We placed mirrors on the moon. We use them to gauge distance. That's how we know the moon is moving away from earth at about a inch a year
lol......and that makes everything worth it, all them billions spent to find out the earth is moving away from the moon by a inch a year....
see dolphins would be clever enough to not even think we need to know this lol.
As for time, we don't need time...time is only there so we get old by putting a numerical digit above our heads...
If i was 90 but didn't know i was 90 i would not be waiting for death to come to me, we don't need time.
Time was only invented to put us robots on a schedule, 9 o clock work, 12 o clock dinner, 5 o clock home, 10 o clock bed lol
Billions? Of what? Fictitious currency? We need the moon if it's moving away we need to follow its lead.
Says who?
We really do not need the moon, if you really believe it gives us gravity as we are educated then would you be willing to help me setup an experiment that I can guarantee we will not be allowed to do.
It is nothing bad it is just something simple, that will prove that the moon has absolutely nothing to do with gravity/sea tides etc..
All we have to do, beings we are humans and are here to experiment is not use water systems including showers, toilets etc for one month, then you watch what will happen to the sea, it will be calm, that has nothing to do with the moon like we are educated it as....
We control the sea with our water usage methods, and the whole world is set up so that each country is on a different time zone, for the purpose of us sharing water for example...
I live in the UK, all of us get up at 6-7 in the morning and have a pee, a shower etc, all that water then goes back through the system and heads over to France who are an hour behind us, the time it gets there here in the UK we have all started our day. France then use the same water in the same manner then send it off somewhere else that is on a different time scale.....WHAT THE HELL IS THE MOONS PART IN THIS???
Come on lets set up a global experiment where people simply do not use water for 1 month in the manner we currently do....you watch how calm that sea will become
Resource. We are using earth up. Then what? Space has everything we have here
So what you want us to do is go fuck space up like we have on Earth??
That is not very clever, why not fix what we have broke
We have a much better chance taking on the elistist' monsters to reclaim life back on earth. Than chasing after life and water on another planet.
Besides we would only fu*k up that planet too, if we have not learn anything here.
It's to late for Europe to build a wall. Sacked by muzies and going broke. Americans are sick of overseas. If trump wins I hope he lets the Midwest and European crap holes fall. The Americas have vast resources . We need to focus on north central and south America.. only.
haha what a joker....
europe is controlled by the same people behind every government including YOURS....the only thing is you idiots scream and shout your free, when you're not and nor does anyone else actually care if you are or not, you shout to try and make yourselves look so great....when infact you are the most trapped people on this planet anyone outside your supposed perfect little bubble can see this, hence why they fight against you rather than saying oh your way is the best we will be like you lol....your blind fools that push your fat asses around too much....
There are four freedoms only. And furthermore. The world will be better dealing with the government. Our government weighs our response. The American people would rather punch someone in the face. Don't tread on us!
there you go again thinking people want to tread on you....you create the treading hense why you are STAMPING all over foreign lands with bombs you terrorist murderers and dragging everyone else into it through threats because you seem to think that you are some kind of superior human beings just because you have McDonalds and tall buildings and important people in suits lol...greedy paper chasing cunts
prime example of americans mentality...they think the world wants to hurt them....whilst their actually hurting the world through GREED.....you always play the "poor america everyone hate us card" as an excuse to blow up areas that tell you to fuck off because your greedy such as the middle east
how can you always claim to be the victims when your murdering people on their own land?
If you the people don't wake up and smell the coffee you are going to suffer so badly at the hands of your own laws that you idiots scream and shout about and claim give you some kind of freedom....
The rich are using you idiots until they no longer need you.....I can't wait until that time comes because you lot as people will be fucking screaming HELP US....and we are so sorry for being well educated/stupid.....that is all you get educated, stupidness and you as people are falling for it lol
I'm a isolationist. And a nationalist. The Americas. The rest can rot
Also the president in this country is a figurehead. Nothing more.
Europe is falling , Russian gangsters to the east. Islamic States at your guts. China and Africa Pakistan and India all overflowing their overpopulated borders onto your supposed soil. Good luck .your going to need it.
You really are not sitting pretty....it is temporary why they are using you to get what they want.....as mentioned above....your fakery of life is great is not realistic.....and it is going to hurt you so so bad when you realise how stupid you have been....
as for over flowing borders....this is because your greedy CUNTry...is bombing the shit out of such lands, along with getting people from such lands fighting each other.....in the seek to gain MORE greed....this means because your CUNTry that claims to be so caring and charitable one that is causing this trouble the INNOCENT PEOPLE of these lands want to get away from their own land as they do not want to die because of terrorists like you....so caring europe let them in whilst greedy america shut their borders/plan too...very caring....see how fake your country is lol selfish one tracked horrible bunch of criminals that is all you are
you cause all the shit in this world all because your stupid citizens like living a FAKE life serving the rich hahaha that is all you do you serve the rich in exchange for materials...bunch on fools lol
do you not think as a caring country you should let every single person through your borders who once had a nice life living in their nice house that your country properly blew up because they are horrible? why are you treating innocent people like this and giving them no where to go when it is you that has influenced the ruining of their innocent lives and towns?
I've reported you for hate speech because attacks and language like this have no place at HubPages. I really hope you get banned.
You bumped your own thread - again - in order to get a response so you could go on another one of your bad mannered, ill-tempered and downright ugly rants.
Do us a favour and go away.
why don't you go report your own government too...they spread hate speech on lands they want, they attack lands they want....
you hypocrite...
What happened to FREEDOM of speech....is it only you guys that are allowed to have it haha selfish and ignorant....
sounds like your playing the victim card again when you get a taste of your own medicene....BRILLIANT...
I'm British, you idiot. Can't you tell by the spelling?
Nothing against free speech whatsoever but you are an obnoxious, offensive, ignorant twerp who gives the rest of us Brits a bad name. Not to mention you are usually wrong about everything.
If your British, you might as well be American...same bullying the peoples rules apply madam lol.
How dare you call me names, is that not what you reported me for haha...
Us brits are no better than America, but america bully people to be like them...
Now dear, please tell me one thing I am wrong about with your FACTUAL evidence that is not provided by someone educated?
YOU CAN'T DO IT......fancy accepting that challenge?
When we stop dumping our money and blood in to the no return investment overseas. And invest it here in the Americas. We are going to turn this world upside down. Totally in our favor
Furthermore... the who? The Jews? Your the only Jew I know foot. So it's you to blame? Jewfoot ?
yes....so act like people, instead of keep thinking you're above anyone else....
your not free so stop telling bullshit....the rest of the world can see in on all you robots that are serving Jews....yet you still claim America is the bees knees lol
Be Honest and don't Harm are the only common sense rules I obey by. Banning Foot for useing words to express stupid action of people doing stupid things and doing them often. Is nor dishonest or harmful, for they are only words, not stupid laws or brainwash technical tactics.
When people allow zionist (fake jew) (banker) to give licenses or scripted to on who they want you to kill and steal from. That is harmful and dishonest.
When you go to try to get them to grant you license to protest them for being dishonest and harmful. They disallow it or worst ban you from life.
Banning someone for free speech is more dangerous and harming than confronting foot by case in points and facts.
Why is public speaking the number 1 fear in America. Because fear rules the world and only allowing your so called leaders, a dark empire to own you by crushing your Constitution in front of your face, wail laughing at you. Plus, calling you a stupid fools behind your back.
Well said mate.
It is true, if you say it how it is people get offended. I wonder if I start an Authroity (which I won't be allowed to do because the rich won't let me in my free thinking country)...and then say it how it is if people will then listen lol.
It seems you can call people all the things I have and use the language I have if your rich and don't do it to their faces.....the stupid people don't mind that happening, but my God, if you speak out and call them the things the rich do behind their backs, they throw their toys out of their prams and virtually protect the rich in their responses, yes the rich that laugh at them when bribing them to do 40 hours a week, to pay this or get stuff took off of them, or go to prison etc....
stupid is what stupid does as you said before lol
I still also want to know why, as a member of EUROPE....England/Britain who are America's bully buddies, were the only country to keep their currency....everyone else converted to the euro, we STRANGELY kept the Sterling, WHY???
I know why, the question is why don't the riches army of robots go find out why??
YOU, YES YOU ARE <personal attack snipped>
Answer the previous questions gobshite.
And by copy & pasting my post title as a response to a question I know the answer too, but at the same time are telling you gobshites to go find out, really is not an answer to WHY?
Go, find out the truth then come back and say, shit, we do need to do something about this, instead of going ba ba like a lambs mother lol xx
And if you took YOU as an insult in the title rather than a collective group of servers to the rich, that really does show your intelligence level sweetheart x
All men have done stupid things in their lives.
To say a whole, Man is stupid, we must give enough reason why this man is entirely stupid. Or insults can be ignored as BS.
Man is just a label that is educated to us as being life.. lets change things
Once upon a time there was a zzzzzzzz (made up symbols according to education that the rich gain from, that is now known as what is now known as man converted thing called the alphabet).
Anyway, according to time because MAN put a mirror on the moon apparently, distance was discovered, so thanks to that mirror it is now factual that MAN was once a dinosaur that ended up turning into a monkey, which then turned into cunts like us...hahahaha I need a nappy/diaper this bullshit is too funny nearly peeing myself.
Oh and also, we need politicians that are going to fucking swear, guess why, because swearing is apart of fucking life....so fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck reporting my cunting messages all you like....but at least I am real...I swear at work from time to time, I bet you do to...but we don't hear politicians saying oh fuck do we....I think we should xx because oh fuck is real lol, agree or disagree mate?
My comment was about Bev calling you a stupid human.
Sometimes some swear words can add a to express an emotion or an option.
Too much swearing can loose it meaning. Or sounds like the Mafia talking or in the wrong place and time to be affective.
Totally understood your point mate.
But perhaps the Mafia, once spoke politely for too long, but the idiots/stupid humans were to ignorant to listen, or was educated to put what they said down to conspiracy, (which is what the educated are actually living), so the Mafia ended up saying fuck fuck fuck fuck you then, you want to be stupid then we will treat you like cunts too,,,lol
Totally get you mate
And mate, If you knew my surname, you would realize I am stepping outside of more than one bubble when I speak..
keep up the good work x
p.s MAFIA is only a word used in education to strike fear into people that can stand up against people in governMENTAL organisations..
I VOTE MAFIA oh the biggest mafia also known as governMENTAL control is a mafia ....lol
Stupid people don't realize the governmental...has MENTAL by governed rule in it's name...they also blame Bin Laden that made up comic hero for blowing WORLD TRADE up, swear here in England GUY FAWKES done that years ago...yet we celebrate bonfire night hahaha...terrorist was our Guy, that tried protecting us from mafia controlled governments lol
Bin Laden the comic hero, as anyone ever met him? Did they throw his body in the sea within minutes of killing him, after they were chasing him for over a decade...suspicion crosses my mind...oh and are we allowed to go scuba diving near the destination where Mr Bin was dumped...ARE WE FUCK....bit like the Bermuda Triangle...avoid where we left things lol
but then again, if i wanted to be a pro scuba diver, i would have to get lessons/be educated by someone that tells me, you can scuba dive anywhere in the world, but AVOID theses areas..haha the areas they educate you not to go to, is where the truth.treasure is xx
Bin Laden from this comic book known as the news is a hero in my view....that does not mean I do not feel for those that lost their live...x
In the Middle East and parts in Asia they consider Bin Ladin like James Bond sin no 007.
US calls him the trillion dollar man.
Now that America is attracting on 3 continents, they have created 10'000 Frankenstein's Bin Ladin's. This is all going according to Israel project plan.
One world order will fail because, China is the real super power of the 21st century
China are not superior power....well they are temporary...mate look at you shoes, look at you t-shirts...all made in Asia no doubt....do you know what this means? Them Nike trainers you are wearing that cost the American company Nike 50p to make in China but sold them to you as a STUPID HUMAN (a friend, because I am one too) for 100 dollars means, China's so called rich economy only exists through stupid humans...lol...p.s they made them trainers for 50p, but the dear chinese lady on the factory floor, got paid 1p...that one 1p paid her months rent, electric, and guess what? she is struggling...hope your footwear is comfortable....that you give Nike a thousand times that women's income for, bear in mind America do not have a problem with China, their banking issues are with North Korea....who apparently ATTACKED sony pictures...please bear in mind North Korea have a ONLINE banking system....so making up they attacked Sony... that no one can see if they did or not, gives them greedy cunts a perfect excuse to cyber attack back....yeah basically say, we told everyone you tried robbing sony pictures, that gives us the perfect excuse to hack your online bank....bullies x
Foot .... short lived will bee our flawed species. So no worries. Why such a brief exsistance? Well like you suggest we are stupid humans. Totally convinced of our own superiority. .. but..I could be wrong.
If you re-read the thread you will see why our existence is short....simple answer is we kill each other through diets, through serving the rich, through allowing digits to be placed above our heads...through car crashes, through blowing each other up, through wanting something someone else has, through TRAINED DOCTORS/MEDICATION (pharmaceutical companies are well rich, they have to make up diceses in order to sell treatments else their businesses would not exist and they need people to die/makes me wonder if their medicines cure us or kill is after all they are drugs), through accidents at work or on the way to work (en-route to serving the rich),...need I go on? There is absolutely nothing on this earth that can kill us accept other humans (greed).
why don't you lot shut up and experiment for yourself because that is real education...you seem to think that reading out of books in order to get a pat of the back by the rich who you serve for your life is the meaning of education lol
Obviously they will educate you to hide their wrong doings....and to benefit themselves....meanwhile you get materials in exchange for them fooling you.....that they then bribe you against by saying do as your told or we will take your belongings....or pay this else we will put you in prison lol....see how stupid we are.....life is a bribe...and the rest of the world needs the people of your country to realise this....that way we can own the materials and have anything we want....as the materials would not vanish just because greed as the material for anything are here with or without greed....but getting materials in the greed way holds us to bribes and serving the rich when we really do not need to...we can serve ourselves,
The comic book is Hilarious.. Basically Kim in Korea wants to be left alone, in other words shutoff from America, america don't like that, so they cut his hair in order of the rest of the world to laugh at him, then they steal his online bank through saying, he attacked sony....I call that bullying xx
I think all these American Federal leaders should dressed in orange for the highest treason in the world. For what they have commited or about to commit.
The only thing that will change their colours is an American revolution. I expect no less, now follow me, I will be right behind you.
The concept of land ownership might be the problem. I myself do not want to live a nomadic life. On the other hand staying in one place is boring. In life, its always a matter of security vs freedom. Its an imperfect world and we were not meant to be here forever.
Who told you that you were not meant to be here forever?
A BOOK.....
At the end of the day, each individual can make the world perfect for their ways, but each individual chooses not too...due to having an amazing freedom called choices, of which the only choice in that FREEDOM package is....GO WITH THE FLOW...which might as well be translated to DO AS YOUR TOLD.... I want to opt out of this freedom package but too many stupid people exist, so free thinkers have no choice, thanks selfish people
That is all we do and the flow kills us...
And land ownership is a piece of paper with a fake signature....paper chasing at the expense of trees
I like your style foot, you fly by the seat of your pants like me.
Some people may think on how you can possiblly keep your pants up. When you can free fly any way you want, your pants stay on. Lol.
Hi like
Sub Highlight_Duplicate()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range
Dim myrng As Range
Dim clr As Long
Dim lastcell As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim lastrow As Long
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
‘Vung can danh dau gia tri trung nhau
Set myrng = ws.Range(“A1:K” & Range(“C” & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
With myrng
Set lastcell = .Cells(.Cells.Count)
End With
myrng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
clr = 3
For Each cell In myrng
‘Kiem tra so gia tri trung nhau trong vung, neu co hai gia tri trung nhau tro len thi thuc hien
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(myrng, cell) > 1 Then
‘Neu la o dau tien cua cac gia tri trung nhau trong vung
If myrng.Find(what:=cell, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, after:=lastcell).Address = cell.Address Then
‘Thiet lap mau
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = clr
clr = clr + 1
i = i + 1
‘Thiet lap mau tu o thu 2 voi cac gia tri trung nhau
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = myrng.Find(what:=cell, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, after:=lastcell).Interior.ColorIndex
End If
End If
‘Lay dong cuoi cung cua vung du lieu
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, “A”).End(xlUp).Row
Range(“A” & lastrow + 2).Value = “Tong so co ” & i & ” gia tri trung nhau”
End Sub
competition vs cooperation. In what ways are humans motivated toward one and/or the other. Tennis matches for instances. How fun would these be if the players just bantered the ball back and forth cooperatively. "Oh whoops, I'll get it more to the center of the court and not so close to the net ... so sorry it was so far behind you with that serve … volleyball, football, soccer etc.
Competition is human nature based on what drive? ancient impulses toward survival? through being the fittest?
What could these impulses be replaced with ... empathy, kindness, compassion and basic feelings of helpfulness. However, when these are not returned, anger arises within the one being so altruistic.
Why the anger? Because of expectation? It is human nature to say," I do not matter," and give up self interest?
And yet to say, "I matter so much, I choose to forgive this person's short-comings and short-sighted awareness.
And this is an advanced way of looking at things.
We are just not very advanced.
What are ya gonna do? How can we help each other become SMART?
Helping each other become smart as resulted in the world being in the state it is right now.
We currently help each other become smart via ORGANISED EDUCATION, all this seems to have done is made most of us materialistic, it has brainwashed us into competiion with each other, it has brainwashed us into blowing each other up to get our own way, it has brainwashed us into only believing trained experts know best which results in only benefitting the rich.....SO ARE WE REALLY CURRENTLY SMART OR ARE WE STUPID????
Do we even need to be smart, or are we only currently being TRAINED to be smart via ORGANISED EDUCATION so that we think blowing each other up and keep taking medications that simply are not working, are smart things to do??
Another thing that the current smart training we have as done, it has put every single one of us on schedule, ie...time we start school, time we start work, time we finish school and work, when we go to bed, when we eat, when we have free time......we are not smart for allowing a group of rich people do this to us, so let's forget being smart - because right now we are at such a level of stupidness it is unbelievable...
Do you believe we are helping each other to be smart currently?
We don't need to be smart as such, we just need to stop listening, that would be the smartest thing right now that we can all do.
Also, as stated in the list in this original post are some of the things that kill us, we are trained via ORGANISED EDUCATION to want them things/HAVE to do them things in order to be deemed as a normal living human, so please can you tell me, do you really think we are smart or stupid for continueing to do things that kill us JUST BECAUSE we are told to do them things by SMART experts???
Competition is not human nature, it is man made - competiion is man made it is not nature, sports are not nature, they are man made, cars are not nature, they are man made, houses are not nature, they are man made.....but they are things we compete with each other over just to try and be better than the next person.....just imaging in life if there was only one type of house and one type of car and one type of everything........we wouldn't BEABLE to compete with each other so competition is deffinately not nature, competition is just another word for fight each other over materalistic shit....
" competition is deffinately not nature"
Really? Ever see two male lions go at it over "ownership" of the pride? Or two elk bulls competing for mating privileges of a cow? Ever watch as a hive of africanized bees find a nest of honey bees? Or a nest of baby birds as one is pushed out of the nest so another can have the food being brought? A pack of wolves as they squabble and fight their way towards establishing the hierarchy of the pack?
Nature is all about competition, including the species of homo sapiens - it is what has driven evolution for billions of years.. Not competing would be unnatural and would inevitably result in the death of the species.
Ever see how humans train animals for entertainment, such as circus's such as lions, bulls,etc bird of prey shows, dolphin shows at water parks,animals locked away in zoo's and wild life parks etc??
So are you that narrow minded that you think that animals can only be trained to entertain selfish humans? That is resulting in deaths of species??
They can probably be trained that they don't need to compete just as easily as they can be trained to entertain us.....
We create and train competition, competition is not something natural....it is all man made
These competing wolves, lions etc you speak of are in wild life parks, which is basically a man made artificial cage for these animals, then cameras go in and footage is filmed and we believe these animals are living wild and are competing with each other, they are not living in the wild they are living in a human built space (for our entertain of watching wildlife documentaries).
Not only are these areas human built spaces, they are also areas controlled by humans....ie humans dish out medication/drugs to make what humans say are ill animals feel better.....so we can control wildlife mate....lol....tell the humans to knock the cages down and f'off so that the animals can really live wildly.....instead of locking them away and giving them drugs
Just think when you see an injured animal on a wildlife show, what do humans do??? they sedate that animal then treat that animal....that is not living wild in that animals mind, it is being pampered lol if these animals are truly wild animals and it is not just us that lock them in cages branded them as such then fixing their broken toes is not allowing them to live wildly, so all them shows just contradict themselves as the producers label these animals as wild but then pamper them....so if these animals are TRULY wild animals we as humans are not allowing them to live their natural lives....that must make them pretty angry!!
Think for yourself instead of believing what we are educated!!!
True you are capable of creating and training yourself toward your own destiny ideas than anyone else in this world.
There are animals who can be trained to co exist together, where normally they are natural enemies in the wild and yet live twice the life expectancy in captivity. Humans can train yourselves to inspire to a higher energy rather than a lower energy way of lifestyle like dishonestly and harmful more often recently occurring in the Masses. The human masses seem more like trained monkeys serving the king Monkeys than being themselves, human.
I have been in the game of winners take all. In the arts it was the only way I knew how to survive, for only one sculptor out of 12,000 survives professional. When I win in a grand contest, it pays the bills, then there are 45 loser who loose their pride and also loose financially.
The survival game can be changed to cooperation rather than over ego, selfish gains of winners and losers. This game has been brainwashing us for centuries, as it only benefit ultimately the very few on top..
I've watched many small grassroots groups of people start locally then grow into a global ideas, then each of us work those ideas into a balanced happy life. Cooperation is the new spiritual winners for all in the future. Unfortunately many people have to be abused and killed first in order evolved into this kind of understanding and foresight.
In your version of cooperation, do people receive commensurate with their contribution or with their need? Is the balance achieved on the fulcrum of contribution or need?
One would seem to fit nicely into reality and the world we see. The other into a fantasy utopia that, given the species involved, can never work beyond a small group of people and even there the biggest contributors will almost inevitably leave for greener pastures.
Cooperation rather than Corporatism has worked better for smaller countries and in smaller companies. From a personal time of being rich, it has been an experience of a synthetic world. Where changes to natural service smaller scale for the people has been a real and happier experience. No fantasy of an America dream Myth required.
People in large groups I find get ridiculous. Where people in smaller groups or individual bases are much more productive, understandable and kinder and found much evidence to confirm. A small degree ego is healthy, just not an over ego world.
An over crowded rat race gets more criminal and horrible. We know from experience these NATO/UN/CENTRO BANKERS and New World Order is not working for the betterment of humanity or greener pastures, pretty well the opposite..
Perhaps we are just too civilized… but, maybe heaven is simpler. Simplicity is the essence of sophistication according to Leonardo Da Vinci. We are not that simple and we are not that sophisticated… yet, we think we are civilized and therefore sophisticated.
I wonder.
Yes, much beauty and meaning has been lost. Beauty is timeless like a flower is a flower, until we over think it and pollute it. I feel like I'm walking in a spiritual dessert, amongst ugly buildings. Buildings designers for useful agendas, yet live short throw away structures and dwellings because they forgot to incorporate love and beauty. People keep telling me, these synthetic things are reality.
Lust, fear and every all practical is too often more useful than love. Yes if your living in a artistic can of sh*t of the uncivilised. To confront the suffering in life will certainly draw us to the light of beauty for our selves and others.
The "suffering in life:"
Poverty is the worst.
How do we overcome poverty?
Self-effort, a sense of urgency, diligence in staying proactive in acquiring what we need to survive.
The key is not going overboard into extravagance.
Why be extravagant?
Our needs across the board are the same.
The worst thing is to compete with your neighbors or try try to impress them.
Just appreciate life from your soul ...
I say,
if you ask me,
… which no one did.
- why should they?
they shouldn't.
Overcoming poverty is easy.
Poverty only exists because greedier people like us who have nicer versions of mud huts than others make those with standard huts look poor....
That is one way of solving poverty, another is to down tools and take back materials and do things for each other so we can claim materials back. But instead we just plod along letting charities who have had billions and billions to do the work they are not doing....ie plumbing a fucking pipe into the sea in places like Africa then running them pipes to such peoples mud huts....
Unfortunately, not all are the same OR equal. Some have more ability, some are more inventive, some have more motivation, some are smarter.
Competition creates poverty, but it also creates wealth. Without competition there is no reason to improve - to make a better car or home, to grow more crops than we can now.
Is it not like a sin to be too poor or too rich?.
I'm no better or worst than others and find people are 98℅ basically good. Why then are so many brainwashed from the too rich?. For majority of people mostly dislike their lives and dislike their jobs. Then locked themselves in a house to watch a few hours of brainwashing TV and media news to be terrified about the world and worry their lives away.
Then a few years of freedom at the end of their lives, to find it's too late to chase their dreams. Because they have been to busy paying the bills and following the richman path of a synthetic stuffed sausage hermit.
For $35 a month a cell allows me to keep close contract with many of my friends and family. Then spend most of my time servicing others that gives great freedom to both of us for little money. If you give up the trap and say keep the cheese. Most people do not stay within their means and truly do not do what they really want to do in life. Do dee do dee do...strangers in the night.
Why do people want to compete with this kind of sickness is beyond me. Just do your thing honestly and share it with others. For that is all we really have in life is to give it away. Not to fear and complete with winners and losers, been there, done that. Winners and winners share works far better or it's no deal.
No, it is not a sin to be either "too rich" or "too poor", although both terms would be the better for defining them.
But can I deduce from this statement that "cooperation" and "balance" means that things are shared according to need rather than cooperation? It is a known road to failure for any but the smallest communities, but is that what you would like to see worldwide?
Why are people "brainwashed" by the rich? Primarily because they are greedy: they want more than the effort required is worth. And it's also why they chase the materialistic dream until such a time that they can no longer work and they can no longer chase their dreams.
What exactly has improved?
Wealth is not improving anything, wealth is bullying and dictation, I am sorry but if you think wealth to poverty competition is improving things then you must be a little bit crazy.
Competition does not create wealth, it creates poverty, ie rich people look more important than a really clever homeless man, therefor get listened to and can abuse the position they're in to make the public believe anything they say...
That's all fine and good, but "In your version of cooperation, do people receive commensurate with their contribution or with their need? Is the balance achieved on the fulcrum of contribution or need?"
What do YOU mean by "cooperation" and "balance"? There will be about as many answers as there are people; what is your concept?
We already know ethics of not to steal, kill or be dishonest, yet watch our so called leaders do it much worst than us in the Masses.
Even in my profession of 42 years I find two heads are better than one or 5 heads are better than two. Although one art project got up to 1000 workers and the quality went way down and danger became less controlled.
We are taught we are incapable of being self taught or learning diversity, we can learn diversity over time and practice. My final result on this art project was a cookie cutout looking castle by instructions rather than an art piece of love and from developed skills. People rush into treadmills that go faster and faster and loose themselves to the ugly puppets master. The puppet masters disease must burn out before the Masses realize that they can Government themselves better than the Greedy bastards. This overly hierarchy system and oil are really too old and ugly to continue.
Sometimes I wonder if ants are more intelligent than us humans. Ant's know farming 60 million years ago . It took us 10,000 years to learn how to farm. Arts have 10 times our bio mass weight on earth. Ants know how to volunteerly and collectively work together for the common good and we learn taxes from them.
Human as individuals first , can make a common thread of love, Peace, happiness and look at all human as family. If there is a struggle to be fought, make it about poverty and war. We must be more intelligent than ants or as brave as men and women.
Cooperation and balance then mean not to steal from our neighbors and not to kill them? Few would argue against cooperation and balance are the way to go, then.
cooperation that is not expected, or otherwise demanded. Cooperation that comes from free, self-guided will / willingness.
collaboration, joint action, combined effort, teamwork, partnership, coordination, liaison, association, synergy, synergism, give and take, compromise.
2 assistance, helpfulness, help, helping hand, aid.
If we stopped being such consumers.
Is music therapy?
Is doing art helpful toward expanding awareness?
Is cooking vegetables and delicious foods contributing to joy and health?
Is exercising increasing energy and personal strength?
Does travel increase awareness of other cultures and modes of living and an appreciation of the world's beauty??
Why do we consume so many unnecessary things?
And pursue so may unnecessary activities?
The time will come when the majority will not want the mundane, but the sublime.
The time will come.
Because f o r c i n g is TABOO.
forbidden, prohibited, banned, proscribed, interdicted, outlawed, illegal, illicit, unlawful, restricted, off limits; unmentionable, unspeakable, unutterable, unsayable, ineffable; rude, impolite.
ANTONYMS acceptable.
socialism f o r c e s cooperation.
not acceptable.
Pope Francis say the Aliens are our Savior , and Jesus is just a man. Not much hope there. Jesus would only be angry if came down for his second coming and look at that Golden Vatican. The Bible has 2200 versus on business. Americans are mostly Christians and is the start of them being easily brainwashed of sins understandings. The Religious impaired do not understand about poor and the Greedy. I think our Savior are the 6℅ indigenous people who run 80℅ of the bio diversity of the earth's landmass operation left. That is my reason and contribution of going to Bolivia to learn and share with them.
Then America form into a schizophrenic over focus on finance that dose unbalance them in areas of relationship, spiritual, intelligent and physical lack of development and sharing. I've been to other countries where there is better models of this balance. Yet still this addiction of oil and US dollar crash will be the greatest ever destruction in human history.
Will we ever bring heaven to earth?
Can we?
Sadly, the answer is pretty obvious.
We just have to accept it and live around it.
And bring heaven to earth for ourselves, loved ones and neighbors.
Can we?
People can have their personal religion as much as I can have my surrealist art works and nature, yet not much protection for my practice.
The problem starts when people kill in the name of God more than for any other reason. Plus give their own species far greater importance over all other millions of species.
… if we do not kill in the name of God and we respect animals as much as ourselves, we can help bring heaven to earth.
There 38,830 Christian denominations world wide is expected to expand to 55,000 by 2025. When Christians are fighting each other greater than fighting other Religions. When Christians are conflicting with other Religions that makes up 90℅ of the world wars. Then when do they have time or patience to care about any other species other than a dogs or cats that comfort them between rounds.
… and yet, their cats and dogs do comfort them! no matter what wars they are fighting!
Just try stop feeding these pets for a few weeks. Either you will become Jesus to them or they will eat you.
When the dollar crashes, you and many others will get first bite.
This just in:
heaven will come to earth as long as we keep feeding our dogs and cats.
( )
PS I always feel sorry for my dogs and cats who are so dependent on me.
a good time for anarchy for dogs and cats. They will finally have independence as they leave with poles and little knapsacks on the end of them. How will they survive?
eating humans you say?
*stop over-printing $$$
*revive the gold-standard
*stop borrowing from China
*stop corporate bail-outs
*stop tax-exempt status for crony capitalist businesses / bribed by government, (such as GE.)
I'm sure the Greedy Americans and Zionist are buying up and vaulting the silver and Gold privately. As much as they can, before most of the public is aware of what's going on. Then depopulation gose in effect.
Dogs and cats have been all too over obedience too. Until it's a truly a dog eat dog world. Never have seen a dog eat another dog, although after a few weeks of no food, I might have a bite myself.
Bolivia sounds sweeter than eternal springtime.
eternal springtime? I would prefer eternal summertime.
move to Australia in the winter?
live off the grid
on a ship?
In Bolivia you can find full time summer, or spring areas and sometimes winter areas. Or find wettest rain forest or dryest area on earth.
Australia is just hot and dry except the province of Tasmania and part of Queensland.
Can you really survive on a self sustainable off grid system on a ship. The Pacific ocean storms would turn me into a drunken sailor. Then the expense of going to Australia would be so great, then you return ground zero America. Maybe go into the business of selling fried rats, cats and Dogs in an LA central public park to fund your way back to a ship in Australia.
Actually the very wealthy, very rarely like competition. Their design synthetic products coded, so others can not afford to produce it In order to kill off competition. Then lobbyist make these synthetic products law, claiming it's safer than pure natural product's. Even the Majority of food package products have more than three ingredients labeled on them. Plus most food is grown 1500 km away for cheaper labour and their oil Corporatism profit too.
Also often wealthy want to replace humans labor with machines, another reason they want to depopulate the world by killing us.
Like over populated deer by poisoning, war poacher's then steal their stuff or police hunters to slowly kill off, what they claim is undireable behavior. Even my art and environmental business is been labeled by the Government as too unique or not legal because it's not on their Corporatism grid system.
I prefer one child law to each family, yet what religion would except that? Let's dick the Greedy bastards before they dick all of us.
Iceland learn from America on how to imprison their corrupted bankers. Now Iceland is doing better than most European nations, so they decided not to join the European community.
Best way to stop Poverty is reduce US military spending from 50℅ of the World's budget to 5℅. About average per capita with all other countries. Otherwise civil and world war are written on the wall. My educated guess and unfailing nightmares show me America would rather fight than switch, like cigarettes to coffin (coughing) nails.
Why not just work on the mainland Australia?, you will be safer there than in the US.
Just watched The Big Short.
This song at the end:
Sounds like the song has no plan B or C when it breaks and yes, crying and praying won't do you good. I know you don't want to be in US or Israel.Then worst in the Top 5 worst cities to live in within the world like LA when it breaks.
If you don't sell easy killed hot dogs in LA. You better get out of LA when you hear about Marshal law. Yes crying and praying won't do you any good. For a small town would be 10 time safer living back in the old wildwest and may want to buddy up with a psychopath if things go down.
Never tell authoritarian your homeless. For much part homeless is illegal and 100,000s are being sorted out in FEMA camps right now.
If you get caught and sent to a FEMA Camp because some gang has looted your home. You would at least fair better than me because your already trained over obedience to your Lord and your new slaves master will totally dictate your life from this point on.
As for me I'm already on the kill list for my natural alternatives living. A must be free or die policyholder. Never would pick up a gun even if they threw a gun on the ground and told me to pick it up. It would be like the 9/11 false flags where already nuclear false flags are being setup along China's and Russian borders. Because dumping the US Dallor in the new world scenario of things is an international illegal act. BRICS must dump the dallor because America's fallout and collapse debtor nation, a no win situation.
@ Cp: You're saying over-obedience in a religious (?) way is bad. How so, in your estimation?
You have prepared your whole life to go to heaven and entire your soul belongs to your personal God , Jesus/Yahweh. Yet Corporatism has taken over the business of Religion and Governments and now are the true God that everyone pays for physically, mentally and financially unbalancing our spiritual and worldwide relationships. Look at all the millions of people in the middle East that the US have killed or lives totally ruin from a new majors war each year. Without remorse, as if it is forgiven as an act of God, certainly in the name of God. How many religions can claim to be the world's religion?
… well, I have heard the dollar will be replaced by a world currency and we should be buying gold, (eagle coin is best,) now, before gold gets too expensive. Use 10% / savings.
Do you mean gold is the world's currency? I'm investing in silver because it's more rare to get a hold of and is more valuable in making other products. Going to bury it in a anti radar container in the forest. Maybe you should bury your gold in the country, if you can shoot your way in and out of LA.
We are in store for a greatest depression than in the history of mankind. Greater than it was in 1929 because it's so worldwide. Where living on the fat of the land is your best bet away from the fire power.
Best is investment in the world is Cannabis. It makes more natural products than anything, Yet it's so illegal to be green, other than that of toilet paper US Dallor soon to be.
No. It is some type of world currency. not gold.
http://pro.agorafinancial.com/AWN_dolla … 31/?h=true
who knows.
This guy is interesting, yet double talks alot. I would not trust any bank or organization any more during this collapse and soon to be worldwide depression. These organizations just give paper for your gold and I don't trust paper tigers anymore only hardware. Plus over use of gold can turn into situation like too many diamond where the value turns less. Plus Centro banks set the value of gold so you can get con easily when the public buys and sells.
Even the most wealthiest men in the world don't trust banks and have their gold stored in their own private vaults. So to bury anti metal radar gold in an unknown area and tell nobody is the safest for the little guy.
The Canadian dollar is actually wroth more than the US Dallor in Bolivia, meaning I already make 35℅. Good land has been overall best investment and land is among the cheapest land in the world in parts of Bolivia. Bolivia and Canada are the only ones who make pure silver and sense the value will go up faster than gold.
Nobody can beat the value and the personal and business investment of Good land, water and food. My last two properties sold, I made 600℅ on.
For instance: What about Arco (gas/oil)? (the cheapest, worst gas you can get.) Is this company (group of share holders/men/women) taxed too little by the government?
What is the check on big corporations?
We do have monopoly laws.
What is the problem with overseas business expansion?
<We will be having holidays to Iraq, Afghanistan and the likes soon, sat around swimming pools now we have finished blowing their way of life up lol.>
So, their way of life has been pretty good to really wonderful?
Can we help it if they like Mc Donald's food?
Q. Is there a connection between American business expansion and Government waring in the Middle East???
I've heard that Obama is initiating? or (ready to initiate?) battles all over the Middle East.
Who are the actual Greedy Ones in/from America?
The greedy ones are the ones controlling OBAMA lol but now his work is done, they will take over ...
He is just a voice......a black one
P.S yes, lots of connections.... ie America getting fuel from Arab countries so cheap in an ATTEMPT to do Russia out of business lol....hense why american troops are NOW training to fight in the antarctic lol
so fucking greedy
"The ambitious plans for Mosul and Raqqa reflect a shift in tactics and deeper U.S. involvement that has not been fully reported in the U.S. media—or talked about in the presidential campaign. Most recently, Centcom has gained White House permission to deploy U.S. advisers with Iraqi units at the battalion level, which would place U.S. advisers and trainers in greater danger, but would also give them more control of the battlefield. And the U.S. has been quick to flow advisers (an initial tranche of some 200 in all) into al-Qayyarah air base, about 40 miles south of Mosul, which was overrun by Iraqi military forces last week. Washington has also boldly stepped up its support of the Peshmerga, the veteran military units of the Kurdistan Regional Government who will lead the assault on Mosul from the north, despite the risk of upsetting the delicate regional politics—especially suspicions by the Shia-led Iraqi government that the U.S. is favoring the Kurds. On July 12, the U.S. signed an agreement with the KRG to provide Peshmerga units with $415 million for the purchase of ammunition and medical equipment. The agreement would also provide heavy weapons to Peshmerga units, which have been consistently outgunned by ISIS fighters, according to one senior civilian Pentagon official. The $415 million would correct that shortfall, with weapons flowing into Peshmerga units near Mosul."
FROM: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/ … z4PBphZuA2
Who attacked us and knocked down our towers? Who attacked Benghazi?
Do we not have enemies to fight?
Did the American people do these things?
Government officials?
We need gas/oil ... and we can't get it from our own country. If we could get it from here, we would.
ask them, they are so generous they would have let you have some.....but no....that is not good enough is it......so fuck them up and try controlling it
If you asked me for a sandwich, I would get you one, does that mean you blow up any country that has flour....lol....no it don't,
That is basically what has happened,,,,,, but greed is taking advantage
<Ask them, (those in the middle east) they are so generous they would have let you have some.....but no....that is not good enough is it...…so (we?) fuck them up and try controlling it (the oil?). If you asked me for a sandwich, I would get you one, does that mean you blow up any country that has flour… lol… no it doesn't. That is basically what has happened, but (our) greed is taking advantage.>
Whose greed?
The US government's greed?
The globalists'/NWO/elitists' greed?
The aliens' greed? ( … The ones who are from the Golden Moon of Neptune, living under the White House and influencing the POTUSes AND the Globalists?)
Who labels Aliens as Aliens?? Humans do.....via a SET UP education system
Who makes magic happen such as tooth fairies, mickey mouse....donald fucking duck and that cunt santa.... humans do...then tell their kids off for lying lol....HUMANS DO
Aliens are just a lie to ADULTS.......like fairies, mouses and white bearded cunts are to kids...darling.
Anyway, you look gorgeous fancy a date lol xx
not swearing.......date then
I shale say
My name is ????? nice to bleep meet you, here is the menu, what would you bleeping like lol
No honestly we should, and the others that have written should come along, something needs doing weather swearing is involved or not....I am not aggressive sorry if when swearing as I am speaking/typing comes across that way
In Florida they should open a theme park called Fantasy Wars. That is where predominately Religious Countries come together and fight over their imaginary Friends.
America has had 193 major wars since 1776. Only to be beaten by Britain invading 90% of the world's countries. Don't you think we have had enough unjustified wars?
Americans always look surprised when US is in vading another Country, like none if it was their fault. Or a tiny country started the war, and can invade US and destroy this grand defenceless country. Even China would not dare to invade US. Because US citizen have 100 guns for every Chinese trooper.
So it all comes down to Americas greed to rape and pilage other countries and take the spoils. Or force US policies in 134 countries with US military bases within those countries..
< Americans always look surprised when the US is invading another country, like none if it was their fault.>
The American leaders, you mean!!!!
who follows the leader though......... STUPID HUMANS ...so yeah,
do you have to use the word STUPID?
How about ignorant, easily led, don't know what else to do, lazy, unmotivated, confused, overworked, uncaring, preoccupied, head in the sand, un-evolved, unintelligent, uneducated, uninformed … ?
~~~~ who do you predict will win?
When your US CORP. Government leaders and the US MILITARY can kill a million Muslims children then use the media and brainwash Americans to not give a damm about those children or the other 10s of millions homeless Muslims.
That is call stupid , murder and stupidity.
Leave ignorant, lazy, confused and uninformed for the small stuff.
The US has an official MONEY TREE or what? (Federal Reserve?) used for war and to acquire oil?
and we are going to stay in line as victims of our own un-doing?
Maybe we will, maybe we won't.
It would be nice to end up free as a duck and not an animal caged up in a zoo.
Greedy office workers within the world trade buildings!!!! They killed themselves?
The click-bait here is obvious... and it worked ^_^. Yes, I'm afraid I'm one of those stupid humans you speak of, man. In a sense, I believe we all are, or at least every human being contains at least 1% stupid. Why? Because all humans want to be happy; we all want to be content and reach a state in our lives where we don't have to worry about being hurt physically, spiritually, or mentally, while simultaneously being alive. However, most people, more like the majority of the humans on Earth, don't know what it means to be happy. We think we know what CAN make us happy, but we don't know what we NEED that would make us happy. So, what do we do? We buy products that will make us beautiful or handsome to find that perfect mate to be happy. We listen to the advice of people who claim they are happy and follow it. We pick a side to be part of a group so we're not lonely or to get recognition so we can be happy. We waste money on the newest game system or computer to be happy. We put aside money to save to be happy, someone steals that money with a gun or with a pyramid scheme so they can be happy, someone arrests them to gain prestige to be happy, newsreporters cover it to be happy... You get where I'm going with this, right?
Our quest for contentment will often be a curse, because that quest only sees things through a limited perspective. You want to know the best way to end the cycle? To dedicate as much of our time to the happiness of others as possible, unconditionally. It won't eliminate our pain, but can diminish the chance of others leading us astray by our vanity or greed. After all, we're only human.
Is there not degrees of stupidity, like there is degrees of truth?
Yes, there are, but I believe we still have to be careful about judging the stupidity of others, because we often make similar if not the same mistakes as well. We're all stupid humans on the blind path of contentment. If we don't recognize this, then it's just in a different context. The scary thing isn't people's degree of stupidity, but their need to blindly perpetuate their ignorance, or at least that's how I see it. To make an error is one thing, but constantly make the same error, knowing the damage it causes AND to refuse knowledge to correct that error goes beyond any degree of stupidity: it's insanity.
Making many correction is what people do and often. Making a mistake is more serious and often enough they are aware they are making it, still can be easily forgiven. Doing something stupid is in degrees on up to insanity.
Killing a million Muslims children is insane. Don't put them in prison to learn more ways towards crime. Put them in Hospitals and treat them as mentally ill patients. I think the US marshal law and the emergency war act is a whole mentally ill program since 1913 working on their 3nd world war.
Click bait obvious?? if you're presuming income then please be notified that no adsense or other ad revenue sharing scheme is tied to my hubpages account.....
What major large country is in cahoots with the NWO movement?
What party pretends it's not for wealth, war and profit through oil and illegal arms dealing (think plutonian and uranium,) and is actually in league with the answer to the last two questions above?
Yes. If you, a human, do not know the answer to these questions, it is time to wise up and get some education in regards to reality.
Football nuts!
Got any Darwin awards to give out?
Life has not been that bad. Growing more optimistic. Still too many robots and Zombies. Yet learning how maneuver around them.
We are indeed
"That's Life" attitude we all adopt will keep that being alive and stupid ball rolling and history will just simply keep repeating itself.
Need to puncture the ball to stop it rolling
Hey Football nuts.
England had a good showing at this last world cup. I generally cheer on Latin countries. Like Colombia where the team dose a samba when they score a goal.
You don't know what I do and do not do. This is the first time you've ever spoken to me. You're clearly not an intelligent person. Intelligent persons don't assume things about strangers, but that is what you did. Are you even an adult yet? I can't tell. Sad.
The only income I have is from this website. I promise you I eat better than kings did just a hundred or two years ago.
The paragraph above is what you wrote. That says everything about what you do....sounds like foods becoming unaffordable for you....
Need I say more...
Buy some crayons out of your earnings, if your allowed to have any spare after you have been bribed to pay for brick and mortar, tv licences, water, car taxes, paying to park your car on land, gas, electric and evertything else...
I think I might have hit the nail on the head with the previous comment.....
One way I get out of the stupid zone. I use my 3 brains, that is the gut, heart and brain.
Too often people are too much into their head brain where the source of your problem are. Then they get trapped into this vicious cycle. Over focus on money and too busy surviving whatever the big corporations dictates to them to do. You can actually hypnotize yourself using your more powerful subconscious gut and heart to deprogram you from this Brocken system.Then create your own dreams, not these fake American dreams.
You dont eat like a king did 200 years ago!!
Kings was not eating rubber, plastic and other crap that goes in our MANMADE foods.......3 TIMES A DAY because of an educated schedule they were put on.
Hense why in amongst all this forum I have said the only things that can kill us is each other....
In this scenario its food companies killing others, in wars is religious books wrote by a man that is causing us to kill each other, and food is the route to heart failure, diarea, vomiting, bad teeth, bad breath, spots, headaches, stomach cramps, the list of illnesses goes on and on......but food companies aint poor whilst stupid humans are eating stuff that they know will hurt them because their educated to believe they are hungry and must eat on the schdule the rich have put us on, this is when you will have breakfast; this is when you will have lunch, dinner and supper lol....and so on.
The producers of foods that cause the problems above dont eat their own product.....surely the rest of us should not be stupid enough to if they dont lol
So if you think your living like a king of 200 years ago...think again.
Just eat when your actually hungry not just because we are educated its that time of day again so I must have breakfast,lunch, dinner now.,....eat wisely when your body tells you to and you will never really eat much from then on lol....but now your gonna say but that will make me ill......
WHO TELLS you that? Educated scientists who get paid well by companies that want us eating their products as often as possible.
What he is saying is deaths causes are man made, and attached to these man made causes is man made ages, for example, 90 is attached to old age, so certain man made deceases go with old age. If no of it existed no one would die of old age, they would just drop dead with an unknown/non man made cause.
by graceinus 11 years ago
Why would any christian church provide a Certificate of Baptism for a person baptized?What is the purpose for any any christian denomination to provide a certificate of baptism? Is this suppose to show some kind of proof? Does true baptism require some kind of writen proof?
by Andrew Spacey 6 years ago
In this 21st century have the privileged got too greedy?If as humans all we need is food&water, shelter, love, work and belief shouldn't we be cutting down on our material luxuries?Is corporate greed to blame for the current recession and financial anxiety?Are tax havens for the rich...
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and greedy? What is it about human nature that makes people this way?
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