What has the USA government done to make you trust their decisions?

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  1. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 10 years ago

    What has the USA government done to make you trust their decisions?

    If you are a citizen of the USA, what has your government done to make you trust in their ability to take care of our country?

  2. profile image50
    Nicholas Chargeposted 10 years ago

    The government has tried to make us dependent and their they're telling us we're free but it's a lie,and their using the law to do it.

  3. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 10 years ago

    Being a member of the "baby boomer" generation which once coined the phrase: “Don't trust anyone over 30" it's been quite awhile since I've placed full faith in the government regardless of political party.
    Although I'm far from being a "conspiracy theorist"  the longer one lives the more they realize they have to depend on themselves and not get too caught up with "choosing sides".
    You study about the JFK assassination and the "single bullet", WMDs in Iraq, Erased Watergate tapes, the manufactured oil crisis of the 70s on up through the VA hospital scandal and it's abundantly obvious no one should believe (everything) they hear, read, or see in the media concerning our government's actions or the motivation for their actions. Corruption and greed have (always) existed!
    I was actually surprised at how many people were "shocked" when it was announced the NSA had been spying on citizens as well as allied nations. Every industrialized nation does it!
    We're on camera for the most part whenever we step out of the house. Granted the government is not going to waste a lot of time going after every little infraction someone does but if they think it's warranted they can use satellites, facial recognition software, and a host of other surveillance tools to capture anyone considered to be a threat.
    Having said that I don't lie awake at night worrying about things I have no control over. I also do not buy into belief that one political party is altruistic and the other is pure evil. It's two sides of the same coin!
    All anyone can really do is hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. When get right down to it the only person you can control is yourself. It's enough of a challenge to run one's own household and look after the community they live in.

  4. Lowdown0 profile image84
    Lowdown0posted 10 years ago

    I don't trust anything the government does, they are compromised and being run by global powers, which don't have the American people's interest in mind.

  5. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 10 years ago

    The best that they can do is to keep a strong military. That is the only way to remain a free country. Outside of that, I pay very little attention to them. It's kinda like grade school. When you're little everybody seems important. Then when you mature you realize they are not important, only you are. They are trying to impose their desire for importance on your consciousness. But this is your life. Nothing matters but you. If you have a good life, it's up to you. The government has it's destiny and you have yours. Watching them is a waste of time. My grandfather lived to be 100 years old and I can assure you, anybody who lives to be 100 can look back on all the nonsense and smile. Everything they do is irrelevant, but people don't realize it until the end. Then it's too late.

  6. pattyfloren profile image76
    pattyflorenposted 10 years ago

    I can say in knowing that the President and its party created a stimulus package to stimulate the economy making it possible to create more jobs.  Isn't that one of the main reasons to be president, to help the economy recover from inflation and/or a recession?  The Feds had a job to do and they did it, in that regards anyway.

  7. M. T. Dremer profile image83
    M. T. Dremerposted 10 years ago

    Every once and a while, government has one of those 'restored faith in humanity' moments. The election of Barack Obama was one of them. People may not agree with his policies, but the fact that we elected a non-white president for the first time in our nations history shows how far we've come. Another moment was the supreme courts ruling on gay marriage. Truly progressive change is often hard to achieve, but seeing it when it happens reminds us what government is capable of when it's not tripping over itself. The system is bloated with money and in need of serious reform, but if we label it the 'bad guy' and call it a day, then we have turned away from the core of our democracy.

  8. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image76
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 10 years ago

    Absolutely nothing.  I do not trust their decision making in any way - except I do trust them to always make the exact wrong decision, the worst decison, the least moral decision.

  9. Penny G profile image61
    Penny Gposted 10 years ago

    I went to pick up by 7 year old daughter at choir practice. It was down town in the city. There was never anywhere to park. So parents would drive around in front of the church and the children would watch for their parents to be able to stop briefly and your child would run out and jump it. Not a real safe practice, but it was what we did. Sometimes you would pass the doors several times, hmm sometimes many more as someone else was stopped, you would just go around again. So when it was finally my turn, my daughter was no longer standing in the door. She was a sweet quiet little girl, so I thought even with a bit of panic feeling, she must have went to the bathroom. After many more trips she was not there. Now I do panic, I park clear down the street and walk up there heart racing. There was a homeless shelter in the basement and not always good people there. In no way am I being disrespectful to them, I volunteered for them  for many years. I looked around, she was no where. It was busy so no one really got to worried. They said they thought she went to the bathroom. This was down stairs, I called her name over and over, nothing. Some homeless started mimicking me. I started to a cry. I went upstair to the director, asked to use the phone to call the police, they wouldn't let me. They were not worried and they thought it would be bad publicity for them. We didn't have cell phones then. Finally a little girl came up to me who to my surprise looked a lot like my little girl. She said mrs ****** I know where your daughter is. I said where tell me please. She said mr***** was suppose to pick me up,( he was a chaperon for the choir) but he took your daughter instead. I could not believe this! I then find the Director take this little girl to him, she tell him this and he then he called little girls parent. She was very upset because she had already received my daughter instead of hers and said some Mother must be loosing her mind right now. They ask me to calm down and that was very hard. That 25 minutes of my life sent scary dreadful images of my daughter, me on  the news pleading for her return. I had even looked throughout the church  looking in large trash cans sadly for her body. Finally he returned with her and before it was over he was crying too. I asked my daughter why, when we had a password set up, when she saw me out there driving around she would do this. She said I knew him and he said you MOM said so I thought you must have left for some reason


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