Who believes that the latest job numbers and the lowered unemployment rate are e

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  1. Cassie Smith profile image60
    Cassie Smithposted 12 years ago

    Who believes that the latest job numbers and the lowered unemployment rate are even real?

    It is odd that these numbers have improved after Obama bombed at his debate.  Jack Welch who is CEO was very bold to speak up about it and he's right.  It doesn't seem that we can trust any published data from the Obama administration because they are funny numbers.

  2. Attikos profile image80
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    Given that for three years this administration has been announcing lowball unemployment rates with great fanfare and then quietly revising them upwards a month or two later, no one who's been paying attention will take this latest one at face value. The revision won't occur until after the election, of course, but the administration's feigned outrage that they're not believed is transparent.

  3. Conservative Lady profile image72
    Conservative Ladyposted 12 years ago

    Our Government and news media is becoming such a farce. Can't believe much of what they say anymore and sometimes it is so blatant. Voters have to be wise and do their own research looking for credible sources. If it doesn't sound true there is a good chance it is not true - the unemployment figures the Obama Administration is touting are very unrealistic and would be record breaking if true - I will be bold and say - NOT True!

  4. Gareth Pritchard profile image70
    Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years ago

    You can always tell when a politicians lying their lips move, except they never tell lies, they are just simply being economical with the truth.

  5. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 12 years ago

    Sorry, but I have to chuckle when reading this question and some of the responses.  No offense intended, but when you aren't apprised of the process as to how these numbers you talk about with such certitude are actually derived, I have no choice but to chuckle.

    To tie the timing of the release of the unemployment rate and jobs added to occurance of the Presidential debate and how well Obama did or didn't do is simply an indication of being uninformed.  The unemployment rate is ALWAYS released the first Friday of EACH month and the jobs added is EVERY Friday.  First time unemployment numbers are released every Thursday.  While the latter is an actual number, I believe, the former two are the results from two different surveys taken over a period of time prior to the release and the initial release are PRELIMINARY numbers and are ALWAYS revised the next month.

    Further, the process is constructed in such a way as to be immune from political pressure, neither George Bush nor Barack Obama were or are able to effect the outcome.

    As to believability, the first time jobless claims and jobs added can be quite believable, there are only a couple of variables involved.  The unemployment rate can never be believed "in isolation" only as a trend line, because there are way too many factors that get in the way of making any single number meaningful.  Even comparing the 7.8% today to the 7.8% Bush left Obama has no particular meaning except when one considers the rate was rapidly rising under Bush and the rate is slowly falling under Obama.

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
      Ralph Deedsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Bravo. Very true. Jack Welch is a lying rat.

    2. profile image0
      thegeckoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is only a 2.5% change... it's not even that significant!

  6. LandmarkWealth profile image67
    LandmarkWealthposted 12 years ago

    The numbers are real, but still terribly poor.  the labor force has been reduced to the lowest level since 1981.  The data released was not positive.  So why should we assume it was manipulated.  The unemployement rate declined soley based on the houshold survey.  However on a month to month basis, there is only about a 50% correlation between the household survey and the establishment survey.  Over the course of a year the correlation rises to about 90%.  The establishment survey came in below expectations again.  And the U6 unemployment rate is still over 14%.  If the Administration were going to attempt to manipulate data, I tend to think they would do it with a positive result.  Instead they just took another bad report and portrayed it as something good with political spin.

  7. profile image0
    thegeckoposted 12 years ago

    Who believe the Republic of Nauru exists!?! I mean, have you actually ever been there? Come on, they just make this stuff up.

  8. ssaffery profile image72
    ssafferyposted 12 years ago

    The University of Phoenix increased the unemployment rate because you would think with its 400,000 student body, all those graduates would occupy employment positions but unfortunately those graduates are left with worthless degrees, high student loan debt, no job, they default on their their student loans, then they cannot pay back their student loans, and so America's tax payers have no clue that their taxes are paying off University of Phoenix default student loans. Education should get you a degree and job, not a worthless degree and no job. That said and done, it would be best if tax payer money be used to create more jobs, allocate more money to job growth instead of paying off student loan defaults. Why even have the University of Phoenix in the first place?

    1. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't that extremely short-term thinking, "worthless degrees"?  Just because it doesn't give them immediate gratification, why does that make them worthless?

    2. ssaffery profile image72
      ssafferyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is not extremely short-term thinking but more so, long-term enlightenment, as I would boldly state it. Short-term thinkers end up nowhere, not even a dead end. I love chuckling. You should research accreditation mills and diploma mills.


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