This is really two part question. The first part is the above question. The other is a slight twist, to wit: "Is President Trump Turning Out to an Existential Threat to Ideals Which America Represents?"
The reason I ask is because consequences are becoming evident from his nine weeks in office. The most recent was Friday, March 17, 2017 when 19 members of the G-20 decided that Trump meant what he said about being opposed to free trade. Their reaction to that realization is to drop a long-standing (since the Great Recession) public endorsement of free trade. A consequence of this stance is a much greater chance of protectionism throughout the world which historically as led to bad economic times.
This, of course, is on top 8 weeks of extreme controversy over President Trump's actions. What impact have those 8 weeks had on America?
Hello My Esoteric,
I would like to agree with your thoughts, but first I have to offer some clarification of my agreement.
To your first question I would say no. I do not think one man, or one four-year administration can threaten irreparable damage to our American ideals. I think my optimism can be validated by historical references. President Jackson springs to mind. Our ideals have survived both. I still believe that our ideals are intact, they are just suffering from a democratic bruising. (note; that did not say Democrat).
To your second question; if I could substitute Nationalism for your "Protectionism." I think Pres. Trump's agenda is too strongly based on the very dangerous motivation of mob fervor. The economics of our capitalist society will quickly quench the masses' support of Protectionism, but the international damage that will result, (as noted by your G-20 reference), from a strong Nationalism agenda will be much harder to repair.
If that substitution is OK, then I do agree that the ideals that the world perceives America to represent could be seriously endangered.
I agree, I also hope that the strength of the United States can withstand a single moronic POTUS,
OK so the guy is not stupid - my bad. But there is something very weird about The Don. His cannot hide his body language. He seem to be chastised and then inwardly fuming during Merkel's press meeting. I wonder what she said to him to make him act that way?
I am guessing she may have mentioned Ronald Reagan's famous "Tear Down That Wall" speech?
Already memes making fun of Trump's body language:
During the white house news conference Trump appeared to be doing an impression of himself - he looked like Alec Baldwin on SNL! Pouting lips
He looked like a petulant 3rd grader called to the principal's office. No, he won't do permanent damage to our country. He is doing irreparable damage to himself and the GOP.
Trump has already gotten into trouble with Mexico, the UK, Scotland and Sweden. When the top world leader so openly lies, he is a national security risk for one reason: When there is a real terrorist threat, how will we know it is valid or just one more boy crying wolf Trump lie? Sorry but when Trump lies, one man can cause a massive war with North Korea and end with your kids incinerated.
You don't think one man can ever pose a threat? One might opine then that Hitler the maniacal was no threat either right?
Trump is a threat because of the policies he practices and has employed for years. Reward the Bad Boys, Punish the Good. That's Trump in a nutshell.
If is removal of the Iran sanctions deal isn't an example of how ONE man's maniacal envy of Obama is going to be a major threat of nuclear war, then you must have missed the announcement on BBC from the Iranian leader who stated quite clearly "Iran is returning to its pre-sanctions deal of the Obama administration and increasing our nuclear programs."
Great work for one man. Right?
To summarize: Trump has -
1. Destroyed the word of the United States; no one can or should trust us anymore - that will take a decade to repair.
2. He has set the stage for irreversible calamity from the effects of climate change
3. He has potentially created a nuclear armed Iran (and probably Saudi Arabia now as well)
4. He sped up North Korea's development of missiles that can hit America
5. He has sped up North Korea's development of an H-bomb (although it looks like the test took out much of the testing area)
6. He has made sleaze in the presidency the norm
7. He has made discrimination in America OK again
8. He has made conflict of interest in a public office acceptable
9. He has gone a long way (and he has two more years to accomplish this goal) of destroying the independent Justice Department
10. He has made politicizing almost everything the norm
11. He has isolated America and almost turned us into a rouge nation.
12. And I am just getting started.
Now all I have to do is replace the Trump name in that long winded rant with the Obama name and that would be an accurate and newsworthy story , you essentially described the great Obama "legacy " or in other words the major failure thereof , Thank God that Trump is accurately destroying Obama's B.S. legacy and replacing it all with an accurate , traditional , and consistently aligned American foreign diplomacy .
I'm responding to this without reading any other responses... First, I don't have much respect for Trump nor his supporters; but I have never thought that he was a threat to the country, itself - simply because of the consequences of any of his actions: people will either become irritated by them or appreciate them; and then we will respond, accordingly. We'll learn to appreciate the consequences of voting an extremist into office. We obviously needed the lesson, LoL!
The rest of our country's political ruling elite need to be picking up the slack & correcting his mistakes, somehow. They obviously also needed a lesson in how to operate the 'checks & balances' portion of our branches of government. How DO you keep a disturbing egomaniac from becoming a Dictator?
What Trump is a danger to is continuing to deepen & widen the divide between his fans & anti-fans - and its not like we're talking about The Twilight Saga, we're talking about a country with many passionate viewpoints being coerced & cornered into a froth. Good, old friends & entire families have been split apart by his manipulative influences.
It is at the foundational level that he harms us as a whole. But, we're learning. LOTS!
"What Trump is a danger to is continuing to deepen & widen the divide between his fans & anti-fans - and its not like we're talking about The Twilight Saga, we're talking about a country with many passionate viewpoints being coerced & cornered into a froth. Good, old friends & entire families have been split apart by his manipulative influences."
Somehow I don't really see this as Trump's doing - he is doing (so far) just what he said he would do if elected. What I do see is an increasingly vitriolic country as the fans/anti-fans go at each other hammer and tongs. Certainly friendships and families are being split, but it isn't because Trump is following through on promises.
It's because people cannot accept that after a decade of liberal policies it has swung back to conservative ones. And neither side is interested in polite conversation or discussion; they are interested in making as many nasty accusations as they can. 99% of the population isn't interested in compromise or the country, any more than Congress is - they are interested in their own lives and controlling the lives of others. One has only to look at the thousands of ridiculous memes out there to see that - a sensationalist, emotional argument is preferable to a reasonable, logical one every time.
Well, I sure hope we can work on that pessimism of yours Wilderness. 99% - I don't think so.
Just for illustration - because I don't know what the real numbers might be, (and I wonder if anyone does).
I would say that at least 60% of us are willing to consider compromise, and are very concerned with the welfare of our country. I get that by attributing 20% to the numbers of the Far Left and Far Right; which I would agree are not willing to discuss any compromise.
Well, you've probably nailed me, and rightly so. Guilty of gross exaggeration as charged, although I will maintain that personal circumstances play a bigger part for a large majority of people than the needs of the country does.
To think otherwise means that most people would make large sacrifices for the good of the country, and I have a hard time believing that. Pessimistic, I guess, although I also said at one time that patriotism was dead in the country...until 911 happened.
We all have different ideas as to 'what theneeds of the country' are...
so you tell me now that you have no personal needs that you believe interferes with what's 'best for us all' in your universe. I have to be quite naive to believe that.
"so you tell me now that you have no personal needs that you believe interferes with what's 'best for us all' in your universe."
If you can find that in my post you have a far better imagination than I do!
Trump is not the cause... he is the result.
Trump did not rile up a mass of right-wing extremists hell bent on turning the country back 200 years... that is merely the perception painted by those who oppose him (see Misfit Chick and her wonderful comic-pic posts for an example of the vitriol & bias)...
Trump is rather a result of a mass of Democrats, Republicans & Independents saying they have had enough of D.C. corrupt politicians, and the selling out of their interests to Corporations, Foreign Nations, and Globalization agendas.
This is not something isolated to America, versions of this angst is popping up in England, Germany, and elsewhere...
Still more and more Americans are waking up and saying 'Hey, I'm not OK with this ACA that doesn't cover any of my healthcare costs unless I get hit by a bus' or 'Hey, I'm not OK with bailing out the banks back in 2009 while I lost my house and got no relief' or 'Hey, I'm not ok with these new regulations that will shut down all coal mines putting thousands of us out of work' or 'Hey, I'm not OK with the part of that NAFTA agreement that allows Mexican truckers to drive their loads anywhere in America, putting thousands of American truckers out of work' or 'Hey, I'm not OK with my factory shutting down and putting me out of work so that they can move their operations to China' etc. etc.
For those who are young, they don't know what a better country, with better opportunities looks like... but for those of us in our 40s, 50s, and beyond, we do. We remember what it was like to have a good paying job, with healthcare that actually covered your expenses, knowing we would get steady raises as the years went by. We remember when it was businesses vying for our services, and not businesses cutting back on benefits and hours... or sending jobs out of the country all together.
Sure there are other issues... certainly there are those that really are against Muslims, or Abortion, or whatever their 'belief' is, but that is not the bulk of Trump's supporters anymore than Marxists and Jihadists make up the bulk of Democratic supporters... for sure, both sides harbor some extremists, including in Congress... but the voters themselves, the bulk of the 60+ million people who voted for Trump are just fed up... fed up with D.C. fed up with how they are running things, fed up with the bickering over a failed ACA and failed trade agreements and failed tax system that has been screwing over the 'middle class' for a quarter century now... regardless of what Party has held control.
And if D.C. fails to make the correct choices during the next 4 years... the number of people angry and agitated with Washington will only grow. Don't underestimate the American people... they see the BS going on in D.C. for what it is... all the acting, finger pointing, labeling and accusing will not save them if they fail to make the changes required to bring in jobs, and make wages and benefits go up for AMERICAN citizens... its like the ocean, the first wave hit in 2010 in response to the ACA and Bank bailouts and all the foreclosures going on... 2012 was a misrepresentation because Obama was running and he was Iconic at that time, ACA had not kicked in, and he was able to sidestep blame putting the emphasis on Bush... then came 2014 which hit Congress hard, and 2016 which hit both Congress and the Presidency, with Bernie and Trump being the people's choices.
The next wave to hit in 2018 or 2020 if this keeps up will be even more expressive, more angry and impatient than any that has come... and if things get bad enough... finally... finally the extreme left, and the extreme right... the Misfit Chicks of the world and the ahorsebacks, will come together and unite in finally blaming the people who are responsible... those in D.C. ... not the Dems, not the Reps... the whole damned corrupt bunch of them... and then it will get interesting, and change that benefits not the Corporations, Banks, and corrupt politicians, but the people might actually occur.
Do you say the same thing 12 months later Ken, Have you discovered that the large majority of what you wrote is just plain wrong?
* Most Americans like ACA and hate the GOP for trying to kill it. Even insurance companies are now making money.
*The GOP wants to do away with Dodd-Frank which is designed to stop any more bail outs.
*Have you learned that NAFTA doesn't do what you claim and that it brought in MORE jobs than it lost?
*I'm 70 and what I remember is that insurance worked before Reagan and stopped covering pre-existing conditions UNTIL ACA, and would drop you if you cost them too much money, UNTIL ACA.
*Did you learn it was automation and the GOP 2008 recession which lost most of your factory jobs?
*Do you realize now that 2018 is going to be a terrible year for the GOP because of how badly they have screwed up the country and with Trump doing even worse?
Would YOU have elected Obama if he had a past history of money laundering? Would you have voted for Obama if you knew he was involved with Russia for half a decade in violation of US sanctions?
I am so fed up with the Trump supporters. Where in the US do you live that you didn't know his past history of corruption?
And please. Spare me that BS that it was all "before" he became president. I am sure Charles Manson wasn't a cult leader before he created his murderous family.
It is long past time to stop smearing the Clintons and Obama and start looking in your own backyards.
Did Trump get elected to violate the First Amendment by trying to smear all media? Did Trump get elected to dump more coal ash into our waters? Did Trump get elected to play "Hire and Fire" as if those he
appoints to his cabinet are his personal employees? On YOUR tax dollars?
Did Trump get elected to try and replace ALL federal district court judges with his half with Republicans? When former AG Alberto Gonzalez pulled that by hiring ONLY Republican US Attorneys, he had to resign.
Did Trump EVER take the blame for the 11 US military deaths in 2017 while he was still smearing Hillary and trying to make her look more corrupt than he is? She never had a money laundering fine and neither did Obama.
No matter how the Trump lovers try to launder him, all they prove is how very little they really know Trump and his corrupt past. Let me know when you want to help NJ taxpayers pay those 6 corporate bankruptcies he filed in 2014 to pay off that money laundering fine.
Till then, get an education about Trump. If you wouldn't allow Obama to get away with the corruption Trump is pulling, don't call yourselves Americans.
If you know anything at all about Trump, it is that he is an abysmal coward. This is why the Trump/Bolton love affair is more dangerous to him than to the rest of the world.
Trump hasn't the guts to start a nuclear war in Iran or North Korea. Bolton does. Bolton's rotted guts are saturated with taking out the entire world just to prove he can.
This is where the Trump/Bolton honeymoon ends. Trump will see Bolton making decisions about Iran and North Korea that get Trump's global profits potentially nuked and they'll get into a blood bath, the likes of which not even Frasier/Ali could have imagined.
But, it will be a nice thing to see Trump walking around with a black eye as a gift from Bolton.
Don’t you think this discussion topic is obsolete?
The only one that is an existential threat is Mueller.
He is trying to bring down a Presedent duly elected. Who has done wonders in 14 months more than Obsma did in 8 years.
Even the deficits is coming down..
Not really. I think it is more appropriate than when I wrote it. For example, there is a highly likelihood that he will give Iran permission to go ahead and develop nuclear weapons by pulling out, against just about every smart person's advice, of the Iran nuclear deal which prevents it.
As to Mueller keep in mind a Republican, who Trump initially said was doing a great job and wanted to stay on and then fired, worked to get another Republican, who was hired by Trump and who works for yet another Republican that Trump nominated, to appoint a fourth Republican to investigate WHY Trump fired the first Republican and what role Russia had in getting Trump elected.
When all of this Russia stuff started, I did not think it, by itself, had much role in getting TerribleTrump elected. Given how close he came to losing I thought it was a combination of Russia and Comey that gave him the extra 90,000 votes he needed. (It was Clinton's poor campaign that let it get that close in the first place). Now I am now convinced, given the huge size of the Russian disinformation campaign, that it was directly responsible for this disaster being President. There is also no doubt in mind that the Trump campaign knew about it and that their is a high likelihood that they coordinated with the Russians. Further, I think now that there is a 50/50 chance that Trump knew.
Do you even understand what is an existential threat? People on the left throws this term around like Obama did in 2015 who claimed that climate change is an existential threat to our survival...
Trump is the president of the US but he does not have unlimited power. Even if you believe he is a bad president, he is not an existential threat to us or anyone, no more than Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama. However, One can do alot of damage to our republic...
The Iran deal was a bad deal. Everyone knew it but went along because it was the only game in town under the Obama administration and John Kerry. They gave away the store literally.
If anything, the last 14 months have proven you wrong.
Trump have been more successful than any one imagined.
He has improved the economy, reduced the deficit, and created jobs, and cut down on food stamps use and illegal immigration...crossing our borders...reduced ISIS to a small disturbance and reformed our tax laws...
He has negotiated with world leaders and after better trade deals and a peaceful North Korea. He has put Jerusalem on the map as the capital of Israel...
If he was an existential threat as you claim, lets have more of it.
The world and the US is a better place when we lead instead of “lead from behind”.
A condensed version of why Spanky Trump is the greatest threat to the world in our history:
BTW, doesn't it bother you that Trump, since being inaugurated, has made more than 3,000 DOCUMENTED misleading, false, mostly false, or outright lies statements?
I have seen and heard this spread around...
So what?
Did Obama and Bush and Clinton all lied? Yes or no?
In fact, all politicians lied, and that is an undeniable truth.
In fact, the only person in history that never lied was Jesus and they crucified him...
As for me, I care about results, not what they say.
If he come thru with his promises, like cutting taxes, building the wall, and fair trade deals...and rebuilding our infrastructure...
I am all in.
You have made misleading statements here on HubPages numerous times. Does that qualify as lying?
Trump is moving the U.S. in a better, safer direction. After languishing under Obama for eight years the American people elected because they did not approve of the job Democrats did in and to the White House. While snowflakes flail, we will get a stronger Supreme Court, safer and far less expensive foreign policy. Dems will squirm, especially in the media, but we have elected Trump to lead, and he is doing that. And as an aside, I would say the more mainstream media struggles to upend this presidency, the more determined Americans become to support him. Mainstream media has exposed it's Democratic Party base and that too will change. No longer will they tell us who to vote for and that's the way it should be.
"... in a better, safer direction." Please explain that.
Yes, he is "leading"; Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein also led as did Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. The question is if he is helping or hurting America.
At least now we all know exactly where you're coming from with your anti-Trumpism. However, essentially calling people who disagree with you "Hitler" does not help your cause. In fact, it instantly removes credibility in my opinion.
Your being very myopic, Doug. The FULL list was "Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein also led as did Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt"
The point, of course, was ... "just because you can "lead" doesn't necessarily make you a 'good" leader."
This is true... but I think what Americans are beginning to awaken to, is that the President doesn't really lead, certainly not like a dictator, nor in a vacuum.
The President signs an EO banning several nations from traveling to America, and some minor Judge somewhere shuts it down.
The President wants to change the non-tariff agreement we have with China, and finds that he can't... that power belongs with Congress.
You should not ask if we can survive Trump... can we survive a divisive and corrupt D.C. that is intent on taking down Trump... not because he really is the next Hitler, not because he really is a Russian plant... but because he is a threat to the powers that really control D.C. his very presence in the W,H, has done more to expose things that people in D.C. don't want exposed NSA&PRISM, NATO, the Unfair trade agreements Congress continues to support, etc. than they consider tolerable...
In truth, I am surprised he is still breathing. So I am waiting to see what he really represents and what his real goals are... because if he is as legit as he has said all along, in regards to tearing up trade agreements, putting tariffs on China, forcing companies to stay and invest in America, fighting the corruption in D.C., I don't see how they can tolerate his living much longer.
Ken , seriously ,"........his living much longer ........."? , there was a time when just that kind of a line would put one's free speech in serious jeopardy , I have read of this kind of line a few times now and am surprised that more people aren't offended by this what , assassination chatter ? I am amazed at the ironic differences in the way that some critics speak of Trump as compared to the aura of the great and phony King Obama ,
You're correct about the power of a president , he is only a small part of a HUGE problem in DC., And yet , Americans seem to look to a president as the "cure all "for everything from expected entitlements , to the blame for the worlds problems . THAT is why I'm all for the famous cry for ' drain the swamp ' !
One draining that All Americans should be keyed in on and aren't !
The Assassination talk and those who perpetrate it once was a reason for at least an Secret Service investigation . If I were some here , I would be careful with that one , first amendment or not !
I don't think you understood the meaning of that last paragraph, I am not advocating for it to be done.
I am merely saying if they cannot destroy him through the media and political maneuvering, and make his administration completely inept and unable to accomplish anything he has suggested, then they will stop him another way.
Honestly they will likely be successful with the former, enough so that they do not have to pursue the latter. Time will tell.
We have to wait and see... it could all be a beautiful play being put on for the audience, Trump champions the discontented, the millions who have lost jobs and homes over the years who saw in him a champion, someone who was speaking to their frustrations and anger with D.C. ... and now they watch as a Billionaire who tried to take on the system for them, systematically gets destroyed by the Establishment, his family's name dragged through the mud, his administration neutered, made powerless, incapable of making change.
Such a public event should make the people who supported him lose faith, give up the idea of fighting the system, and just accept the new realities, that their futures are dim, that their voices will not be heeded... that nothing they, or even a billionaire that stood up for them and bucked the system on their behalf, can do anything about it. The days of their Liberty & Prosperity are a myth of yesterday.
The hundred million Americans without work, and the many millions more just getting by on part time or bare minimum work need to accept the new reality, that the government no longer protects them or serves their interests... it serves the interests of the corporations, the banks, and the WTO, WB, U.N. first and foremost.
I don't think you understood the meaning of that last paragraph, I am not advocating for it to be done.
I am merely saying if they cannot destroy him through the media and political maneuvering, and make his administration completely inept and unable to accomplish anything he has suggested, then they will stop him another way.
That is exactly how the left shall prevail, Ken. No one is talking about violence, Trump will step into enough mud puddles to do himself in.
As I always say, in the face of this reality, your man had better watch his caboose. As we all simply cannot see him as the 'hero' that conservatives like to paint as their Billionare advocate for the people..
A billionaire really working for the man in the street? That's unlikely.
We have to stop the rightwing agenda in its tracks, would you expect anything less?
Well, when you say things like "your man" and "conservatives hero" it is clear you missed the majority of my message and only honed in to the small part of it that suited your interests to respond to...
You go ahead and keep fighting that Left vs Right, Liberal vs Conservative battle... it will address none of the real problems in D.C. or what is behind them. It serves to keep Americans broken into groups and fighting amongst each other, rather than fighting FOR each other... divided we fall, and we've been falling for decades now while the rich get richer and the Middle Class slides right into the 'poor' class.
You go ahead and keep fighting that Left vs Right, Liberal vs Conservative battle... it will address none of the real problems in D.C. or what is behind them. It serves to keep Americans broken into groups and fighting amongst each other, rather than fighting FOR each other... divided we fall, and we've been falling for decades now while the rich get richer and the Middle Class slides right into the 'poor' class
Cmon Ken, you are trying to say that Trump is a horse of a different color, really?He is doing all the things that has been on the litmus lists of the GOP for ages, so if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck is must be Donald, right.
There is already talk that he is breaking a promise regarding cuts to Medicare. Isn't that a GOP/conservative dream to emasculate the EPA? Is it not a mouth salivating morsel to conservatives to increase defense spending without any real purpose, while gutting domestic programs? Whatis so DIFFERENT about Trump when compared to any other GOP hack? He is just not smart enough to appreciate the political ramifications of his edicts.
Sound a lot like right wing stuff to me. So what is all this talk about it not being conservative verses progressive? Of course it is, Trump is not coloring outside the lines in the GOP playbook. Not in the least.
BTW, who produced the 'documentary'
Hundreds of millions without work??? (Even Trump says only 93 million, lol) You do know how many of those "hundred of millions" are retired, disabled, in high school, in college, trust fund kids living off of investments, spouses who choose not to be in the workforce, and so on and so on.
When you eliminate all of those people who don't want to work that leaves you with about 15 million who aren't working and want to work. That is a Far Cry from "hundreds of millions".
I stated "the hundred million Americans without work" you say 93, close enough to 100, lets split the difference and call it even.
Of those 100 million CAPABLE of working FULL TIME jobs, more than half of them would love to have good paying jobs and be productive citizens, you really have to think little of humanity and Americans in particular if you think the vast majority of 100 (93) million people who can work don't want to.
Especially considering that just over 10 years ago, that amount was only 43 million Americans. So the majority of them WERE working. When you factor in that many of the new additions to those numbers are high school and college kids who can't find work... it is a serious problem... that we are allowing good paying Construction, Trucking, Assembly jobs go to illegals because our Federal government allows it... because the Corporations put pressure on the Politicians to allow it, and to allow H1-B, H2-B visas to be used to take away jobs from Americans...its a serious anti-American worker problem. The Corporations SHOULD have to hire Americans, even if its twice the cost of hiring a non-American... its called giving back, or putting back into THIS community... American.
I don't know why you have to embellish, to say I said "hundreds" when all a person has to do is look up at the comment and see I said no such thing.
On a side note, 57,000 factories have closed in America and moved to China since it joined the World Trade Order in 2001. The biggest way to restart our economy and get people back to work IS to tackle this issue and start putting tariffs on products from China that we could/should make in America instead... not so that Corporations can make an extra buck... but so that tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of Americans can be put back to work instead.
The times when China should get a free ride, while blocking almost all American made products to its country, the time for NAFTA and CAFTA to operate as is without some adjustments are long past... America needs to look to its own workers, and own economy 1st and foremost.
Make the elderly work!
Get them off their porches and out of their wheelchairs. An aging society does not mean more people can freeload.
Maybe supply college students with whips to encourage the greyhairs to contribute. Pretty sure it would not interfere with their studies, and it would teach them that they cannot survive in the world with idiotic notions of decency and kindness.
"more than half of them would love to have good paying jobs" and your source for this #FakeNews is?
Watch the video link I attached, plenty of facts there. And that wasn't produced by a "conservative" group... it was a very "Progressive" effort to produce that fact filled film.
That was worth watching and listening to, Ken.
The link:
Thank you! ... excellent info based in reality.
I appreciate that, I just wish more people were willing to see/find the truth that is out there, our media sure won't focus on it... our schools/professors will blame anyone/anything but the real issues...
America's problems... OUR problems... from the massive National Debt to the dim future for younger Americans all stems from poor/terrible trade agreements and non-tariffs on China's products... we are dying from self-inflicted wounds, the corrupt politicians in Congress are killing us all.
Couldn't have said that better Ken ! Until we , who all seemingly love the divisive rhetoric , unite against the swamp , were not going to affect anything . The big question is , IS that even possible ? Is it possible for a divided and idealistically stubborn populace to take one step back or to let the forces that be -change from within ?
Do you agree that Trump is but the first of a jointly elected leader to at least promise that change ? Is it possible for one election to change that given the obvious swing in the power pendulum of the House , Congress and the presidential platforms ? Will it take several pendulum swings ?
Oh yeah, I agree!
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation . . . The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties . . . [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.
~ John F. Hylan, former Mayor of New York City
Ditto Ken, thanks much for that info on China.
Ren Xiao, a former diplomat and a professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, told a journalist. “If I were America’s enemy, I would hope Trump is elected .. he will leave the U.S.’s domestic and foreign policies in disarray,” “But if I were America’s friend, I would think that Hillary would be a better president.” For Beijing’s political elite, friendship and cooperation — at least, the desire for predictability and stability — seems to outweigh whatever glee would greet the weakening of American interests.
Basically Hillary's globalist agenda is more important to them than Trump's so called "isolationism" which they think will hurt
During one of her many meltdowns, Hillary is reported to have said, 'if that bastard wins, we will hang from nooses.' ... to that effect.
Waiting for indictments...
Ren Xiao would say something like that, because the Clinton's have long been in the pockets of the Chinese, this is a well documented fact going back to the beginnings of Bill's rise... it was the Clinton's that pushed to get China included into the WTO. Of course China wanted Hillary elected.
Trump identified the biggest threat to America, its economy, its military, its jobs, etc. Romney identified it when he was running as well... anyone with some common sense and even a rudimentary understanding of economics can point it out... it is China.
The biggest thing that movie points out, is that it is even more dire, and more deeply rooted, than previously thought. The movie states correctly, that if changes aren't made right now, today, with this Administration, it will be too late. And our Nation's fate will not be our own to decide, we will be hostage to the will and wants of others... China, Europe, and who knows how far and how hard we will fall.
Everything Bill Clinton said about WTO trade with China in 1999 was a lie. That is time tested and proved.
Trump exposed Hillary as working for the Chinese government on the campaign trail. I believe he was spot on!
The WalMart / China connection for one example.
"Hillary is reported to have said, 'if that bastard wins, we will hang from nooses.' ... to that effect." Did she use her negro dialect?
... while "The First Black President" (Bill Clinton) played the saxophone. Its like being in the movies.
Then why did Trump fill the swamp with many of his cabinet picks.
LOL you don't even know what draining the swamp means. Trump drew his inspiration for the phrase from President Ronald Reagan. In 1980, Reagan called to "drain the swamp" of bureaucracy in Washington, and created the Grace Commission, which identified $424 billion of wasteful government spending that could be cut. By draining the swamp he means getting rid of the waste in DC, getting rid of the do nothing politicians that have sold the country down the river just to get reelected, shrinking the federal government by giving back to the states what the federal government has unconstitutionally usurped from them. You can't say it has anything to do with who he appoints to the cabinet, at least not until whoever he has appointed has done or not done their job and you won't know that until the next four years are over. Hub pages needs to drain the swamp of misinformed opinions like the ones you incessantly express.
No, your thread... you explain why you feel the need to express your political angers by calling names like Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein. What specific Trump policy do you disagree with, and why. Why do you not feel the need to engage in your own policy disputes? Illegal immigration? Where do you stand? Foreign policy? Is Trump wrong to say ISIS grew into a global threat under Obama and Clinton? What about the $10 trillion national debt the Dems gave us over the past eight years? What are your thoughts beyond blaming it on Bush? We know you despise the U.S. President, but what are your ideas?
Sorry Doug, it was Your claim I was asking you to support with specifics, to wit: "Trump is moving the U.S. in a better, safer direction."
I'll toss in asking for specifics about Your next statement "After languishing under Obama for eight years" (to which most Americans do not agree, btw)
Why don't you explain yourself and your comments, since this is your thread? What Trump policy do you disagree with and why?
If he is leading then why has he appointed the same genre of cronies and thieves all the other parties put in charge? We have Wall Street (Mnuchin) running the Treasury as usual. We have the health care insurers AFLAC (who donates to Tom Price) who is HHR secretary and the list of swamp dwellers goes on. Obama had his share as did both Bushes (Chenney) and Clinton. leadership would be a movement towards fresh ideas that counter the stale decline of the past. Nothing new here.
What is far better about dumping 24 million Americans off healthcare? The reality is that the Republican states are the ones with the highest numbers of uninsured. That means that we who pay for our healthcare insurance pay for theirs.
How far better is that? It is far better to run to an ER for a minor ailment and then pay ZERO for that while our premiums cover the cost of your freebie?
How safe is the US when Trump has alienated 6 countries in less than 2 months? Sweden, Scotland, the UK, Mexico, Australia and now the ultimate insult, Germany.
Men in this country need to stop believing they are Masters of the Universe. Women are fed up with the bullying and have no reservations about making sure men keep their traps shut about women's issues. When only Republicans make all the rules and regulations for the rest of us, that isn't democracy. It is what the Founding Fathers would call tyranny. When Men in this country use a political majority as a weapon, toppling them from their pedestals is what they will get.
"turning out to be"? We knew who he was during the campaign. Those who put him in office are reaping what they sowed. Unfortunately, the rest of us are as well.
I voted Trump; would never vote for the Clintons. I'm not complaining, it's the Democrats who destroyed the Democratic Party, and they won'r revive it bashing Trump.
Doug, knowing what you know today, would you still vote for Trump? If so, why?
Kathleen - yes, Trump laid his cards out on the table during the election process and yes, they pointed to a disaster as president. What we didn't know "for sure" is if it was just a ploy to get elected and he really had the interests of America at heart. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt when possible and I did that with Trump.
Unfortunately, starting with his inaugural speech and his "Size Matters" meltdown, I knew immediately that America was, as we vets say, in very deep kemshi. Sadly, I didn't know just how bad it was going to get and we are just over a year in.
Ironically, I don't want Trump impeached (unless Pence goes with him) because I don't want him pardoned by Pence.
After the Obama disaster of the last eight years , Liberals are merely trying to duplicate the Obama opposition from the right when he began his two terms . The republican congress put up a very effective wall of offensive that literally blocked much of Obama's 'Pie In the Sky " dream list for socialism in America .
The truly sad part of the ongoing Mega- Opposition to trump : Democrats are so hyped on duplicating those republican legislative success' from eight years ago that they are literally shi##ing all over their sneakers failing to Stop Trump , They have virtually opposed every move he makes and when they have a free day from Trumps blinding blitzkrieg against them -- they attempt to create a totally false and new charge against him .
Like with the moronic Rachel Maddow , The remaining liberal media "pinches themselves " daily with a new false alarm that does nothing but sink the Liberal Ship Lolli- Pop even deeper into the news network swamp , Just one more swamp for Trump to drain .
Obama disaster? You do know don't you that the only Americans who actually think that are conservatives and right-leaning independents. The last Fox News poll tells you the following:
Obama Job Approval Liberals Moderates Conservatives
Approve 92% (duh) 69% 25%
Disapprove 7% 25% 70%
Now, tell me again how much people hated the job Obama did.
Polls... who ran it, what was the exact question asked, how many people answered it. If polls were accurate, and constant, set in stone proof of what Americans really thought... Clinton would be President.
Outside of the liberal vanguard states (CA and NY) and city centers (Chicago, D.C.) Clinton did not have the support to win anywhere else.
If you look at CA, Clinton won only in the city centers, just like everywhere else. The rural counties she picked up were virtually non-existent.
Of course , and the thing that baffles intelligent minds is that there are those who forget or ignore the electoral importance as designed , at the same time ignoring the likely existence of illegals voting , double voting and the chance even of fraud . Where I live there is little , if any , requirement of proof of citizenship .
Anybody want to comment on the significant difference in heavily populated areas compared to rural ideologies and beliefs . are there more illegals in the populated areas , ie. California , There are obviously major differences perhaps ignored by the promoters of a popular vote alone and perhaps one is more" well rounded" than the other ?
If the left can says " The Popular vote should rule " , Can't I say , liberal stronghold cities shouldn't be counted ?
You know , here's the thing . Obama lovers are just simply that , Obama lovers , I , as most mature political forum -dwellers , am not interested in "Love Polls " ...........great though for you , I'm really glad that you loved your pick of" popular presidents , But a true leader isn't supposed to be loved into being - most leaders will not , in fact , be loved at all but simply respected for the accomplishments that they are known for .
In time , once the mirage and aura fades , Obama will be "known " more for what he could have accomplished and didn't and not for the superficial popularity he enjoys . Just ask every young person that had voted for Jimmy Carter about that . Me for one .
If Obama had accomplished anything much besides the negative , I too would at least respect him .
I think we are getting very much to the point where one President or the Other is ultimately going to be vilified as a traitor to the nation. I really don't see it being anything less than the total obliteration of one reputation or the other.
Trump has called Obama a 'non-American', blamed him for creating ISIS, and has stated that Obama deliberately had Trump and his entire support network of advisors and aids spied on during the 2016 Presidential campaign, Trump also claims Obama deliberately left people in positions throughout the halls of D.C. to harass and hinder Trump's every move as President, or to try to topple his Presidency all together.
And on the other hand, we have the Obama supporters (MSM, Pelosi, Waters, etc.) going full tilt on trying to convince America that Trump is some Russian plant & conspirator against America, that he is a racist, sexist pig and the next Hitler. That he is unfit for office, and needs to be impeached immediately. They twist every event into something that can be used to denigrate Trump, or they try to ignore it all together. Half the events of the past 48 hours, were barely touched on by MSN or CNN simply because they would have strengthened Trump's position and garnered him public support... while the other half that they did report was twisted past the point of having any semblance of reality, in an effort to keep spinning the tale that Trump, and all in his Administration, are conspiring against America with the Russians.
Sooner or later the majority of these charges and issues have to be decided for one or the other... don't they?
"After the Obama disaster of the last eight years" And those disasters were . . . what? Peace and prosperity?
"Peace and prosperity" What planet are you living on? I'm sure you love NPR who says President-elect Trump stands to inherit the nation's longest war ever in Afghanistan, as well as renewed fighting in Iraq that has spread to Syria. … -to-trump.
Only Repealing Obamacare, Replacing the Tax Code and Reforming the Fed Will Restore Hope and Prosperity which Obama has decimated. His policy of simply smothering companies and industries with rules and regulations--preferably vaguely written to give bureaucrats wide discretion--so they survive only at your sufferance is not prosperity. Banks have been reduced to the role of utilities. One group victimized has been small and new businesses, which have been starved of reasonable and reliable lines of credit since Obama took office. Hospitals and health insurers know who their real customer is these days--Big Government, not the patient. The EPA's jihad against fossil fuels is well-known. Even the Internet hasn't been spared, as the FCC, a supposedly independent agency, has meekly followed White House orders to hit the Net with 1930s' rotary-phone-style regulations. This maneuver was illegal and will continue to suffocate new investment until the courts can adjudicate the matter. Largely unremarked upon has been the Federal Reserve's extraordinary usurpation of power, notably its seizure of nearly $4 trillion in financial assets.
If Obama's record was of peace and prosperity how then during his reign did the Democrats lose the federal government, congressional majorities and the Presidency and the vast majority of state and local governments throughout the country? That doesn't happen, on planet earth, to a president and his party when there is peace and prosperity.
You have to understand fully the New left in America , Entitlements once begun in a country , any country , have a certainty in ways of blinding a whole political ideology , When this political ideology and the control of media are sold to the highest entitlement bidding , all perceptions of reality are lost !
The NEW left in America is obviously blinded to political reality!
blinded to political reality? try blinded to the world, the state of things as they actually exist everywhere. To them terrorists are freedom fighters and Trump is Hitler!
The WSJ's Bill McGurn has written a fascinating column that exposes the weird dichotomy of the Left's views towards despotism.
During the election, Donald Trump was routinely likened to Hitler. The headlines suggest not much has changed:
From the New Republic: "Donald Trump Is Already Acting Like an Authoritarian." National Public Radio: "Donald Trump: Strong Leader or Dangerous Authoritarian?" The New York Times: "Beyond Lying: Donald Trump's Authoritarian Reality." The New Yorker: "Trump's Challenge to American Democracy."
What's striking here is that the same folks who see in Mr. Trump a Mussolini in waiting are blind to the soft despotism that has already taken root in our government. This is the unelected and increasingly assertive class that populates our federal bureaucracies and substitutes rule by regulation for the rule of law. The result? Over the Obama years, the Competitive Enterprise Institute reckons, Washington has averaged 35 regulations for every law.
Besides mental illness, can anyone proffer a reasonable theory as to how they can be so blind to what has occurred over the past 8 years?
I used to be an NPR junkie , I listened for years and I always just knew that CNN was the most neutral , ethical news organization ever , Today though , I just love it when the entirely biased news media and it's minor followers ALL call a conservative opinion " Biased , bigoted , untrustworthy " How shallow the left truly is , And how naïve they REALLY are to the historical evolution of one sided news media .
And just where did you see the King Obama 's peace and prosperity , In his " Arab Spring "? In race relations ? Syria , Iraq , Yemen , Guantanamo, ? In bringing compromise to DC. "the swamp "? Where did I miss the peace and prosperity of the newest 'war president .
Don't expect an answer. Such are only equipped with left wing mindless "talking quips" like "peace and prosperity", "hope and change" etc. When confronted with the facts they're gone, off spreading their quips elsewhere. Actual thought is not a personality trait of their ilk.
Democrats, including the Obama administration, can't even say "Muslim extremism", where and how would the lead? The left is going to fume until all that's left of the Democratic Party and its m/s media pundits lose all credibility and power to govern, nothing left but L/W militants.
Did you see the pathetic Democrat Response To Trump? Start here but for a really good laugh start at the beginning and listen to the whole thing. (I apologize for the language but what is said is so true)
The left is always talking about the rich and the powerful, as if the right owns this category, so naturally, the talk is always negative.
Seems to me, some very rich and some very powerful, on the left (and a few leftover RINOs) are the Power Players, are the gridlock and are getting in the way of the People's Business! They are the ones impacting America right now, in a negative way.
I believe we have to face the facts of our two divided ideologies in America and that one of them is no longer for the better health of the country , I believe the ferociousness that liberals now hate 'all things traditionally American ' is ALL telling ! They have the entitlement disease , they have tasted the best that the liberally entitled gifting of Obama had to offer and they want more - at any and at all costs to the health of our economy , our sovereignty and our world standings , There is nothing to good , too expensive and to free an entitlement that isn't on their collective wish lists !
- free cell phones
- free health care
- free college loans
- free day care
- free incomes
- free debt relief
If its for free and for as long as it is - I want it !
Is it possible that ignorance (not stupidity, just ignorance) has convinced them, as it has others in the world, that Government entitlements are like God providing manna in the desert - that a snap of fingers produces cell phones, doctors care, cay care centers and personnel etc.?
Or do they believe that they own what others have, and are quite happy forcing a small percentage of living people, plus future citizens that will one day grow up and produce income, to purchase these things for everybody today?
Ken , respectfully , President Obama was the most , how to put it fairly ?,....... Outside sourced and supported and ideologically centered , American president ever . Fair ? ..............His politics were never nationalist , overly patriotic or traditionally centered or supporting of sovereignty , How else can he be described ? I've voted for political offices since the 1970's and never seen any president so un-American ---- when he should have been terrorist attacks , military supporting , racially super-charged , ideologically oriented , than Pres. Obama . Party politics aside.
Please enlighten me otherwise . Seriously .
I am not sure what you are trying to say... or what post you are responding for that matter.
I will however try to express better the current situation.
We have several investigations going on right now. Many people probably mistakenly believe these investigations are into Trump & Russian connections. I can understand why they would think this if they watch CNN and MSNBC for their news, because this is the propaganda that is being pushed on them.
But what is actually being investigated is:
A) Who leaked the information on Flynn.
B) Who ordered the collection of information on Flynn, Trump, and all his other campaign advisers and associates.
C) Who saw this information and disseminated it.
D) Why did the Obama Administration ask for a FISA warrant twice, and when/if it was granted the second time, why did the 'information gathering' continue to, and well past, the election.
Those are the issues being investigated, not what ties does Trump have to Russia... that is just, like I said, propaganda... people hoping that if they repeat a lie often enough, it will become the truth in the minds of enough people. At most, ONE of the many investigations is following such a course, but if their had been ANY evidence of such against Trump, common sense tells you that the Obama Administration would have used it against Trump long before he became President.
Now in terms of what has been done, any felonies or treasonous crimes will fall on those people who had access to that Confidential (and above) information and leaked it, or those in the Obama administration that illegally gathered or disseminated it.
Someone will be given blame, someone will be uncovered, and as you know, these types of things can go all the way to the highest office, as we saw with Watergate. The only difference being, this is very likely to land in the lap of someone in Obama's Administration, such as the former AG Lynch, I highly doubt they will pursue the former President even if they find such evidence. That doesn't mean they wouldn't keep that truth in a dark underground vault somewhere to ensure he never causes future harm to America.
The one thing about Obama... his rise from nobody to President was quick, impossibly fast for someone who didn't come from a privileged wealthy family... he spent no real time learning about the rules and pitfalls of power and politics... to put it in other terms, he is like a fighter who was never knocked out, never lost a fight... in some ways, he doesn't even know what he doesn't know... he was thrown into incredible power from nothing... and now he has no real protection, and no real power.
It is very likely he didn't understand the consequences of the actions he took in his final months in office, and how trying so hard to undermine Trump, even to the point where he was campaigning against him more than Clinton was in those final weeks... left him exposed to any unlawful acts taken during that time, as well as any improper security measures.
Another thing, he probably didn't give much thought to, is those very devices and intelligence agencies he used, can now be used against him, and anyone who worked with him, to undermine Trump and his advisors.
Right now judges that Obama appointed, and officials in the Halls of D.C. that Obama placed, are doing what they can to oppose Trump, to undermine his Administration, to bring Washington to a halt... and plenty of opposing politicians in Congress are doing so as well... but he is President for four more years, at the least... so eventually, Trump's Administration will get past them, around them, remove them, and begin getting the things done that he wants done.
Its just a matter of time. … -big-deal/
You wrote " I can understand why they would think this if they watch CNN and MSNBC for their news, because this is the propaganda that is being pushed on them." I actually hear McMcain say that the investigations are about the Trump-Russia connection, for example. I actually watched Nunes say he had no evidence about Trump's "Obama wiretapped my phone" (the their tweet) and I watched Comey testify to the same thing. CNN didn't say those things, news makers did. I don't listen to Fox create #FakrNews about the Brits doing the tapping on Trump. CNN didn't report that, Fox did (and later were forced to retract it).
Actually, they report the news unlike Breitbart, Drudge, Fox who make some of it up. When I watch (listen to) CNN, I don't get a "reporters" opinion, unless they advertise it as such,. On CNN (I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason I don't watch Fox) I get to see and hear the actual news makers, you know Trump, Congress and the like, without spin, such as Hannity provides.
The nature of the beast: CNN: "The FBI is now reviewing that information, which includes human intelligence, travel, business and phone records and accounts of in-person meetings, according to those U.S. officials. The information is raising the suspicions of FBI counterintelligence investigators that the coordination may have taken place, though officials cautioned that the information was not conclusive and that the investigation is ongoing."
That sounds like a lot of reporter opinion not based in reality to me, that's not journalism.
"I think there’s probably more evidence that CNN colluded with the Clinton campaign to give her debate questions than the Trump campaign [did] any kind of collusion.”
“That reporting is filled with a bunch of subjective terms about, ‘This person may have done this, possibly could have done that,’ and at the end of the story if you wade to the very bottom it says, ‘The FBI cannot yet prove that collusion took place,'” - Sean Spicer.
DNC chair supplied CNN debate questions to the Clinton campaign ahead of time - and she still lost
* … ith-trump/
I love Inforwars because they break things down so anyone can understand what's going on.
Your funny Color. Do you really believe what you write? Such as "That sounds like a lot of reporter opinion not based in reality to me, that's not journalism"
I suppose you won't believe Comey's own words either, which coincides with the facts CNN laid out. He said. “I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”
If you knew anything about intelligence gathering, their methods include " human intelligence, travel, business and phone records and accounts of in-person meetings"
Ohio (D) Richard Keenan admitted to raping a young child.
President Trump does have an investigation into the elite pedophile ring in Washington DC.
Pedogate could bust wide open anytime.
Added: Intelligence includes emails, too, and much more...
Former NSA head William Binney joins Alex Jones to break down what sort of surveillance Donald Trump was actually under.
Color. What is funny isn't that "'Your' (?) funny Color" What's funny is that anyone really believes anything ME writes! Very informative link Colorfulone, thanks.
So taze, are you saying Comey DIDN'T say those things or is LYING (since I wrote those words)?
So what I said is very clear. I'm saying you are so left wing and say so many wrong things, twist so many things that are said that it is a wonder anyone believes anything you say even if what you say is sometimes true. Just like you now are trying to twist what I said, that "it is a wonder anyone believes anything you say" into something I didn't say. I never said you were lying about what Comey said, I said it is a wonder anyone believes anything you say. There is a difference. Anyway evidence now shows Comey lied so whatever you say he said doesn't mean that it is the truth, except in your mind solely because it may agree with your looney left wing world view. That's exactly why it is a wonder anyone believe anything you say.
First of all Color, you start out with a Lie. Binney was Never head of the NSA. he was a high ranking technocrat. Next, your source is a Limbaugh wanabe, InfoWars, and alt-right propaganda outlet. After that, Binney hasn't worked for the NSA since 2001, so how does he know this information?
He was a whistleblower, which is fine so long as he doesn't have an agenda beyond getting the truth out, in other words, he is not driven by a political agenda.
I don't lie. William Binney was the Technical Leader (head, director...) for intelligence in the NSA. Too difficult for you to grasp and comprehend? Or, just have a need to insult? He is one of the good guys turned whistle blower...because he does not approve of what the bad guys in the NSA do with the technology he helped create. Thank God for the good guys like Binney, and Snowden who gave documented evidence of what Binney was saying before him!
William Binney has an IQ of about 200, so what you say might sound ignorant if you don't know a darn thing about his roll. He is fascinating to listen to, and I have learned a great deal from doing just that since he turned whistle blower. Hmm, he must not have said anything that wasn't true, otherwise he wouldn't be a free man after an FBI investigation.
Good -vs- Evil
Expose Facts:
William Binney is a former high-level National Security Agency intelligence official who, after his 2001 retirement after 30 years, blew the whistle on NSA surveillance programs. His outspoken criticism of the NSA during the George W. Bush administration made him the subject of FBI investigations that included a raid on his home in 2007. Even before Edward Snowden’s NSA whistleblowing, Binney publicly revealed that NSA had access to telecommunications companies’ domestic and international billing records, and that since 9/11 the agency has intercepted some 15 to 20 trillion communications. The Snowden disclosures confirmed many of the surveillance dangers Binney — without the benefit of documents — had been warning about under both the Bush and Obama administrations.
Inforwars' latest interview with Binney (yesterday):
Ken ,I agree with all you've stated and Besides all of the political stance and style of one or the other leader , the two biggest problems for both voting ideologies in America right now is the loss of our traditionally equal balance of ideology in government offices ,One , I believe the ideology of leftism has infiltrated the most important and normally neutral branches of our government ; The DOJ , The FBI , the Supreme Court , especially in lower level federal judges , have been loaded up with liberal bias ,especially under the Obama administration . This is to say nothing about the same happening in the EPA, the IRS , the V.A , the administrations of many offices have been overly politicized by the left .
Two , Our mainstream news media and not only of my opinion , has aligned itself with the left .for whatever overall reason and has lost its identification with truth , integrity and reasonable balance . This phenomena alone jeopardizes every freedom and liberty Americans have ever had to protect , for all practical intent and purpose , the great experiment of our governing process is in dire straights because of this alone.
I do also believe , for the good or for the bad , our older generations and our two party vigilance and oversight to the quality of our government has morphed into something new , What traditional America , of both parties , always believed and feared may very well be happening , the spreading of what we once referred to as "socialism " is happening before our very eyes , and just recently .
By the way , What Nunes is articulating , Is incredible and highly illegal , whatever was done has to be revealed and investigated immediately ., Obama should be and will probably have to be subpoenaed , he OR his people have committed a treasonous act .
The "left" have their loonies... the "Right" has them too...
The real issues go beyond that, the corruption is on both sides, the International Corporations, International Banks, and Foreign Powers (IE- China, Saudi Arabia) have the majority of politicians in Congress in their pockets.
The most corrupt are the ones that have been there 3 DECADES or longer. Like Pelosi, Waters, Reed, Schumer, Graham, McCain... they are their to disrupt when they have to, and help push through those bills that aid foreign nations and corporations, at the expense of the American people.
When people stop looking at things as Left or Right... Dem or Rep... and start focusing in on these corrupt cronies... and forcing them out of Washington instead of keeping them in their for 25, 35, 40+ years we might make some progress.
So long as we keep fighting each other, rather than focusing on the fact that we have been getting screwed over by D.C. regardless of who has been in charge... Clinton, Bush, Obama... has been one long quarter century of bending America over and sticking it to the American people.
Those who supported Trump, have awoken to this reality, his supporters are a conglomeration of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents... they wanted change, they aren't loyal to either party because they get it... D.C. is full of corrupt cancerous politicians on BOTH sides of the isle.
Your last paragraph is the most important , Trump was elected by the loyal and restless silent majority voter wanting a legal revolution , a Voter revolution , Problem is.................congress still isn't listening and the house never will.
And Trump had better be .
Try that again ahorseback. Trump was elected by a MINORITY of voters, it just so happened the electoral vote outcome tilted to his favor. The last time That happened, we ended up with the Iraq war, which isn't over, and the Great 2008 Recession.
I really hate to think the damage this Minority president will do to America.
Then the people who elected them must be equally corrupt to let it go on so long.
Another Trump accomplishment... … us-budget/
You will not see this reported in the NYT or NBC or CNN...our trusted news media.
Of course you will see that in mainstream media (of which I count the Times). But I do take issue with their ridiculous right-wing spin on it. They said:
"The federal government took in a record tax haul in April en route to its biggest-ever monthly budget surplus, the Congressional Budget Office said, as a surging economy left Americans with more money in their paychecks — and this more to pay to Uncle Sam." Here are their problems:
1 There is always a "Monthly" surplus in April of each year, but that means nothing given the "Annual" deficit is increasing at a record rate due to the #GOPTaxScam.
2. Having "more money in their pockets" is just plain dumb. How much money they have has nothing to do with the April haul since paying the tax is mandatory. What led to the record April surplus was a record differential between taxes owed and taxes withheld the year previous. That is ALL it says.
3. They flat-out lied about the "surging" economy. In fact, the economy is performing no better than the trend set by Obama.
I found the same story in Market Watch and will probably find it in the rest of the media in the next few days.
So, in your honest opinion, what is causing the rise in stock prices, in earnings report, in reinvestment by Apple and other large Corp., and in increased economic activities, along with record low food stamp usage, and low unemployment and the positive economic outlook?
If it is not due to Trump, and the tax reform, what else would it be?
The media has been focused on Stormy Daniels...especially CNN and McCain's final 15 minutes of fame...with his book and documentary and his distain for Trump...
and how he planned his funeral without Trump...and his love affair with Joe Lieberman...
what important news???as if this is going to change our daily lives and pay the bills and educate our kids and keep us safe...
You claim to be numbers guy. Well, the numbers don't lie.
Just like Obama blamed his predecessors for 6 years the weak recovery...
Now you want us to believe, he had everything to do with what is going on now under Trump.
Even a 10 year old knows it is crap.
The truth is the fact that Donny Boy was riding the positive momentum of President Obama's incredible stock market recovery for a year until he blundered with his corporate welfare tax cut scam, his insane trade wars which will devastate his fans including farmers combined with the overall uncertainty of his recklessness:
You can trace Spanky Trump's enormous stock market crash back a few months in January 2018 to almost the exact time when his reckless corporate welfare tax cuts became law and his trade wars had begun, and if the DJIA doesn't start making up lost ground fast from Spanky's crash, it might be in for another catastrophic leg down in a week or two:
In contrast to Spanky's unbelievable blunder, here's President Obama's near miraculous stock market chart which mirrored his vivacious economic triumph: Steady long term growth in all areas after he saved the markets from George W Bush's calamity:
For heaven sake, Jack, we had the biggest economic downturn in 80'years all under Bush's watch and the addled economic principles of the GOP. How could that possibly be Obama's fault? That silly clown that you seem to worship wants to take credit for an economic recovery that was well under way during Obama's term. You don't get to have it both ways, because I forbid it!!
Credence, It is not up to you or me. Economics is a cycle and how well it does is based on policies and taxes and interest rates and a bunch of other factors having to do with public and private sentiments...
If a company thinks they can make money by expanding their factory and hire workers and build products that people want...guess what, the economy will do well. If a government decides to tax and spend and waste well, a company may choose to park their cash overseas..
That was the condition past few years. Now, a new more business friendly environment is bringing jobs and factories back to the US...
who is having it both ways? Not me.
It was you and Obama that claimed the recession was so deep it lasted 6 years into his Presidency...
and now, the economy is finally gaining a decent recovery, it is due to Obama again??? gimme a break.
Jack, did you say that Trump is NOT responsible for the growth in the market? The truth is that in the mid to long-term, you are right, the president doesn't influence the market much; instead Congress and the Fed do with monetary and fiscal policy as well as the normal business cycle. In the short-term, that is not necessarily true, is it.
In the short-term, the market reacts to good and bad news. In this case, even though earnings didn't call for it, the stock market grew at unsupported rates on the promise of huge tax windfalls that most are now spending on stock buybacks, much higher dividends and, if a very few cases, pay raises for the average worker.
Occasionally, a president's policy can effect the market for the long-run. There is now a high likelihood of a persistent market decline resulting from Trump's trade policies, which, if history is a guide, will kill economic growth AND violating the Iran nuke deal which will destabilize the world and artificially push up oil prices.
"You don't get to have it both ways, because I forbid it!!"
Alllrighttt Cred...! I like it. I think I am rubbing off on you. Is that a faint Purple hue I see emitting from your keyboard, or have you just overtaxed it?
Jack, the rise in stock prices was split between to things 1) good earnings (which were being earned under Obama) and 2) anticipation of a tax windfall with the #GOPTaxScam. If you didn't notice, stocks peaked in Jan 2018 and has fallen almost 2,000 points since then. Why?? In fact, if you extend stock growth from the Obama era, guess where it ends up? About where it is now.
Tax reform happened when? Dec 2017? Why has stocks fallen 2,000 points since then?
Yes, the media has focused on Stormy as well as all the other women Trump has had affairs with and/or abused. They also focused on the Russian oligarch's payment of $500,000 to Trump's fixed Cohen and violating the Iran nuclear deal, and his 3,000 plus DOCUMENTED lies and false statements, and the dirty tricks he is playing on DACA, and his probable obstruction of justice and 100 other bad acts by the worst president in American history.
If Obama did so bad with the economy, why is GDP growth record better than Bush's? If Obama did so bad with the economy why does everybody say that Bush almost got America into the worst depression in world history and that Obama got us out of it. (I do have to give Bush credit for realizing his mistake in Oct 2008 and trying to do something about it with TARP.
Jack, I am sorry to see you trying to defend a man who is flawed to his core. He is as an unethical and immoral a human being as has ever walked this earth.
Well said My Esoteric: I'd just like to add another reason why Trump's stock market crashed in January and may continue to crash if it doesn't recover really fast, is his recklessly insane trade wars which will ultimately destroy his own voters including farmers and of course common consumers: Any evidence that he cares? Absolutely not:
I posted a chart of President Obama's consistent, miraculously steady and strong stock market performance over the astounding 8 year period of his tenure which transcended into the first year of Trump's admin, an incredible accomplishment that was achieved while maintaining a 35% corporate tax rate:
Proof that with a great economic strategy and a brilliant intellect at the helm like President Obama, you don't have to steal from the working class to give to Trump's elite Wall Street execs in the form of a corporate welfare tax cut scam to create and maintain a health economy:
I would like to return the compliment, Jake - well said.
You guys can pat yourselves on the back and kiss up to Obama all you want.
It is his failure that brought about the demise of the democratic party...and brought about the election of Trump...
The two are connected at the hip.
It is Trump’s detegulations and business friendly posture and tax reform that brought about the economic up turn.
Under Obama, he was telling everyone that we need to live with a GDP growth rate of only 2%...
Trump has proven him wrong.
He also said coal will never come back an a viable industry...wrong again.
Finally, he said Climate change was the greatest threat even more than ISIS...I guess time will tell if that is true. So far, Trump have defeated the back of ISIS and reshaped our energy policy...
You see, wishing and hope and change is not a winning policy.
It is astounding, even now, after over a year of successes, you two still believe in the old failed ways of Obama. If he was so successful, why didn’t the voters respond in kind? Are they too stupid? Or too smart to see through it?
We will see what happens in 2018 and 2020.
Every election give people a chance to change direction.
So far, Trump is behaving more like Reagan than Carter...
I predict the outcome will be similar.
I am done arguing this point. Let’s just wait and see what happens in November.
It is a democracy and let the people vote.
It is a democracy and let the people vote.
And you can bet that WE will, I wonder how you will explain yourself if Trump and GOP take drubbing this fall?
I will bet you a cold beer...I find in my old days, a beer can solve many issues.
I'd suggest if we just flip jackclee's last comment upside down we might have something closer to the truth:
"It is his failure that brought about the demise of the democratic party...and brought about the election of Trump..." - You are half right.
Only those on the far Right think Obama failed, the American people certainly didn't, judging from both his popularity and job performance, and historians now rate him in the top 25% of presidents.
What Obama failed at relative to Trump's win is ignore the DNC, DSCC, and DCCC. Presidents are the head of their party and Obama let his party apparatus decay to such a point that they had no ground game in Red states. What Clinton contributed was an ineffective campaign that allowed an extremely flawed opponent to get within striking distance. Comey and the Russians pushed Trump over the finish line by 90,000 votes in three states. I had some doubt about that in 2017 but in 2018, I have no doubt about that whatever.
The problem with this statement, "It is Trump’s detegulations and business friendly posture and tax reform that brought about the economic up turn." is that the economy hasn't "improved" any more under Trump than it did under Obama. And now that he is screwing up trade, curtailing immigration, allowing climate change to continue unchecked, and violated the Iran nuclear deal, prices are going to start to climb (and not just oil), the GDP will flat line or fall, jobs will be lost, and manufacturing will decline by the time his term is over. (You know what GDP growth rate under Trump is so far? A little more than 2%)
You said "He also said coal will never come back an a viable industry...wrong again." The thing is, coal hasn't and it won't. … t-save-it/
And then there is this " So far, Trump have defeated the back of ISIS" - Again, the problem is, Obama was well on his way to doing that when his term ended. All Trump did was continue what Obama was doing with a few needed enhancements.
Trump is no Reagan. Reagan was an honorable and ethical man with a good moral compass. Reagan understood government and how it worked and took the time to learn about the weighty issues he dealt with. T
Trump is none of that.
I just love it that liberals are trying to explain their incredible knowledge of finance , the normal stock market ups and downs , Liberals ,you have failed at every item of your obstruction of the apparently unhinging democratic reality of Trumps economic success' story in one year alone ! I'd say incredible success but he just gets the economy that quietly eluded Obama's realization .
Obama thought he could expand entitlement spending with taxes and it would make it back into the economy , no welfare movement can ever jump start an ailing economy . Maxing out someone else's credit cards is fun though .
You do know, don't you ahorseback, that conservative economic philosophy, over the last 220 years has led to at least one "major" recession or depression every 10 years. That would be 1785, 1789, 1796, 1807, 1815, 1822, 1825, 1836, 1839, 1847, 1857, 1873, 1882, 1893, 1896, 1902, 1907, 1913, 1929, 1937, 2008. There were several more major and minor recessions and depressions during that period, but they were caused by reasons other than economic philosophy.
How can I say with certainty that most of these were caused by conservative economic policy (including 2008)? Because there was no liberal economic philosophy that operated at the federal level until after WW II.
You notice that huge gap in downturns from 1937 to 2008? That is because that is when liberal economic policy was being followed. In terms of creating a relatively stable economy, conservatives were singularly unsuccessful.
In the year and a quarter Trump has been destroying everything good about America, he has had zero economic success. It is growing at 1.5% to 2.5% as it has been since 2011.
Well now, there is one heck of an uninformed opinion , I have never felt that many people truly understand the incredible delicacy and volatility of our economy but especially liberal tax and spend pundits , " Liberal " is just a relatively new label for an ideology that's been here since the founding , Europeans even consider the term differently that we do . I say if one wants to define the American "liberal " that has ruined many an economy all one has to do is examine the inner city strongholds and the disastrous "leadership ' that has tax enslaved it's peoples , cities that have been lead as such for over a century . So don't go and just blame republicans for your party disasters , over taxations and wasteful federal , state and local programs .
Advice , Read a real history book not just the liberally rewritten ones.
Sense you offered no rebuttal, just insults and misinformation, I must be right.
I can tell you have never studied economic history of America. I can also tell you haven't studied political history. You also make claims you can't back up.
And yours are so delusional it's not even funny ! But hey , don't take it personal .
First , because you numbered you personal feelings about Trump that doesn't make one item numbered factual , second , The" insult "is something you choose to be , not something I cause .
Your entire list is so ideologically emoted , slanted to alt-media B.S as to render it totally useless . I should take each item you list and show a reality that you totally ignore yet I can tell you're so indoctrinated to Trump obstruction and resistance as to render that useless , suggestion , open your eyes and think for yourself and not swallow the delusional party line.
All I did was list what I and most thinking Americans see and each one is true, ideological or not.
For example: "Sleazy: (of a person or situation) sordid, corrupt, or immoral.
synonyms: corrupt, immoral, unsavory, disreputable) if that isn't #TerribleTrump, I don't know anyone who is.
Corrupt: Ex. Profiting off of his Trump hotel in Washington
Immoral: Ex. 3,000+ provable lies, misleading statements, false statements, and mostly false statements since he took office
Unsavory: Ex. Waving arms like a monkey mimicking a physically challenged reporter
Disreputable: Ex. Not to be trusted. Breaks promises America made like the Iran deal.
"Trump was elected by the loyal and restless silent majority" Correction: He wasn't elected by a majority of voters. Hillary Clinton is the only person Trump could have beaten because hatred of her goes back 40 years.
Whatever Trump is - no one should be surprised. You knew what he was but voted for him anyway. Where is the surprise?
Very true. It is the same with Clinton. We all know what she and Bill Clinton is about. There political career goes back 25+ years. There were numerous scandals... and miss conducts. Yet, many people loved the Clintons, and their popularity among Democrats is very high.
You do realize that Bill and Hillary are now grandparents in New York, not the presidents of the United States right?
BTW, the Clintons never betrayed the United States, never insulted families of those who lost loved ones in wars, never undermined our intelligence agencies, never licked Vladimir Putin's boots, never conducted conspiratorial and treasonous meetings with Russian spies, never, undermined and sabotaged our healthcare system, never, insulted our Military POWs, never paid hush money to cover up ugly affairs with porn actresses, never practiced insane policies to push us to the brink of nuclear conflict and never gave trillions of our money to elite Wall Street execs:
But guess who did? Your hero Mr. Trump and his despicable family:
Talk about an existential threat, here's another example of Donald's evil mind and intent: Obviously, he doesn't think health insurance is necessary to keep your children healthy as long as he's got his :
Despicable, reprehensible and pure darkness: How do you think Trump's karma is? … e-program/
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