When will the Obama scandals end?
The VA medical scandal is in it nascency,does this bode ill for Obamacare? After all, isn't the VA hospital system continually elevated as the grand example of One Payer,Government Provided,Tax Payer Funded health care for all? Isn't the VA the best medical care American can provide its brave and wounded warriors? Will Obama appointees say how"disappointed" they are at the ineptitude of Obama appointees? After all, Obama and his minions have been disappointed time and again with the actions of Obama and his minions. Is the real accomplishment of the Obama Administration a BlindDeafMutePress?
Darn good question. I doubt the scandals will end until we do a thorough house cleaning, and start prosecuting some of the heads of these departments for their failed operations and loss of life from their neglect.
The VA situation is just another in a long line of outrageous situations this administration has been caught at. It has probably happend with other administrations, but they didn't get caught and held responsible.
This comment has nothing to do with either political party, they are all equally guilty.
It is a perfect example of a government run operation and your correct that the VA example is what all citizens can look forward to for the quality of their health care.
But nobody will pay any penalties for this needless loss of life, they will most likely either be promoted or allowed to retire with full salary and benefits when they should go to jail.
I agree neither party is standing on "holy ground". The Veterans of war have not been given the support they deserve for (generations). The scandals don't end until the next president takes office, then it's his or her turn!
Equally guilty is an interesting notion mitigated by the fact that Obama claims the most transparent administration while being as opaque as any prior.
Nope....equal treatment. Where were the hearings on the embassy bombingsundr Bush? If not watch, do: Jeans Cruz USA. 220,500 vets denied treatment in 05 after Iraq. Where "scandal"? You want crush BO after ignoring Bush crim3s?NO.
lovemychris - I don't believe anyone is blaming Obama personally for this, but he is the man in charge of everything. What happens on his watch ultimately rests on his shoulders. He picked many of the wrong people to head up various departments,
And he's going to be impeached by the same people that started all this mess. The wars, the torture, the Patriot Act, TARP.....They did it: he pays!
Equally guilty? How can you say that when the Obama admin. was made aware of the VA situation actually before they took office in 2008. 4 years have gone by & it only got worse under Obama. Nor are GOP to blame for IRS & other BO scandals eit
Obama was part of the Senate committee responsible for VA oversight. Obama vote for TARP. Obama has reauthorized and sought to expand the Patriot Act. Obama continued rendition and black sites. His hands are not clean and he lies about washing them.
He never claimed to be "clean". You all do. Everything Bush/Cheney did, you roll over as if it's nothing. It aint ancient history, and you don't get off that easy.WHO'S watch was TARP, torture, Patriot Act,Iraq? Let me guess...Clinton, then Obama.
LMC - I have to ask you if anything other administrations did in the past makes what this administration is doing today OK? To think sins of the past makes todays sins OK is childish in my opinion. It sounds like something we might hear in school.
Childish? How's this: I did something wrong. I got away with it. Now I point the finger at the guy who had to take my fall out. I am free---he will be hanged. Childish...nah, that's Immoral and spiritually bankrupt. As long as Bushco walks free-WHAT?
LMC - So if your sister robbed a bank 15 years ago that makes it OK for you to rob a bank today? Your thinking is not logical. I suggest you just take a hard look at what is happening today and work with that.
If my sister robbed a bank and you let her get away...in fact, didn't even admit she had done anything wrong...what right on gods earth do you have to condemn the next person that comes along?YOU think about it. Getting away w murder means murderisok
Obama = Bush, He supported(took credit for)TARP, kept "Black Sites" open, continued rendition,withdrew from Iraq on the Bush schedule,expanded the Patriot Act,attacked Libya,Yemen and continued Afghanistan. Obama=Bush.
LMC - You missed the point entirely. Neither of us can do a thing about what past administrations did. But that is no excuse for the present administration to do some of what they are doing. That was the point I was trying to make with you.
Mike, you should know by now liberals always point to other bad behavior to justify their bad behavior. That, playing the race card, creating a straw man and lying are the 4 cornerstones of their playbook.
Bush not called socialist, food stamp prez, had his birth right questioned, his patriotism questioned, his wife compared to a baboon, called a mooch, and had an opposing party dedicated to opposing everything he wants to do. Bush treated better, not=
LMC - Your hatred of Bush is preventing you from seeing the present and paying attention to what is happening to this country. Take a "Bush break" and look around, you might be surprised at what you learn. Have a good life, I'm done with this.
Whats happening to this country began a long time ago. Why don't you stop blaming the current prez, and see the real issue: Money, and those who have it.Bush I don't hate.Cheney, yes.Plenty of Obama hate--from members in gvt. THAT the problem.Admitit
Didn't Obama campaign to fix all the abuses of all those dead white men and their constitution. Isn't he the change you lefties have been waiting for?
No, he said he was moving forward, not looking in the past. Pelosi said she wouldn't put the country through impeachment hearings--and now look at what Rs do in return. 24/7 6 yrs and running of tax money spent to get Obama. For Groundswell. Pathetic
When Obama does the same things as GWB Republicans are supposed to be angry with Bush, yet Democrats will not blame the smartest man to ever be President for doing the same things as the most stupid man to ever be President. WHY- Lefties are crazy.
you got that backwards. Your'e not supposed to be angry with Obama. Get it? I mean--how can you be? IF they both do the same...and Bush not held to account, what right do you have to say anything about Obama?Besides, you know they not the same.AsdoI.
I agree with you, Old Pool Man. That makes a lot of sense what you said.
Historically every (second term) president is hit with both real and perceived scandals. Someone they selected for a cabinet position fails and it's a reflection on the sitting president.
The opposition party is always looking for ways to sway the populous not to elect the next president from the sitting president's party. It's tough for any president to stay in office for (8 years) and not be marked by scandals either of his or his cabinet's doing. Also the role of the opposition party make that person look as bad as possible. No one wants Bi-patrician efforts. If things are great the sitting party automatically gets re-elected
Nixon had Watergate, Reagan had Iran/Contra, Clinton had a ton of scandals and ultimately was impeached over the Monica Lewinsky issue, and George W. was beseech with scandals over the torture of terrorist suspects, mishandling Katrina, going into Iraq under the guise of removing WMDs and ultimately switching the mission's objective to "liberation" when there were no WMDs.
The reality is bad things happen on every president's watch. Some people even wanted to blame Bush for 9-11. That's ridiculous!
Unhappy people will always blame whoever is the current president for their unhappiness. This is especially true if they didn't vote for that person! Blame the government!
When FDR introduced Social Security and Medicare both funded with taxpayer money there was a huge outcry! Today both programs are seen as "sacred cows". No one is going to get elected president by stating they want to eliminate either program.
Obamacare is here to stay. It was passed by both houses of congress, upheld by the Supreme Court, and millions of people have enrolled. By the time 2016 arrives that number is likely to double.
The fact of the matter is every president fights for his (political party's) agenda. He is just the face or figurehead of his party
Even if president Obama left office today; Does anyone really believe president Joe Biden would repeal Obamacare? No!
Biden would continue to uphold his party's agenda for the nation. Suddenly Joe Biden would be the person seen as keeping bread off someone's table.
I suspect that 25 years from now Obamacare will be just as "sacred" as Social Security.
As for (second term) presidents the scandals don't end until after the election of the next president! The last time a two term president was followed into office by a new president of his (own) party was George W. H. Bush after Reagan. It's a rare feat!
As mush fun as it is to zero in on the president the bulk of laws/changes come out of congress.
So Obamacare will join Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as one more drag on the economy. It is as I suspected, we are doomed by Democrat idiocy.
Mitch Mcconnell will collect 14,500 a month til the day he dies.THAT is drain on economy!
it is a drag on the economy unless you or someone in your family needs it!
Why do people need it, because the government has destroyed any alternative.
I know...those darn gvt insurance companies.
Where did all those soldiers come from? Could it be the wars Bush started? Oh yeah....he starts, BO has to clean up. Yet--who do you blame? Do you know 30% of R's blame Obama for Katrina? Military is a systematic SAFU. Stop war, then we can get it straight. But you all want Iran war, don't you? More soldiers to deal w.
The VA "scandal" happened on Obama's watch, can't blame George for that one. Not a fan of either of them, but anyone that has ever gone through the VA Healthcare System can attest that it is a universe unto itself and then they cover their butts.
But when it happened under Bush, it wasnt a scandal! WE wrere called anti-American for even saying anything. Obama knows now, and is going to do something about it. Whose fault is it that nothing was done under Bush? Equal treatment, or nothing.
As long as there has been people there has been war. That is not going to change. The willful ineptitude of government and the stupidity of those who see it as the best solution is not nearly as universal. What has BHO cleaned up, the world burns.
Oh I see.....but when one person does it, its patriotic. When another does, its impeachable?If you RWers continue on your quest to impeach, while Cheney walks free, demanding Obamas head:this country deserves to burn.There is no integrity in her-done
lovemychris - From what I read, you are about the only one playing the party game on this one. Going back to the Bush days will not fix the problems with the VA we see today. Try living in the present and not hanging onto the past.
I see, you want me to forget about Iraq, 9/11, torture,Patriot Act, Haliburton, Blackwater, Enron....but get outraged about VA, IRS, Ben.G.Hazi? And I'M playing the party line? Get real.This is ALL politics, nothing more.And BO gave R's a pass.toobad
LMC - Can you change any of those things that happened in the past? Move to the present and there is a chance to help everyone in the future. Living in the past is a waste of life and time. History is to be learned, not lived.
Well, that's convenient in'it?"the past" was 14 yrs ago....that is present, my friend.And the gvt is concerned what will happen to it's members when the torture report is released--forgetting the past is stupid. Rectifying the wrongs is needed.Ornada
The Bush admin. made the VA wait problem public and even in their campaigns in 2007 Obama and McCain addressed what they'd do about it. Obama got elected, did nothing for 6 years and now it's obvious under his admin they tried to cover it up.
LMC - I didn't say forget the past, I said we can't change it. So learn from it and move on. Nothing done in the past justifies doing it again now just because someone else did it.
So--why go after this prez then when the last one got a pass? You have 2 sets of standards."Oh forget what Bush did...Get Obama"I say forget what Obama does until you go after Bush! Bush adm denied benefits to Iraq vets.Should say Military did.Save $
It is the lying. Obama lied and people died. The VA scandal is significant, not because Obama directly denied Vets treatment - nor did GWB, but because the VA was touted as the model of GOVERNMENT single payer health care in order to sell Obamacare.
I don't recall the VA being touted. I remember Romneycare being touted! You know-the guy who's being sued for racketeering, and NO ONE brings it up! And if lying mattered, you all would have lambasted Bush, and you dint.You lambasted those who ? Bush
Check out the "brilliant" words of lefties' favorite economist, Paul Krugman or favorite journalist, Nicholas Kristof or favorite WaPo wonk(er), Ezra Klein. Obama is President, now, it is all on him. He will remain, despite his ineptitude.
Look who's talking brilliant. It would be on Obama if he could do anything. Gitmo closed: Congress won't fund it. Stimulus: cut in half for TAX CUTS FOR RUSH. Solyndra:Congress won't fund, China takes the reigns. Iraq, Failed economy, out-sourcing.RW
As long as Obama is in office, the scandals will continue.
Really?So none of the "scandals" happened just prior? Remember going to war w the army we have? Umm, that was one w no kevlar vests. And guess what?That was Clintons fault! Mr invisible slipped right by. Scandals are Democrat in nature. Rs do no wron
LMC, not the point. GWB is no longer in office, Obama has 3 years to go. Democrats choose to focus on social experimentation and not war preparation. The next war America fights will be bloody as hell because we are dismantling our capabilities.
That not the point. Point is Rs in charge of House during both adm. Bush crimes--ignored. Fall-out of Bush crimes blame placed on Obama, demand his head. No integrity, only politics. Next war same as last: neo-con quest for greater Israel. Who dies?
Dems have been in charge of Senate since 2006 and held the House from 2006 to 2010. So why didn't they do anything, because they were too busy destroying health care, energy and the economy?
Easy. Filibusters. They had House from 07 and that's when banking regulation, consumer protection act, increase to vets happened. TARP was LAW by time BO got in. YET you TP blame him. Wars started 03...blame Obama. Debt: Bush tax cuts, war and part D
OBAMA WAS A SENATOR and met with GWB during the 2008 campaign about TARP. He did not emerge from the water and walk naked and innocent into the White House.
Nor was he commander in chief. Who would that have been, hmm? You want to hang BO......why not Bush?
Commander-in Chief applies to the military power of the President. TARP was not a declaration by an all mighty ruler, it was a law passed through a DEMOCRAT dominated Congress - BHO endoresed and voted for it (at least he did in this reality).
"as President, Obama changed TARP to spur lending among small businesses, create programs to assist homeowners in refinancing their homes, rescue GM, and create programs to directly provide funds to states hardest hit by the housing crisis."
How did Obama change TARP, it was a law not an executive order and was in place prior to his election. Besides, if he wants to claim credit for TARP, so be it. He has been a dismal failure.
Oh Oh, There you go using those darn facts. You know how much liberals hate facts and rely on their internal rumor mills.
He didn't take credit for TARP--TP gave it to him. With their disgusting voodoo witch doctor signs. Where were the signs dissing Bush then? Invisible...just like their responsibility for anything. Obama used TARP money for people, as well as banks.
They pretty much will never end with the media being universal today and appearing with history and anthropology almost eternal or of least endless. We are still uncovering scandals from the days of forming this country. The authorship and signers of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence have new scandals showing up. The bible is scandalous today more than it has ever been in history.
As far as the scandals being discovered regarding Obama with controversy today and its media highlighting? Well, I simply dun'no . . .
Like any criminal, they only pay for the criminal activity they are caught at. Are we to believe that everyone caught committing a crime got caught the first time they broke the law? These Obama administration scandals are obviously the tip of the iceberg of immoral at best and criminal at worse activity condoned and encouraged by this administration. They are the evidence of a pattern of this administration's activities which I guarantee you is only the tip of the iceberg just based on the study of the criminal mind. Unless of course you are among the brain dead Obama zombies who believe Obama when he says these are all "phony" scandals.
The whole Obama scandals situation is reminiscent of the mob boss who claims he is being falsely accused and harassed as the feds investigate and close in on his nefarious doings. Everybody knows the mobster is guilty of much more than he is being tried for. What happens in that case? Well witnesses mysteriously disappear, loyal mobsters are promoted for lying or to be kept quiet and his lawyers keep him from going to court forever.
So when will the Obama scandals end? They will never end because life long criminals never change their behavior, but at some point they will stop being discovered and brought to light probably when it just doesn't make any more sense to spend money and time on getting to the bottom of them. But I guarantee you the scandals that have been revealed so far are just the tip of the iceberg of lies, immorality and criminal activity that have surrounded this administration and will surround anybody associated with the Obama administration or his "new" Democratic party for a long time to come.
As long as stupid people keep backing the fool, when will the Sheeple realizethey were played the fool.?
Oh...ok. Stupid foolish people back Obama. You smart ones know better. Did you by any chance vote for Bush..... twice?....hand this man a suma cum laude.....ooooooops, Obama got that. Yeah.....stupid.
yeah and he got the Nobel Peace Prize, not like he earned it either. Obama, has no solid leadership experience, and yet, you voted for him why because he is black? or because he wasn't a republican, either way, you did not vote on merit.
I voted for him because he was against the Iraq invasion, promoting green energy,and tax cuts for the middle class. And Bush,Reagan and Daddy Bush wrecked the world....Hilary kisses too much zio butt, and RMoney is a criminal. Now--why you vote Bush?
Voted for him, because he was a business man, he had a political record, and knew how to handle issues that came up, thank god he was in the WH when 9/11 happened, I shutter to think what weenie obama would have done, probably bowed to Bin Laden...
OK--now our realities have no semblance of anything similar......for I am one who believes the Bush adm helped Israel to commit 9/11. PNAC, Greater Israel....Muslim hatred. Nazi. Hopefully, there are 2 shadow gvts-one good, and yours. Over n out.
Apparently, you are also one of those who has a very loose definition of reality.
Yes, in my reality, no 19 men w box cutters could dupe the United States Military apparatus. Not in a million years. Inside Job.
The Obama scandals will end the day he leaves office and they'll give way to the Hillary scandals that will begin the day she gets into office.
The day she gets in office is the day America (& the music) dies. I see the headlines now, Hillary blames her "phony" scandals on internet videos saying this about the thousands of deaths she has caused "What difference at this point does it mak
Hillary has plenty of scandals she is already dragging around behind her.Democrats will forgive anything, but the American voter is not always so generous.
June 8th at the earliest
And I really wish I could just end it there, because I think that was quite a clever answer. Unfortunately, I have to keep writing to fulfill minimum character limits.
*insert quip about the Tea Party*
*insert quip about Benghazi*
*Insert rumor about Jeb Bush being adopted*
I thought the 'discussion' was starting to get 'interesting'. No time for 'commercials'..Let the 'peace talks' begin if that's still allowed! Keeping a open mind and following who is right..is difficult. Keep me informed!
Looking forward to new issues in 2016, when we vote a new president! We will have new national problems then to adjust too. Just, make the most of Obama. You have to admit, he's interesting as a president and person, leader of our country!
I find him a bit of a bore, as narcissists usually are.
by Lizzie Edenfield 10 years ago
Who is the one to blame for the shutdown? GOP, the Republicans or President Obama?
by promisem 7 years ago
Odd that the House was able to pass 60 bills repealing Obamacare when Obama was president but can't pass one when Trump is president.
by Grace Marguerite Williams 10 years ago
To all conservatives out there, what are the 10 ways that President Obama is destroying this countrybesides instituting Obamacare?
by taburkett 10 years ago
What is your opinion of President Obama stating that the current Administration scandals are Phony?Does this statement present a distraction to the public? Does it show that the President has little concern for the truth? Does it echo the same illogical rhetoric as that used to hide...
by Cassie Smith 10 years ago
Should a president be impeached for lying?Barack Obama lied to get his (un)Affordable Health Care Act passed. Why is no one in uproar over this? If this was Bush the dummycrats and (un)liberals would be asking for his head.
by lady_love158 13 years ago
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Banks-rep … 62554.htmlForeclosures topped 1 million in 2010 and the pace is expected to pick up in this quarter pushing home prices down an additional 5% and putting more borrowers under water.Yes Obama and the Democrats are doing a bang up job on the recovery!...
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