HONESTLY, what would U Expect from a Deranged “Communist Sympathizer? ~ Yup, Believe it or NOT, it’s TRUE & just one more reason of an ENDLESS Menu of REASONs WHY “Delusional Donald” Trump Continues to S*I*N*K Rapidly in the POLLs with NO Bottom in SIGHT ~ He’s even SINKING in Many RED States ~ SEE Embedded YT VIDEO Clip ~
When you have the un-mitigated "Perverse AUDACITY" to tell ALL American Workers their WAGEs are too HIGH like Donald has in the past, apparently in an effort to APPEASE Wall Street, Communist Russia & CHINA, does he Honestly EXPECT Hard Working Individuals throughout America to reciprocate by actually VOTING FOR him so the WAGE “SLASHING & Erosion” Across the BOARD could BEGIN ??? Does he Honestly think AMERICAN Workers of the USA are really that “DUMB & Mindless“ ?? REALLY ??
ANTI-American Trump, who ENCOURAGEs Communist Russia to "BREACH" the Security of the United STATEs Discusses his Explicit INTENT to "SLASH Wages" of ALL Working AMERICANs & then ACTUALLY Believes those who "WORK for LIVING" will be DUMB enough to VOTE for him in NOVEMBER ~ ~ They don't call him "Delusional Donald" for NOTHING ~
You could effectively just re-post this entire one message - Every single time you post anything on Hub -Page forums ! Never once have you ever posted anything positive , pointing to a solution or in any way mature ! Like all of your other posts that are of such sophomoric mentality and content , your messages vary only in minuscule amounts .
Always the sensationalist , always the sophomoric , always the negativity . Ever get tired of being naïve , maybe it's time for you to give some serious thought to higher education .
Higher education? Aren't you the one who said college converts our young people into "jack booted socialisis"?
Regarding the OP, as on so many issues,, Donald has changed his mind so often that I honestly don't know what he last said on the matter and it's quite possible he doesn't even remember himself. But, yes, he did say that the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is too high.
Edited to add: Do you have any comment or rebuttal to the content of the OP, or are you so unable to debate a premise that you can only resort to attacking the person who presented it?
SORRY ahorseback, but in the REAL-World, there's NOTHING POSITIVE about "Racist Trump" ~
He's a COMUNIST Sympathizer, a RACIST, a Bigot, a CON-Man SWINDLER Pathological LIAR who Constantly BLABs his Ugly Purple LIPs about how "We the PEOPLE" & the United States of AMERICA are LOSERs ~
However, this Venue is about "Delusional Donald's" OVERT Explicit Scheme to "SLASH" Wages of ALL American WORKERs to bring them "In-LINE" with the $2.00 per HOUR Insulting "TIPs" Human Beings Receive in his FAVORITE Countries like CHINA ~ AMERICAN WORKERs are way too SMART to BUY into his CON-Job as Reflected in his CATASTROPHIC Poll Numbers ~
Oh come on, you forgot KKK, sexist, incestuous, satan loving sadomasochist.
"Like all of your other posts that are of such sophomoric mentality and content , your messages vary only in minuscule amounts ."
Sophomoric? I think you give to much credit here... I was thinking more along the lines of Elementary.
I have seen this story in more than one place. But, is advocating cutting worker wages to the bone the the way to make AMERICA great again?
Well Credence, the FACT is, AMERICA is already GREAT & We WIN ALL the TIME, it's Donald who is the REAL Loser ~ I would Urge ALL Readers to simply INVESTIGATE his FRAUD Filled Past & MOUNTAIN Of DEBT he OWEs to CHINA to Discover just HOW BIG of a LOSER he is ~
Unfortunately, a Very TINY Sliver of AMERICAN Workers will indeed be Gullible Enough to VOTE for "Delusional Donald" who is EXPLICIT about "SLASHING" their Wages, however, the VAST Majority of AMERICANs Period have already Accurately & WISELY "Pegged" him as the "DANGEROUS Charlatan" he truly is ~
Anyone with a brain knows Trump is horse shit
I remember that comment. I remember thinking about pictures of his foppishly french residence. The rich don't seem to understand that they garner their money mostly through the work of others. I think Trump speaks first sometimes, thinks later and then readjusts his philosophy.
I'll take a rich guy who says something outlandish yet may be able to do some good for the working American over a politician who has helped enact legislation which has helped create the environment which has all of our wages stagnant, which lies about the effective rate of inflation and has done little to improve the plight of all working class and lower class Americans.
He ain't Hillary. That's the definite upside.
Yes, I understand. You will vote for a dog turd over Hillary. Got it.
I think Trump has seduced you with his wealth. Sure can't be his looks
That's the only reason he gets a different woman every time he gets bored with them. It's all about him and he seems to think that everyone should bow down to his thieving ways and adore him. Why do you think he can't shut up? He's got hoof and mouth disease
<That's the only reason he gets a different woman every time he gets bored with them. It's all about him…>
frumpleton, you are just being frumpy.
You are guessing.
You can't accuse someone of something unprovable or that hasn't even happened yet.
His current wife seems happy enough and he could be fascinated with her for the rest of his forty or so years. Wealth does give people options to follow their hearts and not stay stuck in situations others endure for the sake of financial considerations alone.
And if he does want to divorce her and move on … what's it to any one?
It would be a Proverbial "Miracle" if "Delusional Donald" Trump Gained Access to OUR Nuclear ACTIVATION Software located in OUR White House due to his Unstable Mental STATE which cannot be CURED in 7 Weeks if ever, but if he ever did, I'm confident you'll hear NO Laughter from Working AMERICANs once Donald begins his MASSIVE "Wealth Shift" by taking Money & ASSETs AWAY from OUR Working Class and FUNNELING the CASH right into the Pockets of his WALL Street Buddies at Goldman SACHs & His COMMUNIST Cohorts like Vladimir Putin & Stock SWINDLER Felix Sater ~
The ONLY Person "LAUGHING in ASTONISHMENT" at the FACT that he managed to PULL off the BIGGEST "CON-Job" in Global HISTORY would be "Drumpfy" Trump ~
His Demented PLAN is to STRIP American WORKERs of everything he CAN ~ This is EXPLICIT & If AMERICAN Workers are actually "DUMB & Gullible" enough to VOTE for this 2-Bit Racist Swindler, a person who actually has the AUDACITY to tell them to their FACEs that they EARN TOO MUCH Money from their JOBs, the Detrimental Consequences could be "LIFE Shattering" for ALL ~
I'm not sure which would be worse. Donald with access or Hillary broadcasting the launch codes over her Blackberry.
FALSE Comparison As Usual ~ ~ Just another REASON WHY Drumpf is S*I*N*K*I*N*G with NO Bottom in Sight ~
FYI ~ This is about "Delusional Donald's" EXPLICIT Intent to "SLASH" the Pay CHECKs of ALL Hard WORKING Americans & the DANGER he Presents Not ONLY to the United States of AMERICA, but the ENTIRE Universe, NOT Fabricated NONSENSICAL FOX Loser Channel Talking POINTs about Hillary who in REALITY, happens to be one of the MOST Qualified Presidential CANDIDATEs in the HISTORY of OUR Republic & a Competent individual who Will STRIVE to "RAISE Wages" for OUR Families, Not Suppress them like "Delusional Donald" ~
Well I suppose it has to be true. You went to all the trouble of using so many caps
How could I POSSIBLY Expect any other RESPONSE from one of the LAST Remaining DESPERATE "Trumpeteers" ??
If U WORK for a LIVING, Regardless of Industry, U should be Nothing LESS than ELATED at the FACT that "WAGE Killer" "Delusional Donald" is about to get each individual Scraggly "Hair PLUG" Handed to him on a "GOLD Platter" in a Couple MONTHs ~ ~ Along with SEVERAL Congressional Republicans who are No Better than this "Bumbling FOOL of a LIAR" ~
At least after he gets Decimated, and if he ESCAPEs a Prison Sentence from all of his PENDING Law Suits, maybe he could MOVE the KLAN to Communist Russia for an "ENCORE" of Trump U ~ What do U think the Russians will do to him after getting "RIPPED-Off" from his FALSE Promises?? I think they might just "SKIP the LAW Suit" & MOVE right to the PUNISHMENT Stage ~
Let's view this realistically. Under the previous and the current administration worker's wages have been stagnant, at best; and we have lost a great deal of full time jobs from the workforce.
Is Trump's statement ludicrous? You betcha. Will his opponent do anything, at all, for the middle class working American? Well, anything positive? Absolutely no evidence to imply that she will.
NO ~ We'd RATHER VIEW this from a FACTUAL Stand-POINT ~ The Last Republican PRESIDENT George "DUMBYA" Bush Nearly Destroyed this COUNTRY by PUSHING Us into the WORST Recession in HISTORY ~ Monthly JOB Losses were Catastrophic as the Economy was Decimated ~
ENTER President Obama who MIRACULOUSLY Lead us Back to "Stability & Prosperity" ~ Right NOW we are at 95% EMPLOYMENT which means 95 out of evry 100 are EMPLOYED ~ NOT Perfect nor are we CONTENT but we are ABSOLUTELY on the RIGHT Trajectory after George W's Atrocious Tenure, and certainly NOT Willing to allow a MORON Racist Pathological LIAR like "Delusional Donald" to step in and "SLASH" American Wages to bring them In-LINE with CHINA Policy so he can get his CHEAP Lookin' Merchandise made for $2.00 per hr then SELL for a PROFIT ~ AMERICANs ABSOLUTELY REJECT this Idiot's SCHEME ~
"Profit OVER Patriotism" is COMMUNIST Sympathizer "Drumpfy" Trump's Motto proven through his ACTIONs ~
P.S. ~ My Employment Numbers are DIRECTLY from the "DEPT. of LABOR", FACTUAL Information so we are NOT Interested in some "FANTASY" FOX Loser Snooze FICTITIONAL "REAL Unemployment" Number pulled somewhere outta Sean HAMMERHEADs Hat because it's just that, B.S.
For those who missed it, here it is as an "ENCORE" ~ WORK for a LIVING in the USA? Listen Closely to what this MORON has in store for your Pay CHECK ~ Moreover, EVERTHING Up until he talks about WAGEs is Blatantly FALSE ~ LIEs PERIOD ~
Hillary and Bill Clinton exposed as Dixie Mafia
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7y8snvKipg
People who were there, who know what went on, tell all.
U need to REMOVE this Off-Topic NONSENSE ~ Take it to FOX Loser Channel or RACIST Breitbart Please ~ Thank U ~ This Venue is about "Delusional Donald's" Scheme to "SLASH" American WAGEs ~
I think by NOW we all understand the FACT that due to his Mental ILLNESS, they will NEVER allow "Delusional Donald" anywhere NEAR OUR Nuclear ARSENAL ~ But Analyzing his would be SCHEME to "REVERSE American Wages" in a Perverse, GREED Driven ATTEMPT to ALIGN them much closer to COMPENSATION, of Lack-thereof Distributed in Communist Countries like CHINA, where Donald has a portion of his Brand of Merchandise Manufactured, is indeed a Frightening Concept ~
Factual DATA According to a CNN Investigation Based upon 2012 Statistics ~
* APPROX. Average Annual WAGE in CHINA = $4800
* APPROX. Average Weekly Wage in CHINA = $100
* APPROX> Average HOURLY Wage in CHINA = $2.50
Even if Trump's Scheme to LOWER Wages is ONLY Partially Fulfilled, how many HARD Working AMERICANs could actually SURVIVE on $6.00 Per Hour, or $5.00 Per HOUR, or after receiving a 30% Reduction in WAGEs from their Boss or CEO ?? ~
Always REMEMBER ~ In "Delusional Donald's" TWISTED Little MIND he believes "WAGEs are too HIGH" ~
As "Desperate Donald" Invades African American Communities on his Little Disingenuous "I SWEAR I'm Not a RACIST" Tour where he plans to Administer another one of his Transparent "MASSIVE CON-Jobs", I hope he brings this handy CLIP along with him which clearly illustrates his INTENTIONs to "SLASH" the Wages of African AMERICANs, Latinos, Cubans, Whites, ASIANs, Irish, German, Men, Women, Gays & ALL Other HUMANs
Just How MUCH of a "Pay CUT" are U willing to TOLERATE so this Homely Jackass RACIST could SHIFT even MORE of OUR Wealth to his Communist Comrades & WALL Street Buddies ??
The message in this thread is such a joke , a hypocritical message and substance like this is pure horse crap , Have you even seen ANY ?....ANY? of Hilary's controversy all through this election , Did you have yours eye's closed , your ears covered , your mind contorted for the last thirty years of Hillary and Bill Clinton's crime record ?
One would have to be a mental contortionist to actually defend the absolutely recorded historical record of Hillary Clinton AND to ignore the fact that her mind is actually failing , her health deteriorating in the last couple of years , all of her stupid decisions ...................... AGAINST the unknown of a Trump presidency !clown
I would vote for anything , anyone , anytime ,SOMEONE TOTALLY UNPROVEN against the spot on history of a treasonous political traitor , the chance of Trumps totally unknowable future acts far outweigh that factual knowledge that the Clinton Mafia will continue the destruction of America as we know it !
Your vast political naiveté is totally and conclusively indicative of the immaturity of the "intellectual "left today.
As USUAL ahorseback, all I see in your RANT is just another "FALSE Comparison" between one of the most QUALIFIED, Intelligent, Mentally SOUND & Competent Individuals in OUR HISTORY to ever seek OUR Presidency, and a MORONICALLY Dangerous, ANTI-American, SELF-Serving PARANOID RACIST Swindler in "Delusional Donald" ~
Despite SICKLY Strung-OUT Lookin' KellyAnne's RIDICULOUSLY Insulting SPIN, or Giuliani's Incoherent BABBLINGs, "Delusional Donald" has already uttered his "EXPLICIT Intent" to "ERODE" the WAGEs of ALL American WORKERs ~ There were NO Conditions ATTACHED to his Blatant PLAN of Attack on OUR Working Populous ~
Trump is FINISHED & that's NO Surprise ~ HONESTLY, what else could he have possibly EXPECTED here in the REAL World ~ If his MASSIVE Number of Law Suits do NOT Result in a Prison Sentence & If he had ever been allowed to OCCUPY OUR White HOUSE, which will NEVER Happen, a DOMAIN Stocked with WORLD Annhilating WEAPONs of MASS Destruction, ALL Americans would have been FORCED to ACCEPT a "Pay CUT" while his Buddies on WALL Street, his Communist Comrades, and all other GREED Driven CORRUPT Misers Collected a "PAY RAISE", and that's simply a FACT ~
Has Trump proposed a method for cutting all wages? Will he make a new law without Congress? Will he use an executive order? Will he send the army to each business on payday to enforce his desire to cut my wage?
How will he accomplish this task?
"Delusional Donald" did NOT Suggest it, nor Elude to it, nor did he IMPLY his Explicit INTENT to "Execute & Implement" a Garagantuan "Pay CUT" for ALL American WORKERs, he "Unambiguously EXPRESSED" it in CRYSTAL Clear ENGLISH Communication ~ ~ A "Pay CUT" for ALL American WORKERs would have been his OBJECTIVE & BACKward Congressional Republicans would have SUPPORTED this PERVERSE, WAGE "Eroding" Scheme ~
As REPORTED, "DEADBeat Donald" RAKED over the COALs in COURT Continuously for his "Negligent & Irresponsible" Business PRACTICEs ~ Just a SAMPLE of what he would have done to OUR Workers on a NATIONAL Level ~
ALL AMERICANs should READ this ~
http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/06/ … ontractors
First the caps now the separation of the caps with asterisks.
Will the madness ever end?
Well, if Trump hasn't proposed a method for the plan, how do YOU think he might do it? Most of us know he can't, but you seem really perturbed (or spinning the comment into something it never was) - is it a case of the chicken little and the sky falling or do you have a way he can accomplish it?
No Need to "SPIN" "Delusional Donald's" DEMENTED WORDs & Behavior, this FOOL has done a Very GOOD & Competent Job of "BURYING" Himself without "AUGMENTATION nor Changes" by third parties & it will be REFLECTED in a Humiliating LOSS for him and Republicans in November ~ Just like so many of his previous HUMILIATING Losses in his FAILED Business Ventures & CON-Jobs and simply his Abhorrent Behavior as a Nasty, Woman HATING, Overtly Racist HUMAN Being ~
He'll NEVER be allowed to Occupy OUR White HOUSE for several OBVIOUS Reasons, but I'm not sure WHY an AMERICAN Worker would even Contemplate "Casting & WASTING" a vote for a DELUSIONAL ANTI-American Fool who Insists he will "CUT their PAY" ~ Makes ZERO Sense ~ ~
There are SEVERAL Avenues a President and or other Public Servants can take to "WEAKEN" the American Work-FORCE by "CUTTING Wages", and that's a FACT ~
http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/06/ … ontractors
Fascinating how the answer to the question is never given - just more empty rhetoric. Here, I ask a third time: how do you think Trump is going to cut the wages of all Americans? What process does he propose using? Just saying "there are several avenues", followed by a claim that he doesn't pay his OWN employees doesn't say a thing about the rest of the country.
So NOW, in an attempt at a "Frivolously Ridiculous DEFENSE" of this so called "UNCONVENTIONAL" "Non-Politician" IDIOT, Trump's DWINDLING Fan Base which includes Clueless SICKLY Lookin' KellyAnne, has RESORTED to simply IGNORING his OWN WORDz? ~ ~ Well, he said he was gonna' build a WALL but then again maybe NOT and who CAREs....Well he said he would PUNISH All women for exercising their Reproductive RIGHTs but the again maybe NOT but who cares, he's just a BABBLING Senseless "MEMORY Lapsing" Moron with NO Real Plans but who cares..... ~
So HOW LOW have some Republicans set their "PRESIDENTIAL Bar" ???? A PULSE, Bad HAIR Plugs, Orange SKIN & a Quasi-Operational MOUTH ???? ~ Gee, I'd sure like to see who they DRAG Outta' the SEWER or PRISON or PSYCH-Ward as their NEXT Nominee in 4 YEARs after witnessing the most DISGUSTING, Embarrassing & Corrupt Republican choice in U.S. HISTORY....So Mentally Un-Hinged that it would be UNLAWFUL to hand over OUR Nuclear CODE to him ~
It's Mind-Boggling to say the least, and Americans are asking WHAT kind of MORONIC Nonsense is this & What kind of MORON Supports a JOKE like this as an actual Candidate for the most important JOB in the UNIVERSE???? NEXT Time maybe the GOP should just NOMINATE the "RIDDLER" or the REMAINs of Bernie Madoff....At least they had much CLEANER Records, were NOT Racists, were NOT Woman HATERs, were NOT Hispanic Haters, did NOT Encourage Russia to "Secretly HACK" the USA, and DID NOT Insult OUR Mighty Military & her Veterans, some of whom Sacrificed their LIVEs so Donald could SWINDLE Americans & Plot to CUT their WAGEs ~ ~
RIGHT Now, there is a Quasi-REVOLUTION to RAISE Wages Across the BOARD" which is Occuring in many Primarily "BLUE Democratic" States because we Understand the FACT that the ONLY "Genuine & Guaranteed" way to ENHANCE WAGEs for those who deserve it, is to PAY THEM DIRECTLY, not "Funnel & GIVE" even MORE MONEY to Wall Street & CEO's then ENTRUST them to "SPREAD the WEALTH" which never ever happens, just another "Delusional Donald" Republican SCHEME ~
Primarily in RED States, Trump would have "Frantically Searched" for every way possible to "SUPRESS the AMERICAN Worker & WAGEs", just look at his Property in Las VEGAS where he Intentionally UNDER-Pays & UNDER-Compensates in Comparison to other Properties ~ A GREED Driven "Microcosm" of what would have happened to the United States if he had been Mentally SOUND enough and Intelligent enough to be President ~ Maybe that's WHY some in the Financial Industry have come to the conclusion that he might be in FINANCIAL Difficulty......AGAIN ~
repetition #4: How to you think Trump will cut wages to all Americans?
Saying that "Trump will find every way he possibly can to "SUPRESS the AMERICAN Worker" is not indicative of how you think he might cut all wages: it is only empty rhetoric without basis in fact. Can you do better, preferably without a long rant about other topics while again ignoring the question?
It IS those like you who will need to get out of their parents basement , actually get a grip on the reality of the political game playing by political insiders and shut off the blue glow of your laptop , VET her A.P . , .......... If you only did that you would see where your going to be suffering buyers remorse in November , yet as Trump wins by a landslide , as you know will happen , whatever you do don't feel like you failed her - she actually failed you first !
The ONLY thing "Delusional Donald" could ever possibly "WIN" by a Landslide is an Unfavorable "JURY Decision" which includes a Very Long PRISON Sentence & Punitive Monetary DAMAGEs ~ ~ A Potential Penalty Emanating from any one of a NUMBER of PENDING Law Suits he's involved in ~ Take your PICK ~ FRAUD, Sexual Assault, Tax EVASION etc etc ~ ~ Someday maybe his SHRINKING Fan Base will realize the TRUTH that his "PUBLICITY Stunt Tour" was nothing more than an attempt at "PERSONAL Enrichment", it was NEVER a Legitimate Presidential RUN and boy did that little plan BACKFIRE in Spades ~ His Business is BLEEDING Profusely, but HONESTLY, what else could he possibly EXPECT ??
If you WORK for a LIVING in AMERICA, an Experience which CON-Man Donald has NEVER had to ENDURE in his ENTIRE "Fraud Driven" Life, and U are Actually GULLIBLE enough to VOTE for a SWINDLER like him who has the Unmitigated Audacity to EXPRESS his Perverse "DESIRE & INTENT" to ERODE your "Quality of LIFE" by "CUTTING your PAY-Check", Regardless of your Occupation and or FINANCIAL Situation, sorry but there is just no HOPE for U ~ The Remainder of AMERICANs are OUTRAGED at his "Wage Slashing" SCHEME ~
Donald is nothing less than a "DEAD-Beat" who according to REPORTs holds BILLIONs in Liabilities including a MASSIVE Debt which he OWEs to COMMUNIST China, & he'll be "BEATEN" Very Badly in NOV while he DRAGz Several Republican Senators & Congress-persons DOWN with him including John McCain, Pat Toomey etc etc ~
Whomever votes for Trump probably voted for that chimpanzee, Bush, too
TODAY is "Labor DAY" ~ A Time to REFLECT & Appreciate those who WORK Hard & "SLAVE" Daily to FEND Off Poverty while WALL Street CEO's & Their Bosses LIVE Large, a time for OUR Labor Force to STRIVE for Seemingly Unreachable but Inevitable "WEALTH Equality" ~
While MOST Americans Plan to make this GREAT Country even GREATER, "Delusional Donald" Trump, a Demented OLD Man who can NEVER Legally Serve as President of the United States, is Scheming to "CUT Paychecks" of ALL Working AMERICANs to bring WAGEs in LINE with his Communist Comrades in RUSSIA & China where $2.00 per hour is the AVERAGE ~
"Drumpfy TRUMP" believes U as an AMERICAN Worker, make too much MONEY ~ ~ Yup, in his Un-Hinged Little MIND, he actually believes it ~ Listen to this Idiot's "Incoherent BABBLINGs" about AMERICA & her WORKERs ~ UNBELIEVABLE ~
ANOTHER Disturbing Report about "DEAD-Beat Donald" & his Apparent Despicable Business PRACTICEs ~ SURE, he just LOVEs AMERICAN Workers, especially when the company he's affiliated with can get away with UNDER-Paying them & Denying them ESSENTIAL Benefits such as "Health-Care & Pension" ~
As Reported ~ Trump Hotel in Las VEGAS "UNDER-Values & Under-PAYs" Employees by approximately $3.00 per hour & provides MINIMAL Benefits ~ NICE ~ The WALTON Family would be PROUD ~
http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/workers … -benefits/
"is Scheming to "CUT Paychecks" of ALL Working AMERICANs to bring WAGEs in LINE with his Communist Comrades in RUSSIA & China where $2.00 per hour is the AVERAGE ~"
I asked you before just what steps he might take to accomplish such a goal. You never answered, yet here is the same silly claim again - care to try again to outline some basic steps on how to cut American wages to $2 per hour? Think he plans on an executive order banning any salary above that?
Right NOW the Federal MINIMUM Wage is $7.25 per hour & your "Delusional Donald" Believes it to be too HIGH ~ ~ Believe it or NOT, he ACTUALLY said this ~ Everyone Understands the FACT that ONE Option for this "DEAD-Beat" to Achieve his GOAL of "Cutting WAGEs" for AMERICAN Workers would be through LEGISLATIVE Action ~ There are SEVERAL Other Avenues by which he could seek to Aggressively "CUT Wages" ~
RIGHT Now, we as Labor FAITHFUL Americans on the LEFT Side of the Isle who BELIVE the EXACT Opposite of Donald, have Begun a Quasi-Revolution in AMERICA to "RAISE The MINIMUM Wage" Primarily in Progressive Democratic States to finally begin the process of solidifying a more EQUITABLE Distribution of OUR Wealth, while RED States Unfortunately CONTINUE to "Stagnate and OBSTRUCT" which is a Serious DETRIMENT & Burden placed upon the backs of the Average WORKER (SLAVE) & Families ~
We as DEMOCRATs are Forcing the ISSUE to RAISE Wages ACROSS the BOARD, while "Dead-BEAT" Donald CONTINUEs to Sabotage & Undermine those EFFORTs at every TURN ~ Everyone UNDERSTANDs the Process by which WAGEs are "Cut & Raised" so I'd Advise those who are UNFAMILIAR to become EDUCATED ~ The AMERICAN Worker who VOTEs for this CON-Man in an EXTREME Long Shot just might get what He / She Deserves, a "RADICALLY Eroded Life STYLE" leading inevitably to POVERTY ~
Everyone should READ the Following "Disturbing REPORT" which Clearly ILLUSTRATEs Trump's Disdain for AMERICAN Workers by REFUSING to Bring WAGEs "In-LINE" with Comparable Properties & Refusing to Maintain Adequate BENEFITs for ALL Hard Working Employees ~
http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/workers … -benefits/
" ONE Option for this "DEAD-Beat" to Achieve his GOAL of "Cutting WAGEs" for AMERICAN Workers would be through LEGISLATIVE Action"
And you really believe that congress is going to put a maximum of $2 per hour on the employee currently earning $50. Right!
"There are SEVERAL Other Avenues by which he could seek to Aggressively "CUT Wages"
We've disposed of the one you mentioned as ridiculous in the extreme - what are these "other avenues" to reduce everyone to $2 per hour?
NO wilderness, we've DISPOSED of Nothing here in the "REAL-World" where FACTs ALWAYs Prevail & if U we are ever Unfortunate enough to Combine a DEMENTED Un-Hinged Republican President & his / her DISDAIN for American WORKERs, with a CONservative Congress U can bet the FARM WAGEs will Absolutely be SUPPRESSED to Maximum DEPTH while OUR Wealth is FUNNELED Straight into Wall Street & Gold Lined Pockets of GREEDY Billionaires who could care less about the POPULOUS ~ ~ U could Bank on That ~
If U truly are a PATRIOTIC American, U might wanna' DIRECT all your apparent "ANGER & Discontent" toward the Idiot who actually BELIEVES WAGEs are too HIGH & who has already Acquired a Dubious HISTORY of "Suppressing WAGEs" ~
"U can bet the FARM WAGEs will Absolutely be SUPPRESSED to Maximum DEPTH while OUR Wealth is FUNNELED to Wall Street & Billionaires "
I can "bank" on it can I? Perhaps the liberal plan to promote the use of illegal aliens will help in this tiny portion of the workforce, but it won't come from Trump. And I should bank on it while you refrain from giving any possible method of accomplishing what you claim Trump wants.
I don't think so. It's true that we are in a global economy, and that that will quite possible decrease American wages until it settles out, but if so the cause will be the greed of the American consumer, not Donald Trump.
I don't think so.
If you're a WORKING American & U VOTE for this Idiot who has a PLAN to "CUT" your Pay, BEST of LUCK ~ Just LISTEN to this ANTI-American Babble about his IGNORANCE ~
& Best of LUCK to U wilderness over there in "REPUBLICAN Pretend-LAND" & FOX Loser NETWORK ~ ~ Hillary & Progressive DEMOCRATs are Aggressively MOVING Forward to RAISE Wages for ALL Americans while this MORON named Trump UNDER-Values Employees by $3.00 per hr while REFUSING to COMPENSATE Employees with LIVABLE Benefits ~
"DEAD-Beat Donald" the "CHEAT of Vegas"
http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/workers … -benefits/
"Idiot who has a PLAN to "CUT" your Pay"
About the umpteenth time, but just what is this "plan" to cut all wages? I keep asking but the best thing you can come up with is "legislative action" to limit all wages to $2 per hour - something we both know isn't going to happen.
Can't you ever come up with something better than just making claims we both know are false?
wilderness, I'm really NOT Interested in the TYPICAL CONservative FOX Loser NETWORK "ROUND n' ROUND" FACT Denial ROUTINE, it actually BOREs me ~ If U or anyone else is Truly INTERESTED in the AVENUEs by which "DEAD-Beat Donald" would have ATTEMPTED to CUT / Suppress" your WAGEs, all it would take is a Rather EASY Exercise in "SEARCH" ~
Trying to have a "Legitimate Discussion" with individuals who REFUSE to ACCEPT Facts is just a Futile EFFORT for which I'm not interested in Participating ~
FOR Starters, ALL Readers could VISIT or Re-Visit the LINKs I've Provided which REVEAL a MORONIC Ignorant Human BEING, his INTENT to "CUT you PAY" and Evidence which Proves he PRACTICES Exactly what he PREACHEs, at least when it comes to "Ripping OFF" Human Beings ~
Yeah, I get that impression. You're not interested in anything that shows any positive of Trump, while anything, anything at all whether true or not, that is negative is to be trumpeted to the world.
I got that, but what about a plan to cut all wages? What is it?
Don't you think you'd get better responses if what you said were actually true instead of being such an obvious fabrication or exaggeration?
For those of U KEEPING Score, especially those of U who WORK or "SLAVE" for LIVING ~ ONE Avenue "DEAD-Beat Donald" would have PURSUED to "CUT your PAY" is via Legislative ACTION ~ Clear, CONCISE, Simple AMERICAN English & if U cannot COMPREHEND the Language I'm sorry, I just don't have the time to CONDUCT English Lessons Right NOW ~
NOT Only is Trump a "DEAD-Beat" as it RELATEs to UNDER-Paying Workers, sometimes he REFUSEs to pay them at all ~ Just MORE Damning EVIDENCE that "Delusional Donald" is a FRAUD ~
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/poli … /85297274/
Oh, it's clear enough (though I do see that you left out the $2 nonsense now) - you just fail to indicate how that might be possible, or that Trump has ever proposed such an action.
So what kind of "legislative" action will it take to reduce worker pay to $2 per hour for everyone? Who do you think would vote for it, or do you think Trump will make laws all by himself without congressional or state approval? I mean, you might get Clinton to vote for it in the hopes she could get some more massive bribes to her "charity" from businesses, but who else would?
For ALL Readers who ACCEPT the FACTs ~ Not ONLY has "DEAD-Beat Donald" EXPRESSED his Belief that AMERICAN Workers are PAID too Much, and had PLANs to CUT your PAY", in the PAST, he has actually REFUSED to Compensate WORKERs / CONTRACTORs Period ~
This REPORT sheds light on Donald's "Cavalcade of Unsavory BUSINESS Practices" many of which, According to Investigators, resulted in a MULTITUDE of Law Suits to COMPEL Trump to Compensate Contractors for Services RENDERED ~
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/poli … /85297274/
I dunno AP, this isn't the only source that has revealed stories like this. So many try to downplay the activities of a scoundrel and shyster like Trump, while there is far too much evidence to write it off to mere 'liberal bias'. What would such a man with such a track record be expected to do in Washington? The prophets spoke of the rise of "a great orange one' who would seduce all with his lying tongue. Is prophecy being fulfilled?
After you 'stiffed' AMERICA, then we can talk about making it great again? A good and most timely reference, thanks.
"What would such a man with such a track record be expected to do in Washington?"
Apparently usurp the job of congress by writing his own laws and them signing them into law - laws that would limit all salaries to $2 per hour. Or at least that seems to be what is being claimed. How about you - do think he can accomplish that?
And apparently some believe that congress in Washington IS doing it's job ?
Isn't Trump about the possibility of change and about a major political shake up that we ALL know needs desperately to be done ?
It seems they do (think that congress is doing it's job). They keep electing the same scoundrels year after year.
No, Wilderness, even Trump could not unilaterally restrict wages in the way you suggest. But, the fact is that his intentions combined with the wishes of a GOP dominated congress will not bode well for working people. He would be taking us backwards in these matters and that is the wrong way.
That would be opinion - that it is backwards - and not all would agree.
Personally, I find that continually increasing taxes on the middle class is not something we need to be doing - that it is not good for the working class of people. I also find that it is not good for the country to destroy incentive to work OR to accumulate wealth. So perhaps "backwards" is exactly what we need to be looking at - backwards from the failed policies of the Dem dominated congress that is slowly destroying the country. There IS such as "progressing" further into the quicksand, after all.
I'd say that both of those are not true when compared to Clinton. If you run or own a small business then your doors will close. Wages don't need to increase or decrease but the value of the American dollar needs to return. This is where Trump being a educated business man would excel over the rest of the field.
NOT ONLY did "Delusional Donald" have "PLANs & Explicit INTENT" to "Cut & ERODE" Wages of ALL Working Americans, but if his PAST is any Indication of how he would have TREATED OUR Children, I guess we can simply add another LAYER of "FRAUD, Deception & "STIFFING" to the ENDLESS Pile of "DEAD-Beat Donald's" Pathetic Business HISTORY ~
"FREEDOM Kids" who performed at a Trump "Campaign Rally" aka "Racism & HATE Gathering" were "STIFFED" & the Team's MANAGER will File Suit in the Court of Jurisdiction to COLLECT what Donald had PROMISED them including TRAVEL EXPENSEs ~ Yup, believe it or NOT, "DEAD-Beat" Donald REFUSED to Pay Travel Expenses for WORKING Families ~ Talk about an Unconscionable LOSER ~ ~ What do U think this MORON would have done to ALL of OUR CHILDREN living in the United States of AMERICA if he was given the CHANCE ?? ~ ~
According to REPORTs, "Dead-Beat Donald" has DE-Frauded Contractors, Employees, OUR Elderly & Uneducated etc etc etc and then he actually EXPECTED us as AMERICANs to VOTE him into office so he could "CUT Wages" ?? ~ NOW that's DELUSIONAL ~
"DEAD-Beat Donald" REFUSEs to pay Children for their PERFORMANCE ~ READ Here ~
http://time.com/4424496/usa-freedom-kid … e-lawsuit/
Incoherent BABBLIINGs about his Hatred of the USA then he INFORMs everyone listening about what he PLANs to do about what he considers AMERICAN Wages that he believes are too HIGH ~ "PAY-Cut" Anyone ??
"FREEDOM Kids" SING & Dance Group will indeed SUE "DEAD-Beat Donald" in the COURT of Jurisdiction for the "MONEY & Appurtenances" he and or his Pseudo-Campaign OWE them ~
ONLY One SLIGHT Problem ~ By the TIME they get a COURT DATE and with all Donald's PENDING Fraud Litigation, Trump might have to SELL his Pretty Little SELF Portrait to PAY the Judgement AGAINST him ~ ~ If of COURSE there are any WILLING Buyers of a PORTRAIT Depicting an OVER-Weight OLD 70 Year OLD Guy with BAD Hair Plugs and PETITE Little Handz ~ ~ And if of course the JUDEMENT is for a NICKLE ~
MORE Here:
http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/07/politics/ … uit-trump/
Liberals are sure chomping at the bit to portray the Trump campaign as an evil entity . A.P. are you preparing yourself by the way , for the probable disappointment of a Trump victory in Nov. ? It sure seems that Hillary is disintegrating before your very eye's!
Her E-mails
Her poor Health
Pay for Play
Clinton Foundation fraud
Uranium One sales to Russia
Clinton sex scandals
Creating Arab Spring and the refugee crisis
Not one legislative accomplishment as a senator
The new Pneumonia chronicles
One thing is obvious - she can't handle the "heat of the kitchen "
Another "Trumpeteer" who Conveniently ANSWERs Legitimate TORTs & Crimes Committed by "Delusional Donald" with NONSENSICAL LIEs about Hillary ~ ~ Oh well, with a FRAUD Filled HISTORY like Donald's, I guess that's the ONLY Desperate thing to do right?
I'm not sure how your FALSEHOODs about Hillary RELATE to "DEAD-Beat" Donald "STIFFING" Children, or his PLANs that would have "SLASHED" Wages for ALL Americans, or his VIOLATIONs of "Elder Abuse LAWs" or Ripping OFF his Employees in Vegas by "UNDER-PAYING & Undervaluing" them ~ ~ But I know there's ZERO Comparison between "Swindler Trump" & Hillary ~
They will NEVER Allow this Racist MORON to Occupy OUR White House but could U IMAGINE what he'd try to do to OUR Senior Citizens, Working CLASS, Minoroties & CHILDREN?? ~ If his FRAUD Filled Unconscionable PAST is Indication of what he would have done to this GREAT Country, we would heve been on course for ANOTHER George W BUSH Style Economic & WAR Engulfed CATASTROPHE ~ And that's a FACT ~
What does "DEAD-Beat" Donald think about AMERICAN Workers?? "Their WAGEs are too HIGH" ~ Yup, Believe it or NOT that's EXACTLY what he BELIEVEs and How DUMB, Gullible or UNIFORMED does a WORKER need to be to VOTE for a Proven MORON like him who has PLANs to CUT their PAY??
LISTEN to this IDIOT ~ a BABBLE of ANTI-American, Un-Patriotic LIEs about how the USA NEVER WINz then his INTENTION to CUT YOUR PAY while he REDUCEs the Corporate Tax Rate from 35% to 15%% !! ~ Do these "Deranged LIE Drenched WORDs" from a LOSER who NEVER Worked a Day in his LIFE SOUND Good?? Then I guess U should VOTE for this MORON & Get what U Get ~ A SHRINKING Pay-CHECK & Large TAB on top of it to pay for CORPORATE Greed ~
Apparently, "Delusional Donald" the "National DISGRACE" LIED recently about how he would have been a good president for WOMEN ~ REALLY??? U Believe that "GRAND Delusion"??? ~ Boy, I just HOPE he would have been a better president for women than he would have been for "AMERICAN Workers" ~
Let's RE-CAP ~ If U WORK for a Living in AMERICA, How Gullible or DUMB would U need to be to VOTE for this FRAUDSTER ??
BABBLING LIEs by ANTI-American "Delusional Donald" about how the USA doesn't "WIN" which is a BLATANT Subversive FALSEHOOD, in REALITY, the USA "WINs ALL the TIME", then he has the AUDACITY to say what he TRULY Belives that "WAGEs are too HIGH" for ALL American Workers ~ PATHETIC ~ ~
But WAIT a MINUTE, that's not all ~ Trump Named CASINO in Las VEGAS pays EMPLOYEEs $3.00 per hr "LESS" on Average than other PROPERTIEs while they sue "DEAD-Beat Donald" for other Infractions of Labor LAW ~ ~
http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capita … -2336166#.
BTW ~ "DEAD-Beat Donald's" Tax SCHEME would have LOWERED Taxes for "Rich Wealth HOARDERs" from 35% all the WAY DOWN to 15% ~
LOWER Wages for WORKING Americans & LOWER Taxes for "RICH Americans", NICE "BIG Winning DEAL" for AMERICA RIGHT ??
How about producing links to lawsuits where Trump was found guilty in a court of law instead of wild claims by disgruntled employees? Wouldn't that be worth more than empty and unsubstantiated claims?
MAYBE U MISSED This ~ It's in the ARTICLE I POSTED ~ Still trying to DEFEND a Well Known SWINDLER ?? REMEMBER that "GRAND Lie" when he said with a STRAIGHT Face that "He NEVER SETTLEs Law SUITs" ?? REMEMBER that one ??
http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capita … -2336166#.
EXCERPT ~ "In one case, the Trump Organization paid $475,000 to settle a claim with nearly 300 Los Angeles golf club employees in a class-action suit alleging unpaid wages and age discrimination, among other offenses."
Well, I think U & everyone else might be a little "DISGRUNTLED" too if U were "UNDER-Payed & Undervalued" to the TUNE of $3.00 per hr as HARD Working Employees at the Trump Named Casino in Nevada are ~ "Benefits" at his Namesake are also SCARCE ~ Once again, you're trying to "DEFEND the Indefensible" ~ I'm not going to spend the time to go RIFLING through Court Documents to CONVICT a known FRAUDSTER, he does a pretty good job of Impeaching himself ~
U can RE-Visit my other VENUEs to find an "AVALANCHE of Evidence" against your HERO who actually believes ALL AMERICANs are paid too much ~ DELUSIONAL to say the LEAST ~ NOT that U would actually "ACCEPT the FACTs" even if U found them ~
We got your POINT LONG Ago wilderness ~ U believe Corporations should be Pampered on CORPORATE Wealthfare by receiving an ENORMOUS Tax GIFT while Employees are essentially "ABANDONED, Neglected & UNDERPAYED" by "DEAD-Beat" Employers like Donald ~
I believe the EXACT Oppossite ~ We need to DELIVER Equity to AMERICAN Workers while SHIFTING OUR Wealth away from those who "TAKE it" Illegaly then HOARD it like WALL Street, GREED Driven Corporations & Donald's Corrupt PALs ~
I'm guessing you might be a little upset with the recent NEWs that indicates on average, under President OBAMA, Income is beginning to RISE for AMERICAN Workers while POVERTY is taking a HIT ~ Regardless of how hard and futile anyone tries to SPIN it, it's ABSOLUTELY Good NEWs for the USA ~
It's really easy to deliver equity to American workers - just buy American and pay them what the value of their labor actually is.
But we won't, will we? We'll continue to buy foreign made goods because we're too greedy to pay American labor costs.
But what does that have to do with posting links to Trump actually being found guilty of something? Just ignore that little, thing, won't you? Accusations and empty claims are so much more fun and easier to find as well!
EXCERPT ~ The Trump Organization paid $475,000 to settle a claim with nearly 300 Los Angeles golf club employees in a class-action suit alleging unpaid wages and age discrimination, among other offenses."
What would "DEAD-Beat Donald" have done to OUR American WORKERs on a National Level ?? FRIGHTENING Thought ~
http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capita … -2336166#.
But...but...the request for something where Trump was found guilty. Not where he chose to pay a small amount rather than pay millions to lawyers to prove his innocence in a Trumped up charge (a common practice)!
Can't you find anything, anything at all, where Trump is guilty of a crime? Maybe a speeding ticket he pleaded guilty to? Jaywalking? Spitting on the sidewalk?
Sorry wilderness, but I no LONGER Waste My Precious TIME with RIGHT Wing "FACT-Denyers" ~ ~ No Offense, I just find it an Unecessary RIDICULOUS Exercise ~ Believe what U will ~
P.S. ~ TO MY READERs ~ "Delsuional Donald" is a known FRAUDSTER " who has actually EXPRESSED that he believes your WAGEs are too HIGH ~
WATCH: Frighteningly ABSURD ~
So not even a speeding ticket. Trump must be the most lily white man on earth if even YOU can't find where he was ever found guilty of anything at all.
No wonder you are reduced to submitting nothing but claims of malfeasance! And, of course, having bad hair.
lol ~ ONLY in "Republican PRETEND-Land" ~
Keep DENYING the FACTs wilderness ~ I'm not sure where U LIVE, but a FORCED Settlement of $475,000 PAID by "DEAD-Beat Donald" for NON-Payment of WAGEs to Employees, Elder Discrimination & other Infractions might be a little more costly than a "SPEEDING Ticket" ~
BTW ~ He's on TRIAL Again for "ELDER ABUSE" this November & this time it could COST him $120 MILLION Plus ~ BANKRUPTCY Anyone?? ~ Your kinda' guy right ?? ~
Proven guilty, is he? I think not. Of either under paying employees or elder abuse. Do you really not understand the difference between empty claims and a jury decision based on evidence, or is that still just the best you can do?
C'mon - can't you at least find a speeding ticket or something where he was either found guilty by judge or jury or pled guilty? Anything declaring actual guilt instead of empty claims?
lol ~ Still DESPERATELY trying to DEFEND the Indefensible ?? lol ~ NOT Guilty?? DONALD??? REALLY??? ~ Then WHY not go to TRIAL & PROVE It?? ~ His ATTORNEYs are on Salary NOT HOURLY so Legal Fees would be the same either way ~
Sorry wilderness, but when an individual is FORCED to SETTLE a Law SUIT for UNDER-Paying or NON-Payment of WAGEs Owed to Employees in the staggering amount of $475,000, as "DEAD-Beat Donald" was, the FEAR of LOSING in COURT is Genuine ~
HEREs another SETTLEMENT for $11,200 after LABOR Relations COMPLAINT was FILED Charging Trump Casino in Nevada:
This is YOUR so called "Champion for the WORKING American"?? ~ HOW Gullible: STORY Here:
http://www.culinaryunion226.org/news/pr … s-unfairly
And yet another claim that was never proved true in a court of law. Really, can't you do better than that? With all the posts about his breaking the law surely there is one somewhere when he was actually found guilty?
Can't do it, huh? Can't find even a speeding ticket he pled guilty to, so must remain just making claims of wrongdoing without ever being able to prove it.
Actually "DEAD-Beat Donald" was FORCED to Settle Many Legal ACTIONs including a $475,000 LAW Suit Filed AGANST him for "STIFFING Employees" for NON-Payment of WAGEs OWED to them ~ YOUR CHAMPION for the Working Class right ??
REMEMBER when he BABBLED into the Camera months ago & BLATANTLY LIED to everyone by saying he "NEVER Settles LAW Suits"?? I think that LIE came right after the other one when he said he's "SELF-Funding" his Campaign, then we find out his CAMPAIGN DONORs are PAYING for "JET Travel" ~
"DEAD-Beat Donald" NOT Guilty? He should have PRESENTED his CASE in COURT, it might have saved him THOUSANDs ~ But I guess he didn't have a CASE to Present ~
The sheriff held a gun to his and jammed a pencil into Trumps hand, did he? Naughty sheriff! Bet he won't be staying in Trump Towers!
Not QUITE Sure what U mean wilderness, but I wouldn't stay at Trump TOWERs either nor would I stay at the CASINO in Vegas which is his NAMESAKE Considering they UNDER-Pay & NEGLECT to offer BENEFITs to Hard WORKING Americans who perform a VERY Difficult Job ~
ONCE Again, a man who CLAIMs to have his kind of WEALTH would be ANXIOUS to DEFEND his NAME in COURT if he had a CASE ~ But According to the RECORD, "DEAD-Beat Donald" has been FORCED to SETTLE Labor RELATIONs Law SUITs AGAINST Him, FRAUD Law SUITs AGAINST Him, Discrimination LAW Suits AGAINST Him etc ~
NO DEFENSE to be FOUND ~ Sorry, but FAILURE to Pay Employees is a "DISGRACEFUL" Business Practice & his INTENT to "LOWER Wages" across the BOARD for ALL Americans is nothing less than a "National DISGRACE" ~
a couple minutes of TYPICAL Trump LIEs & ANTI-American Babblings, then he actually says what he believes about AMERICAN Workers ~ "THEIR WAGES are TOO HIGH" ~ Are U a WORKING American DUMB or Gullible enough to VOTE for this Clueless LOSER, so be it ~
"Serial LIAR" "Delusional Donald" LIEs to Ohio & Michigan WORKERs ONCE Again about FORD - NOT ONLY has "Drumpf" Trump been FORCED to SETTLE a Multitude of LAW Suits for UNDER-Payment, NON-Payment of WAGEs & Discrimination, as DOCUMENTED right here in this FORUM, but he CONTINUEs to LIE to AMERICAN Workers "IMPULSIVELY" & in many instances "Incoherently" in a DESPERATE Attempt to CON OUR Work Force into believing he actually "CAREs" which is Absolute NONSENSE ~
Trump was EMPHATIC as he usually is with his LIEs, especially within the context of his "CATASTROPHIC Mentally Deranged Debate Performance" as he Babbled about his FALSE Claims of "FICTITIOUS" JOB Losses when in FACT, FORD Re-AFFIRMED ZERO Job Losses would be inccured as a RESULT of their decision to re-locate a division ~
REMINDER ~ "Delusional Donald" NOW Represents the DEFUNCT Republican PARTY which OBSTRUCTED Federal Financial Assistance during the "Financial MELTDOWN" approximately 8 YEARs ago which was caused by GEORGE W Bush's Catastrophic "CORPORATE Wealfare" TAX Scam ~ Mitt ROMNEY, GOP Candidate was EMPHATIC to simply let OUR Auto-Makers GO BANKRUPT, while Hillary & President Obama FOUGHT to give them a "LIFE-Line" of FINANCIAL Support ~ Thank GOD Democrats WON that Fight or we might not have an AUTO-Industry PERIOD ~
Ford CEO Mark Fields essentially had to CORRECT Trump's "Delusionary Debate CLAIMs" ~ See FULL Story Below ~
EXCERPT" "CEO Mark Fields, appearing on CNN Thursday, said "zero" jobs will be lost in the U.S. and that "it is really unfortunate when politics get in the way of the facts." Even though Ford is expanding in Mexico, it is planning to replace small-car production in its U.S. plant network with higher-profit trucks and SUVs"
http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/car … /90432472/
Hillary 51% Donald 44%
I'd comment but I have a self-imposed rule not to respond to any hubber who writes in all caps.
That's FINE Kathleen, it's of course your prerogative to COMMENT or Not, but I NEVER Write in all CAPs ~
MY READERs like my Creative STYLE, they E-MAIL me Frequently and ask me to CONTINUE Posting the FACTs and I appreciate their SUPPORT, but if it's NOT your thing so be it ~ ~ U could also simply bypass & move on to another forum where a more "TRADITIONAL Writing Style" is Prevalent ~
But much MORE Important than my Writing ARTICULATION is this, Donald expressing that he believes AMERICAN Worker's WAGEs are TOO High ~ NICE coming from a "DEAD-Beat" like him who was BORN Wealthy & NEVER Worked a "REAL JOB" in his ENTIRE Life ~ ~ He NEVER Served DAY 1 in the Military either ~
e.e. cummings had his own style also. It is a style that is easily misconstrued. Good luck.
I used to avoid his posts because I found the writing style to be difficult to wade through. I started forcing myself to read it and mentally ignore the caps and odd punctuation. Sometimes, he makes very good sense!
And, AP, I hope you know I mean that in the most affectionate way.
See PP, it was worth all that "PAINFUL Adjustemnt" U were Forced to ENDURE ~
P.S. ~ As U and EVERYONE else knows, I ONLY Discuss FACTs & ALWAYs ENCOURAGE my READERs to INVESTIGATE on their OWN, unlike many of the Right Wing CONSPIRACY Crazies who Routinely POST RIDICULOUS Nonsense ~
SPEAKING of FACTs & "DEAD-Beat Donald", here's another PERPECTIVE related to Trump's Fraudulent Business PRACTICEs toward OUR Hard Working AMERICANs ~ LABOR Relations COMPLAINTs Against Donald ~
Yup, this "DEAD-Beat" Really LOVEs American Workers EXCEPT of course when he's RETALIATING Against them~
https://thinkprogress.org/trump-to-pay- … 98fdafe9c5
Kathleen ~ I don't know e.e. cummings & I'm not quite sure how "FONT Size" affects the "MEANING of WORDs" ~ I see "Writings & Photos" that I don't Particularly agree with but WHY Complain about something so TRIVIAL is my Motto ~ I think you're a FINE Rational Writer & U Make MUCH Sense in the FORUMs and PLEASE if U choose to in the Future, I invite U to COMMENT here ~ THX for the GOOD Wishes & Right back at ya ~
P.S. ~ I would have assumed the very "important & Revealing" and PERHAPs "Detrimentally IMPACTFUL" VIDEO which Depicts "Delusional Donald" actually saying ALL Americans make too much money would have taken Precedence over "WRITING Style" which has ZERO Impact on Americans ~
If U WORK for a LIVING in the United States Kathleen & everyone else, and a PRESIDENTIAL Candidate who has the Dubious FRAUD Filled HISTORY as Trump does, ACTUALLY has the AUDACITY to tell ALL Hard WORKING Americans their WAGEs are TOO High be Careful, I don't think he's gonna' FIGHT for your PAY Raise any time soon as Hillary has throughout her CAREER ~
Here's your "BIG Wonderful WINNING DEALz for AMERICA Champ" in ACTION ~
STILL Gullible Enough to "FALL Prey" to this CLOWN CON-Man?? Well, in REALITY, EVIDENCE Proves Trump could CARE Less about U the AMERICAN Worker unless of course U BENEFIT him Financially ~ Still think he's INTERESTED in Bringing JOBs to the USA when much of his Merchandise is "MADE in CHINA or MEXICO or any other COUNTRY EXCEPT the United States of AMERICA??
Well READ THIS You'll be NOTHING Less than "SHOCKED" ~ Yup, Trump's HIRING all right, but NOT AMERICANs & Given his Dubious HISTORY of STIFFING Workers & NON-Payment of WAGEs wherein he's been "SEVERELY Penalized & Fined", we can ONLY Assume a Primary Consideration for this ANTI-American Decision was "Salary & BENEFITs", or shall we say "LACK Thereof" ~ ~
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politic … -1.2729433
ANOTHER Perspective which Illustrates Trump's Utter DISDAIN for American Workers ~
His "Disgraceful Pseudo-Campaign" Finally ENDED in FLAMEs Yesterday but here's another "Crystal CLEAR EXAMPLE" of how he would have IGNORED American WORKERs in favor of "Self-Enrichment" ~
Is he on the VERGE of ANOTHER Bankruptcy ?? Is this the REAL Reason for his ANTI-American Decisions ??
http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/pre … mar-a-lago
"Habitual LIAR" Trump once again lived Up to & in MANY Instances EXCEEDED Falsehood Expectorate Expectations at the last DEBATE by uttering his Usual "Laundry-LIST" of B.S.
Legitimate "FACT-Checkers" Uncovered a "Par for the COURSE" Performance by "Abuser Trump" ~ TOTALs ??
Trump 21 LIEs
HIllary 3
Still think this LOSER Actually CAREs about the American WORKER ?? He LIED about it AGAIN Last NIGHT ~ The CLUB with his Severely TARNISHED Namesake is NOW Hiring......."FOREIGNERs"..... ~ See Preceeding COMMENT ~
If 1 Trump LIE was the EQUIVALENT of a "Barrel of HORSE Manure", Donald would still be Buried Up to his EYEBALLs in it while Lounging in his "PINK Silk Robe" in Trump Tower ~
http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-p … te-n663421
I think by NOW, after being FORCED to Endure the "AVALANCHE of LIEs" & Un-Patriotic ANTI-American Behavior which constantly emanates from the "DARK & Demonic" PATHETIC Pseudo-Presidential Campaign of one of the STRANGEST Looking OLD Men on the PLANET, most of us REALIZE he's a FRAUD who could CARE Less about AMERICAN Workers while APPEASING Communists like his HERO Vladimir Putin & Countries like CHINA ~
But for those POOR Unfortunate Extremely GULLIBLE Souls who still might not be CONVINCED that "ANTI-American Donald" Gleefully REJECTs OUR "Values & INTERESTs" in Favor of Self-Enrichment, check this OUT ~
Trump EXPOSED Recently for Un-Patriotic NON-Support of the USA as he BUYs Steel from CHINA, a Communist Country which ACCORDING to REPORTs, he's Indebted to for MILLIONs ~
To the FEW who still Believe this CHARLATAN ~ How many MORE Hammers need to "Befall YOUR Head" before U realize who this Pathetic Excuse Truly is ???
"AMERICA First" ????? "Make AMERICA GREAT Again" ????? Yup, ONLY if he can make a "Crooked BUCK" by SUPPORTING Communist Nations while UNDER-Paying & "STIFFING" AMERICAN Workers before he leaves for Prison or MOSCOW, whichever comes first ~
http://www.nwitimes.com/business/steel/ … e72b5.html
Thanks AP for reinforcing what those in the know recognize, that Donald Trump is a two bit phony.
He also is found to subscribe to typical GOP crap of giving a blank check to military spending, looking the other way in regards to its waste, while cutting Medicaid and non-defense spending to the bone.
He is just another dirty GOP apparatchik that now claims to wear the populist label.
One of the Absolute "GRANDEST Lies" ever to SPEW from "DEAD-Beat Donald's" Gross Mouth is his ABSURD Notion that somehow, after DECADEs of trying to "Manipulate & SWINDLE" Human Beings as Documented by so many sources, he would have "MIRACULOUSLY Morphed" into the "American WORKERs Champion" ~ Utterly RIDICULOUS if U care to INVESTIGATE Historical FACTs ~
Just How GULLIBLE must U be to Believe his Habitual B.S. ?? According to Several In-DEPTH INVESTIGATIVE Reports, Donald has Constantly "Breached & VIOLATED" Contract LAW as Evidence Clearly Illustrates in the Following STARTLING Article from Vanity Fair ~
"SCROLL Down & Read" the ENTIRE Piece ~ You'll be NOTHING Less Than "SHOCKED" at his Total Disregard for the American WORKER ~ Not 1 not 2 not even 50 COMPLAINTs Filed AGAINST Him for Violating Contract & Labor LAW, a number which would certainly "RAISE Red FLAGs", but "Believe it or NOT" Complaints Number in the T*H*O*U*S*A*N*D*s ~ Remarkable
"Thousands of complaints allege the billionaire failed to pay workers what he owed."
In one Egregious Case, According to the Report, a Judge was FORCED to Threaten Trump with "FORECLOSURE" of his Golf COURSE if he Neglected to pay a PAINTER $30,000 for Work RENDERED ~
EXCERPT: "According to a USA Today investigation, Trump has received at least 3,500 official complaints for failing to pay employees, contractors, and other business affiliates money owed. The paper also found at least 60 lawsuits, 24 instances where Trump failed to pay overtime and minimum wage, and countless out-of-court settlements. Among those to whom Trump owed money, according to USA Today: dishwashers, bartenders, painters, real-estate brokers, and ironically, even his own lawyers. In 1990, a casino commission audit of the Trump Taj Mahal, then about to open, revealed that Trump owed an astounding $69.5 million to 253 subcontractors."
FULL Article:
http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/06/ … ontractors
Alternative Power I'll say one thing about you , you have stuck to your guns all along .
But then so has CNN , Msnbc , ABC, and 99 % of the other Biased media world.
Well, Thank U ahorseback & LIKEWISE ~ ~ I always try to "STICK To" "Factual Tangible EVIDENCE" ~
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Clinton vs TrumpGood vs Evil ?
by IslandBites 9 days ago
MAGA civil war erupts between Musk, critics over H-1B visasA Trump World civil war has erupted over visas for highly skilled workers, with the president-elect’s new tech industry allies like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy on one side and the anti-immigration MAGA base on the other.But while...
by Sharlee 23 months ago
This week Biden will step up and give his State of The Union Speech... Maybe he should be more careful than he has been in regard to making claims he walked into an economic mess. He may also do some math in regards to jibs numbers before COVID and today --- Joe better consider the facts checkers...
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