Hell's Bells! Trump's 2020 State of the Union Address

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  1. GA Anderson profile image83
    GA Andersonposted 4 years ago

    Okay, I immediately turned to CNN to hear the criticisms, but . . .

    This was one of the better State of the Union addresses I have heard.

    Now, to hear the Democrat response and criticisms.


    1. Eastward profile image76
      Eastwardposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      From an independent point of view (via Twitter):

      For a person who claims to oppose socialism, President Trump spent a lot of time in his SOTU address touting central planning, federal intervention in nonfederal matters, and a big-government spending spree—policies that threaten our rights and undermine our long-term prosperity. --Justin Amash

      1. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        He lied about his health care and education policies because he knows the truth about what he has been doing, and will continue doing, would horrify most Americans.

        1. Eastward profile image76
          Eastwardposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Lying seems to be the President's default position. Love him or hate him, being up front with the American people doesn't seem to be on his list of priorities.

          https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/factc … e-union-3/

          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Correct, EW. He's the most lying person we'll ever witness in our lifetime. And some love him for it. Did you believe we'd ever see the like of auch a leader in our country? I didn't.

            1. Eastward profile image76
              Eastwardposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I didn't, Randy. My friends from abroad ask he me how it's possible that Trump can be President. My best answer is that enough people were desperate and willing to play the wild card ("outsider" Trump against Establishment Clinton). Although, the DNC isn't off to a strong start on convincing anyone that things are going to be legit and transparent in 2020 either. I hope they get it together quickly.

              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                The very worst the left could do would be better than what we have now, EW. I've never witnessed our country so close to being destroyed from within.

                I thought George W was an idiot, but Trump makes him look like a genius.

                1. Eastward profile image76
                  Eastwardposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm hoping you are right about the left, Randy. Offering my opinion here, but I get the impression that W was mostly a puppet pulled by strings (guys like Cheney) and wouldn't have been necessarily as bad on his own. Of course, that doesn't excuse sending the country into a phony war, etc. etc. Trump seems to have strong intentions, and I think we share an impression of what those intentions are (and they don't require much intelligence).

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                    Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    I agree, EW. Trump won't learn anything from this event. The next day after the Mueller testimony he made the infamous call to Zelensky.

                    The idiot will get into more mischief now he knows Mitch and Co. will protect him.

          2. jackclee lm profile image77
            jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            lying is in the eyes of the beholder...

            To some, he was just exaggerating a bit.

            But seriously, don't miss the forest from the trees.
            The bottom line is, our economy is doing great and Trump's policies are working...despite the best efforts of the Democrats to impeach and distract him...

            1. Eastward profile image76
              Eastwardposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Of course some points are simply true or false, others are in the vast grey area. Here's how politifact.com breaks down an array of Trump statements: https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/

              The state of economy is also in the eye of the beholder. My stocks are doing well which is fine. I'd much rather see the country focused on making sure the most vulnerable among us have housing, healthcare, better access to education, living wages, etc. I just don't see Trump making any of these things a priority. So, he's probably the last guy I'd consider voting for.

              1. jackclee lm profile image77
                jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                But that is precisely his message at the SOTUS. We've had two visions and policies over the last 11 years. The progressive policies of Obama has failed...and Trump has succeeded. His policies have lifted all people across the board...
                Which candidate on the Democrat side would you vote for? the DNC can't even run a caucus in Iowa...and you think they can do healthcare for all?

                1. Eastward profile image76
                  Eastwardposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  The rest of the industrialized world has seemed to figure out how to get all citizens decent healthcare. Are there systems perfect? No. Do we need to copy them without innovating and adapting them to our own country? No. Will I consider any President that can't get this done a success in the 2000's? No (that goes for Obama and Trump). Even some third world countries have managed to give more of their citizens access to basic healthcare. I'm frankly embarrassed and ashamed that we don't care enough about our fellow man to demand the same. I feel the same way about for-profit prisons and policing, disregard for the environment (whether one believes climate change is as urgent as scientists say or not), and the list goes on. My ROI feels like dirty money if I look at the bigger picture (even if I do try to make efforts to stick with companies that are socially responsible).

                  I'd like to think that the DNC debacle in Iowa is incompetence, but yes, I do fear that it's worse than that. They tried to sabotage Sanders in 2016 and they are likely trying again. I will vote for Sanders given the chance. If he's not the nominee, I'll cross that bridge if and when I must.

                  1. jackclee lm profile image77
                    jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    The best system of single payer healthcare is Taiwan. It is an island of 23 million people and everyone is covered from birth till death. It did not come about over night.
                    Our system may not be the best but it is working and could use some fixes...The ACA was not the answer. In fact, it could be argued that it made it worse. My personal health insurance was made worse under Obamacare. I had to pay more and received less coverage. That is the bottom line. The GOP wanted to repeal the ACA and it was one man that prevented it and he was John McCain. He went back on his word promising his voters that he would repeal ACA but when the crucial moment came, he let his personal hatred of Trump rule the day.

            2. Randy Godwin profile image60
              Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              You simply don't care if he lies, Jack.

              1. jackclee lm profile image77
                jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                I care about results. He can embellish all he wants...but at the end of the day, if he gets the results, I don't care if he exaggerates...
                I am happy with what he accomplished in the past 3 years.  Any politician, republican or democrat, would kill for such a record.

                1. jackclee lm profile image77
                  jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this
                2. Randy Godwin profile image60
                  Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Embellishes? Exaggerates?  Pure lies, and using such words to diminish his falsehoods says much about you, Jack.

                  1. jackclee lm profile image77
                    jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    You just don't understand difference do you?
                    what is a lie?
                    and how bad is it?
                    Some lies are white lies...

                    I think Obama's lie about the ACA...is much worst a lie because it created a monstrosity and cost all of us $$$ for years to come.
                    It created an economic freeze where business were afraid to hire and many were put on P/T work to avoid the mandate...

                    So, some lies are just plain stupid, and some lies are devastating.
                    Trump speech may have contained some "lies" but it did not harm a single soul.

        2. Jean Bakula profile image87
          Jean Bakulaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          The whole speech was filled with lies. I couldn't even believe my ears. When is the cult going to wake up and realize this man is a sociopath and and a compulsive liar? He said he added jobs to a state that lost 4,000 jobs and Harley Davidson. The jobs he has added are minimum wage jobs that can't support a family. He has made it a mission to take health care away from people. He has children in cages. A SOTU is a solemn event, not a rally. The "four more years" chants were out of line. And Rush getting a Medal of Honor? I want to puke.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Yep, I feel the same, Jean, What has Limbaugh ever done but spread conspiracy theories and right wing propaganda?

            This denigrates those who truly deserve the honor of being given the Medal of Freedom. Every day this POS remains in office demeans the very reason our country has lasted so long.

          2. jackclee lm profile image77
            jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Rush Limbaugh deserve the Medal of Freedom. Do you even know what he means to millions of Americans? Did you feel the same about President Reagan? Come clean and claim your bias...
            Rush is a unabashed conservative as am I.
            we are 40% of the population. The silent majority...
            We are winning under Trump and following the Reagan model.

            1. Randy Godwin profile image60
              Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              The Medal Of Freedom just lost its luster when placed around the neck of a conspiracy monger who divides the country as much as possible. What has he ever done to warrant such a previously respected honor?

            2. IslandBites profile image91
              IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              And that says a lot about you.

              I'm sorry he has cancer. But Rush Limbaugh is garbage.

              1. jackclee lm profile image77
                jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                based on what? what do you know about the man, other than what the left has been propagandizing...
                Rush is a self taught scholar. He has written many best selling books on American history for children...Rush Revere series.
                He has donate huge amount to charities and raised even more thru his works and his store...

                He is an American icon...and loved by millions of Conservatives.
                He is no garbage.
                If you want to take on the challenge, I can debate you anytime...

                1. IslandBites profile image91
                  IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Yeah, we know a lot of people like garbage.

                2. Randy Godwin profile image60
                  Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Debate about what? He's a talking head for the Right who has no business getting the formerly respected award. Who's next, Kelly Anne? Bwahaha!  lol

              2. jackclee lm profile image77
                jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                based on what? what do you know about the man, other than what the left has been propagandizing...
                Rush is a self taught scholar. He has written many best selling books on American history for children...Rush Revere series.
                He has donate huge amount to charities and raised even more thru his works and his store...

                He is an American icon...and loved by millions of Concervatives.
                He is no garbage.
                If you want to take on the challenge, I can debate you anytime...

            3. abwilliams profile image68
              abwilliamsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Hi Jack, did you see this article by chance?

              https://www.americanthinker.com/article … _rush.html

              1. jackclee lm profile image77
                jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                thanks for the link. great article and one of many experiences first hand of Rush listeners. Many are liberals who may disagree with his politics but found Rush to be intelligent, entertaining and a friend. I wrote a tribute to Rush here on hubpages two years ago on the 30th anniversary of his show. It is rated number one on Google...and Bing...

      2. GA Anderson profile image83
        GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        The thing I liked most about his speech was not its content, it was that it was a typical State of the Union speech. I was expecting him to go off-the-rails on the impeachment thing.

        For him not to do that made it a good speech for me.

        Criticisms of content are a normal part of them. So, I don't have a problem with content criticisms.


        1. Randy Godwin profile image60
          Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I'll bet he had to bite his tongue to keep from saying the "I" word.

          1. GA Anderson profile image83
            GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            That was my point. All day, leading up to the speech, pundits were offering that the "I-word" wasn't in the official text of the speech and that his advisors and political allies were all urging him not to use it. But, all left the thought dangling that 'we just never know for sure . . .'

            I think the I-words absence made it a good speech. 9the point I started with in this thread)


        2. profile image0
          PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          My gawd

        3. IslandBites profile image91
          IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          So the bar was so low, eh?

          I think the I-words absence made it a good speech. 9the point I started with in this thread)

          But you said "This was one of the better State of the Union addresses I have heard." You also said it was great and a helluva speech.

          So, which is it?

          1. GA Anderson profile image83
            GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            It is the former, because I couldn't find where I said the latter. Did I miss it in one of my comments?

            And yes, the bar was that low.

            [EDIT] Oh buggers! I am wrong again. It is true that I did not say "great" and "hellava" in this thread. Which is where I originally looked to double-check. But, to my horror, I do see that I said that in another thread. Sorry for doubting you Island Mom, but I will stick with my determination of it being "the former."


            1. IslandBites profile image91
              IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              So is no longer a great, hellava speech, one of the better State of the Union addresses? Now is just good, because the bar was low?

              OK. Just checking.

              1. GA Anderson profile image83
                GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                At this point, me too. I'm taking the 5th.

                *(from the kitchen to the den)


                1. IslandBites profile image91
                  IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this


                2. Randy Godwin profile image60
                  Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Now you're getting smart, Gus!

    2. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this


      That's all I got. Just ew.

      1. GA Anderson profile image83
        GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        That's fair.


    3. Ken Burgess profile image70
      Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      GA, if you just judge the man off his SOTUS and UN Addresses, along with his record of accomplishments despite having a resistant Congress to contend with, there is no doubt he is one of the best Presidents we have seen in our lifetimes.

      You could make an argument for Clinton, who was President as NAFTA, Glass Steagall, and Community Reinvestment changed/passed and at the time things seemed great... but we know where all that ended up leading the country.

      You could make an argument that Obama had to contend with the remnants from a variety of disasters created by or unfolded upon Bush, but he did give us the deplorable ACA, and he did give us a growing expanse of collapsed nations and global unrest (Libya, Syria, Ukraine, on top of Iraq and Afghanistan)... all this in his first term no less.

      With Trump there are no new wars, no new taxes, lowest unemployment in decades, highest stock market in history, things are going as well as they have gone for a long time.

      Not much to complain about other than his tweets and off-the-cuff comments.

      Unless you have bought into the BS the likes of CNN and MSNBC have been peddling for years now, and if that's the case, you probably think we are living in times of the apocalypse right now... sadly, things have rarely been so good in American history, and they can't even recognize their good fortune.

    4. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Good morning GA, it was a great speech!
      I did not turn to CNN after, I took to FB, to 'discuss' Nancy with some ladies. The general consensus...she is bat s*** crazy!!
      But, the President hit it out of the park!

    5. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      It was one of the best I have ever heard too. Not sure if many realize this, Trump is truly reaching out to help Americans. However, sometimes he is like a bull in a china shop. When he gave his speech, I saw something very different. Especially when he introduced his guests and spoke of their triumphs. The speech was uplifting. No, he is not an eloquent speaker, and he certainly is not a politician. And I have come to appreciate that.  However, I could virtually feel his emotions with every facet of his speech.

      1. GA Anderson profile image83
        GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        welll . . . in the sobering morning light . . . I am still very glad he didn't do the expected impeachment gloat.

        However, in that same morning light, his AM Victory gloat was a spectacle to behold. I think it was ugly and telling.


        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          He did put on quite a show. However, I think he was Trump being Trump. No one could ever accuse him of being phony. One thing stuck out. His demeanor did not seem hateful. It seemed as if he were taking an hour to celebrate, and thank the people that supported him through the impeachment.  Keep in mind this man has been bashed for four years. I would have thought he would glost a bit.  Now Nacey's demeanor, ripping up the speech, her morning-after press briefing. Just not pretty. Lots of visible hate her voice, her expression, and her words. Pure venom. Her demeanor was telling and answered my question of why the Dem's rushed through the failed impeachment.

          He will always carry that he was impeachment it will follow him through history. Not sure if it entered her mind, so will his accomplishments.


          1. Ken Burgess profile image70
            Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Well, it is true, it will be attached to his Presidency.

            It will also be attached to the House and the Democrats in the 2020 election.

            Nancy's efforts did more to destroy the Democrats' chances in the 2020 elections than any other single event.  She did more to help Trump get re-elected than any other American.  She made Trump more popular (has the highest ratings he has ever had right now) and made the Democrats look more vindictive, petty, and power hungry than ever.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I agree with every word.  not sure why the Dem's went down the impeachment path and did just not work on finding a good candidate. It makes me wonder, what if they had taken the hight road?
              There is no doubt the Dem's have solidified  Trump 4 more years.

              Not sure if Nacy realizes if the Rep retakes the House they will surely expunge Trump's impeachment.

              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Is this possible, Shar? Or simply wishful thinking? In that case Bill's impeachment can be expunged, right?

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, Bill's impeachment could have been expunged.  The House has the power to expunge.

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                    Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    Cool! I'll send Nance a note suggesting it be done.

      2. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Were you sippin' a few of GA's  martinis?

        "I could virtually feel his emotions with every facet of his speech. "

        big_smile   big_smile   big_smile

        1. Randy Godwin profile image60
          Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Me too!. He was relieved to escape his criminality. Now watch him show his tremendous ass!

          1. profile image0
            PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            My son watched The Don just now while under the influence of an herbal substance. He  spent the entire time alternating between exclamations of WTF!  and knee-slapping guffaws. He has found a way to'tolerate the lying POS. In small doses. ;-)

            1. Randy Godwin profile image60
              Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Trump is suspected of having a sudafed problem, and not a normal herbal buzz. His constant snorting is a sign of such use.

              And anyway, some herbs cure nausea, and are especially helpful when listening to the Don. tongue

              1. profile image0
                PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Well, I can't get too worked up over a Sudafed problem. That's an interesting explanation for his wired snorting, though.

        2. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Hey, you caught me... I love martinis. I actually did see something different in his demeanor during the speech.

          1. profile image0
            PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I have found that watching Trump is more palatable while under the influence. ;-)

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              LOL... Maybe

  2. GA Anderson profile image83
    GA Andersonposted 4 years ago

    Oh hell! I am watching a CNN panel of 9 pundits, including Anderson Cooper, Axelrod, and Van Jones, try to diminish the State of the Union speech.

    Geesh. I bet these folks will feel silly when they look at rebroadcasts of their comments. I can just hear the hum of the meme factories working overtime.

    'Just can' give the devil his due' Just can't admit that the president gave a good speech.

    What a poor reflection.


    1. jackclee lm profile image77
      jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      If Obama gave the exact same speech, they would be cheering...

      1. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly Jack!!!!

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yes Gus, the President gave an excellent speech.  Nancy acted in her usual immature stance.  She tore up the speech.  She is hellbent on destroying Trump in one way or another.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image60
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        So you believe Nancy--after Trump refused to shake her hand--should have taken the high ground, Grace? Trump snubbed her like the cad he is. What do you expect?

        1. GA Anderson profile image83
          GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          After Nancy broke the tradition of stating the honor of introducing him, what else do you expect?

          Who took the high ground?


          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Do you really believe it was an honor and privilege to  introduce an impeached president, Gus? Seriously? Did you really believe she'd cower before the bully? Bwahahah! lol

            He's insulted her many times before he entered the House tonight, Gus. He's called her "Nervous Nancy," even you have to admit Trump has never took the high ground in anything. Or perhaps you can give some examples of his "high ground" ethics?

            1. profile image0
              PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Apparently, GA now accepts a different standard of conduct for Trump than for others.

              Once you start down that nasty road, you're stuck with the mud all over you.

              1. profile image0
                promisemposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                "We will fight until we eat stones."

                I read that quote last night about the Japanese in a book about WWII. It was one reason why the U.S. dropped the A-bombs -- to shock Japan into surrender.

                It's also true about Trump supporters. They will apologize for him until they eat stones.

                It will take a major war or another economic crash for SOME of them to think otherwise.

                1. Ken Burgess profile image70
                  Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Those darned Trump supporters... putting Peace and Prosperity at the top of the list of things to support a President for.

                  How dare they support a President who is presiding over the greatest economic surge the country has ever seen, the highest Stock Market growth in history... and he hasn't started a new war with another country, doesn't he know that's a President's job?  He needs to be more like Bush and Obama, he should have overthrown at least one nation by now... damn him!

              2. GA Anderson profile image83
                GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Since the topic is Pres. Trump's State of the Union address conduct, what is the different standard that you think I have accepted?

                I would think 'don't screw it up.' is a standard of conduct most presidents consider in that situation.


                1. profile image0
                  PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Nancy bad. Trump has reasons.

                  1. GA Anderson profile image83
                    GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    You got me. I did go back and find the one mention I made of Nancy. She dissed him, he dissed her.

                    If we include times other than just the speech then she had reasons too.

                    But in this topic of the speech, she threw the first punch. Better?


              3. jackclee lm profile image77
                jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                right, the boat has sailed after Bill Clinton...

            2. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              It would take a wizard to find the examples you ask for.


              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                That's the sad state we find ourselves in when we cannot find any examples of the POTUS having ethical behavior.

            3. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Regarding your "impeached president" and 'High privilege and distinct honor' thought; A Republican Speaker felt it was appropriate when an impeached Democrat president was introduced in 1999.

              The 1999 State of the Union

              Was Speaker Hastert "cowering"? Did he take the 'High ground'?


              1. profile image0
                PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Surely, you are not equating Clinton's behavior during and after his impeachment to Trump's? Are you?

                1. GA Anderson profile image83
                  GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Nope, I was addressing the inference of Randy's comments that an impeached president didn't deserve the honorifics of such an introduction.


        2. Eastward profile image76
          Eastwardposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Just in case anyone didn't see the handshake snub:

          https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/04/poli … index.html

      2. GA Anderson profile image83
        GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I better keep my distance. It looks like there is a coronasarcasm bug going around. ;-)


    3. IslandBites profile image91
      IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      So because you liked it, everyone should've liked it? OK.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image60
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I wonder if they have tallied all the lies up yet? yikes

      2. GA Anderson profile image83
        GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Of course I don't think everyone must like it Island Mom.  I was even surprised that the official Democrat response, immediately after, was a rational criticism.

        It was the type and substance of CNN's panel comments that I was speaking to.


  3. Randy Godwin profile image60
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    I'll wager you loved the reality TV touch, Gus? Veteran soldier, come on down! Your wife--even though she looks embarrassed to be there--already knows you're home!  What a total sham!

    Try checking the speech on Politifact!  lol

    1. GA Anderson profile image83
      GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't check Politifacts Randy. I just assumed you are referring to parts of the speech being "staged." Was that a correct assumption?

      The urge for sarcasm is strong, but I will resist it and simply ask if you think this is the first-ever State of the Union with "staged" segments?

      As a side note; since the end of the speech, CNN's critique has become ever more vitriolic and incredulous.  Damn, what a bunch of idiots we are to fall for such malarkey as Trump's speech. (okay, that last was a bit of sarcasm)

      [edit] Don't forget, I still  aspire to be Johnny


      1. Randy Godwin profile image60
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Can you give an example of previous reality tv by former Potus's?

        And as expected, he added a few more lies. And to add, I almost puked when Melania hung the Medal of Freedom around Rush's neck. He's the last person in America who deserves such an honor.

        But then, we have to realize what sort of person is in charge. Blaaaaark!

        1. GA Anderson profile image83
          GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          *sigh* Sorry bud, bud no examples come to mind. I will leave that to you.

          How about you give your critique of the speech. Should I expect it to mirror CNN's critique? Come on, can you offer no more than loaded questions?


          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I didn't think you could, Gus. No one is cheesier than the Donald. His "facts" leave a lot to be desired, as usual. He read the teleprompter better than usual. Will that do?

            1. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Yep, from you, that will do. Was that your critique?


            2. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Yep, that will do. At least he stuck to the teleprompter script and didn't launch off on the impeachment thing.


        2. profile image0
          PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I cannot think of a bigger sleaze to receive that medal, except Trump himself. I had to leave the room out of pure disgust. I don't know who is more repulsive: Trump, Limbaugh, or Harvey Weinstein.

          Yuck. Gag. Puke.

          What a -----ing embarrassment to our country.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, Limbaugh is trash. But better trash than Trump, however.

            1. abwilliams profile image68
              abwilliamsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I intentionally avoided posting anything in the forums about Rush, the day he let his audience know that he had advanced stage lung cancer, because I knew how the leftists which hang out here, seemingly all of the time, would react to it!
              Not surprised.
              I don't know that I will back to the forums...I am sure that you all will miss me!
              Have a nice life. AB out!

              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                In that you're better than Trump, who dogged McCain out before and after he died, ab. Did you respect him even more for doing so?

                Enjoy your "out."

  4. Randy Godwin profile image60
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    Nancy said she tore the speech in two because the alternative would have been a bad option. lol

    Love that gal!

  5. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 4 years ago

    I couldn't resist.  This is so funny to me.


  6. Live to Learn profile image59
    Live to Learnposted 4 years ago

    It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. I felt his speech was a home run. It was a positive message, an appeal for bipartisan action on issues I'd like to see addressed and it painted a picture of hope for the future.

    I think I watched Pelosi as much as I listened to him. I bet she sucks at poker.

  7. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 4 years ago

    I watched the state of the Union not because I support Trump, but because I loved seeing those stoic faced liberal crybabies acting like a bunch of soar losers.

  8. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 4 years ago


    1. Randy Godwin profile image60
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Scraping the bottom of the barrel these days, eh Joey?

    2. Ken Burgess profile image70
      Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I think two things will be retained in people's memories about the SOTUS.

      Trump sticking to talking up the country and his accomplishments and not veering off into the weeds.

      Pelosi ripping up that speech, and the thought so many had, bet she wishes it was the Constitution. Or maybe they were just thinking, what a petty self aggrandizing act.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image60
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, they'll remember a lot, Ken. Trump was talking to his base. Because he knows they're the only people who believe what he's saying.

        And why would Nancy want to tear up the Constitution when Trump and his cronies shredded it shortly after coming into office. What do you want, confetti?

      2. profile image0
        Onusonusposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        So many soar losers. Hilarious!

        1. Randy Godwin profile image60
          Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Running out of silly material, Joey? tongue

  9. Randy Godwin profile image60
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    Been listening to the statisticians fact-checking Trump's STOU address.

    Trump claimed he's added more than 12,000 new industries since taking office. But he's counting such businesses as bakeries, silk shops, and other businesses with 5 or less employees. In fact, over 80% of the 12,000+ industitries Trump bragged about employ 5 people or less.

    The way he said it sounded bigly though. tongue

    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      He never met a lie he couldn't peddle with great gusto.

  10. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 4 years ago

    She had to practice ripping it in half before she actually did it. Pathetic. 

  11. hard sun profile image76
    hard sunposted 4 years ago

    The most glaring results that Trump gets is in further dividing our nation. No President will be seen by history as "successful" if he tears apart our country on purpose. We needed a union address that helps bring us together. His address, and his words/behavior since, are doing the exact opposite of this. Trump is doing the exact opposite of what we need from a leader right now, and the results of this will damage our country, and it will be his fault. Will he be a success if he gets four more years and states are fighting to drop out of the union?

    "Trump did not raise his hand when Harvard professor Arthur Brooks, speaking before the audience, asked those in attendance to raise their hands if they love someone whom they disagree with politically."

    https://www.nbcnews/politics/trump-impe … t-n1131421

    1. wilderness profile image88
      wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Saw a report on CBS that we're already detecting Russian activity towards our elections.  More attempts, according to CBS, to divide the nation.

      Trump isn't the divide; millions of people, aided by outside sources, that deny the President of the United States is.  If those people cannot accept a good economy, reduced unemployment, better border control with fewer illegal crossings, etc., all because they don't like the President, well, that's called "division".  Think about it.

      1. hard sun profile image76
        hard sunposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Trump is intentionally stoking these divisions and urging us to hate each other. This is very clear. If the country falls apart under his leadership, he will rightfully be blamed.

    2. wilderness profile image88
      wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Trump is dividing the nation???

      The last words of that State of the Union:
      "Together we represent the most extraordinary nation in all of history. What will we do with this moment? How will we be remembered? I ask the men and women of this Congress, look at the opportunities before us. Our most thrilling achievements are still ahead. Our most exciting journeys still await.

      Our biggest victories are still to come. We have not yet begun to dream. We must choose whether we are defined by our differences or whether we dare to transcend them. We must choose whether we squander our great inheritance or whether we proudly declare that we are Americans. We do the incredible. We defy the impossible. We conquer the unknown.

      This is the time to reignite the American imagination. This is the time to search for the tallest summit and set our sights on the brightest star. This is the time to rekindle the bonds of love and loyalty and memory that link us together as citizens, as neighbors, as patriots. this is our future, our fate, and our choice to make. I am asking you to choose greatness. No matter the trials we face, no matter the challenges to come, we must go forward together. We must keep America first in our hearts. We must keep freedom alive in our souls. And we must always keep faith in America’s destiny. That one nation under God must be the hope and the promise and the light and the glory among all the nations of the world.

      Thank you, God bless you. And God bless America. Thank you very much

      Seconds later Nancy Pelosi rears up on he hind legs and makes an a$$ of herself ripping those words apart.  And you want to blame Trump for the division in our country??

      1. hard sun profile image76
        hard sunposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        If you want to ignore everything the President says and does, and then cherry pick a coupled tele-prompted lines from his SOTU address, then you are not being honest with yourself. Come on man. Nancy even tried to shake his had before this. You know the truth.

        1. jackclee lm profile image77
          jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Anyone else giving the exact same speech...we all would be cheering.
          American Patriots...

          1. hard sun profile image76
            hard sunposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Right. Just as everyone cheered Obama's State of the Unio..er um...never mind.

            1. jackclee lm profile image77
              jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I didn't agree with what many of Obama's policies but I always thought he gave a good SOTUS...
              It is the one day a year where we can all come together and agree to disagree.
              That has been shattered by Nancy Pelosi with that stunt.
              She just can't help it.
              A sign of desperation...

              1. hard sun profile image76
                hard sunposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Trump shattered all attempts at healing divisions a long time ago. And he continues to do so now. He could not even raise his hand when asked if he loves anyone who disagrees with him politically. What kind of President is that?

                Now, Trump supporters are pretending they care about unity?

                1. jackclee lm profile image77
                  jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  There is no pretending here. How would you feel if you did your best to help our nation and your reward is to be investigated for 2 years and then impeached by a partisan vote?
                  Even a Christian who is suppose to love thy enemy would have a hard time loving anybody on the Democratic side right now.

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                    Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    Ask Hillary how she felt, Jack?

              2. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Trump refused to shake her hand, Jack. He's lucky she didn't whack him in the back of his arrogant head instead of ripping up his page of lies.

        2. wilderness profile image88
          wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Well, lets see.  A few more lines:

          "Victory is not winning for our party. Victory is winning for our country.

          Now we must step boldly and bravely into the next chapter of this next great American adventure and we must create a new standard of living for the new 21st century, amazing quality of life for all of our American citizens is within reach. We can make our communities safer, our families stronger, our culture richer, our faith deeper and our middle class bigger and more prosperous than ever before.

          But we must reject the politics of revenge, resistance and retribution and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise and the common good. 
          <Perhaps this was what Pelosi didn't like?>

          Unemployment has reached the lowest rate in over half a century.

          And now for the first time in 65 years, we are a net exporter of energy.

          America was founded on liberty and independence and not government coercion, domination and control. We are born free and we will stay free."

          And Pelosi ripped it up.  Do you need more examples of what she didn't want to hear?

          1. hard sun profile image76
            hard sunposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Yup. I see, lol. Later.

  12. hard sun profile image76
    hard sunposted 4 years ago

    Also on this: "If those people cannot accept a good economy, reduced unemployment, better border control with fewer illegal crossings, etc., all because they don't like the President, well, that's called "division".  Think about it.

    Obama supporters could have said the EXACT same things about the Obama haters..think about it. The difference here is that Obama didn't urge on the divisions, and that difference may be the downfall of our nation.

  13. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 4 years ago

    "Manifesto of Mistruth." Perfect description of Trump's SOTU address.

    And that Medal.if Freedom to Rush. A new low. I'm still gagging.

  14. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 4 years ago


  15. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 4 years ago


  16. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 4 years ago


    1. Randy Godwin profile image60
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      What's your point, Joey? That Nancy isn't supposed to do her job? You're conflating duty with politics as usual.


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