There are a "few" posts in the forums indicating the posters' firm beliefs that Sarah Palin's book is an effort to (A) make money, (B) settle scores, (C) suck in those of us foolish enough to believe she's a person of substance, (D) blow hot air, and/or a number of other negative assumptions. The surprising aspect of this (or perhaps it's really not that surprising) is that as of this writing, I've been unable to identify a single poster (other than me) who's actually so much as cracked the cover on the book itself.
Instead, references are made to "reviews" or to the "fact" that Sarah is the latest reincarnation of everything wrong with the United States of America.
Hunh. A few highly opinionated points of my own:
1. Despite the vitriol and naysaying by the nonreaders, the text of Going Rogue is least so far. At the moment, I've gotten to page 119 of the book's 413 pages. There's no question that I know both her politics and her character better now than I did before reading page 1.
2. Were I back in high school and required to do a book review of the pages covered to date, I would say that Sarah Palin is providing the interested public with an in depth background check of her upbringing and motivation as well as her qualifications as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States in 2012.
3. Special note would be taken (in said book report) of her father's line after she resigned as Governor of the state of Alaska: "She's not retreating; she's reloading."
4. Although it's truly a pie in the sky thought, I'd purely love to see EVERY candidate put out a memoir...PRIOR to running for any high office.
Sure, a memoir is by its very nature only "one side of the story". But even so, one side is a great deal more than most politicians provide to the voters at least until retirement, when revelations can no longer cost them votes.
A book like Going Rogue which is published a full three years prior to a major election is unusual (or unheard of?), of course, but the voter who HAS read it can never legitimately say he or she was uninformed prior to going to the polls. Three years allows the skeptical and jaded among us to take a whack at every sentence written.
Nor do the AASPS among us (those would be members of the Automatic Anti Sarah Palin Society) need to be concerned about donating money to a hated cause: Most assuredly, libraries across the country have Going Rogue volumes they'll be happy to let you check out free of charge.
Final note: "Going Rogue--whatever that means!" has become a sarcastic catch phrase for the AASPS. If you really happen to care even the tiniest bit from whence came the title, the answer IS in the book.
Did she actually write this book? I seriously doubt it..when did she have the time? Almost certainly a ghost writer with her input.
Good for you for actually reading it! I agree, everyone seems happy to voice their opinion on the book without having actually bothered to read it.
I can't bring myself to read it, so I'll keep my mouth shut on that count. But isn't it widely accepted that the book was ghost written? Just a caution against conflating "Sarah Palin" with "the person who wrote Sarah Palin's autobiography."
I would not consider myself to be an AASPS member, but I do believe that she is a very shallow person from what I have seen of her throughout the past year and more. Not a bad or evil person, just very one-dimentional in my opinion. I would be terrified if a person (any person!) of her low calibre were to be elected as POTUS. Those who complained about Obama should he even more hard pressed to support her, because if they believe Obama was not qualified, what is there in her record that even hints at presidential material?
In her credit it was wrong of a blogger to suggest that her child was not her own. She has been treated to the butt of some jokes that were just plain wrong. I can accept that, be repulsed by that and see the false blame and real harm caused by people who just out and out hate her. I have seen the same hatred focused as well on Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and others. Even Bush was not the idiot and misanthrope people made him out to be, and even Richard Nixon had some excellent leadership qualities.
But Sarah Palin is simply not the type of person we need to run this nation. I would hope that the GOP could and will find someone better than her, in spite of her recent rise in popularity. there are some really good candidates in the GOP, as long as they aren't vilified by those who have their ultra-Conservative litmus test looking for the flaws in any candidate who doesn't toe the line.
As for her book, I started to read it at the local Barnes & Noble, got through the first (LOOONG!!!) chapter and then put it down. I may read more of it, but BS takes a lot of digesting before the next bite. I know when someone is pulling my chain, trying to convince me that he or she is just a victim, and Palin is among that crowd, I believe. To me she seems to be a victim of her own delusional outlook of the world and her place in it.
Just my thoughts...
Chef Jeff
A lot of leaders past and present write something or other for the public but is still no guarantee of the truth since control is within their hands, literally,lol. I think it's great to read what they put out to the public since, behind actions are behaviors that reveal a lot in themselves. You know, actions speak volumes stuff lol
Just, no. Sorry, no. I've read the excerpts, that's enough: … n_quiz.php
And a bit funny.
From a person who has written 3 books (albeit young adult books) and for a lot less money, I am not impressed Sarah Palin got a ghost writer and decided to make some cash off of her ill-gotten celebrity.
She is not qualified to be president of the US, and her politics (such as they are) are beyond scary.
I guess it was a good thing she didn't run for President!
"Am I Going Rogue Because I am actually reading S.P's memoirs?"
Ms.Sarah Palin may have written her books for rogues only. Let her try some for others also.
While I may definitely qualify as a rogue, Sarah's book has information valuable to a broad spectrum of society. Once again, I find it "interesting" that while opinions on the topic abound, actual readers of the material are scarcer than hens' teeth.
Lita, I'd be the last person in the world to try insisting that anyone read a book he or she has no interest in reading. Guess that would sort of be the reverse polarity of censorship.
There's no question that I'm biased in Sarah's favor. I voted for her once and would be glad to have the opportunity to do so again. The dogged statement that she's "not qualified to be the President of the United States" is certainly the opinion of more than a few Americans, and all such have every right to believe as they choose. For my part, I see her as highly qualified, skilled, courageous, and a political genius, but (obviously) my own views regarding government's proper role are scary enough to produce lots and lots of heebie jeebies were I to be in any position of political power.
I did check out the "excerpts" link you provided but wound up mostly scratching my head in puzzlement. Nothing on that page was particularly clear (to me, at least) other than Sarah's quote, to wit:
"If God did not intend for us to eat animals, why did He make them out of meat?"
Yes, that does sound like a bumper sticker quote from, say, a Jeff Foxworthy volume of "You Might Be A Redneck If" sayings. But again, taken in context, there is more to it than meats--sorry, couldn't resist--meets the eye. The quote is the final sentence in a paragraph discussing the high degree of reliance by many if not most Alaskans (including the Palins) on wild seafood and organic protein sources hunted by friend and family.
She goes on to explain that she and her family ate this way even while she was Governor, doing their small part to trim the state food budget...her predecessor had employed a private chef on the taxpayer's dollar; she did not.
Then in closing, she comments (clearly tongue in cheek), "We kept an interesting variety of food that way. If any vegans came over for dinner, I could whip them up a salad, then explain my philosophy on being a carnivore: If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?"
The problem lies in Mrs. Palin actually having a sense of humor. For those of us (like me) who grew up hunting to supplement both the family budget and family diet, the comment brings a quiet, knowing smile. No, I haven't hunted for meat in a very long time, but I still "get it".
Although these days I "get it" from the local grocery store, preferring to pay others to do my dirty work at the slaughterhouse rather than terminate Bambi personally.
Sarah "gets it" on an extremely deep level: She definitely understands every family's struggle to put food on the table--be that a salad from the garden, a pound of hamburger from Safeway, or wild game from the other side of the ridge.
Hi Ghost!
Yes to your question. You're posting this in the wrong forum. There would be very few hubbers interested in the life of Sarah Palin here. Unless you grew up dysfunctional, was a stoner, then went to some ivy league school and became a slick politician - in other words a formula - you're not going to find much interest
You have a lot of company though as there are many who have gone to buy her book.
In my little circle of people most "lean heavily" toward voting Republican, and I don't know any of them who think Sarah Palin was/is a qualified or attractive (not in the appearance sense) candidate for high office.
To me, she has done and said enough that a lot of people don't need to read her book to know she isn't who they want in high office. There's nothing she, or a ghost writer, can say in a book that will undo the damage she's done to her own image.
Before you get all excited, read this: … 1&_r=3
Yes, for people to be excited about Sarah Palin would be a bad thing!
She is no different than the other politicians you criticize. She still lies and has wasted taxpayers money... but in her case we actually have proof.
I'd say her book is definitely about making money and settling scores, but I also think it's about changing her image and setting herself up for a run for President, either in 2012, 2016, or even 2020!
In my opinion she is no less qualified than Obama. Certainly she had more executive experience than Obama did, so to those that say she isn't qualified, I have to wonder how you came to that conclusion especially if you voted for Obama.
I think you will all see Palin's approval rating improve and support for her grow over time, and she just might end up as the republican nominee in 2012. Given what Obama and the democrats are doing to this country, she would likely win that contest!
Hi Poppa B. So true. But I venture to say as others have here, that a tree stump would win against Obama and Biden in 2012 and we'd get a better 4 years!
LOL! I agree completely! Obama is a one term president. In 4 years the people will be so mad at Obama and the democrats they'll want to go to Washington themselves and put their furniture out on the street!
I don't know, we still had idiots vote for George Bush for a second term!
Are you saying the majority of people in this country are idiots? Funny how people from the other side are saying the same thing now...
Maybe we should stop saying such things...
The majority of people didn't vote for W either time. You should self fact check before posting.
Maybe you should do some fact checking before commenting...2004 had GW with 62 million plus...Kerry with 59 million plus....
Which is a majority of American people as the poster claimed? I do know the facts before commenting. Maybe you can work on comprehension?
Majority of 275,000,000 would equal at least 137,500,001 wouldn't it? Man, you make it too easy.
51% is a majority. People who don't vote, don't count and don't matter.
You're right. Screw those know-nothing 17 year olds!!
Do you mean they don't matter when determining the majority of who voted for Bush? Or they don't matter.. period?
So true, and with the tree stump we can retire the teleprompter, it's getting tired. One teleprompter even committed suicide because of the working conditions!
Palin may or may not have a political future, but liberal extremists and wannabe elitists dismiss her political appeal at their own peril.
And Cheney and Rush don't do the same? Com'on here, at least be fair.
Like it or not Palin is going to be a major player in 2012 politics. Putting one's head in the sand about her is foolish, if not downright ignorant. It is always wise to know your enemy - if that's what you think she is.
Reading up on her will give some posters here at least a modicum of credibility, such as it is.
I say read it if you want. It is a book, you take from it what you will. I find reading anything about someone else's life or life experiences interesting. I've read biographies/autobiographies/memoirs of Anderson Cooper, John Lennon, Phil Collins, Jane Goodall, Mitch Albom, Jeanette Walls, Pat Tillman, Nicholas Sparks...blah blah blah
Point being, ya wanna know about someone's life, or hear their perspective... then read.
Who cares what someone else says? Read what ya want.
ARE YOU Going Rogue Because YOU'RE Actually READING Sarah Palin's Memoir? ?????
Whatever "Going Rogue" means - I don't see why anyone would think it's a good thing to do - a rogue is really more of a criminal than a do gooder, by definition - but, hey, Sarah Palin can say whatever she wants - she's no politician, she's a celebrity and like so many other celebrity personalities - she's a total idiot who just happened onto a good thing. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION>
she is obviously a celebrity - I admit that I don't know what a politician really is anymore - from either end of the spectrum the political world seems very skewed and I can hardly believe any of them really want to serve the public - please don't take my words out of context!
It's ok tonite, but you wait till tomarrow!
She's a hoot! Only a good conservative looks that good!
If "going rogue" is anything like "going commando" I think I'll pass
Eh, if I was a lesbian... she wouldn't be my type. No girl crush on Sarah, sorry.
If I was a lesbian I would be all over that.
I know you're a ten! If you tried to be gay you'd break a hundred hearts!
Perhaps if you read her book you would know exactly what she means by that.
Speaking of fact checking...
How many lies in this "book" so far?
I actually work with a woman who looks like Sarah Palin, she is nice though and trustworthy
also, in case you're thinking that way, I wouldn't STEAL it - but I might borrow it sometime - just to see what her writing is like. I really don't like her. It's a gut-reaction - not based on FACTs or even CONJECTURE - its just that she likes shooting wolves from planes and has this strange something that makes me think she's constantly be coached on what to do and say - like wearing one of those ear wires with someone on the other end making responses for her. Look closely and see if you don't agree! and she kinds looks like that little smiley guy there.
I don't really understand the "Palin phenomenom," or the Obama one, either. Am I missing something?
Habee, I wouldn't say you're missing anything. I'm a Palin advocate, but not because I'm "blown away" by her as an icon or anything like that. It's simply that the more I learn about her character and her politics, the better I like her as a possible Presidential candidate.
It may well be that she's considered a "phenomenon" because the Republican field is otherwise so lacking in candidates able to fire the public's imagination for good OR ill.
They're also lacking in any policy ideas, too, and that's why a populist without any is able to play to the cultural revolt she represents.
Yes, but what are they revolting about? Do they know? Do they have the tools or the where-with-all to know? Or don't they honestly care about that?
It's like a short cut, I suppose, to 'support' someone like this without having to do work. Frankly, all this is--is being lazy. Perhaps it's what surrounds all this that makes me so angry (of which Palin is highly representative). There is that half-baked concept in America...especially in the West, that "anybody can do anything," that people don't need the skills and background and experience, "we 'regular' folks are as good as you elitists" (though they can't often separate a true elite from those who have education, etc., which basically is a product of low self esteem and just plain lack of knowledge).
It completely drives me crazy that people can be so blind. No--I don't want a cunning opportunist without the requisite background or pedigree anywhere near a serious office. And that is based on solid experience--people make lousy, lousy chief executive officers when they have limited vision, the inability to organize and have no solid ideas besides stoking up narcissistic sentiments for their personal gain. And I don't care if they are male and sooo good looking, either (my God).
The idea that 'anyone can be president' should not be taken so literally by some. Belief in meritocracy and in the American Dream usually does include doing the work...and often the right kind of work.
Sarah Palin makes America into a cartoon.
Truth of the matter is ... she does. Not because she's an uneducated populist of the highest order, but because outside America we just can't fancy how such idiotic dynamics and games and shows can't make it to political top. I mean, this chick would be fine as a talk show host a la Ophra, but potential Presidential candidate? WTF?
To each their own, I suppose. I'm all the way with your comment, Lita.
Are you saying that Obama is not a legitimate president because he had virtually no experience when he was elected? Interesting position.
Are you saying that elitists are in fact better than regular folks? By virtue of their attitude? I must disagree.
I think it is more their education, but good for you tk.
That is not what I said. Please don't be dishonest.
Elitism is a state of mind. Not everyone in New York and San Francisco is afflicted by it, and not everyone from Jackson, Mississippi is free from it. Elitism is the feeling of superiority enjoyed by certain people based on their income, education, and nuanced value system. Elitism carries with it a strong hint of “sophisticated” Europeanism, as well as a large helping of atheistic skepticism.
They are the ones that consider themselves the smartest person in the room, when in fact they are simply feeding an overlarge ego inflated by the sycophants they prefer for company...
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it seems to me that this kind of James William Bottomtooth III attitude is antithetical to the culture and spirit of America.
interesting, Lita... everything you have said here is the same that has been said of obama...
Is Pailin going to talk to America's allies in tongues?
Hell I'd like to see that.
The woman is loony for gob's sake!
Does she really do that talking in tongues thing? WHOAH!
People hate the woman for being smart, pretty and pro American. Rogue, not at all my friend, smart people read smart books.
Actually, elitism is not so much defined those who have any 'belief' system that they are elites, even if it unfounded, irritating to some or indeed sycofantic.
Elites exist as a class, and I'm sure laugh heartily at those who misconstrue the term out of context and have the general populace at each others' throats falsely debating.
The " Class " you speak of is artificial and of no social is solely self-delusional and self-accommodating...their idea of humor is sarcasm, with little intellectual curiosity since they know better than the rest of us...I have little patience with such, and in fact find them quite boring after enduring countless cliche's and hip retorts showing little originality...
Another great post. You hit the nail on the head.
Sycofantic? Would you possibly mean sycophantic? Wow, I am at a loss for words.
I also have read her book - and not surprisingly - it validated my belief that she is not qualified to be president. Sooo I guess everyone can read something different into most books to support their beliefs. It was and interesting read. (I borrowed it from the library so I in no way gave financial support to her.)
If she runs for president, she will have to stand up to substantial debates and questioning. That will be the test. Not hiring a ghost writer to make her sound good. And maybe this time she'll have to pay for her own clothes.
by Stacie L 13 years ago
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Ok, so I couldn't resist tuning in to tonight's premier.Honestly, if Sarah Palin thinks that this reality show is going to HELP her credibility or her popularity, she really is dumb.In the minutes I saw:1. She allows her young daughter Piper to call her "Sarah" and even comments on the...
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Palin just hit an all-time low in favorability. Maybe people are beginning to see through her. It didn't take me this long! … -High.aspx
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