Do you think a person's social class matters?

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  1. home witch profile image69
    home witchposted 13 years ago

    Do you think a person's social class matters?

    If so why, and if not, why not?

  2. Healing Touch profile image70
    Healing Touchposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely not.  I work with at risk families in my profession and we all look like a rainbow here and are the same in class.  I was brought up knowing that we are all just the same no matter how much money we have.  Great question.

  3. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    I think in many ways social class is more about how we see and define ourselves that how others see us. After all, we don't wear a sign around our necks with a number on it. There are those such as the Queen of England pictured above whose image lends itself to assignment of social class. As long as I am not restricted from entering certain businesses and sites on the basis of who I am, then I do not feel that I have a social class. If by chance I was a college friend of the President's and could visit the White House anytime I wanted, some (especially the media) might say that I was "upper classed" though my income level had not changed.  So, with few exceptions, I really do not see class as a real boundary for most of us (in the USA).  Now if class becomes a function of buying power and assets, then certainly these are more numerically based ways to classify people and that might carry some weight in some circles but not in general. WB

  4. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    No, we are all human, no more deserving than anyone else.
    I saw a beautiful pic of Her Maj the other day, she was standing under a windowed balcony, behind which were a load of fat cats stuffing their faces.  She was standing there, alone, in the rain holding a plastic umbrella, patiently waiting for who or what she was waiting for, maybe a bus, we can see that sort of image any day, but it was probably her car, but she didn't have a host of lackeys around her fusing, holding her umbrella, etc, it just showed her basic, unpatronising, unpretentious humanity, she was no different to any other woman standing in the rain waiting.

  5. Rob Hanlon profile image62
    Rob Hanlonposted 13 years ago


    Why not ? Well, we are all human, we breathe the same air, have to eat & drink to survive etc. So why should one's Social Class matter in real terms ?

  6. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 13 years ago

    Of course it matters. If you are born into a high socio-economic class, your parents can give you a trust fund so that you may never have to work or struggle your whole life. You can be a virtual moron and the media will still talk about what you are doing and hang on to every word you say. Being born into a high socio-economic class gives you the opportunity to attend private schools and network with people with wealth and power. You can take lavish vacations all over the world and afford the best cuisine. You can influence elections through campaign contributions. People with political power will listen and make time for you. You can basically do anything or buy anything with enough money.

    Being born poor means that you have no access to power or influence. You can't buy elections. While rich people may be buddies with the District Attorney, poor people can't afford good legal representation or good healthcare. They will always have to worry about employment.

    A way to keep the poor from going nuts and murdering the rich is to teach them that social class does not matter to the world.

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      THANK YOU, it does matter.  Only a person in denial will refute that socioeconomic class is unimportant.  Wealthy people have power, influence, and ownership over their lives.  Poorer people have very little power, influence, and ownership.

  7. Pollyannalana profile image60
    Pollyannalanaposted 13 years ago

    Well many who claim a certain social class eventually show their true colors. That Queen and her heartless son showed how much class they had but I was glad to see at least one place in the world can put these stuffy snoots in their place. Diana was the only class they had and was forced to be buried as royalty and I bet that bout killed her, her son and that marriage wrecking......Camiller hag.

  8. profile image58
    foreignpressposted 13 years ago

    Social class should have no significance. However, what if a large majority of people have such low self-esteem that they willingly consider themselves "subjects?" Then the upper class becomes an important crutch so as to maintain social order.
       And so it is in many "enlightened" countries in the 21st Century. That a newborn baby is superior at birth is so absurd it boggles the mind. Everybody is all giggles about Harry and Kate and their upcoming wedding. Why? What mentality elevates a mortal being to a throne?
       And there's the untouchables in India. Another archaic throwback. The more light that is shed on this idiocy the sooner this social injustice will end.

  9. yazoogal43 profile image37
    yazoogal43posted 13 years ago

    NO BECAUSE IT DOES NOT PROVE YOUR WORTH, IT JUST DEMONSTRATES WHAT SOCIETY THINKS IS VALUABLE. it will not make you a better person and it will not ensure your happiness, very few people care what the queen wears, it is all for show.

  10. Mr. Happy profile image72
    Mr. Happyposted 13 years ago

    This question seems simpler than it really is. After reading the answers other people left I see most people are of the opinion that social class should not matter. Yet, it does.
    If you are born in India, you better hope you are born into a wealthy family otherwise you're living in the slums with very little chances of getting out.
    Even in North America where people like to think class does not matter so much, those who are on social assistance are looked down upon. Low income families living in subsidized housing and/or ghettos are also looked at badly.
    If you're poor you're stupid and you deserve it - that is how most people think. Pretty sad but true.

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly, wealthier people are view as smarter and more industrious than poorer people.  Also, poorer people are well.............doomed from the start!

  11. mcrawford76 profile image80
    mcrawford76posted 13 years ago

    I think I would if I were high class, but as i am not, I don't. I do think that even if I were to come into money that I could never be one of those snobs who look down on the "average folk"

  12. profile image0
    Guantaposted 13 years ago

    I equate social class with good comportment, good manners, good conduct, and good bearing..  Yes, I think social class matters

  13. profile image53
    danibee2posted 13 years ago

    No I don't think social class matters whether you consider your blood to be blue the fact is that it is red, with that being said at the end of my life  I don't think I will say well being of some "class" made me a better human being.

  14. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago

    Of course, socioeconomic class matters and matters.....A LOT!  Socioeconomic class is the adult version of the high school pecking order.  There are socioeconomic classes that are considered to be "A" group, others being the in between group, and some  who are the "D" group- those at the  bottom, the outcasts, and/or undesirables.   In essence, there are socioeconomic classes that are considered to be desirable, hip, cool, and/or "in' than other socioeconomic classes.

    In many societies, the socioeconomic dominant class(upper classes) is the class that has concentrated wealth and power.  This is the socioeconomic class that calls the shots.  This is the class of power and influence.  This is the socioeconomic class that makes the rules that others follow.  This is also the socioeconomic class that elects to follow its own code of law apart from the other socioeconomic classes.  This is also the socioeconomic class that everyone aspires to be.  This is the socioeconomic class of ownership, over their livelihoods, lives, and destinies.  This socioeconomic class is also future thinking, thinking about planning and strategizing for decades and protecting their future generations.

    Then there are the in-between socioeconomic classes.  These in-between socioeconomic classes (middle classes) are the rule followers.  They also have lesser power than the socioeconomic dominant class.  Although they are less powerful, they also have a certain level of influence.   In-between socioeconomic classes are often the following and strict adherents of societal norms.  They are not as influential as the upper classes but are not as not bereft of power as the lower classes.  Although some in the in-between socioeconomic classes have some power, they really do not have real power and the majority of in-between socioeconomic classes just told as they are told, no more no less.

    Then there is the "D" group.  Those are the lower and lowest socioeconomic classes.  They are considered to be the outcasts of society.  They are the ones who is looked down upon, even denigrated.   They are held up as examples as to what not to be.  They are utterly powerless and feel that they have no voice nor influence in their particular societies.  They are in living hells of existence.  This is the group that either people feel the most sympathy for or is the most despised.   They, in general, are viewed as losers and lacking somewhat because of their dire socioeconomic straights.


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