if you think the 2nd amendment can be changed, you are delusional.  It would have to be put forth to congress and they are not going to approve it. not now our even in the future, because they have been bought out by very powerful right wing lobbyist including the NRA. Now who is living in reality?  Who is living in your paranoid world of liberal takeovers? 

      It's interesting that justice Scalia called himself an "originalist" when interpreting the constitution.  That means putting himself in the place of the framers. If that were the case, bearing arms would be muzzle loading flint lock muskets, not the modern weapons of today, including airplanes, tanks, missiles, drones, and all the military weaponry all branches of the service can bring forth, if needed.

      Let me guess you are a supporter of Donald Trump.  This is what you wrote that I can apply to the right wing and especially Donald Trump:

      "We  have determined that most of these liberal's  places in life and in forums is simply to entertain , to  cry out for attention . Much like the present presidential elections .  While real and even social , cultural , and even revolutionary  issues face Americans , the left lives in a  fantasy world ."

      It sounds like the right wing to me.  You are always in attack mode and never want to see the other side of the equation and I can rightly say, you are paranoid about gun confiscation. I on the other hand have accepted the reality that the 2nd amendment is not going to be changed and therefore, your guns are not going to be confiscated.  I have also accepted the fact that state's rights can usurp federal rights.  You tell me who is living in a fantasy world?

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        "And if you think the 2nd amendment can be changed, you are delusional."

        Of course - our constitution is written in stone, never to be changed.  I might remind you of 1920, when the 18th amendment was ratified, taking away all alcohol because some people didn't like the idea of drinking.  And then of 1933, when the 20th amendment was ratified, giving it back to the people. 

        "If that were the case, bearing arms would be muzzle loading flint lock muskets, not the modern weapons of today, including airplanes, tanks, missiles, drones, and all the military weaponry all branches of the service can bring forth, if needed."

        Or an "originalist" might conclude that the most modern weapons available is what was referred to, just as it was back when the amendment was added.  Just a matter of what spin is desired, isn't it?  (Along with perhaps an assumption that the people then were too stupid to understand that improvements would be made.)

        1. Alternative Prime profile image58
          Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          The 2cnd Amendment is a "LIVING Document" to be Changed, Modified, Up-Dated, Augmented, Revised, Omitted etc as we Progress and as TIMES & Circumstances Change ~

          If anyone HONESTLY thinks our "Frolicking FOUNDERS" intended for their Gin Soaked WORDS to remain Un-Tampered with into eternity, I believe "Denial" of Reality might be the Proper Verbiage ~ sad

          P.S. ~ The 2cnd A is a "Constitutional BAN" on ARMs unless you are in the Military or a "Well Regulated Militia" ~

          1. Doug Cutler profile image66
            Doug Cutlerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            If your "P.S." was anywhere close to being true? - Why did the gov. never go and take our weapons? Why did the fed let the states come up with their own gun laws. And why would the army give out free bullets to train passengers to kill some of the buffalo herds? And even loan them rifles to use?

            Mostly! Why isn't the f#@ Obama regime taking our weapons? You haven't a leg to stand on!
            big_smile  big_smile

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              No, it obviously isn't true.  Just another gun hater, fearing anything they don't love, and play free with reality.

      2. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        PeoplePower /, Please see your O.P   ., .........and tell me exactly why you NOW say the second cannot be changed .    Either way continue the leftist rants .......They are entertaining after all !  ........Mean time , I'm cleaning my muzzle loaders today in preparation for the first shot of the  new revolution .  Got to take back America from you leftist  socialist tyranists !

  19. pumpkincat210 profile image61
    pumpkincat210posted 8 years ago

    A person that wants to kill or injure other humans or animals will find a way even without guns.  Sometimes these horrific events ate not committed by someone that was previosly diagnosed with a mental illness.  Many mentally ill would not consider harming another. Many responsibly own guns with no problems. There are deeper social issues at play here and perhaps even something more nefarious.  We have to figure out what is causing these people to resort to murder, while preserving the 2nd and 9th amendments.

    1. Alternative Prime profile image58
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hi pumpkincat210 ~ Considering the FACT that "Mental illness" will always exist in society and there will always be Disturbed Iindividuals that wish to use a GUN to commit Violent Acts and or even "Mass Shootings",  Wouldn't you like to make the Availability and or ACCESS to GUNz for those individuals a little MORE difficult by REDUCING the number of GUNz in circulation?

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Not particularly as history and experience shows it doesn't do any good.  They may prefer that terrible GUN, but will use something else if the GUN isn't available.  Now, you can pretend that isn't true (by ignoring history in favor of made up "facts" and "funny math"), and you can say it a thousand times, but it is still there, giving the lie to saving lives by taking GUNS.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I am never surprised that the extreme left ignores history , fact and reason .  Look where that has gotten them so far !  America right now is the perfect example of the delusional left.  For instance in their elections - If you don't like the outcome - create a electoral college that actually  changes the numbers .  Look at their super delegates !


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