Can world peace be achieved or is there no hope?

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  1. Vandall8888 profile image61
    Vandall8888posted 9 years ago

    Can world peace be achieved or is there no hope?

  2. Tusitala Tom profile image67
    Tusitala Tomposted 9 years ago

    World peace will come when a predominant number of people feel that peace is the most important thing humans can have in their lives.  That is, when enough people truly want it.

    I'm of the opinion, and I'm not alone in this, that there is far more peace in the world today than there was in the past.  Don't let the media reports fool you.  The media thrive on conflict and drama.   Unfortunately, a great many people are not astute enough to realize this.   But more and more are learning.

    The key to world peace is the development in sufficient numbers of people realizing that they are MORE than what they 'think' they are; the discrimination between the 'made up self image' or ego and the Real Self.   The huge swing towards serious meditation as a method of self-understanding is gradually helping to bring this about.   Sixty or seventy years ago probably one person in 5,000 in the Western World meditated regularly, today it's probably one in fifty.    Once a certain percentage is reached, the scales will tip, and peace between families, neighbours, regions and nations will become the norm.

    And yes, given sufficient time, I'd say world peace is inevitable.

  3. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 9 years ago

    there is no hope, there won't be any peace, with all the war, quarrel and revenges, there is no peace, more wounds and dead bodies. only prayer for world peace might help

  4. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 9 years ago

    The world is at peace. The people and the animals and insects are not. Mars is at peace because nobody is on the planet, yet. When men, get to mars, then Mars will still be at peace, but the people on Mars will not be at peace. Peace only comes to individuals who want to attain it. Everybody doesn't want peace. So no, most people on this planet called earth will never have peace.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image67
      Lady Guinevereposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree!

  5. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    It's a pipedream!
    The human (ego) will never allow world peace. Acceptance, tolerance, and compromise are required to get along. However everyone has their own set of "deal breakers" or "boundaries" for which they are willing to die for if necessary in order to maintain.
    Differences in location, skin color, and religious beliefs also contribute to the notion of "competing" with one another to the point of various groups of people believing they are "superior' to other groups.
    "We're #1!"
    Our god is the God! Your way is the wrong way! The minute one group or nation tells another group or nation how they "should" govern themselves or imply their traditions are barbaric that's likely to create some resentment. People have a need to influence others to think the way they do. They can't "silently watch" in disagreement.
    Greed and selfishness are also a part of human nature. Rarely would you find anyone who wanted to split (all) of the world's resources (equally). People would rather be treated special than equal.
    Lastly there is "envy" if one group is struggling in the middle of a desert and another group lives by fresh water with lavish gardens that are fruitful at some point a person in the struggling group will suggest conquering the other group to reap the benefits of their location.

  6. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 9 years ago

    What you ask of the world you must ask of yourself, or it would not equate. Are you peaceful? Do you feel a sense of inner harmony, equilibrium, Balance? Do you experience inner and abiding joy?

    If you experience those things, then your expectations are practical and realistic, but if not, why should you expect it of others?

    Is there no hope? Then should I ask, are you optimistic? 'cause if you're not, you are already in a self-defeatist zone.

    The ancient message of 'man know thyself' is very real, and loving oneself is also very real. Work on the inner mirror, remove the stains, and the clearer the picture, the greater will be your capacity to answer your own question.

    Perhaps you're already doing this right? If so, I do not know that the question will arise. But hey, that's just my response after 32 years of prayer, interior work and service to mankind. I may be wrong. Much peace.


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