Do you forgive others easily?

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  1. rajan jolly profile image95
    rajan jollyposted 12 years ago

    Do you forgive others easily?

  2. maxoxam41 profile image66
    maxoxam41posted 12 years ago

    It depends on the gravity of the crime... If it's only a misdemeanor with extenuating circumstances, what the hell! If it's serious, they'd better have a flawless pleading otherwise no possibility of appealing!

  3. Taleb80 profile image79
    Taleb80posted 12 years ago

    Mostly, yes.
    Actually, who forgives others lives more happy.
    Feel free to read my hub about forgiving & forgetting.

  4. saurabhpande23c profile image61
    saurabhpande23cposted 12 years ago

    It's not always about forgiving others or hoping for others forgiveness. Eventually, you have to learn to forgive yourself. But, on your question, yes, I do forgive others easily.

  5. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    For the most part yes.  And it isn't really a benevolent act - it is more about my own well-being.  Staying angry and upset with someone is toxic to our well-being.  So if at all possible I try to forgive - but being human, it is not always easy.

  6. LoriSoard profile image67
    LoriSoardposted 12 years ago

    This is something I struggle with. I'm working on it.

  7. Rastamermaid profile image66
    Rastamermaidposted 12 years ago

    It's easy for me to forgive,everyone makes mistakes.The repercussions of their action would definitely change the tone of the relationship,if there still a relationship at  all.

    In most relationships there is respect and trust,once these are violated and lost,it's all impossible to regain.

    No trust or respect=no relationship.

  8. shwetha123 profile image61
    shwetha123posted 12 years ago

    To forgive some one is not at all an easy work. But when we forgive some one we feel a great pleasure and inner satisfaction which we can not describe in words.

    I used to forgive people because the pleasure and happiness I get after forgiving some one I can not describe here in words.  One can only feel it.

  9. Beata Stasak profile image77
    Beata Stasakposted 12 years ago

    I have learnt to forgive once I have realized that by forgiving and moving on I 'set myself free'....

  10. NessaMetharam profile image59
    NessaMetharamposted 12 years ago

    A lot of my friends say I do. I believe that everybody needs a second chance. But of course, we can't avoid the people who actually take that and just play with it.

  11. Doc Snow profile image84
    Doc Snowposted 12 years ago

    In general, yes.  And I agree whole-heartedly with previous answers that point out how it is the forgiver, not the forgiven, who is the primary beneficiary of forgiveness.

    However, I have to admit that there are a couple of cases in which I am still struggling to attain those benefits. . .

  12. ptosis profile image72
    ptosisposted 12 years ago

    With great bitter resentment by the betrayal becomes an ... unmerciful enemy, destruction of cattle and crop, robbery of all possessions ... revenge.

    Nope - doesn't look like I do......

  13. NiaLee profile image60
    NiaLeeposted 12 years ago

    it depends on what and who. If the person keeps on repeating and doesn't care, I do forgive but not forget and avoid putting myself in a position to repeat the act or word.
    A mistake, misunderstanding or bad temper can be through around coffee and cigarettes maybe...

  14. zzron profile image59
    zzronposted 12 years ago

    Yes. The bible says we are to forgive others so we to can be forgiven.

  15. xethonxq profile image68
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago

    Overall, I think I can forgive people fairly easily unless the offense is aggregious...then it's a little more difficult for me to do so. I like to see the positive in people and give them the benefit of the doubt. We all have bad days from time to time. smile

  16. smzclark profile image59
    smzclarkposted 12 years ago

    If there's an apology, i forgive the first time, the second time and sometimes the third..., but the same 'mistakes' repeated are hard to repeatedly forgive. I forgive my husband for atleast one thing each day. Accidents are much easier to forgive than intentional pain caused.

  17. onegoodwoman profile image71
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago

    No, I do not...It is one of my many shortcomings,
    at least in a truly hurtful or
    trepassing charge.   Taking my sited parking place-----it just does not rule my day. 

    Betraying a confidence---a serious charge.
    Publicly making fun of my shared fear........a major trespass.

    Giving me the wrong gift........impossible, I accept all gifts in the spirit they were given.

    It is hard to let me down, or to  hurt my feelings, in fact you need to know me very well to do should know enough , not to do them!

    I do not give my trust away easily, and it is not easy to rebuild a broken trust.

    My life is busy and active.....I just do not have the energy to pursue those who have proven themselves to be disloyal.    I just don't.

  18. profile image0
    L a d y f a c eposted 12 years ago

    It depends on the offense.

    there are some things in my life that have taken my over 20 years to forgive (I'm only 28.) But that thing I've actually forgiven for.

    There are things I want to forgive, but am still having a hard time with, and then there are things I forgive easily!


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