Trump is not a what? His positions have changed over the what? My parents were liberals and became conservatives who voted for Ronald Reagan. People hold views that change all the time. Maybe Trump is a what? I have a been a Republican conservative for as long as I have been voting. What did it get me? Nothing.
For the last 7 years I have been betrayed by the conservatives in my party. They are more worried about what the media thinks, what academia thinks, what Democrats thinks...hell, what Bugs Bunny thinks...more than what I think. Every election cycle I am asked for my time, my money, my vote...everything but my opinion. I hate it when my party thinks I cannot think for myself and tells me to sit down, they've got it all under control.
For the last 7 years I watched conservatives cave on liberal judicial nominations, liberal social policy, Obamacare, and lawless executive orders. They've done nothing...barely a word of protest.
I'm pissed off...very pissed off...and the Republican Party has no one to blame but themselves. I'm tired of the lack of resolve, tired of the lack of willingness to confront issues, call them what they are, and take a principled stand.
I only agree with Trump--maybe--60% of the time. But one thing I know: he has shown the willingness to fight for that 60% of where we agree 100% of the time. "We will make America great again," Trump says. I believe him...much more than I believe the empty gaseous bloviating that has come from the GOP leadership for the last 7 years. The man has succeeded in business and accomplished more than I could in ten lifetimes.
I'll take someone who will fight 100% of the time for the 60% where we agree over someone who agrees with me 80-100% of the time but fights for those things 0% of the time.
I don't need Trump to be a conservative. I need him to be a fighter--against flaccid foreign policy, illegal immigration, and the crony political system that has messed this country up to begin with. This conservative is voting for Donald Trump...
Trump has many of the right ideas, and he's at least as arrogant as everyone else running for office. I'm not convinced he would make a good president....he has an essence about him that echos that of Obama, just on a different part of the political spectrum. Honestly though, there's hardly anyone else running that would actually try to do at least some of what he says he'll do. Cruz is the only other person that might be effective.
The difference between Obama and Trump is success and accomplishment: Trump has it, Obama doesn't. As for his arrogance...I wrote a piece on that (It's on my HubPage) addressing the narcissistic tendencies that people worry about when it comes to Trump. Give it a read...I think it offers some perspective people may not have considered.
Trump will get my vote simply because he is an outsider, I know this because the corporate media is setting out to destroy him with everything they got.
They will drag everything out of his past, they will fabricate stories, warp the facts and do everything they can to turn America off of Trump.
WallSt. - Globalists - Lobbyists - the establishment - etc. ... have gotten behind Clinton and Rubio. Voting for either of them is voting for a continuation of the direction things have been headed for a couple decades now. There is no difference between them, nothing important will change should either be elected... NAFTA won't be changed, China's Trade status won't be changed, border security won't be changed.
Only Trump might change any of that... and they won't let that happen.
I agree. Trump knows that if he isn't able to get a lot his policies through that his good name will be destroyed by the political establishment and he will have to retire. He doesn't need to be president, but he sees the corruption on both sides and truly wants to restore America.
The Pro-Trump Vote
-- 67 percent have an unfavorable view of Americans Muslims (versus 35 percent of all voters who say this);
-- 87 percent support a temporary ban against all Muslims who aren't U.S. citizens from entering the United States (versus 47 percent of all voters);
-- 55 percent believe illegal immigrants working in the United States should be deported (versus 29 percent all voters);
-- 45 percent describe themselves as "pro-choice" on abortion (versus 60 percent of all voters);
-- and 50 percent want to raise the minimum wage to either $10 or $15 an hour (versus 72 percent of all voters).
* From NBC News (?) … ?cid=sm_fb
Trump has been audited by the IRS every 10 to 12 years...only an _____ would think he is trying to hide something with that kind of scrutiny. But, the opposition spews lies and deceptions that _____ believe...and spew.
For the majority of his supporters, I would be surprised to see if Muslims, Abortion, or any of these 'lets make up social issues for Americans to fight over' really matter.
They are voting for him because he is the anti-establishment, anti-Washington vote... and because he is the ONLY one talking about taking on China, Mexico, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc. ... in other words, the only one talking about the real issues that will create or cost America its jobs and wealth.
True, true, true! Plus...
Trump is going to re-examine 9/11's origins of the phony Iraq war.
Run, Bush, run...when Trump splashed holy water on Jeb. heehee
And, he is going to audit the Federal Reserve which is the biggest scam there is.
Bernie or Clinton won't even touch on those issues, or anyone else.
Trump has the Military and Veterans' majority votes.
I understand that you Trump supporters think that he is "tough" and will "fight." Are you crystal clear on exactly what he will fight for? I know he has said he will build a wall, so I guess you think that's a worthwhile expenditure of time and money, because it will be a YUGE amount of time and money. He also wants to halt immigration of all Muslims, which most scholars believe is unconstitutional, so I guess you are okay with overriding the constitution on this issue. Wait, you did say you don't agree with everything he says, so maybe you don't support these two positions. I'm struggling to figure out what other positions Trump has made clear he will fight for, or fight against. I know he has said he would be "tough" with China, but exactly what does that mean?
You mentioned fighting against the crony political system. Has he proposed some way to do that?
All he has managed to do is continually get his tongue into the wringer.
He has ticked off Mexico and Vicente Fox, a leader in Mexican political circles, with his claims to FORCE Mexico to pay for the wall. Fox tells Trump, "Nuts", so what will Trump do as President, declare war on Mexico? Big on rhetoric does not mean big on solutions, you said it best 'childish posturing'
The next war Trump will want to raise is with the press, he seems to have a burr in his saddle about libel and misrepresentation, most specifically regarding him and his candidacy. He says as President, he will make it easier to sue news media for such slights in their reporting. Sounds like he already wants to bridle the concept of a 'free press'.
stay tuned....
No... a simpler solution than that... just put 100% tariffs on everything coming from Mexico and you'll see them begging to build that wall, and you'll see those jobs Carrier and Nabisco are sending there (thousands of jobs BTW) come right back up to America ASAP.
It takes a real leader that wants to play hardball with these other A-hole nations who are screwing America over every which way... Mexico, China, the bunch of them.
Obama ran on 'hope and change'... problem is he meant it for everyone else BUT America... heck one of his first acts was to shut down NASA programs and put tens of thousands out of work during a Recession!
Trump is the ONLY person running that is not an establishment backed politician ....the others will do NOTHING of real consequence for America's Industry or economy.
That "SOMETHING" just might turn out to be a "Bankrupt" Isolated United States Muddled in Steep Decline given Mr. Trump's very DUBIOUS Track Record of Suspect Business Dealings, his ineptitude in Selecting Key Members of his now "Fictitious" Cabinet, Mental Capacity, Psychological Deficiencies etc
Politics isn't all about principle, its also about emotion. Right now this country is on its knees begging for real leadership. Finally, a real strong leader comes around who is filling up 40, 000 seat stadiums on a week day night. But, those principle don't matter if an elected president cannot institute the principles they ran on. People are putting pure conservative values over the country right now. Trump can go on any platform and clear the table. So what, if he supports eminent domain, is pro-choice and doesn't care about same sex marriage.
He is setting the core agenda that the establishment seems to want to fold at the table on.
The Core Conservative Values Are:
National Security
So! If he is the nominee, I would be disappointed if people did not fall in-line and get behind a leader that is willing and able to take charge of a country that is in pretty bad shape. And, not take a president's pay check for a tough road ahead because he doesn't need the money and cannot be bought.
I tend to agree. While I remain a conservative on the social issues, they are certainly not my priority right now. There are bigger issues to fight...and Trump is willing to fight them.
I agree...we are on the same page. There are serious issues and the lesser issues can be set aside.
I happen to agree with you. The one essential thing about Trump that I like is his ability and willingness to ask the best and brightest in our nation to help him get the job done.
What's not to like about Trump? His beliefs. I, for one, dread the thought of telling the world that we are willing to elect a sexist, racist, elitist as our Commander in Chief. By his own statements he has proven that he cannot impartially represent over half of the population of the United States.
It's a question of character and Donald Trump is sorely lacking in that department.
I would tend to agree with your assessment. This "Captain of Industry' had a net worth of $200K out of college and a father from whom he inherited 200 millions after his death. He is not exactly an ' everyman' that he portrays himself as. I am certain that with all of those advantages, I could avoid 'screwing the pooch' .
Trump attracts those of conservative identity while Cruz is of interest to those focused on ideology and principle.
I don't know that I agree that Trump attracts those of conservative identity. He appears to be attracting xenophobes and racists. Along with anti establishment types. But, it appears that the anti establishment types don't mind playing footsies with xenophobes and racists to such an extent that you now can't tell one from the other.
Basically, I'm not ready to hand the country back to the republicans. It's taken 8 years to begin to fix the mess they left after inheriting peace and prosperity. And we're not fixed yet. Hillary knows what needs to be done and more importantly, how to do it. I don't care about scandals and accusations. I want someone who can and will do what I want.
Even though Ms. Clinton is not my ideal choice, Donald Trump or Ted Cruz would be nothing less than 'double down' on disaster. Both, clearly taking us all backwards. I will work with Ms. Clinton rather than have anything to do with the GOP frontrunners.
Unfortunately, Hilary's history is such that she cannot be trusted. My only fear is that it will come down to a choice between her and Trump. Then, I'll have to decide what to do. Hopefully, it won't come to that. Sounds as if Bernie Sanders is gaining steam. Kind of like the Hilary shut out during the 2008 campaign. She is just unelectable. She carries too much baggage. I'm hoping the crazies attending the Trump rallies will come to their senses and start looking at the other candidates more seriously.
But, honestly, Sanders is looking pretty good to me these days. I don't think he can accomplish much of what he aims to, but he is saying a lot of things I agree with. Who'd have ever thought I'd be interested in a self professed democratic socialist.
In regards to Sanders, I was hoping you were thinking along those lines.
It is hard for any candidate to keep their promises in the face of the reality of politics. At least this guy pledges to move things in the proper direction rather than clearly state that they seek to move things back the other way.
Bernie could never convert a capitalist society of this magnitude to socialism. I never saw that as a serious concern. But if he is going to get after the people and forces that, through accomodating and promoting abuse, are determined to make capitialism unsustainable at a point in the future, that is plenty enough for me. He is going to need strong medicine and a determined start to get a stranglehold on the 'moneychangers' that are driving us all to the precipice.
I read the other day that the 1% now own more than the rest of us combined. I think that was my breaking point. They created a system which was heavily stacked in their favor and they have bought politicians off to keep it that way. I hear the Koch brothers have over 900 million they want to use to buy political favors. If we have to sway hard left to shake this thing up; so be it. Like you said. Bernie can't do but so much but if he does just a little it will be in all of our best interests.
Accusations do not equal guilt. I don't trust any politician, but I don't trust Mrs. Clinton less than any of the others. Until she is convicted of something, I question who profits from the accusations.
Yeah, it is totally irrelevant who wins between Reps and Dems... if that hasn't been proven the past 25 years I don't know what has been.
The Dem VS Rep is a ruse on the American people, we have been marching towards globalization and the downsizing of American influence since Bush Sr. and it really took off under Clinton.
The Corporations, Wall St., Lobbyists and even China are the ones running Washington because they own the Politicians. On BOTH sides of the isle.
That is the appeal Trump has... he is funding his own campaign, he is not affiliated nor does he owe allegiance to anyone in Washington... it is why the Media will do everything possible to destroy him from here on out... the corporate media is part of the problem, they are owned just as much as the politicians.
Full List Of The 500 Richest People In The World 2015
1. Bill Gates - Net Worth: $79.2 Billion
Most people on the list are Liberals. … d3ab6c16e3
According to Forbes.
If they were liberal politicians I'd be worried. Funny though. The liberal billionaires whose names I know on that list use their money for charity. The billionaire conservatives whose names I know on that list use it to attempt to buy political influence.
I am after everybody that is involved in the use of wealth and power to gain inordinate authority over the common people. Whether they align with Democrats or GOP, I want all their power and influence reduced substantially. I will bet you that it will be the Republicans that will make the biggest fuss about this objective, don't they always?
There is no difference between the Republican and Democrat establishment elites that control the show, and I mean control the show. That's history with a President Trump. He'll gut the Republican party and put in leaders who want to restore America to greatness again.
Trump should have started his own party...the Libertarians or something like that. He is an outsider. If you haven't noticed the establishment is scared of Trump on both sides.
Enough is enough! The corrupt politicians have stolen enough money from a broken system they created in their favor and the evil corporations, bankers and foreign governments that pull their strings.
Actually, in REALITY, there is a MASSIVE Difference between Democrats & Republicans as it relates to issues ~
A Partial LIST of what Democrats FIGHT for:
* EQUAL Pay for Women
* Gay Rights
* Minimum Wage Increases for Hard Working Americans
* The RIGHT for a Woman to CONTROL her OWN Body
* Health-Care for ALL Americans
* STRONG Social Security & Medicare for our Seniors
* STRONG Veterans Administration for our Veterans
* A PATH toward Citizenship for our Hard Working Un-Documented Immigrant Population
Republicans FIGHT for the Following:
* MASSIVE Tax Cuts for Wall Street & Wealthy Individuals
* A CAP on Wages for Hard Working Americans
* Privatization and or TERMINATION of Social Security & Medicare and in some cases the Veteran's Administration
* DE-Regulation of BIG Banks, Wall Street, Insurance Companies etc
* A GUN in Every Pocket
* De-Funding & TERMINATION of Women's Health-Care Options such as the extremely POPULAR Planned Parenthood
* Terminating Health-Care for approximately 18 MILLION+ Americans
OBSTRUCTIONIST Republicans continue to Violate the CONSTITUTION at every turn, and you don't think a ONE Party System is on its way?
Just the FACTs as usual and I urge all readers to RESEARCH on their OWN for enlightenment ~
You forgot the two most important ones for liberals:
Increase taxation as far as humanly possible in order to have funds to buy votes from those that won't support themselves, and
Decrease SS payments as much as possible as they have long ago spent the money we put into the plan.
I agree, there is no difference between Clinton and Rubio, they are bought and paid for by the same Lobbyists, and powers in Washington, the BIG changes that need to be made to get our country back on track will not be acted on by either (any) of the establishment politicians.
That's simply FALSE if you actually consider Important things like Issues, Policies etc ~ for example:
Hillary Fights for the Following:
* Funding and or Strengthening of Planned Parenthood which provides essential Health Care to Woman while Rubio will do all in his power to De-Fund it
* Hillary Fights to shift the Financial Burdon OFF those who can't afford to shoulder it and onto Wall Street and the Wealthy while Rubio will GIVE even MORE Wealth to Wall Street, Corporations etc in the form of MASSIVE Tax Cuts
* Hillary is FIGHTING for Tighter Gun Regulation while Rubio would GIVE a GUN to everyone if he could ~
* Hillary Fights for Minimum Wage Increases while Rubio and the OBSTRUCTIONIST CONservatives Vehemently Oppose it
~ If everyone would just take the time to IGNORE Fox Loser Snooze and research on your OWN, they will surely discover the FACT that the DIFFERENCE between Rubio and ALL Progressive Democrats is pretty vast ~
"* Hillary Fights to shift the Financial Burdon OFF those wha can't afford to shoulder it and onto Wall Street and the Wealthy while Rubio will GIVE even MORE Wealth to Wall Street, Corporations etc in the form of MASSIVE Tax Cuts "
LOL That has got to be the most spun and twisted description of the socialist "share the wealth" concept I've ever seen! Applause!
I ALWAYs get "APPLAUSE" for posting Factual Data ~ ~ Everyone should check out Rubio's Tax Plan, or lack thereof, and every other CONservative Candidate's as well for that matter and you'll discover the MASSIVE GIFTS in the form of TAX Cuts he has in store for the Wealthiest Amongst us ~
And of course to try and justify this ridiculous notion, small cuts for the rest of America are included as well ~ ~ The equivalent of "Giving Away a FREE Country ~
I ALWAYs get "APPLAUSE" for posting Factual Data
I always get a good chuckle when you post things like that and that's a fact.
Trump is a man of enormous personal courage.
Its Huge...Size-mic! I get goosebumps!
He doesn't want to get killed.
He wants to make America great again!
I know how you feel. I'm on the other side as a progressive. I don't care what mud the candidates throw at each other or what they've been accused of. I'm voting for the person who agrees with me on the issues 60% of the time and has a proven record of doing what I care about.
I have no illusions that I can believe what a candidate says or that accusations against them are true. What can I expect you to do based on what you have stood for in the past? Period.
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How in the HELL does Donald Trump lead in the Republican primary polls?People who support him have to be trolling, right?
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