Is racism in light of racism ever ok?

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  1. Sheepsquatch profile image63
    Sheepsquatchposted 12 years ago

    Is racism in light of racism ever ok?

    Many comics and normal everyday citizens make fun of racism by making jokes about stereotypes. Is this fine to do?

  2. profile image59
    nasakeposted 12 years ago

    I think nowadays it's okay. Aside from the countries such as Pakistan that have received much racism, all the other countries have a sort of agreement where they accept the stereotypes used for jokes. I think it depends on the tone of what your saying.

    1. profile image59
      nasakeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      But then, light hearted stereotyping isn't really racism. Some englishmen would be offended by the 'tea & crumpets' stereotype, but there won't be wars over it. Plus we'd always laugh when a comic says it xD

    2. Sheepsquatch profile image63
      Sheepsquatchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't believe the rules should be different for different cultures or races. The I do believe the tone is very important. I believe any stereotyping or racism done with the intent to harm or offend is wrong.

  3. Eugene Hardy profile image61
    Eugene Hardyposted 12 years ago

    Personally, no.

    Maybe it could be seen as a barometer of how tolerant or evolved our society has become.  Yet, I also think it allows us permission to think racially, which isn't good.

    1. Sheepsquatch profile image63
      Sheepsquatchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I believe people see differences no matter how small. Even in families among siblings differences are noticed. I personally like that we have differences especially in culture. How we acknowledge and accept those differences is important.

  4. Wazman profile image59
    Wazmanposted 12 years ago

    freedom of speech, freedom of press.

    It's acceptable.

    Unless it's promoting racial discrimination.

  5. cruelkindness profile image64
    cruelkindnessposted 12 years ago

    Well its excepted by entertainers because that's what their career is.  If you yourself decide to do it to co-worker or stranger they will most likely get offended. 

    I would have to say in most cases its not the best approach unless your certain that the you and the person engaging in conversation are on the same understanding of friendship.

    Cruelkindness (Subliminally Thoughtless)

    1. AlexK2009 profile image80
      AlexK2009posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, in face to face situations care and respect are needed. This is not what the original question was about however. It was, I think,  about whether it is acceptable to fight racism by mocking racists.

  6. handymanbill profile image74
    handymanbillposted 12 years ago

    Comics attempt to poke fun at many things, I think they are just making light out of bad situations. At least that is what they are attempting to do.Sometimes they go over board I will agree. Sometimes if you laugh at something it lightens the mood and you can look at it in a different perspective.

    1. Sheepsquatch profile image63
      Sheepsquatchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It may be possible to bring people together by sharing and excepting differences. It could be way that people can learn about  others when just asking may have seemed inappropriate before.

  7. AlexK2009 profile image80
    AlexK2009posted 12 years ago

    Thinking aloud here......

    I do not recall seeing any such jokes.

    Well if you condemn stereotypes, whether of racists or others, and stereotypes necessarily contain a grain of truth, you have also to condemn similar comments about bankers, politicians, lawyers etc. This would make satire unacceptable.

    I also wonder why racism is an acceptable target but not religious bigotry.

    Making fun of racism, like making fun of greed ( lawyers and bankers) or corruption (politicians) is often the most effective way ,sometimes the only way to get things to change.

    If the humour is meant as humour then I would normally consider it OK, though each situation has to be judged individually.  And sometimes jokes are just sharp observations with an added punch line.  For example the majority of racists are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, even if academically qualified- I have come across y highly educated people I regard as morons outside their speciality.  Doubtless there are people have a similar opinion about me.

    If the humour  is meant to dehumanise or degrade people then it is not. And is not even humorous.

    So overall it is acceptable, but needs to be done with care.

  8. silverstararrow profile image82
    silverstararrowposted 12 years ago

    Making light of a situation shouldn't be cause for offence. As racism was once a serious global issue, some remanents of the past are bound to crop up when one sees jokes/comics that delve into it.

    As long as the comments aren't tasteless and do not convey offence to anyone, I think cracking innocent jokes about stereotypes should be okay.

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image61
      Eugene Hardyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And how does one insure they do not offend anyone in telling a racial joke?  Especially if you are a comedian?

    2. silverstararrow profile image82
      silverstararrowposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No matter what you say, those who have finer sensibilities will take offence. Let's leave that crowd alone. There is a certain line never to be crossed, at least for those who can take a joke in the right sense. As long as it isn't hurtful.

  9. Electro-Denizen profile image80
    Electro-Denizenposted 12 years ago

    Often stereotyping is so ridiculous and dumb and sometimes outrageous,  that the joke is on the person who made the remark - that can be really funny. We laugh at the apparent stupidity of the ignorant person. It becomes a social commentary with many angles. As ever, it's how it's done which counts. Homer Simpson comes to mind.

  10. Lions Den Media profile image61
    Lions Den Mediaposted 12 years ago

    I don't accept the term of racism as being valid any longer. Racism has become a cliche that cuts one way. What most people call racism is -- whites making fun of or stereotyping and ridiculing "people of color". Of course the "people of color" thing excludes the color white. Perhaps people are confused with the color white and something that is translucent.
    The fact of the matter is all human beings are "people of color", however when Chris Rock or George Lopez goes on a rant about white people or when a gang of blacks or Hispanics or Asians beat up some white kid -- I hear nothing in the press calling those actions racist, unless the white guy happens to be homosexual -- which leads to a whole new realm of stupid. Yet a white person that uses an old common phrase like "that's the pot calling the kettle black" or "chink in the armor" or calling Obama the "Food Stamp President" -- well that is a racist.  Apparently white is not a color that other races can discriminate against, but it is the only color that considered to be racist.

    Most people do not know that the term nigger was used to refer to the Irish when they first arrived as immigrants in America back in the mid 1800s. Now I'm unclear as to the politically correct usage of the term "nigger" when referring to a white group of Irish-Americans. Is it proper to say the "n-word" or is it perfectly legitimate to use the word "nigger". I simply don't know. I do know that the Irish were kept from getting jobs because of their heritage and John F. Kennedy was viewed negatively because he was an Irish Catholic. And I do know the Irish were discriminated against in America.

    So the question then becomes -- is it the term "nigger" that people are appalled by or is to whom the term is referring to that triggers alleged revulsion?  Certainly nobody considers the terms "GRINGO" (my personal favorite) or "Cracker" to be racist, because obviously those terms refer to honkies or whitie -- which apparently is perfectly legitimate.   

    So I believe people see racism where they wish to see it and are blind to when it does not fit their story line or political objectives and comics simply illustrate the absurdity of the term racism.

    1. Sheepsquatch profile image63
      Sheepsquatchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Caucasians/lighter skinned people have been the majority in America for a long period of time, and may not be seen as needing as much protection.

  11. marwan asmar profile image65
    marwan asmarposted 12 years ago

    No, its not ok to say racist remarks even for a joke. In this day and age its not acceptable to say things which are racist

    1. Sheepsquatch profile image63
      Sheepsquatchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My personal belief is that there is only one race. There are differences in appearances, cultures, and nationalities. To what extent do you believe people should not make jokes about differences.

  12. prettynutjob30 profile image86
    prettynutjob30posted 12 years ago

    Racism is something people should never make a joke of.I know certain comedians do it as entertainment,but even they get somewhat carried away sometimes.

  13. chipsball profile image60
    chipsballposted 12 years ago

    Not sure what you mean...racism in light of racism. Please explain further. Making fun of racism?

    1. Sheepsquatch profile image63
      Sheepsquatchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If I had a group of friends and we made fun of our cultural differences in an effort to overcome the differences is an example I could personally see happening. We have no intent of harming the other or creating tension.

  14. whonunuwho profile image51
    whonunuwhoposted 12 years ago

    Racism in any circumstance is not acceptable. Years in the past, some races thought themselves superior to others and dominated those who were in a weakened state. Now in today's world, the races of mankind have proven to all that we art all equal in our abilities and intelligence and that we are all due the respect that we so greatly deserve. The rude and often insulting comic statements on television and in newspapers, is never acceptable in any society that believes in the equality of man and has the common decency to exhibit this. Unfortunately we are brainwashed at times to think that poor statements by comedians is the norm, rather than the exception. What I don't understand is the fact that a comedian may say something encouraging and appropriate and then turn around and make an ugly statement about a subject or race of people, clearly showing prejudice and unkindness.Stupidity is rampant on television talk shows and probably always will be.

    1. Sheepsquatch profile image63
      Sheepsquatchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My personal belief is that there is only one race. There are differences in appearances, cultures, and nationalities. To what extent do you believe people should not make jokes about differences

    2. whonunuwho profile image51
      whonunuwhoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      to no extent!

  15. SidKemp profile image72
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    If you mean "okay," well, yes, it's okay, it's protected speech in the US under the first amendment, and, if it's funny and powerful, it's a way for the comedian to make a living.

    It also perpetuates the world as it is, keeping the endless cycle of resentment and prejudice flowing along.

    If we want to be more than okay, we have another option. We can return love for hatred, as Jesus taught, and also as the Buddha taught: Hatred is never conquered by hatred; hatred is only conquered by love.

  16. Rajan Dhir profile image62
    Rajan Dhirposted 12 years ago

    Answer this question! How can racism can ever be fine (no matter under what circumstances)? You are trying to defame a person by saying something offending first and then start laughing showing that you didn't mean it?
    There must be something seriously wrong. Racism is like robing someone off of dignity.


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