Because I'm White, I'm Racist?

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  1. Amanda6868 profile image64
    Amanda6868posted 9 years ago

    Because I'm White, I'm Racist?

    I'm so tired of being accused of racism just for telling someone to stop insulting me who just happens to be of another race... I am not racist and I would never think less of someone who doesn't have the same color skin as me. What do I do about it without sounding racist?

  2. Tusitala Tom profile image68
    Tusitala Tomposted 9 years ago

    Do nothing.  Don't react.  Silence is often the exact reply when someone is attempting to prompt you in some way.  But by remaining silent I mean with your mind, too.  Don't let it react.  It isn't you, anyway.   You have a mind. You have emotions.  You have a physical body.  But they ARE you NOT you.   You are a centre of consciousness with a will.

    Keep that at the centre of your attention as much as you can and you'll find it gradually easier and easier to remain "cool, calm and collected" whenever your self-image tries to tell you it should be offended.

  3. arksys profile image78
    arksysposted 9 years ago

    Method 1
    40 seconds of praise followed by 20 seconds of mannered "stop insulting me" hinted coaching.
    a single dose three times a day should do the trick but start gradually and taper off the dosage in the end. smile

    Method 2
    people also always want to help you if you ask them. the second method is to present a problem to that same person and ask for their help as if they are the only person in the world who can help you. People's attitude changes a lot when you ask them for help. If this works, follow up with method 1. smile

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image84
    M. T. Dremerposted 9 years ago

    If it's the same person who is calling you racist, over and over again, then it's probably just that person's problem. For whatever reason, they feel the need to attack you in this way.

    If multiple different people are calling you racist, then you might have to step back and look at the language you're using. A great deal of modern racism is subtle and (in some ways) unintentional. Speaking in broad, general terms like 'black people are this' or 'white people do that' is often subtly racist simply because it groups too many people together without accounting for individuality.

  5. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 9 years ago

    There are two major definitions of racism.
    1. Racism that assumes that everyone of a particular race or ethnic group is inferior. This is the traditional and basic definition.
    2. Racism + power - a definition that assumes you can only be racist if you have power, which many liberals define as being white, male, heterosexual, able-bodied. With this definition, a black can hate Asians but not be considered racist, because blacks are assumed not to have power - black President, black attorney general and major media heads like Oprah aside.

    The "power" definition lets someone lazily say all whites are racist, while denying the racism of blacks who attack whites, hispanics and Asians in the "knockout game", injuring if not killing people for fun because the target is of a different race.
    Likewise, this argument ignores black and hispanic gangs targeting each other, to the point of Hispanics driving blacks out of communities in California by threat and force, because somehow the actual violence of hispanics attacking blacks isn't considered racism under this model - though hatred based on race is racist.


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