Norway and Singapore lifted covid restrictions

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  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 3 years ago

    Sweden has been a good example of this practice and went down to zero covid deaths.

    Don't know how I know how these world events unfold and snowball the other way. It could be intituvive (extreme logic) or a historic and gsypie buff plus knowing billionaire are the source of terrorism.

    1. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, 67% of Norwegians are now fully vaccinated, so they’ve just lifted their covid restrictions after 561 days of restrictions.

      The UK, with 89.8% of adults over the age of 16 having been vaccinated, lifted all of its covid restrictions on the 19th July 2021, after 484 days of restrictions; so we’ve had that freedom in the UK for two and a half months prior to Norway following the same path as the UK.

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        And yet, COVID cases in the UK are on the increase.  I think it is up over 11 percent.  The deaths are down as well as patients admitted.  But then, the tests performed are also down.  I wonder why?

        So, it's obvious the vaccine does not keep people from getting Covid.

        1. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, as soon as covid restrictions in the UK were lifted on the 19th July infection rates jumped significantly, almost back to the levels when the infection rates were at their peak in mid-January; and that was anticipated because lifting restrictions will lead to a dramatic increase in infections.  The important thing is that it doesn’t lead to an equally dramatic increase in hospitalisations and deaths; which because of the effectiveness of the vaccines it hasn’t.

          FYI the vaccines were never designed to stop you from getting infected, they were designed to reduce the risk of you being hospitalised and dying from covid; and that is exactly what the vaccines do.

          Actually tests being performed are up significantly; mainly because as from March 2021 the Government introduced mass free testing that it had piloted during Aug/Sep 2020 and mass produced over the winter months so that there would be sufficient stock for every person in the UK to have a free test twice a week:  Therefore, while during the height of the pandemic in January, before mass free testing became available the UK was testing around half a million covid tests a day; in March that jumped to 1 ½ million tests a day, and since has dropped back to around a million covid tests a day.

          1. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            If the vaccine can't prevent you from getting Covid, it's no better than the flu shot that can't keep you from getting the flu.

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              The vaccine reduces the severity of the disease and stops the virus from killing you; that's what matters.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                How is that working out?
                Worldwide 2021 the vaccine roll out started out 1.93 million deaths now climb to 4.78 million to this update. Only see complete failure with these kind of numbers. It will easily climb to 10 million this dark winder. Faucism and Kill Gates know this for sure. They say prepare for covid deaths 10 times Worst.
                People need a jab for a job and no dating unvaccinated people as from my experienced . Our leader plans to make life impossible for unvaccinated. This is the worst decrimation ever in modern human history on a global scale.  Wail my area  heart disease causes 10,000 deaths anually vs only 100 strongly debatable covid deaths. Heart disease treatment has been cut 75%. Not counting the other 10 greater ways to die than covid long term being cut to record lows treatments.
                When 78% covid deaths are obese, that can gets rid of the weak and a strain cost on the health system. When 75% covid deaths are over age 80. That is designed to steal social security and save cost of nursing homes.

                I am for depopulation, just not in this horrible criminals Nazi way towards humanity. 1000s, of establish doctors and scienctist are now opposing and sueing Governments.

                Protester crowds growing in many 100, 000s in countries across the world and getting really physical now. I'm not a violent person, yet had thoughts of lining up all these Nazi leaders and kicking them in the balls with a steal toe boot.

                1. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yep, it’s working out pretty fine.  Enough people got vaccinated in the UK to allow the British Government to abolish all covid restrictions as from the 19th July (2 ½ months ago) without the new found Freedom resulting in the hospitalisations of covid patients and daily covid death rates soaring back to nearly 40,000 and 1,800 respectively, as they were in mid-January at the start of the vaccine rollout.

                  Yep, covid deaths have more than doubled since the start of the rollout of the vaccines:  But then what do you expect when:-

                  •    Firstly, it’s only the wealthy countries where significant percentage of the population have been vaccinated, and

                  •    Secondly, the Delta variant is more than twice as contagious as the previous variants.

                  Sorry Castlepaloma, but if you look at the long term trend you will see that late January, when the pandemic was at its highest there were over 14,000 deaths a day worldwide, since then e.g. since the start of the rollout of the vaccine program in the wealthy countries around the world, the long term trend has been downward and is just over 7,000 a day and falling.

                  So you’re going to be disappointed this winter when your predicted 10 million covid deaths don’t materialise.

                  As regards ‘people need a jab for a job’, personally my view is that front line workers e.g. health workers, should be vaccinated.  However, in the UK at this moment mandatory vaccination of key workers is NOT mandatory; albeit the UK Government is currently running a consultation period on this very question e.g. seeking public opinion before making any decisions.

         … care-staff

                  Yeah, if your leader (I presume the Canadian Government) is truly making life impossible for the unvaccinated (which I suspect might be an exaggeration) then given that unlike the USA, UK and many European countries Canada has (so far) largely escaped the pandemic, and given that the uptake for the vaccine in Canada is pretty good, then I think that imposing vaccine passports in Canada is a bit harsh.  In the UK although the British Government was planning to introduce vaccine passports for nightclubs and large events, it decided not to in the end; and apart from international travel we don’t need any proof of vaccination anywhere in England for any reason.

                  Yeah, you have had a low covid death count in Canada, so certainly in respect to Canada it obviously hasn’t been the main cause of death.  But that’s not the case for every country e.g. covid was by far the leading cause of death in the UK in 2020; fortunately for 2021 (following the vaccination rollout) covid is no longer the leading cause of death in the UK.

                  True, people over the age of 55, and people with underling health conditions such as diabetes, obesity and asthma etc. are at higher risk of death from covid; but 6% of covid deaths are in healthy young people; and the serous long term illness ‘Long Covid’ is less discriminating and can affect anyone of any age. 

                  However, contrary to your belief in this being some part of worldwide government genocide to depopulate the world; you are going to be disappointed because there isn’t going to be the millions of covid deaths this winter as you’re predicting; in spite of the Delta variant, the vaccines will help to stem the pandemic.

                  As regards covid protesters, yep Australia, where there is as much vaccine hesitancy as in the USA, is being gripped by anti-lockdown protestors; but to put it in perspective, the scale of the protests are dwarfed by for example the worldwide BLM protest in 2020.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    That is how the jabs are designed at first they lowers the death count then the Government and fakes News adjustment of numbers and twisted ways like 94% it could be some other cause of death like old age and obesity. After each boost the numbers will double and triple covid deaths again.

                    Much like the Iraqi and middle Eastern wars in order to steal their resources and kill millions of Muslims as they use their decrimation over Muslims. Creating a false war, wail we are killed by our own cops 40times greater than by a Muslim terrorist for decades now.

                    World order work that way in order they can steal our freedom and now our human physical rights. Like social security, home nursing, medical costs. Basically create a monster and act like they are the only ones who can save the people. Truth is, only the people can save the people. They are certainly not saving the wildlife.
                    Unvaccinated are the most decrimationed people on earth right now.
                    Like the Jews or Muslims.
                    US largest ethics group are Germans.

                    They have taken the war on the middle east and taken home for more money and power.
                    Until people catch on to their crimes against humanity, this time for 80 years for the good of the pushback. Like the last second world war 80 years back by Banksters money supplies wealthy corporation on both side of the war. Billionaire never stop thinking of ways to terrorists the people. Like how Bush said it.

      2. CHRIS57 profile image60
        CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Norway will have their people rely on self discipline and the natural Scandinavian way of keeping distance. Even with 67% fully vaccinated, there is no herd immunity in sight. My take: just add the percentage of recovered (no matter this year or from last year) and you have value for herd immunity, for containing the virus.

        For the UK, i am not sure about the numbers. Arthur, if you claim 90% of the population over 16 to be fully vaccinated, and the UK had allowed 12% of its population infected and  recovered, this would make it more than sufficient for containing the virus (90% plus 12% = ???). But..

        But the virus is not under control in the UK. Daily new infections may have flattened at a high level, however the question remains: Where are all the new infections coming from if some many should be immune? Is it the (lack of) efficasy of the vaccines? Is it only the young (below 16) and unvaccinated kids to do the spreading?

        I have not very much knowledge about Norway or Singapore. But i know Denmark quite well and Denmark very recently also joined the club of the freegoers. Denmark has 75% vaccination rate and 6% recovered rate. Makes it 81%. We shall see how much this is worth. Probably not enough.I expect Denmark also to have to rely on their Scandinavian way of "distant" life.

        If governments deem their people to be responsible enough to keep the virus contained, then why not open up. But there are consequences. The UK is a good example. Monthly Death rate is currently 0,7% of infected and long covid is some 10% of infected. With more than half a million of active cases in the UK, enough food for the virus to live happily ever after and create new mutations.

        1. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          As regards my “claim that 90% of the population over 16 are …. vaccinated”; to be more accurate it’s currently 89.8% who have had the first dose, and 82.5% who are fully vaccinated – unlike the rest of the world, there is a deliberate 12 weeks gap between the first and 2nd dose – see links below.

          16 & 17 year olds only became eligible for the vaccine from the 23rd August.

          12 to 15 year olds only became eligible for the vaccine from the 20th September.

          So with a 12 week gap between the 1st and 2nd dose, the young between the age of 12 & 17 are not going to be fully vaccinated until towards the end of the year.  And yes, in answer to your question, most of those currently getting infected are the young from the age of 12 to 17; closely followed by those in their 20’s e.g. the vaccine take up in young people being less than that of older people over the age of 30.

          The rollout of the booster shot in the UK for everyone over the age of 50 started last week, and will be carried out over the next few months.

          The scientific advisors to the UK Government are SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies); SAGE consists of around 20 fully qualified scientific and professional medical experts.

          For further details, follow the links below:-

          The most detailed data source for vaccination in the UK is: -

          The most detailed data source for hospitalisations in the UK; showing that patients in hospital with covid, and patients on breathing apparatus, have both fallen since mid-September, and is currently on a downward trend.

          The most detailed data source for new covid cases in the UK:

          The most detailed data source for daily covid testing in the UK:

          The most detailed data source for covid deaths in the UK; indicating a slight trend downwards since mid-September:

          Yep, as you point out, there are around 1 million people in the UK suffering from ‘Long Covid’, and in response the NHS have now opened 80 ‘Long Covid’ clinics across the country to support those suffering from ‘Long Covid’.

          What happens at a long Covid clinic as 1 million people in the UK have long-term symptoms:

          1. CHRIS57 profile image60
            CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            i looked at the links you provided. If related to the whole population, the UK has some 74% fully vaccinated.

            The goal is to get the status of herd immunity. What we know so far is that we need 5 of 6 immunized (reproduction factor 6). This is translated to some 84% of the population.

            The UK has 74% fully vaccinated with an efficacy of some 90%. That results to 67% immune in reality. With said 12% recovered this get us to 79%. The remaining gap of 5% (84% - 79%) is what keeps the virus afloat.

            In the last month the UK climbed some 2,8% towards herd immunity. But from the 2,8% almost 1,7% were attributed to new infections, only 1,1% was achieved by vaccination. The first part was inspiration (to get vaccinated), the end game is transpiration und suffering.

            If people don´t stay at home but go partying, no matter Norway, Denmark, UK, Singapore, the virus will prosper. Israel showed that high vaccination rates don´t mean a thing if still far away from herd immunity.

            We can set up a list with countries with herd immunity gap (90% vaccination efficacy):

            UK: 84% - 79% = 5%
            Norway: 84% - 64% = 20%
            Israel: 84% - (61% vacc. + 13% rec.) = 10%
            Denmark: 84% - (68% + 6%) = 10%
            Germany: 84% - (58% + 5%) = 21%
            Canada: 84% - (64% + 4%) = 16%
            USA: 84% - (50% + 13%) = 21%

            Except for the UK, no developed country is in the single digit percentage range to herd immunity.

            I am very much for returning to normal in every country. But is it really feasible?

            My understanding is that by now some 2/3 of the way to herd immunity is paved by simply getting infected. Only 1/3 is accomplished by vaccination.

            For the USA this means: another 13% of the population need to get infected, before the virus is drying out. So another 18 months of people getting infected and suffering from consequences. 

            For the UK this means imho: Another 2 months of lockdown in summer and the virus would have had it. So even the UK opened up too early. But we are always smarter afterwards.

            For countries like Denmark, Norway, Germany: Way too early to go back to normal, as desirable as it may be.

            Data retrieved from:

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yep, that seems a fair assessment Chris.  The only proviso I would add is that protection from re-infection wanes over time for people who do get infected, just like it does with the vaccine; making it even more difficult to achieve herd immunity.  So yes, the virus may well be with us for a long time, and we do need to learn to live with it, either in lockdown and restrictions and or successful vaccine programs.

              Yep, I’m sure you are right in saying that the UK opened up at least two months too early.  Originally the UK Government was to abolish all covid restrictions on the 21st June as part of its road map out of the pandemic and back to normal life; but it postponed that date a month, to the 19th July, because of the Delta variant. 

              At the time public opinion on whether it was too soon, long overdue or about right was mixed, but generally public opinion, and political support from all political parties, for better or worse was supportive of the Government's decision.

              A recent opinion poll showed 49% of the British Public thinks people under the age of 30 are ‘selfish’ because they are less inclined to get vaccinated and more likely to be clubbing it, perpetuating the spread of the virus.

              The UK Government is pinning its hopes on a successful vaccine rollout, and according to the Government's own ‘performance metrics’ one of the key factors that would trigger the re-introduction of covid restrictions and possibly another lockdown is if the NHS (health system) was to become under threat of being overwhelmed because of covid.

              This is the situation the UK Government wants to avoid:  Newspaper report in Feb on shortage of critical car beds in NHS hospitals: … usts-covid

              1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Arthur, you are right in saying that protection from reinfection wanes over time. But that does not really matter in assessing and learning from situations in multiple countries on our planet. Applying this same "error" on all countries still allows to get the full picture of what happened and what will happen. 

                Israel has been used by vaccine shy people to explain that vaccination doesn´t work. If you look at the simple table that i set up, then it is obvious why there are still a lot of infections, especially with the delta variant being so dominant.

                Actually the whole mess would have been over without the delta variant. Without delta we would have needed to cope with R=3, some 67% only for herd immunity. Apparently Israel´s calculus was going for R=3 and not delta R=6.

                We are now 20 months into the pandemic and there is much publically accessable raw data available, from multiple independent sources. Allows to analyse and understand the dynamics of infections even for laypersons, but requires a sober look without political or ideological bias.

                1. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yep that seems a fair assessment; and the Delta variant does certainly make it far more difficult to control the pandemic.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Ran out of space above. You say your a Globalist. May reconsider WEF, the Klaus, yet you will have to be a millionaire or billionaire to join. So you and I are not in it.

                    Globalism is what Hitler was trying to create. Can you imagine a world where say a person in France is not allowed to have a child because some person in the United States of America decided that France isn't PC enough raise children. Or perhaps China telling Taiwan that they are no longer able to make microchips for no reason other than China disagrees with taiwan's politics.Globalism is the enemy of National sovereignty.

                    Globalism requires the de-emphasizing of loyalty to unique national cultures and increased emphasis on the needs of a global culture in which all cultures are treated as if they are ethically equal.

                    Globalism creates yet another layer of governance above the national level—one with the least representation for the individual.
                    Even nationalism would better than the negative aspects of globalism.

                    When globalism is combined nationalist we are in the hungar Games almost a bit like Australia right no

                    It's better to look more at the logistics pertaining to a global perspective then it might be to focus solely upon our own nation or one shoe fits all or vaccines. Nationalism with Fascism. I don't identify won't work we are all too selfish. Not much, anyway. Lack a lot of culture or civic pride or whatever else it might be that makes a person individual and independence.

                    Nationalism is a natural fenomen, when similar people prefer each other’s culture, language and customs.

                    Globalism is an artificial method to standardize and create a monopoly and thus bad quality products and also creates unequality and serious health problems

                    It's better, localism vs globalism? Then let it positively and harmless spread globally.

                2. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Chris , ran out of space on my cell

                  About the US being in bankruptcy. Most everyone knows bank will print up money to keep the country afloat until they come up with another scam. Covid deaths are 75% people over 80 years old. Social security cost the Government more than the national debt. That one answer for the out of control collapse amoug many other areas.
                  One solution Ron Paul had below. The reason I call US ground Zero of many countries montary system area collapsing. There is always a silver lining, the people will lead again like throughout history, By taking power away from the greedy bastards, as it is the worst virtue and harm for humanity.

         … or-us-debt

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Castlepaloma, in answer to your original post above to me, on the subject of your prediction that the “financial markets” would collapse because of covid; in your last reply, you stated:-

                    •    “American has taken out 6 trillion $ for the war on covid, 2 trillion more than the entire 2nd world war and having a domino effect globally like In the 1989 eastern block wall.”

                    •    Hyperinflation never has ever been this insane. Banksters like in the second world war, yet today they will print up another 10 trillion $ during this dark winter covid.

                    •    The country is bankruptcy printing money and war is all they got. It's why it will not get better until people change it from the bottom up.

                    •    Then you concluded your argument by predicting the one silver lining being the return to the hippy era!!!

                    In answer to your points: 

                    #1:    I haven’t studied the USA current economics and economic policies, so I can’t make any comments on the sums you’ve quoted for the USA, or whether the USA Government is using Monetary Policy to print money on the scale you suggest to print its way out of a crisis; although Chris seems to have covered that point well enough.

                    However, I would think that it’s highly unlikely that the USA is printing money to try to resolve their national debt, as such monetary policy is ‘inflationary’ and only a country that was foolish or desperate would use such economic policies these days.

                    Besides, the increase in USA national debt due to covid did not have a domino effect globally like you make out; many countries around the world, including the UK independently raised their national debt to fight covid, their decision having nothing to do with how the USA was fighting the pandemic within its own borders. 

                    For example in the UK national debt in 2019 stood at £1,786 trillion ($2,427 trillion) (85.4% of GDP), and in January 2021 (increased due to the pandemic) stood at £2,004 trillion ($2,724 trillion) (118.3% of GDP).  An increase in national debt in the UK of $297 billion due to the pandemic; which if increased fivefold as comparison to the USA (5 times larger population) would be just under $1.5 trillion.

                    So I suspect your $6 trillion increase in USA national debt due to the pandemic might be an over exaggeration, but perhaps some American who knows the data can verify that?

                    In any event, I suspect, if you look into it properly, that you’ll find out that the USA hasn’t printed $ trillions to pay for the pandemic, but like the UK, has raised the money through borrowing.

                    #2:    Hyperinflation due to the pandemic is somewhat of an exaggeration.  True, there are currently disruptions in the supply chains worldwide due the pandemic, largely due to a world shortage of ‘containers’, which is affecting prices (supply & demand); but it’s not hyperinflation.  And, as explained above, it’s bad economics to print your way out of a crisis, so I would be very surprised if the USA has taken that route. 

                    #3:    In your next point, you state “… It's why it will not get better until people change it from the bottom up.”  Yeah, as a ‘socialist’ (people power) I can relate to that, politically ‘bottom up economics’, where you look after the employee and they will make the employer wealthy, is my preferred economic policies; it’s the economic policies pursued by the Labour Party (Socialist Party) in Britain. 

                    However, where you have right-wing ‘Conservative/Capitalist’ Parties in Power then the economic concept of top-down economics (the economic theory where ‘if you look after the employer they will look after the employee’) as wealth trickles down, will prevail.

                    As life begins to turn to normal, post pandemic, as it is in Norway, Singapore and the UK etc., nothing’s going to change a great deal; and certainly no re-emergence of the hippy era.  Britain has its own problems (separate to the pandemic) e.g. chronic shortage of unskilled labour due to Brexit (Strict British immigration laws and an ageing population), so we now have a shortage of 100,000 truck drivers so food can’t reach the supermarkets and petrol not getting to the garages, and chronic shortage of farm labourers so that British grown crops are left rotting in the fields.  But in spite of our self-inflicted problems British life continues, and it’s not the chaos and anarchy that you would like to see.

                    The hippies were a bit before my time, but from what I’ve seen I quite like the hippy concept (flower-power), some of which is reflected in some of the ‘environmentalist movements’.  But I’m not quite sure how many Americans would take kindly to another hippy era?

    2. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Nightclubs reopen in the UK on 'Freedom Day' (19th July 2021) as clubbers return to dance floor for first time since March 2020:-

  2. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 3 years ago

    When it's about those tests, it's hard anymore to know what to believe and what not. A story went that the creator of the PCR admitted how it had not been meant to work for infectious diseases at all.
    Then another story said how PCR was bound to detect the genetic material of dead viruses from previous, recovered infections, as a part of the cellular junk -- and interpret it as "Covid-19 positive".
    My son took the test, and the nurse told him how the test was only 30% reliable.
    Then all those stories were debunked and the test stayed as valid.
    Now, WHO DEBUNKED THEM? -- that's the big question.
    Is it possible that the test has been detecting as "positive" something that most of the people have within their biome -- and used for scaring the hell out of the world populace with (now) pretty clear intention to sell the vaccine?
    Was it Singapore, or Norway President who has said how "the virus is actually a MILD one",
    So why have so many died? Was it, after all, because the immunity of the masses of people went down due to constant fearmongering -- with those with preexisting conditions and those most suggestible falling  victims?
    Let us not forget that an untold number of people worldwide already head a compromised immunity with their unhealthy life styles and mind-styles.

    I would highly recommend that people read the book "You Are the Placebo", by dr, Joe Dispenza -- the dude who has taught me more about mind-over body medicine than those thousand books before.
    In it, you would find some incredible, but well documented, cases of people getting terribly sick OR DYING, after they believed about an illness befalling them, or even about a "possibility" of it.
    I think the time is coming that the people will massively start asking questions like:
    Just look how systematically they have been crushing the public spirit -- with steady reports of those "testing positive"(?), numbers of those dying "of Covid"(?), masks, social isolation, financial uncertainties questioning the future source of the means of survival.
    If dr. Dispenza is even scratching the surface of ultimate truth about it all, then it's exactly what that holistic psychiatrist dr. Kelly Brogan MD said last year: "PEOPLE ARE NOT DYING OF A VIRUS, BUT OF FEAR".
    For imagine a scenario if our regular, yearly flu, had ever been given the same morbid publicity as this virus has -- wouldn't the numbers of dead across the globe have been similar?
    And that golden question -- when it comes to vaccines -- if they are really safe, why the producers are not liable?
    After reading Dispenza's book (which actually doesn't mention this pandemic at all) -- I got this clear picture of a nocebo (morbid sister of placebo) being first well established in the public mind, and then with vaccines a placebo took over, with people's natural immunity somewhat going up, as those vaccinated now BELIEVE that they are safe.
    Who knows what those chemicals in vaccines are yet to cause in people, hopefully not much, while their protection is wearing off together with the placebo effect. To mask the reasons of their poor effectiveness, it came convenient to "blame the unvaccinated for creating the variants" -- as an additional strategy to get more people vaccinated since they are being segregated.

    But yes, there is hope for all, and I am not just playing prophetic here.

    Namely, the ultimate world's recovery might rapidly happen as soon as all countries decide what Singapore and Norway did (I think a few of other countries, like Portugal and some others) followed their example -- to live with the virus, period, and treat it like a seasonal flu. Especially, since THEIR doctors, with THEIR science decided that the virus was actually a MILD one, and "people are fatigued with all scary information" -- in their words.


    1. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Dr Joe Dispenza isn’t even a doctor, or a scientist: - None of his work has ever been peer reviewed; and he makes his fortune on selling his books. … -about-him

      Dr Joe Dispenza received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Life University in Atlanta.  Life University is a private university, established in 1974 and focuses on training chiropractors.

      Chiropractic, which is well established in the USA, Canada and Australia (but not Europe), is a pseudoscientific.   Pseudoscientific claims to be a scientific but is incompatible with the scientific method.  My great-great grandfather was a professional phrenologist in the 19th century, and became very wealthy from his practice because people believed it to be a science; even though it’s only a pseudoscientific.

      A chiropractor may have a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and be referred to as "doctor" but is not a Doctor of Medicine.

      Yep, you frequently talk about how the vaxxers live in fear - maybe so in the USA, and Canada, but not in Europe; as demonstrated in this video:

      One chap that you should appreciate is Derren Brown, a famous English TV entertainer; mentalist and illusionist -

      One of his TV shows called ‘Miracle for Sale’ where he visits the USA and shows how gullible the Americans are, and how easily they can be duped:-

      Derren Brown Exposing Faith Healing Scams in the USA:

      Derren Brown Questioned By USA Police - Miracles for Sale:

  3. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 3 years ago

    A few about the insecure personality types of many vaxxers, and the significance of the vaccine protection to their overall attained sense of security.
    I consider myself well versed in matters of self-hypnosis (theoretical and how-to), hetero-hypnosis, placebo/nocebo effect, gradual conditioning, subliminal suggestion, mass hypnosis/brainwashing, and indoctrination -- hence my liberty to talk about this subject.
    Nothing to mock here.
    But it may be interesting to some to see how insecure people overcompensate in different ways, and how vaccine plays more than protection from a virus in the dynamic of their emotional makeup.

    It's basically how insecure people tend to present themselves to the world, hoping to gain a social image that would hide their deep seated insecurity.

    They fall in two categories.
    Some develop a defensive mechanism by showing themselves as submissive, non-provocative, complacent, and chronically "nice".
    Others may build musculature, put on a macho air, play on a combatant card,  or even in some cases dress provocatively as tough cookies, maybe even put something like a helmet on their head which is to be suggestive of an impervious confidence that the world "had better count on".

    But all of them have one thing in common when it comes to vaccines. Namely, by the brain's operative principle of association, they unconsciously interpret "one aspect of attained security as covering for the whole inner need for security".
    That's why this type of vaxxers see much more in the vaccine than a protection from the virus. When you listen to them, you can't but notice how feverishly they are defending vaccine -- totally turning their blind eye to the fact that vaccines are offering (not necessarily providing any protection beyond placebo effect) -- only a TEMPORARY protection.
    They don't want to see how every few months they are bound to need another and another shot of this stuff WHICH IS NOT EVEN MEANT TO COVER ALL POSSIBLE VARIANTS THAT MAY COME ALONG.

    They have no trust in their natural immunity because they have no trust in their natural sense of security.

    In my estimation, somewhere down the road they will wake up to the reality of this continuous unnaturally induced sense of security. Their sources are bound to lose their credibility -- and the signs of it are already increasingly to be seen.

  4. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 3 years ago

    A few about a likely-to-happen domino effect over the countries, as one after another is dropping all restrictions, including this insane, politically driven vaccine mandating.
    There are two aspects of it -- one has to do with the change in collective consciousness, and another in the unavoidable economic readjustment dictated by the needs of the world market.

    Firstly, already mentally exhausted and boarding with mass hysteria, the world is awaiting the day when those idiots will announce that the "pandemic has downsized to an endemic", getting the significance of a yearly flu.
    So when people see on their You tube the national celebration of freedom in some other countries, all that accumulated tension is likely to turn ugly -- unless the authorities have any sense of self-preservation left in them.

    Secondly, it's simply unthinkable that countries can have a smooth economic exchange with one being free of vaccines, and another insisting on them. No tourism, no trucks, trains, and ships to pass boarders, if "contaminated crews and stock" can't enter the country for covid concerns.

    And then, there is also a third aspect of that liberation to be expected.
    Namely, a massive global outcry for investigating and punishing all those who basically haven't shown any true progress with all draconic restrictions. With all that loss of jobs and businesses, and mental torture ending with expensive vaccines which never led to a promised "herd immunity" in any heavily vaccinated society in the world.
    And no lie will help them anymore to blame it all on the unvaccinated because of that very percentage of the vaccinated.

    What we hear these days about an increased "testing positive cases" in those few countries which dropped all covid charade -- is logically insignificant, because if at any flu season people were massively tested for flu, there would be a shocking number of us caring the bug, but not getting sick, not hospitalized, not dying.
    Those tests have been horribly misleading and merely serving in a persistent fearmongering.

    Besides, for a while, people will still be under the spell of "danger" after removing masks, and it may take a little time for them to realize they are safe.

    Makes me think of a caught fish -- after holding it in the hand for a minute  and bragging about it -- how groggy it seems when you release it into water, as if it has to remember how to swim again.

    A domino effect it bound to happen, and maybe sooner than we think..

  5. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 3 years ago

    Arthur -- When you are badmouthing Dr. Joe Dispenza, you are embarrassing yourself with your ignorance. He also has been doing workshops all over the world, has finished studies in neurology, epigenetics, quantum physics. neuroplasticity.. all the stuff that you have no bloody clue about.
    Man, you must be hurting big time.
    If you have such a low opinion about Americans and Canadians, what are you doing here on this website which has its Head Office in San Francisco?
    I hope you are not imagining that you can "teach" something of value to the people on this side of the Pond.
    So, keep learning something about Americans from your TV entertainers, I am not surprised, after seeing you so damn brainwashed by the vaccine pushers. Your sources of knowledge are truly impressive.
    By the way, I am more of a European than a Canadian -- so don't try to preach to me about Europe -- you just have another style of suffering to deal with, that's all -- not being some avatars living in a happy Shangri-la..
    But looking at that silly helmet on your head -- who knows in which imaginary reality you are dwelling. Especially after listening too much to that illusionist.

    1. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Well I think this article (link below) answers all those questions e.g. there is no evidence on the web (other than on his own website) of Joe Dispenza having ever archived all the scientific qualifications which he claims to have; and the only references to him and Quantum Physics are:-

      •    The fact that he taught at the Quantum University, in India, which has nothing to do with Quantum Physics e.g. the university focuses on engineering and management, and

      •    That he had a ‘pet’ theory called ‘Quantum Field’ (an imaginary ‘Quantum Field’ that supposedly responds to human thoughts and intentions) which has no supporting evidence and has never been peered reviewed.

      If you want to follow and worship pseudoscience’s that’s your choice; but it’s not for me.

  6. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 3 years ago

    Arthur -- You remind me of someone who would be on vegan diet, and then choose to read only those articles which are against eating meat. Of course, there are articles depicting just about any public figure in dark colors, because that's how the authors attract the reader's attention.
    "Global warming is a hoax".... "President is a pedophile"... "Joe Dispenza is pushing a pseudoscience"...
    Like, after I said all those nice things about him, you wouldn't bother to see on You tube the authentic videos from his workshops. It wouldn't cross your mind that it's not easy to falsify credentials without being publicly, even legally exposed.
    Well, he did not "invent" that "Field", but you wouldn't know about it.
    And to you everything is a pseudoscience if you don't want it to be more than that.
    Again, you take the stand of someone who is competent to tell which sources are right, and which are wrong -- without ever mentioning your credentials which would justify it.

    I am just a next guy trying to better myself, to inspire myself with something that other people found useful. I am not a quantum physicist, not a neuroscientist, or anything academically sound.
    With English being only my second language, I cannot express eloquently all that I think, but I can still read, and understand, and recognize when someone is full of shit.
    We are all just humans, using from the science what has shown to work for us -- whether it's a diet, a theory, or an esoteric practice like qigong, meditation, self-hypnosis, sound frequencies, religious faith, whatever.
    And it's pathetic when someone calls "pseudoscience" something that people find useful, because to them it may be the highest wisdom if it has resulted with something good.

    I have some extreme dislikes for all those who nonchalantly claim to have a final word of wisdom about anything, those self-appointed judges who knock down the importance of people with whose intellectual capacity they cannot compare their limited brains.
    And yes, I am talking about you, Arthur.
    I know I said that before, but this time I really won't respond anymore to your crap.
    And by the way, I have nothing bad to say about the British, as if to "get even" for your remarks about  people on this side of the Pond. I am an individualist, can't generalize about any nation, because there are geniuses and morons in every society. And I'm fond of the British enough not to see you as representing them.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Author dose seems that the British have it all figured out and like God Government who can not do nothing wrong. Do know a few strong individual Brits would disagree with him.
      At least Author is more polite than most one-sided, One medicine and one order fits everyone.

      I've made several world class achievements yet there can be extreme lows to extreme highs to every over achievers. Same for a country, so I don't feel any better or any worst than the next person. Most finding better answers in the middle grounds area or cooperation team work. Not ever seen the entire world so divide, conquer and conflicting confusion over one single thing like covids. Like covid handling is very complicated side effects both physically and worldly unbalanced.

    2. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Hark whose talking; not only will you’ll not accept anything that disagrees with your views, not even when there’s ample evidence from credible sources, but you get threatening when you’re views are challenged.

      I don’t determine what is pseudoscience, it is what it is; and if makes you happy immersing in pseudoscience then that’s your choice; but for you to constantly ‘rubbish’ real scientists because they say different to what you believe shows how narrow-minded and hypocritical you are.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this … ovid-knab/

        Maybe not so polite, I would feel insulted if what you say were true. There no vaccines success when covid comes back twice the speed from roll outs. I'm fair,  if the one-sided Nazis force people with refusals like in the US. With their national meal being of a burger, fries and a coke. Because they need a vaccine passport at Burger King to be served
        It serve them right when 78% of them dieing of covid are obese.  My compassion for 75% who are over age 80,hey government gets their pensions and save on nursing homes. The plan for control and profit is perfect. Why kill poor people in the middle east when people have deeper pockets at home. Maybe I will get a job building FEMA camps. Lol, just kidding, they have to jab me first

        1. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Glad someone finally acknowledges that official data published by the UK Government is transparent and factual (warts and all).  Sen. Johnson is very clever, ‘taking genuine data out of context’ to make a misleading but compelling argument. 

          The one thing Sen. Johnson failed to mention is that almost 90% of adults in the UK are vaccinated, so in actual fact over a quarter of all covid deaths during the reporting period were from just 10% of the adult population (the unvaccinated); which equally, suggests that you’re at greater risk of covid death if you are unvaccinated.

          If you follow the source link from the article, and then follow that subsequent link back to the main source, you end up with this link “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - Week 38”, which has all the detailed data (makes for interesting reading) - … eek_38.pdf

  7. emge profile image78
    emgeposted 3 years ago

    Thanks, I stay in Singapore but nobody's going gaga about what's happening because everybody has a feeling that the virus may come back.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      It will always come back. It's just the immune system is superior vs. vaccines in the long run.

  8. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    As of yesterday (9th October), 85.4% of UK citizens over the age of 12 have now been vaccinated against covid (1st dose), and 78.5% 2nd dose.  The UK government only started vaccinating 16 & 17 year olds in August, and didn’t start vaccinating 12 to 15 year olds until a couple of weeks ago. 

    Below, is the percentage of British people vaccinated within each age group:-

    •    80+ = 91.4%
    •    75-79 = 98.2%
    •    70-74 = 96.2%
    •    65-69 = 95.9%
    •    60-64 = 97.9%
    •    55-59 = 96.4%
    •    50-54 = 94.6%
    •    45-49 = 90.6%
    •    40-44 = 91.3%
    •    35-39 = 86.3%
    •    30-34 = 83.5%
    •    25-29 = 76.7%
    •    18-24 = 74.8%
    •    16-17 = 71%
    •    12-15 year olds (vaccine rollout started mid-September, to be complete by end October); about 1/3rd of 12-15 year olds vaccinated to date.

    One analogy used by a British Scientist is with ‘seat belts’, as follows:-

    “The vast majority of people who die in car accidents are wearing a seat belt, but that doesn’t mean that seat belts are unsafe, because as we know seat belts saves lives; it just reflects the fact that the vast majority of people wear seat belts.   Therefore, in countries where the covid vaccine rollout is high the majority of people getting covid are those vaccinated; but it doesn’t mean that the vaccines are not safe, because as we know the vaccines are saving lives; it just reflect the fact that the vast majority of people in these countries are vaccinated.  The important thing to remember is that while the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting covid, it does give you a high level of protection against serious illness and death; and hence saves lives.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      In the end UK is not that much different than the US bs?.
      Fauci first said herd immunity, than it was 75%, now it's 90%. Is UK bs any difference?

      Comparing traffic death 1800 a year to over 100,000 strongly debatable UK covid deaths is not in the same park. Especially when half the traffic deaths are walking or riding a bike.

      I can make up Muslim terrorist totalitarianism will steal UK and US away. For decades nothing came of that except trillions of Dollars out of our pocket  from mass psychosis. Our cops kill and murder us are greater.

      Show me a time where hyper inflation has been as high as in this covid world order. About 400,000 European truck drivers are missing. Don't think they have, all been killed off. I bet they are making $14,000 a month on the serve.

    2. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      those high vaccination numbers don´t make sense to me.
      Take the age group of 40 to 100: There is some 92% vaccination coverage. Add only those recovered in this year so far, this being the time period from the vaccination start (some 9%) and you are at 101%.

      Again the question i asked earlier in the discussion. The infection rate is at some 400/100.000/7 days steady over the past 2 months. R-factor is at 1 steady since August. How come?

      Also the fatal outcome percentage is same, compared to other coutnries:
      UK: 0,64% death over 28 day average active case load
      USA: 0,60%
      Germany: 0,59%

      Apparently all people over 40 are either vaccinated or have recovered this year 2021. Then why is death rate not different compared to countries with far lower vaccination rates?

      Is the vaccine efficacy too low? Much lower than predicted 90%? I look at the outcome of both, infection rate and death rate. And i am not in any conspiracy, it is just that the numbers don´t fit. The numbers don´t match with the fact that every day some 37 thousand get infected in the UK.

      If you blame school kids below 12 for the high infection rate, then why is the death rate so high? How does this correlate?

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Most people who recovered from covid have subsequently gone on to get the covid vaccination.  In actual fact, antibodies to covid e.g. where a person has either previously had the infection or has been vaccinated, in the UK in the week beginning 23rd August 2021 stood at, as follows:-

        •    England = 93.6%
        •    Wales = 91.2%
        •    Northern Ireland = 91.9%
        •    Scotland = 93.3%

        Daily infections are fairly high, but steady e.g. not going up or down significantly; hence the ‘R’ value is stable at around ‘1’.

        The reason the infection rates are so high is because all covid restrictions were lifted on 19th July e.g. no social distancing, no mandatory masks and in England no covid passports for large events; and in spite of a high take up vaccination the Delta variant is highly infectious.

        Not all people over 40 are either vaccinated or have recovered from covid this year; it’s over 90% but it’s not 100%, and deaths in the UK are a 10th of what they were when the infection rates were last this high e.g. before the rollout of vaccines.

        FYI The vaccine efficacy in the UK, as at 8th October, is as follows:-

        •    80% effective against infection
        •    96% effective against hospitalisation

        Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine:-
        •    67% effective against infection
        •    92% effective against hospitalisation

        Both vaccines are about 98.8% effective against death from covid.

        Between 2 January and 2 July 2021, there were 640 deaths in England involving COVID in people who had received both vaccine doses, accounting for 1.2% of all deaths involving COVID in that period (51,281 covid deaths in total in that time period).

        Yep, currently, over half of all infections are school children aged between 11 and 15, yet the vast majority of deaths are in people over the age of 25; see link below: - 

        School children are now being vaccinated, a last minute decision made by Boris (UK Prime Minister), so school children only started to be vaccinated a couple of weeks ago e.g. it’ll not be until December until the full benefit of that vaccine rollout, in reducing infection rates, will be seen. … hts/deaths

        1. CHRIS57 profile image60
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Arthur, seems to make sense.

          I understand the infection situation, if the AstraZeneca stuff was only at 67% effectivity.

          From the numbers i can access, in the past 30 days in the UK some 3747 people passed away and some 1 million got infected.
          If we assume that (100%-67%) got infected but had antibodies, then the death rate is 3.747 / (1.000.000 x (100%-67%) = 1,14% (respectively 98,9% protectivity).

          Remains the question why now people of younger age are dying?

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, it hasn't gone unnoticed that since the rise of the Delta variant that more younger healthier people in the UK are being hospitalised and dying of covid than previously.

   … et-vaccine

        2. CHRIS57 profile image60
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          the delta variant seems to require 83% (1-1/6) herd immunity.
          If the AstraZeneca vaccine only delivers 67% protectivity, then herd immunity will never be reached by vaccination.

          And even the mRNA stuff will need the help of people who had overcome infection to contain the virus.

          Covid19 will stay with us.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yep, Covid isn’t going away anytime soon; although the UK Government’s goal is to minimise covid hospitalisations and deaths while maintaining normal life; minimising deaths through vaccination rather than restrictions e.g. learning to live with it.

            Currently, as from a couple of weeks ago, every adult in the UK over the age of 50 will be offered a ‘booster’ jab, two of the criteria being:-

            •    To be offered the booster jab when it’s been more than six months since your 2nd jab, and
            •    To use a different vaccine to the one you originally had.

            Extensive trials done in the UK this year, of mixing vaccines e.g. different vaccine for your 1st and 2nd jab, and likewise a different vaccine for the booster jab, has shown that mixing the vaccines in this way increases productivity.

            So as the vast majority of adults in the UK over the age of 50 had the AstraZeneca vaccine for their 1st & 2nd dose; they’ll be offered the Pfizer vaccine this time round.

            So I guess that by January, once everyone over 50 has had their booster jab that protection against infection for the older and more vulnerable section of society will increase to over 80%.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              More good news

              Sydney Australia decided to live with covid. Many lockdowns have been lifted. The heavy fighting protests worked.

              After 5 countries have lifted covid restrictions that is moving the domino effect faster than I expected.

              I'm the penludum swings News report.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Oh yeah, a nice bit of ‘political spin’; anti-vaxxers taking the credit, when in actual fact three of the five countries mentioned have lifted the lockdowns and eased up on the restrictions specifically because they’ve had a successful vaccine rollout, and mentioned in the 2nd sentence of the link you provided – to quote:-

                “Some have enviable vaccination rates”


                •    Chile = 83% vaccinated
                •    Singapore = 80% vaccinated
                •    Denmark = 77% vaccinated
                •    Thailand = 50% vaccinated
                •    South Africa = 22% vaccinated

                Mysteriously, the CNN report doesn’t mention Britain, which took that route of abolishing all covid restrictions and learning to live with covid way back on 19th July, long before the other five countries mentioned above supposedly made that decision; I say supposedly, because if you read you link carefully,

                The dates countries opted to ‘live with covid’:-
                •    Britain = 19th July (all restrictions lifted)
                •    Denmark = 10th September (all restrictions lifted)
                •    Singapore (if you read your link) hasn’t actually lifted restrictions yet e.g. only allowed to dine in a restaurant if you are fully vaccinated.
                •    Thailand (if you read your link) planning to lift most restrictions this month!
                •    South Africa (if you read your link) has started to ease restrictions, but no mention of abolishing them.
                •    Chile (if you read your link) on the 1st October opened up to tourists, provided the tourists isolate for five days, but other restrictions apply, and like the UK and Israel, Chile is now rolling out the booster jabs for the covid vaccine.

                So in actual fact the ‘headline’ in the CNN report is misleading, and doesn’t truly represent what their report states e.g. a typical journalist tactic of an eye catching headline (that’s not strictly accurate) so to attract readers.

                There’s no mention that Sydney Australia has decided to live with covid; all that has happened is that after being in lockdown since July the authorities have decided to lift the lockdown; but all the other covid restrictions remain.   And the lifting of the lockdown has less to do with protests and more to do with the fact that far more people are now vaccinated than when the lockdown was imposed. 

                Back in July when the Australian lockdown was imposed, only 14% were vaccinated; now 69% are vaccinated.

        3. CHRIS57 profile image60
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Arthur, no 3. answer and thoughts

          Thanks again for providing the numbers.
          This 67% effectiveness of vector vaccines compared to 80% for mRNA vaccines makes me think.

          This would mean that the real protectivity must be adjusted by the effectivity rate. Current vaccination status as published for the total population is 67%. Multiply with 67% efficacy and you get 45% true protectivity.

          Same trick for Germany: (90% mRNA and 10% vector = 78,7% efficacy)
          65% vaccinated x 78,7% = 51%

          USA: (97% mRNA, 3% vector J&J = 79,6% efficacy)
          56% vaccinated x 79,6% = 45%

          The USA and the UK seem to be head to head in this race. And .. the 2 countries face the same difficulties with containing the virus.

          Apparently it makes a huge difference if you got the mRNA vaccine or a vector vaccine. The outcome for society is much larger than the 13% difference in efficacy would suggest.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Interesting.  With the UK switching to the mRNA for the booster jab for all over 50, that should prove interesting come January, once all the booster jabs have been administered.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Each of the jabs , the covid deaths go way low to start, then go highest ever compared to the season of last years covid deaths. By the end of this year covid deaths will have tripled. The vaccine roll out began January 2021. Now add those two figures together and what would that equal 99% unvaccinated causing the covid death's come out to?. It's why I don't trust bankers, government, media and  pharmaceutical  scammers the most in the world. Especially with my physical life and financially stability..

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

       … vjuyY,st:0

                Remember Nathan when you said these protest are so small they mean very little. Check out my post on Australia journalist facing cops.

                The reason I keep posting these Australia protests peaceful or riots. Because it's happening all over the world and Australia will be shutting down these protest online. Also what happening world wide, shutting down any opposing free speech

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this
                2. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Castlepaloma, please get your facts right.  I did not say the Australian “protests are so small they mean very little”; you are twisting my words.

                  In previous forums you claimed that the anti-lockdown protests were the biggest protests ever in the world, and specifically stated that the biggest protests were in London, and that they were the biggest protests ever.

                  I merely pointed out that in comparison with other worldwide protests they are not the biggest ever, e.g. in the past two years the BLM and Climate change protests have been much larger.  And I specifically pointed out that the protest that took place in London was not nationwide and was small by British standards e.g. not representative of the people.  I gave example of other protests in the UK that have been far, far bigger than the London anti-lockdown protests; including the nationwide ‘Kill the Bill’ protests in Britain, where for example in Bristol (where I live) my fellow Bristolians ransacked the main police station in the city and burnt the police vans standing outside the police station.

                  ‘Kill the Bill’ Protest in Bristol Turns Violent as Rioters Clash with Police:

              2. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                So Castlepaloma, you’re saying that in the UK “By the end of this year (December) covid deaths will have tripled” “compared to the season of last year’s covid deaths.”

                Well for your information, in the UK at the end of December last year covid deaths were over 500 daily; so you’re saying that at the end of December this year daily covid deaths in the UK are going to be over 1,500 daily; that is a bold claim to make, and one which I believe is totally inaccurate.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm saying worldwide covid deaths will triple from 1.93million January 20210
                  Now 4.87million now, to October, November and December yet to come with much higher seasonal covid deat, easily will reach 6 million, unless the super magic vaccines kick in and Pharmaceutical save the world, that would be a first.

                  We were talking about protester in Europe, you made them out too small to be concern about. These protester have been the key to lifting unlawful covid restrictions on everyone. I don't care if McDonald's, Government worker are all forced to be vaccineed. Let them have the nasty flu  like the flu that killed at 100 million people with a 100years of flu shot. Covid shots are rapidly speeding deaths up at 6 month a shot at pharmaceutical aim for lifetime of profiteering shots. Already got countries giving up their military bases and natural resources for sh-t shots.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Gee wiz, now that you realize that the vaccination program is working in the UK to save lives, you’re backing out of your original projection, made just a few weeks, that covid deaths in the UK would rise sharply this winter!

                    It’s a bit difficult to judge the effectiveness on the whole world when only 2.5% of people in low-income countries have been vaccinated.

                    Besides, if you look at the worldwide covid-deaths timeline, you will see worldwide daily covid deaths reached its peak of almost 15,000 deaths a day at the end of January 2021; at the start of the vaccine rollouts, and since then it’s been a downward trend, currently at less than 7,000 a day; and that is in spite of the more contagious Delta variant.

                    As regards the protests, you specifically tried to make out that the largest of the anti-lockdown protests were in London; and for Europe Chris did point out that the perception from afar makes them look larger than life.

                  2. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Wrong, your assertion that "These protester have been the key to lifting unlawful covid restrictions on everyone", is wishful thinking on your part; the reality is that the vaccination program has been instrumental in lifting restrictions - FACT, whether you like it or not.

          2. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Another interesting set of data published yesterday (11th October) is that currently in the UK just under 20% of all covid patients in hospital are unvaccinated pregnant women.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              If the babies are not deformed crippled mutations by then. Or the babies could be either black eyed or walking , maybe talking in 3 to 6 months. Some will be normal.

            2. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              If the babies are not deformed crippled mutations by then. Or the babies could be either black eyed or walking , maybe talking in 3 to 6 months. Some will be normal.

              They will advance from Hitler attempt for a super race by vaccineed like Jews as guinea pigs.
              They mostly use the obese and old today, saves on their biggest expense wail looking for brainwashed mutant Ninja turtles advancement. Hitler would be proud.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yep, you're right; unvaccinated pregnant women put both mother and baby at risk; which is why so many of them end up in hospital with covid, and why the mortality rate of the unborn child in unvaccinated mothers who become seriously ill with covid is so high. 

                While in contrast, the 100,000 pregnant woman in the UK who did opt to become vaccinated didn't have any serious side effects from the vaccine, and neither did their babies, and they didn't end up in hospital with covid, and fighting for their lives.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  The puppet màsters will be pleased when babies mutant into their images. The London UK Olympic mascot. The one big eye always looking at you.

  9. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    Below, count of deaths occurring between 2nd January and 2nd July 2021 in England involving COVID, and percentage of all deaths by vaccination status

    All deaths regardless of vaccination status being 214,701, of which 51,281 deaths were covid related; covid related deaths accounting for 19.3% of total of all deaths in England between the six month period between Jan & July 2021.

    Covid deaths in England during that time period by vaccine status:-

    •    Unvaccinated deaths =  38,964 covid deaths (covid deaths in this group being 37.4% of all deaths of unvaccinated people)

    •    Deaths within 21 days of first dose = 4,388 covid deaths (covid deaths in this group being 23.5% of all people in England who had their first dose within the last 21 days).

    •    Deaths 21 days or more after first dose = 7,289 deaths (covid deaths in this group being 9.9% of all deaths of people who had their first dose more than 21 days previous).

    •    Deaths within 21 days of second dose =    182 deaths (covid deaths in this group being 1.6% of all people who had their 2nd dose within 21 days).

    •    Deaths 21 days or more after second dose = 458 (covid deaths in this group being 0.8% of all people who had their 2nd dose more than 21 days previous). … d2july2021

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      We can screw around with numbers all day long. 10,000 people die of heart disease in one year in my maritime area, only 100 die of covid. Because of a great lack of service to heart disease , cancer and all stronger ways to die, because of covid. Ambulance sirens are running all the time greater now than when I lived in Toronto or LA, CA. From traveled to six different countries in war zones, during a war. Even though being a fearless person I've not ever been more frighten in my life as the way the world is right now. I will confront it anyways, this third world war.

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, Canada has got off very light with the pandemic, but countries like the USA, UK, Italy, Brazil, India etc. have been hit heavily by the pandemic.  So while there may have been more deaths from heart disease in Canada than from covid, heart disease has not been the leading cause of death in the UK, while in 2020 covid was the leading cause of death in the UK. 

        Fortunately, because of the successful rollout of the covid vaccine, covid has fallen to the third leading cause of death in England in August 2021; in August 2021 there were a total of 2,161 covid deaths, just 5.3% of all deaths for that month.  The leading cause of death in August 2021 in England was Alzheimer’s disease (4,417 deaths), followed by heart disease (3,982 deaths).

        In the UK the hospitals were put under considerable strain during the height of the pandemic in January 2021, but not overwhelmed because in April 2020 the UK Government built 7 Covid Hospitals (with a total of over 12,000 beds capacity), known as the Nightingale Hospitals - specifically to take the strain off the existing NHS hospitals.

        Therefore, even when the pandemic was at its peak in January 2021 with just under 40,000 patients in hospital with covid the NHS still managed to function; and I know that from first-hand experience because it was in January of this year that I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance because of kidney problems.

        So although the NHS hospitals have been under strain because of covid (verification on how serious covid is) lifesaving treatment for heart disease, cancer, and other life threatening illnesses have continued to be carried out by the NHS.   And that is in spite of long standing complaints by the medical staff and public that the NHS is underfunded by the Government, because in the UK it’s the Government (tax payer) who pays for all healthcare.

        If the Canadian hospitals haven’t been able to cope because of covid, then considering the low case count of covid infections in Canada, then that would perhaps suggest that the Canadian healthcare is way underfunded in the first place?

        FYI, all 7 NHS Covid Hospitals (Nightingale Hospitals) were all built within three weeks, at a cost of £0.5 billion ($0.68 billion):

        1. CHRIS57 profile image60
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Isn´t there an issue with high numbers of active cases?

          Not necessarily because of serious or fatal outcome for the infected, but for the active case pool being the perfect and resourceful petry dish for new variants.

          Interesting to see that the UK is running for herd immunity by letting people get infected. And because vaccination is not really protecting from spreading but protecting from serious consequences, this may turn out to be the right way forward.
          But a long way to go:
          Current vaccination status, efficacy adjusted: 46%
          This year recovered after infection, thus immune: 8,6%
          Monthly new infections at 1 Mill./month since July, including July = 1,6% add per months to come.
          Herd immunity goal: 83% (1-1/6): 83% - 46% - 8,6% = 28,4% gap
          Time period to reach herd immunity at current monthly infection rate: 17 month or 1 1/2 year to go. With the pool of unprotected gets smaller, this period will prolong. We shall see how this turns out.

          Germany has still its guards up (indoor mask wearing mandatory, in some areas/events still restricted access only for tested, vaccinated, recovered). The UK method will not work. Much lower number of recovered in 2021 (2,6%), monthly infection rate: only 0,3%. Would take more than 8 years for herd immunity.
          Currently decisions are prepared to fully open up. (With some delay because of new government shufflings after elections). I hope Germany does follow the UK example.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, the UK Government is pining its hopes on the vaccine e.g. recently started to also vaccinate 12 to 15 year olds (where the majority of infections are currently occurring), and recently started to rollout the booster jabs for everyone over 50.  Thus, because of the time lapse between 1st & 2n dose, and because it takes around 3 weeks for full protection to kick in after the 2nd dose, the full impact (benefit) of also vaccinating children from the age of 12, and the benefits of the booster jabs are not going to be felt until the end of the year.

            The UK 'R' value for covid is still hovering around '1', whether the additional vaccinations currently being rolled out (mentioned above) helps to lower the 'R' value to below '1' remains to be seen.

            Yep, the Kent variant (first detected in Kent, England in November 2020, known as the UK variant across the world, now renamed the alpha variant, is a prime example of what can happen when infections rates are high.   

            Two of the UK Government's Conservative MPs have already led a damming 'Report' on how the UK Government handled the situation at the start of the pandemic; and from that the Government has agreed to allow an 'Independent Public Inquiry' next summer; so regardless the current Government (and Prime Minster) will be judge for their performance, failings and successes on their handling of the pandemic.

            That should be interesting, as the publication of that report could so easily coincide with the next General Election.

            1. CHRIS57 profile image60
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this


              fingerpointing to what happened 18 month ago is not really helpful to to solve the current situation. Pure political infight. We should keep analytics out of this.

              Meanwhile all over the world the after Covid cold turkey has reached economies. The cold turkey has a name: Supply chain. Shortages in goods supply was feeled much earlier in the year by economies who make stuff. Now it is reaching the consuming countries as well.

              Has the dynamics of a stop and go congestion on a highway with too much traffic at rush hour time.

              Another factor is adding to the Covid induced issues: All countries, especially China have been trying to convert production to green, reduce CO2 output. But that is not as simply as believed, undercutting production output. Energy markets are no more balanced. Storage buffers are either empty or have been given up. Human workforce is also trying to reposition. Nothing in our planets economies is running smoothly. If goods, services get scarce, fuelling inflation.

              I had the impression in late 2019, that world economy needed some kind of a reset. Business as usual was no more appropriate. Looks like Covid19 really was a reset button. Now, after restart, the engine stutters.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this


                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  The Globalist reset button?
                  Or WEF reset bottom?
                  Hungar Games here we come.

                  Or people wake up.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Don't get over excited, it's not as you imagine; not as dramatic as the 'Hunger Games' (a fantastic satire film).  By next summer normality will be returning and people will begin to forget.

                    History of Panem: Origin Story (Hunger Games Explained)

            2. CHRIS57 profile image60
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Just to follow up on the virus situation:

              Currently Romania is leading the EU in Covid outbreaks. Low vaccination rate and the Delta variant do their thing. Romania has the population of Florida and has more daily Covid deaths than all of the EU combined. Infections are skyrocketing. Double every 3 days.

              Poland is also encountering an increase in cases, double every 7 days, even though coming from a fairly low level.

              In Germany there is a fierce discussion going on about fully opening up. Some point to the dynamics in Eastern Europe and say: too early: Some want to open up and refer to the UK example. And some even say: Lets keep matters restricted, economy can´t pick up speed anyhow because of supply chain issues.

              If we go further east: Ukraine had issued a ban for unvaccinated and all of the sudden there is a run for vaccines. 
              Russia is a mess. Only 31% vaccinated with their vector vaccine is almost like no vaccination at all with the Delta variant and no preference for the health compromised. 

              We shall see how Sweden will conquer the situation. Until now they keep active cases steady. The UK pays its price for opening up with high numbers of active cases and daily deaths.

              The virus has not given in, and its friend and ally called winter is still to come.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks for the update Chris.  In the UK there is currently pressure on the Government from the NHS and some SAGE members (Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) to introduce ‘Plan B’ (mandatory masks and social distancing), or even ‘Plan C’ (lockdown). 

                But the UK Government, pointing to the fact that the NHS is not currently overwhelmed, says “it’s too early for Plan B”; the UK Government is pinning its hopes on a successful vaccine rollout for children e.g. currently, over 50% of the infections are in school children over the age of 12 (the least vaccinated part of society) with only 15% of school children having been vaccinated so far because the UK Government ‘dithered’ and didn’t decide to start vaccinating children until just a few weeks ago!

                Currently 5% of all children in the UK are infected with covid.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  That is very sad kids are infested , Dam!!! those vaccines superspreader.

                2. CHRIS57 profile image60
                  CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Arthur, generally similar situation in Germany.
                  Age group 0.. 14 years contributes more to current infection rate than all other age groups combined.

                  As our active case count is much lower, this represents some 1% of children currently being infected.

                  Because children normally don´t require hospitalization, the overall Covid hospitalization share is low (6% of capacity) and going down.

                  However after summer vacation we have spike of children being hospitalized with other than Covid but still respiratory health issues. Looks like the long period of lockdown and homeschooling was not helpful for the kids getting their fair dose of dirt and flu and you name it infections. Nature kind of tries to catch up on this.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks for the feedback.  Currently in the UK the 2nd most infected with covid group are unvaccinated pregnant mothers; so the Government and NHS are trying to reassure pregnant women that the vaccine is safe in pregnancy and encouraging pregnant women to get vaccinated.

                    If its not one thing its another.

  10. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    A damming cross-party Parliamentary Report, headed by two Conservative MPs (Government politicians) on the UK Government Handling of the Pandemic (151 pages long) was published this week.  The Report heavily criticized the way that the UK Government (Boris Johnson) handled the situation at the start of the pandemic in March/April 2020, costing the lives of tens of thousands; but gave credit to the UK Government’s covid vaccine rollout.

    Following on from the Report the Government (Boris) has agreed to a full ‘Independent Inquiry’, which will start next summer. … as-a-start

    COVID-19: Where did it all go wrong for the UK?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      It seem almost every body these days are in hot water because of Covid.

      Best solution, live with it, like the flu.
      Biggest problem on earth,  solved.

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, live with it like the flu e.g. annual flu vaccinations; thus annual covid vaccinations - problem solved!

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          A 100 year flu vaccine success story for profiteering pharmaceutical anyways.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry Castlepaloma but vaccines do save lives whether you like it or not.

            Don’t forget:-

            *   Thanks to vaccines, smallpox was completely eradicated from the world in 1980.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Our immune system did that, as it dose for all Viruses ultimately.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                FYI, Readmikenow is correct in his opening sentence below, when he says there is no natural immunity to smallpox:-

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Virus definition has changed too.

              2. CHRIS57 profile image60
                CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                For all those who put faith in their superior immune system:
                Untimely TGFβ responses in COVID-19 limit antiviral functions of NK cells

                To summarize the article: Our immune system reacts to threats like Covid19 or viruses in general. This reaction is kickstarted but eventually has to be phased out /turned off. This phase out is initiated by a messenger substance. In this case the substance "TGFβ" from the study publication headline.
                Apparently Covid19 pushes this "TGFβ" to slow down immune system response in a very early stage of the infection, way too early.
                So the immune system, how good it may be, goes to standby and does not contribute to fight the virus when it would be necessary.

                To all those who rely on their personal health and immune system: May be not a good idea to do so.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Supreme immune system plus natural remedies already working better than vaccines in places around the world.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm all for Government servants and the wealthiest taking as many guinea pig vaccines shots directly into their vains, untill their eyes pop out. Like the 100s million of peoples force to take with their 100s of millions of side effects that come along with it. They can take covid jabs every 6 months for a 100 years like the flu shot that has mysterious did their disappearance act.

                    I want my free speech and doctors and scienctist that appose vaccines and masks, go through with their 1000s law suits turn into a reality. So the world economy and lively hood and several other health condition, not be ever held hostage to another nasty flu again.

                    Yes mandating anything is tyranny. Take cannabis, the best diversity plant product in human history. It cause greater emprisonment in Canada for 90 years greater than all the violent criminals combined. Like the Indians, Mexican and black slaves, don't ever trust the Government. It's happening to most of us now. Unvaccinated people are treated like terrorist bombs everywhere we go.

                2. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks Chris, a very enlightening article.

            2. Readmikenow profile image95
              Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              The smallpox vaccine also didn't lose 80 % of its effectiveness in less than a year and require a booster.  There is no natural immunity to smallpox.

              Those who got the smallpox vaccine couldn't still get it, pass it on and die from it, unlike the Covid 19 "vaccine."

              It is so ineffective, it will eradicate nothing.

              The Covid 19 vaccine will get rid of Covid just like the flu shot got rid of the flu.

              Too many people know this and realize how utterly worthless the vaccine has become.  Some predict within a year, it will provide almost no protection at all.  So, why mandate such a worthless drug? 

              Because it's not about the vaccine, it's about controlling your life, showing people the government is in charge of their lives whether they like it or not.

              There have been certain European governments in the past who had this philosophy and it didn't do well for them.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, all about money and power. More for them, less for us.

              2. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Suggesting that the covid vaccines lose 80% of their effectiveness is either an exaggeration or misinformation.  Yes the effectiveness of the vaccines does wane overtime, just as the immunity from becoming infected by covid wanes overtime; but the protection they give don’t diminish to the extent you’re suggesting.

                Yep, the flu vaccines are only 40% to 60% effective, but nevertheless that’s sufficient to save tens of thousands of live in the USA each year.  Better that than have no protection at all.

                Yep, I’ve heard about the American Federal Government wanting to make the vaccine mandatory for Government employees and presumably healthcare workers?  But for clarity, it’s not every country that is making the vaccine mandatory; for example at present the vaccine is NOT mandatory for anyone within the UK; and neither are ‘covid/vaccine’ passports required within England.

                It’s a very cynical view to say “Because it's not about the vaccine, it's about controlling your life, showing people the government is in charge of their lives whether they like it or not.”  And one that I don’t prescribe to because British Politics doesn’t work that way, “I’m not a number, I’m a free man”:-

                Now for some data:-

                Latest UK study 8th October, as follows:-

                mRNA vaccines like Pfizer/BioNTech:
                •    80% effective against infection
                •    96% effective against hospitalisation

                Viral vector-based vaccines, such as the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine (the main covid vaccine used in the UK):

                •    67% effective against infection
                •    92% effective against hospitalisation

                Both types of covid vaccines are about 98.8% effective against death from covid.

       … hts/deaths

                Also, the count of deaths occurring between 2nd January and 2nd July 2021 in England involving COVID, and percentage of all deaths by vaccination status

                All deaths regardless of vaccination status being 214,701, of which 51,281 deaths were covid related; covid related deaths accounting for 19.3% of total of all deaths in England between the six months between Jan & July 2021.

                Covid deaths in England during that time period by vaccine status:-

                •    Unvaccinated deaths = 38,964 covid deaths (covid deaths in this group being 37.4% of all deaths of unvaccinated people)

                •    Deaths within 21 days of first dose = 4,388 covid deaths (covid deaths in this group being 23.5% of all people in England who had their first dose within the last 21 days).

                •    Deaths 21 days or more after first dose = 7,289 deaths (covid deaths in this group being 9.9% of all deaths of people who had their first dose more than 21 days previous).

                •    Deaths within 21 days of second dose =    182 deaths (covid deaths in this group being 1.6% of all people who had their 2nd dose within 21 days).

                •    Deaths 21 days or more after second dose = 458 (covid deaths in this group being 0.8% of all people who had their 2nd dose more than 21 days previous).

       … d2july2021

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this


                  Ran out of space.

                  You called me a lone wolf. Only in the sense of individual, independent and nonconformist about things that are nonsensical. I have unattached love for the world as my family.  Like a wolf I'm a very social creatures and roam the earth for a greater education. For most things taught in schools, were not put into practice because most were indoctrinated for our owners use, not our own dreams and love work practices.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    No Castlepaloma, I did not call you a ‘lone wolf’; if you read those comments of mine properly you will see that I was referring to a small number of so called ‘scientists’ who make outlandish and unsupported claims about the pandemic and who do not present any real scientific evidence to the scientific community for ‘peer review’.

                    You, I don’t call you a ‘lone wolf’, I know that you are a self-confessed ‘anarchist’; and that says it all.

                    Arthur (pseudo name Nathanville)

  11. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 3 years ago

    Amen and hear, hear Mike, it IS all about control and the Gov will flex it's steroid-induced muscle, to insure compliance across the board.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      99% soon enough will inherit the earth

  12. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    Today (4th November) MHRA (The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), the UK’s Independent Medicine Regulatory Authority, approved a pill to treat covid; the first country in the world to approve such a pill.

    The UK Government has ordered almost half a million doses of the pill, expected to arrive later this month, for the NHS to give to people (free of charge) who test positive for covid who are at high risk from covid.  Under trials the pill, which has proven to be safe, cut hospitalisations and covid deaths by about 50%.

    Therefore, once the NHS (National Health Service) starts to prescribe the pill the hospitalisations and covid deaths in the UK should fall significantly further; building upon the success of the covid vaccine.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I can not describe how fish taste like, unless ones has experience eating fish.

      China's has had the longest history of any country in the world. Plus it history had more multicultural than any country. It's got more billionaire than anyone including the US. The greatest complaint I get from Chinese's is there is not enough space.

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this


        •    The UK’s population density is 717 people per square mile
        •    China’s population density is 385 people per square mile
        •    The USA’s population density is 88 people per square mile
        •    Canada’s population is 10 people per square mile

        But as I said, China can and does impose strict covid lockdowns and other covid restrictions where and when they have a breakout of covid, of the likes that you don’t see in the USA, Canada, UK or any other democratic country in the free world.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Look at the charts China had localization lockdowns not nationalism destructive lockdowns of a whole nation like most countries in Europe.

          China's administration did ask me to teach sandsculpture there. Likely my business would have been thriving over there. I taught more in Russia. After US and Canada , Russia has had 3rd most world championships.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Good try Castlepaloma but if you paid more attention to your link above you might have noticed that the article was about how the world shut-down during the early months of the pandemic e.g. the charts and data only cover the initial lockdowns and restrictions from the 15th Jan 2020 to the 1st April 2020.

            FYI the UK did try localised lockdowns from September to December 2020; and for the UK they didn’t work, which is why the UK went back into full lockdown from the 4th January 2021 to the 23rd June 2021.

            UK Local Lockdowns (July 2020 the city of Leicester being the Guinea pig for experimental local lockdowns):

    2. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Arthur, interesting news.

      This drug apparently intervenes in the multiplication process of the virus by manipulating the genetic code of the virus copies. So far i understand the mechanism.

      But isn´t there a danger of fostering mutations of the virus? If this medication deliberately changes the DNA of the virus, but doesn´t know where in the DNA, isn´t the chance for more dangerous mutations higher?

      To think this to the end: The medication may help individuals who were infected, but does it help society on the long run? Any findings about this yet? Or am i wrong in my assertions?

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        A valid question, of which I don’t have an answer, except that the drug doesn’t actually manipulate the genetic code of the virus itself, it manipulates the genetic code of an enzyme that the virus needs in order to make copies of itself.  The virus can only multiply if the enzyme it uses has the right genetic code, hence the effectiveness of the drug introducing random errors in the genetic code of the enzyme; and even if the enzyme did mutate into a viable alternative it’s going to be incompatible to the virus anyway:  As stated in the article “The new treatment targets an enzyme that the virus uses to make copies of itself, introducing errors into its genetic code.”

        Although the UK trials were successful, as a further safeguard, as stated in the above article: “Initially it will be given to both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients through a national study, with extra data on its effectiveness collected before any decision to order more.”

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I've seen protest in mainland China, if they don't accept they will protest. Because people are born anarchist, as we are all selfish for our freedoms and human rights.

 … sters.html

          Hong Kong is more crowded than UK by alot. Hong Kong like mainland China is about 3 per million covid deaths.  UK 66 per million deaths, US 325 per million covid deaths. Theories of over crowning cause most covid deaths is flawed. So take off your masks and the fake posion juice, stopping  relationship, economy and oxygen is most deadly

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Castlepaloma, stop trying to mislead people:  You know as well as I that the Chinese authorities take a heavy hand with protests; you only have to look at the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacres, where the Chinese authorities killed over 1,000 protestors. 

            And your link to the New York Times article is just subterfuge; Hong Kong has until recently been semi-independent of China, and unlike China had free speech and democracy. 

            Stick to the facts Castlepaloma, your figures for covid death rates in Hong Kong, UK and USA are false.  The actual figures are, as below:-

            •    Hong Kong 28 deaths per million.
            •    UK 2,071 deaths per million.
            •    USA 2,322 deaths per million.

            Part of the reason that Hong Kong have successfully kept the pandemic under control is due to Hong Kong’s Strict Covid Rules, which include:-

            •    Strict Travel Restrictions.

            •    Public Gathering restricted to just 4 people; with a $25,000 fine and 6 months imprisonment for gatherings larger than 4 people.

            •    Mask wearing is mandatory in Hong Kong; maximum fine for not wearing a mask is $10,000. People fully vaccinated are exempt from mandatory masks.

            •    Venues limited to 50% capacity for people who are fully vaccinated.

            •    When using hospitality venues in Hong Kong, including restaurants, gyms, hotels and cinemas etc., you have to use the QR codes for track and trace purposes.

            And as a matter of fact; if you study ‘regional’ levels of covid infections in densely populated countries like the USA & UK in the Western World, you will note that infection rates tend to be far higher in the cities than they are in rural places.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I took my stats from the Worldometer, still percentage is in the ball park. Sure, cities are greater covids, easiest to brainwashed and cities are dangerous sicker anyways.
              The numbers are all other the map like politics and religion.
              Since I've experienced as a security supervisor in a few largest riots and protest in Canada the more often media doesn't show the deaths counts. As I've been gun shot at and attacked by hundreds of people. I am  sure there more deaths here than over in China protest mainly because we have alot more of them protests.

              The dark winter is the coming and I think 5% of the injection are lethal and not recorded and greatly misleading.

              In Ireland and Singapore they are very vaccinated with record number hospitalized. And still blame it on unvaccinated insanity.

     … ts-biggest

              1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                .... 5% of the injection are lethal ....

                This is of course not true. With some 7,2 billion doses administered worldwide, your 5% would mean some 360 million to be lethal. We are nowhere even close to a microscopic fraction of this number.

                Apparently Singapore is facing a surge in new infections.
                From what i read, Singapore has 80% of population fully vaccinated. But breakthrough probability for mRNA vaccines is 20%. So actual protection through vaccination is 80% x 80% is 64%. With the Delta variant you need 5/6 = 83% to curb the virus. Leaves a spreading gap of 19% and an infection gap of 36% for the year 2021.

                From said infection gap of 36% some 16% will be breakthrough infections or 44% of new cases. Leaves 56% of new cases to the unvaccinated and they contribute largely to the death numbers and hospitalizations.

                You can read all this out of the data from worldometer or our world in data. Imho explains very well of what is happening. Singapore had almost no new cases in  first 8 months 2021 (the vaccination period), so the high vaccination rate is not supported by any considerable recovered population.

                This is different in the US or UK with more than 10% recovered this year, leading to an infection gap of some 44% for both the US and UK same.

                More important is the gap to reign in the virus. Singapore is 19% below and the US, UK are 29% below. So Singapores chances to get the virus contained are 1- 29%/19% = 52% higher than in the US,UK, whatever that means. For no country the mess is over.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Most people jump on me about unvaccinated people are 99% cause of covid death's. Yet nobody can show me any scientific or medical proof. Yet Biden say vaccines are 100,%safe. Why do most people believe a world champion liar like the Presidents. Beyond insanity. Watch out, tyranny comes from the most Nobel causes. One is a murderer if he kills a man. To create a genocide one is a conquerer. At least for the overly wealthy.

                  I said the dark winter meaning the third booster will be the most lethal. .Many will survive the lethal third one. There is 100s of millions of people  are  having reaction from the jabs now and many deaths mixed in with flu, heart disease, obesity and old age. The other health condition, do not pay as well as covid victims.

                  1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                    CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    ...Why do most people believe a world champion liar like the Presidents....

                    What presidents?

                    As long as there are huge differences in cases and fatalities from country to country, i would not judge all administrations alike. On the long run, the outcomes in cases will be very similar, but it does make a difference how well prepared administrations are to prevent fatalities.
                    So, don´t do the one size fits all judgement. Doesn´t work.

              2. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Well Castlepaloma, if you took the stats from the Worldometer then you took the wrong data; look again.

                Of course the virus spreads more easily in cities, because they are more crowded than small rural areas with low population density.

                Your claim that there have been more deaths in riots in Canada than in China is a lie.

                As Chris says above, your claim that 5% of the booster jabs are lethal is just untrue; more lies to try to scaremonger people into not taking the jab.  FYI, my wife and I are booked in to have our booster jab on the 19th November, and we are looking forward to it.

                And above, Chris has given a detailed analysis of the situation in Ireland and Singapore.

                Castlepaloma, in respect to your further discussions with Chris above:-

                1.    There is plenty of scientific evidence that the unvaccinated are the cause of the vast bulk of covid deaths, it’s just that you don’t accept any scientific proof that is contrary to what you want to believe.

                •    The fact that the vast bulk of people being hospitalised and dying from covid are the unvaccinated might be one clue.

                •    The fact that the majority of people who are currently getting infected in Britain are predominantly the unvaccinated might be another clue.

                The vaccines might not be 100% safe, but they are more than 99.99% safe; whereas if you are over the age of 55 and unvaccinated, and catch covid (even if you think you are fit and healthy) the chances of being hospitalised from covid is quite high, and the odds of dying from covid in Canada is 1.7%, in the UK its 1.5% and in the USA its 1.6% - 

                This link gives plenty of scientific data showing the effectiveness of the vaccines:-
       … s/vaccines

    3. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      There is study out about the efficiency of booster shots. … S0140-6736(21)02249-2/fulltext
      The study findings are from Israel (where all above 12 and 5 month after second shot are eligible for 3rd shot). So sufficient data is available.

      Results: Compared to 2 shots the booster increases protection from hospitalisation over 90% and from death over 80% (always in relation to already vaccinated, not to those unvaccinated).

      In Germany all above 70 and 6 months after 2nd shot can get the booster. However, until very recently virus spreading was kind of slow in G. and people were lazy and reluctant to get the booster. This will probably change as infections shoot up in November.

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        In the UK everyone over the age of 50 and everyone with a health condition, such as diabetes, that would put them at high risk, are entitled to the booster jab six months after they were fully vaccinated.

        Our six months is up on the 17th November, so we are booked in for our booster jab on the 19th November.

        In numbers that represents 32 million people (almost half the UK population) who will be eligible for the booster jab.  So far 9 million have had the booster jab, and between 2 & 3 million booster jabs are being given by the NHS each week.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Bragg all you you want about booster shots with silly pride, base on lies. Wail Bill Gates Bragg's about how investment make 20 times the profits on vaccines. Don't think the US is not ground Zero and organization this scam worldwide floating on printed money, hyper inflation and billionaire raise 60% world record profits ever on the suffering of billions of people.

          Death from covid numbers will go up and go down with the Vaccines to confused with no solids facts vaccines working. I won't be fooled by debatable numbers and even from that most corrupted group stats and their most Evil billionaire partners. Still stats show covid death have triple speed from December 31 2020 1.93 million to now 5.062 in the ball park of tripling by end of December of 6 million in one year of heavy roll outs.  May doG help when the vaccine zombies and vaxxers police come to my door. Worst than cannibis propaganda they shoot your all loving dog first then drag you from out of the bushes and hold you down for posion juice that fits all plus hand cuffs.

          I'm a lover bad a fighter, yet all those mass amount of cops and troops who turned in their badges and careers not to be vaccinated. May fight in a blood bath of hell for our freedoms and humans right. I'll wait to clean up the hellish mess with love and kindness rather than join the worlds of all greatest conflict of slaves and masters. I just don't have the slave gene me.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            You can blather as much as you like, but it doesn’t alter the facts.

            But your exaggerations, or vivid imagination, doesn’t do you credit; there is no such things as vaccine zombies or vaxxer police, and no one is going to come to your door to force you to take the vaccination. 

            As regards the high number of police and military refusing to get vaccinated in the USA; well that’s the USA for you.  In the UK it was the reverse, in the UK the police felt betrayed by the Government because during the vaccine rollout the Government did not prioritise the police for their vaccinations; they had to wait, like everybody else.

            I wonder sometimes whether some of your ramblings are as a result of your cannabis smoking. 

            Yes, cannabis can have some good useful medical benefits, and as such in the UK it is available on the NHS (free) for medical reasons for those who would benefit from it.

            However, cannabis does also have some adverse health effects, and therefore shouldn’t be used for recreational purposes; the side effects being:-

            Short Term Use:  Acute effects may include anxiety and panic, impaired attention and memory, an increased risk of psychotic symptoms, the inability to think clearly, and an increased risk of accidents.

            Long Term Use:  Heavy, long-term exposure to marijuana may have physical, mental, behavioural and social health consequences, including diseases of the liver, lungs, heart, and vasculature.

            Finally your analysis of blaming the deaths on the vaccination rather than on covid itself is flawed:-

            Namely, you fail to take account of the fact that the pandemic reached its peak in January 2021, which is when countries started to rollout the vaccines; and since the vaccination rollout the death toll has fallen sharply.

            As can be seen in the chart below:-

            •    The pandemic reached its peak of almost 15,000 daily covid related deaths worldwide at the end of January 2021.

            •    On this day 12 months ago, worldwide, the daily deaths were 8,240 deaths a day, and rising sharply by the day.

            •    In contrast, today (8th November) the daily deaths worldwide are down to 6,736, and falling by the week.  It’s even lower than the first peak, when the pandemic first started back in March/April 2020, when at that time daily covid deaths worldwide peaked at 7,310 per day.


            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Most of the people that I know,_ who are non vaxxers are more against covid vaccines more than me. Some think it can wipe out 90% of the worlds population. I give it up to 100 million when people stop it.  I do everything in moderation except love and my artwork. Cannibis really is the greatest medicine and plant in the world, yet you will not ever know.

              Play shell games and numbers game all you want. The fact is, the covid deaths are on triple the speed pace, because the vaccines is the covid. If you don't think your Government would harm the people.
              Think and check again, those history books have a way to repeat themselves.

              That pot experimental FDA did was on a monkey giving him 50 joint under a mask and he die of brain damage from lack of oxygen. No body has dead directly from cannabis. Or maybe it was the 20 Kilo bale of cannabis that killed a lab rat, thrown from a 10 story building.

              Can't remember when I last ate a cannabis cookie.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Since the vaccine rollout in the UK the death rate has plummeted; so your claim that the vaccines will kill 100 million is just pure fantasy.

                Yeah, there’s no conclusive scientific evidence at this time that cannabis kills, but cannabis is not completely harmless; as I pointed out above, it does have health risks.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  One won't have anymore fantasies or imagination, if the WEF gets a good hold on yah. They are not slowing down, it's a fake carrot and a vaccine stick continually. It can go from mind control to
                  everyone extended robots.
                  My faith is the collective consciousness of the people. Even including the spiritual sided, wake up from billionaire take over is just around the counter. People are sick and tired of building back better Billionaires that cobble up the poor and millionairs.

  13. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    In the UK:  Over the last 7 days (weekending 13th November):-

    •    Covid tests carried out:  Down 1%.
    •    People testing positive:  Up 0.4%
    •    Patients admitted to hospital with covid:  Down 13.2%
    •    Covid related deaths:  Down 7.9%

    As of the 12th Nov, in the UK:-

    •    87.9% of the UK population over the age of 12 (those eligible for the vaccine) have had their first dose.

    •    80% of the UK population over the age of 12 have had both doses.

    •    21.2% of the UK population over the age of 12 have had the booster jab.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Third booster shot hasn't kick in yet. World covid death cases are on the rise again, closing in on tripling the covid deaths for 2nd year of covid death's. In my area a great shortage of nurses because the nurses first hand know vaxxers deaths are sweeped under the rug far too often.

      Meanwhile they are lifting nurse to be non vaccinated, because hospital are over filled and  people are mostly suffering from weak immune systems.
      I wonder why?

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, you’re right the third booster shot hasn’t kicked in yet; it takes up to a four weeks for it to take full effect, and the UK Government (NHS) only started to roll it out last month; and for those that are eligible they can’t have the booster shot until after six months from their 2nd shot, so it’ll not be until Christmas before all those delegable in the UK will be able to get their booster jab.

        In our case, we had our 2nd jab on the 17th May, so we’re having our booster jab on the 19th November.

        If the Canadian hospitals are overfull and not coping then that doesn’t say much for the Canadian healthcare system?  In the UK the hospitals are not overfull and the NHS is coping.

        Your claims about worldwide covid deaths being worse now than last year is misleading:-

        This time last year the average daily deaths worldwide was 9,111 a day, now they are down to 6,973; and since early October have been stable and lower than they were during the same period last year.

        And in the UK, this time last year the average daily covid deaths were 412 a day, and rising; whereas now, the average daily death rate is 156, and has been stable (not rising) since early October.

        So your claim of things being far worse this winter than they were a year ago is somewhat wishful thinking rather than reality.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Covid started in 2019 , that is why it's called covid 19, beside it also stands for gaining weight , like 19 pounds and one reason 78% obese die of covid. They don't talk about healthy fresh farm food, water and natural remedies and medicines.

          UK have very busy International airports. I count worldwide deaths like from December 19 2020, 1.93 million deaths to today 5.13 million deaths.

          Plus westernized countries 70 to 90% vaccinated with the vast majority of covid death. That makes it impossible to blame it on nonvaxxers. Most people warn me that 99% covid deaths are unvaccinated. Hitler said when telling a lie, make sure it is big. All these liars will be accountable for their actions.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Castlepaloma, who are you trying to fool?  Yeah, Covid 19 started in 2019, which is why it’s called Covid 19; but the pandemic and mass deaths didn’t start until March 2020.  So your claim that there were only 1.93 million deaths from December 2019 to December (12 months) is deliberating trying to deceive; as 99.99% of covid deaths that year occurred after March 2020 (just 9 months).

            You’re also trying to be deceitful by comparing deaths in 2020 with 2021 and blaming the later on vaccinations when in fact virtually nobody was fully vaccinated prior to February 2021 (not December 2020, as you seem to be suggesting); in fact by the end of January 2021 (before people were vaccinated) the death toll had already reached 2.36 million.

            You’re even trying to deceive on your last point:  If you do the maths (which isn’t that difficult) you’ll see that in actual fact only around half the covid deaths are in the westernized world, not the vast majority that you claim.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Israel launched its COVID-19 vaccination campaign on December 20th, but preparations for it began months earlier. Over the course of 2020, Israel signed vaccine purchase contracts with several pharmaceutical companies at the forefront of COVID-19 vaccine development.

              Biden took his first shot Dec 21st 2020. I consider December 31st 2020 the start of the roll outs. ,1.9 million then and compare now 5.16 million. You don't think it will hit the Ball park of 6 million by 2021 December 31st? If vaccines are decreasing the covid death, I would apologize to everyone one on the this site who is Vaccinated. I hate being always right about these world events. And yet zombie/robots can't make a quick right hand turn.

              Yet you state vaccines are working meaning it is it's reducing covid death's over all. Meanwail actually vaccines roll out are tripling in the speed of covid deaths.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Castlepaloma, it might help if you improved in getting your facts right?

                FYI (For Your Information):-

                •    Margaret Keenan, a 91 year old grandmother, living in England, was the first person in the world to receive an approved covid vaccine on the 8th December 2020; and she had her booster shot on the 24th September 2021.

                •    However, due to initial chronic shortages of the vaccines, and due the time it took to organise the rollout of the vaccines; it wasn’t until January before the rollouts began in earnest anywhere in the world; and much later in the EU.  So even by the end of January only a small percentage of people in the UK and across the western world had their first dose.

                •    Across most of the world there’s a three week gap between the 1st dose and the 2nd dose; in the UK it’s 12 weeks.

                •    The vaccines don’t give you full protection until about 3 weeks after the 2nd dose; so in most countries it’s 6 weeks from the 1st dose until people are fully protected; and in the UK (because of the 12 week wait between doses) its 15 weeks from the 1st dose before people are fully protected.

                Therefore, in the UK, even the first people who got vaccinated in January were not fully protected until well into April.  In the rest of the world, full protection for those lucky enough to get vaccinated in the January would not have kicked in until mid-February.

                Therefore, your insinuation that people were fully vaccinated and therefore fully protected from the 1st January is just sheer nonsense.  In the UK the vaccine wasn’t rolled out to everyone over the age until the end of June; and then the NHS started to vaccinate 16 & 17 year old in June, and didn’t start to vaccinate children from the age of 12 to 15 until September.

                No I don’t think the death toll will reach 6 million by 31st December (six weeks away); the current worldwide death rate has been stable at about 7,000 a day since the first week of October, so if the current trend continues it’ll not even reach 5.5 million by 31st December.  Therefore I look forward to your apology over Christmas.  And it will not certainly reach the 10 million by the end of January, as you’ve been prediction several times in recent weeks in these forums.

                And your claim that the vaccines rollout is tripling the speed of the covid deaths is just hogwash; the daily deaths (worldwide) at the peak of the pandemic in January (when only a tiny percentage of people had been vaccinated) was almost 15,000 daily; and since the start of the vaccine rollout the rate of covid deaths has steady declines, and has been stable at about 7,000 deaths per day since the beginning of October.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I will admit I have not been following DELTA stats closing. It is clear the UK has done well with getting a great majority vaccinated. Patients admitted to hospital with covid:  Down 13.2%,   Covid related deaths:  Down 7.9%.  Although any downward gain is promising, is it promising enough?

      Does it appear even with such a large part of the population vaccinates that hospitalization should be down more than %13.2 %?  and also the death rate does not seem to also be higher with so many vaccinated.

      I have been pro-vaccine, but at this point, with the stats, I am seeing I am beginning to be very worried the vaccines are becoming less effective on the variants.  This was a fear I had, and it seems now has come to fruition.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        The Government and pharmaceutical would never lie or hurt you, in most people's minds. They are just very excellent at the shell games. Until you wake up and realize your playing a game within a game.

      2. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, the UK came out of lockdown on the 23rd June, and abolished all covid restrictions, including social distancing, and mandatory masks, on the 19th July; so naturally infections rates have soared since then, which feeds threw to higher hospitalisations and deaths.  But the death rate is down to a 10th of what it was, given the high infection rate; an indication that the vaccination programme is having a positive effect.

        Yep, with such a high vaccination rate, one would have hoped that hospitalisations and deaths would be lower than they are; but the vast majority ending up in hospital with covid are the unvaccinated; and the two main groups who are getting infected most are the children and pregnant women:-

        2% of the UK population have covid, of which 9% children, 2% their parents, and 1% the rest of the population.

        The reasons why children are most infected is twofold:-

        •    Firstly, because the UK Government hesitated about whether to vaccinate children or not, and didn’t make a final decision to vaccinate children from the age of 12 until mid-September; and thus it’ll not be until Christmas before all children who want to be vaccinated are fully vaccinated, and

        •    Secondly, unlike the rest of the population where less than 10% of the population has vaccine hesitancy, the uptake for the vaccine in children is much lower e.g. possibly only about half will get vaccinated.  But we shall see come Christmas.

        And the reason the 2nd highest infected group in the UK is pregnant women, is because, quite naturally (unlike the rest of the adult population in the UK) vaccination hesitancy in pregnant women has been quite high.

        Yeah, studies in the UK has shown that the vaccine do become less effective after six months, but not ineffective.  But in the UK everyone over the age of 50, and everyone with underlying heath conditions will be entitled to the booster jab six months after their 2nd jab (which is about 50% of the adult population).  So after Christmas, once everyone most vulnerable to covid has had their booster, we should start to see the benefits of that.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

 … ovid-fears

          Look like UK is locking up again. With 99% UK hospitals full.

          Why is this happening worldwide,?
          Because the Vaccines harm our immune system to many other health conditions.

          STOP IT!

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Castlepaloma, you’re not very good at fact checking are you!!!

            Read the title of the article carefully.  It does not say “UK hospitals are nearly 99% full”, it reads “Inside ‘A’ UK hospital (that is) nearly 99% full” e.g. Northumbria Emergency Care Hospital.

            That report does not reflect the NHS at large, which is under strain, as it always is every winter; but not over capacity, as you are suggesting.

            FYI:  The UK Government built 7 Covid Hospitals (called Nightingale Hospitals) in England in March 2020, and a further three (one each) in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with a total capacity of 12,000 covid patients; with the London Nightingale Hospital being the largest, with a total capacity of 4,000 beds.

            Inside NHS Nightingale - the world's biggest critical care facility:

            With the capacity of 12,000 in the Nightingale (covid) Hospitals in the UK; the actual number of covid patients in hospitals at key points (as per chart below):-

            •    In April 2020 (First Wave) over 20,000 hospitalised with covid in the UK.
            •    In January 2021 (2nd wave) almost 40,000 hospitalised with covid in the UK.
            •    Currently (Nov 2021) just 8,652 and falling.

            So you can see that the NHS is far from being overwhelmed; specifically because the vaccination programme is working.


            1. CHRIS57 profile image60
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Arthur, i learned a new expression: Triage

              For health care is about decision making who to be treated, who is not necessary to be treated and for whom all effort is in vain.
              What does overwhelmed or not overwhelmed mean in this context?

              In G. we have 3.000 ICU hospitalized, which is 13% of capacity, but politics starts talking about triage.

              What is the NHS doing? Do they triage?


              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                The NHS hasn’t reached the stage to talk about triage.  In the UK if your condition is life threatening then you will get the care you need.  Albeit, an increasing number of non-emergency, non-life threating operations are being delayed, but not cancelled.

                I can say that with some confidence because following my life threatening illness (kidneys) in January (at the height of the pandemic in the UK, when there were almost 40,000 people hospitalised with covid) I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance, where I spent three weeks, being given all the care I needed (and more) to save my life and bring me back to near full health); and since then, although my condition is no longer life threatening, and not serious, the hospital is still regularly monitoring my progress with periodic hospital visits and tests, initially monthly, but as I’m virtually back to full health, it’s now three monthly.

                Although the NHS is under a lot of stress, as it always is each winter (with the flu), the current 8,652 hospital beds for covid patients is a significant reduction on the 40,000 covid beds occupied in January; and in January the NHS coped, largely thanks to the 12,000 bed covid (Nightingale) hospitals that the Government built in March 2020.

                As far as the UK Government is concerned, the trigger point at which it would consider the NHS to be over-stretched to a point at which action needs to be taken e.g. reintroduction of covid restrictions, and or another lockdown, is when covid hospitalisations rises above about the 12,000 beds mark; which looks increasingly unlikely.

                As can be seen in the chart below, compared to the peak in January when there were almost 40,000 covid patients in hospitals in the UK; the hospitalisations have been significantly lower and since July have been relatively stable.


              2. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I was intrigued by the figures in Germany from your comment, that you have 3,000 hospitalised with covid, with 13% capacity of the ICU beds taken.  So I was curious to know what the data is for the UK, which is as follows:-

                •    Only 938 patients currently in ICU beds in the UK; so ample capacity e.g. the 20,000 beds in the Nightingale (covid) hospitals built in the UK in March 2020 to cover a worst case scenario currently lay largely unoccupied (not needed).

                •    Excluding the Nightingale Hospitals, there are 162,723 NHS hospital beds in the UK, of which only 8,652 are occupied with covid patients; 5.35% of the capacity.

                1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                  CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Arthur, are your figures correct?
                  Last week in the UK roughly 1000 people died. If there were less people in the ICU beds, then what happened?  Many went from breakfast to grave?

                  In G. last week also died almost 1000 people. So a useage of 3000 ICU beds makes sense to me. Just assuming that the critical period is 1 week, then the chance for survival is 66% once people "made it" into ICU. Still a bleak outlock.

                  Do the same math for the UK and it doesn´t fit. As i wrote, do they march directly from the breakfast table into the grave? Sorry, a bit sarcastic.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this
                  2. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I do see what you mean, but yep the figures are correct: 

                    Over the last 7 days in the UK:-
                    •    1,026 people have died of covid:  A drop of 9.8% on the previous week; in fact the death rate in the UK has been slowly dropping since the 8th November.

                    •    6,355 people were admitted to hospital with covid:  A drop of 2.9%.


                    In the UK (17th Nov) Patients in hospital with covid was 8,174, of which 935 are ICU beds.

                    There is currently a downward trend in covid hospitalisations and deaths in the UK, and there’s always a few weeks lag between the two.  But certainly part of the answer is that you don’t have to be in ICU to die of covid.


        2. CHRIS57 profile image60
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The problem is that vaccine effectiveness is not a binary value. Efficacy is not switched on or off by booster shot rules.

          It is deemed necessary and effective to administer booster vaccinations, because vaccines have lost their initial protection after some months. Imho the big question is:
          What is going down, what does loosing protection mean: 1. Protection from getting infected and spreading the virus and/or 2. Protection from getting really sick and face serious consequences.

          If we assume (just for the math fun), that just after vaccination people have 90% protection and after 6 months this is down to 50% (to justify boosters), then after 6 months average protection is 70% (if all were vaccinated in a constant number over the period of said 6 months).
          All praised Israel for vaccinating their people really fast. So that protection number is probably down even more (because most were vaccinated in the first  1 or 2 month after vaccination start and have already lost much of their protection) and that makes authorities in Israel recommend boosters earlier, after 5 months.

          I think this assumption holds some merit and if we apply this to all other countries then the protection efficiency of the vaccines is much lower than vaccination numbers would suggest.

          If you investigate raw data further, then it is valid to assume that the protection against serious illness is longer preserved than the protection against infection/spreading. This will cause problems, because a lot of vaccinated, but no more protected from infection are running around without symptoms (illness protection still up).

          In Germany with the 3G rule enforced (vaccinated, recovered or tested) those unprotected vaccinated run around like zombies and contribute to spreading without knowing but with a vaccine certificate that allows them to participate in all kinds of close contact public events. A rough estimate is: In G. we 40% of population unprotected, a share of 25% unvaccinated but already 15% have lost their protection but are still registered as being safe.

          All countries are far from containing the virus. Delta is as contageous as it was 4 months ago and with winter coming we will see a surge everywhere. Why so many infections? I just explained above.

          But because death numbers are now only a fraction of pre vaccination times, this should be seen more relaxed by all governments. However that depends on the respective health care system condition (stressed, overwhelmed, understaffed, underequipped...)

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yep, you’ve pretty much summed it up as usual.  You might find the link below of some interest; it doesn’t cover all the points you raise, but it is the latest UK Government ‘COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report’ published 11th November, and it has some useful technical data in it:-

   … eek_45.pdf

            1. CHRIS57 profile image60
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Arthur, thanks for the link.

              Indeed this study shows a difference of some 20% between infection efficiency and hospitalization/death prevention.

              If you take these 20% and multiply with the number of vaccinated+recovered (75%) then you have 15% of the population with the potential of getting infected without developing symptoms. Reality will sort out those who do find out about their infection status and quarantine, still leaving millions of vaccinated potential spreaders.

              This issue is coming to the surface in our media in G. The idea is to do more mandatory testing and not rely on someone being vaccinated or having recovered.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Mandatory testing I'm all for, just not mandatory lock down for unvaccinated people of financially livehood and society relationship. Vaccines dose harm our immune system like too much antibiotics drugs.

              2. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yep, you can’t rely on vaccinations alone; testing is also a critical tool in fighting covid, which the UK Government took seriously after its initial bunglings and long delays in getting ‘track and trace’ working properly e.g. with delays (of the Government’s own making) the UK didn’t fully start testing until September 2020.

                However, since March 2021, when the UK Government started to give away 2 FREE lateral flow kits a week to each person, daily covid testing has increased 50%.  For example, on the 15th November:-

                •    682,731 PCR tests were carried out in the UK, and
                •    234,101 Lateral flow tests were carried out in the UK

                Total of 916,832 tests carried out in one day; equivalent to 1.36% of the UK population (see chart below):-


                1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                  CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  This discussion started 7 weeks ago.
                  Situation in Europe has changed. All countries face the beginning of the winter season with Covid (almost) exploding.

                  The headline was:
                  ...Norway and Singapore lifted covid restrictions...
                  Well, by now Norway has 3 times as many new cases as Italy (population adjusted) and numbers are rising (both for Norway and Italy). Even Portugal (highest vaccination in Europe) is strongly on the rise. Denmark is preparing lockdown again.

                  Germany is a mess now. States with lowest vaccination rate have 6-8 times as many cases as the states with high vaccination success. While my city has a 7 day new case count of 98 per 100.000, same number for some cities in Saxony are well beyond 1000 and ski resorts close to Czechia are even higher (1500).

                  If you have in mind that many vaccinated are fully immune and invisible for the virus, then those unvaccinated or no more protected have to take the burden of high infection probability that goes easily up to 3-4% per week.

                  We are in a lame duck period after elections. New government has not taken over yet and old Merkel administration is moving from one error to the next.

                  A major error is that situation is always judged by static numbers, not by development, change speed. It is like administration tries to control a "segway" without velocity and acceleration sensors.

                  But it is not only Germany. Situation is getting increasing dramatic in all countries of Western Europe, while Eastern Europe somehow seems to take a break. The UK is also picking up speed again, Arthur. Hospitalisation, new cases, death counts, all is going one direction: up.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, Arthur keep saying it's getting better. So far since August 2020 all my predictions have been ball park correct and wish I was wrong.

                    Smart people will do alright during these few years ahead. Although mainly the poor who follow rules will not, and where the super rich are, are doing excellent.

                  2. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I agree it’s not a rosy picture, but in the UK it’s not all just one direction, up:-

                    New infections peaked on the 21st July at 47,111, and peaked again on the 24th October at 46,436; currently new daily infections stand at 39,367:  Up 14.5% over the last 7 days, but still lower than the peaks in July and October.

                    Daily covid deaths have been slowly falling since the 8th November:  Covid deaths have dropped 9.8% over the last 7 days.

                    Daily admissions to hospitals with covid have dropped from 1,146 on the 27th October to the current daily admissions of 799:  Daily covid hospital admissions have dropped 2.9% over the last 7 days.

        3. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for keeping up on what is going on in the UK.  I will be getting the booster soon. I will be traveling for the winter, and I feel a booster will give me added protection. I am moving on but keeping cautious of what I can do to be as safe as I can be.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            No problem, and contrary to Castlepaloma’s ‘anti-vax’ ‘doom & gloom’ scaremongering, the future does look brighter.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              It's great for drugstore hermit/nerds. Not for the smart natural path.

    3. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this


      European covid has rising by 10% this week.
      Other parts of the world have lowered. … in-a-week/

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, covid deaths across Europe is up by 10% in the last week; but down by 7.9% in the UK.  That’s why two European countries went back into lockdown this week.

        But get too excited:  Take Germany for example, at the peak of the pandemic in Germany, on the 10th January (before the vaccinations even began in Germany), the average daily death toll was over 900; whereas now, even though it’s risen by about 10% over the past week, the current daily average is only 162 – So the current death rate is only about 18% of what it was prior to the vaccine rollout in Germany;  once again showing that the vaccines have proved effective in curbing the death toll.

  14. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    Yesterday (15th Nov) The UK Government has now decided to also offer the booster jab to all in their 40’s.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds briefing after vaccine booster announcement: -

    Now that the over 40’s will also get the booster, along with the over 50’s, frontline healthcare staff, and all with medical conditions that makes them high risk for covid e.g. diabetes, obesity etc. it will mean that about two thirds of people in the UK eligible for the covid vaccine will also be eligible for the booster jab.

    From the 1st Feb 2021 to 30th Sep 2021 in the UK 1,714 pregnant women were hospitalised with covid, of which 1,682 (98%) were not vaccinated.  235 of the pregnant women hospitalised during that period ended up in intensive care on ICU, of which 232 (98%) were not vaccinated.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I imagine any greater ultimate control over humans than to control their bodies and minds.

      Any centralized organization requires slaves in order to have it absurd absolutely power to have it worst corruption throughout human history.
      No mater it's religion, science, mainstream medical, politics, media and so on. The greed of many of these coming together with their greatest abuse will fail Quickier than any other time before it. As most of all we have become very jadded from its  demolish destruction control of it.

      Vaccines are designed to kill our immune system, hospital will be filled worldwide. Globalization and nationism will be accountable for it this time.

  15. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    Looks like Covid is really causing havoc in the UK and Germany.

    "I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality," wrote former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson on his Substack page.

    Berenson, the author of a series of books on government response to the pandemic, noted the most recent rate of death per 100,000 people for the unvaccinated in Britain is 0.9% while the rate for the vaccinated is 2.2%.

    Recent data in several countries show the rate of infection and transmission among COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing, noted Günter Kampf, a professor of medicine at the University of Greifswald in Germany, in the medical journal The Lancet Regional Health – Europe.

    He recalled that high COVID-19 vaccination rates "were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease."

    "Many decision-makers assume that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission," he writes. "It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures."

    In his home country of Germany, the rate of symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the fully vaccinated has been reported weekly since July 21. Initially the rate of "breakthrough" cases was 16.9% among patients of 60 years and older.

    But by Oct. 27, it had reached 58.9%, Kampf wrote, "providing clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission." … nated-u-k/

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting death per 100,000 people for the unvaccinated in Britain is 0.9% while the rate for the vaccinated is 2.2%.

      Israel and UK were like the first heavy vaccinated and it can be the story told for rest of the world. That's where we be headed if people don't break out of the fog and numbness of drug pushers. The drug history gose back 400 years and takes up 1/3 of the economy. Told by Dr Martin. … 5c41ec3f0f

    2. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I can´t say very much about this silly headline from your link. Until today (Nov. 24th) in Germany the active case fatality rate is 8 times lower than last winter. And i don´t talk about average case mortality but recent 28 day numbers.

      As i stated elsewhere on hubpages, the vaccinated loose some/much of their protection from catching the virus over time. For AstraZeneca it goes down to less than 40% protection after 4 months already. (attached diagram)

      Most of the elderly were vaccinated early in the year. Their protection has expired. There is no on/off switch that claims a certain individual to be fully protected until 6 or 7 months. It is a gradual process of loss of protection.

      So now many elderly are no more protected and the booster iniative is too slow. We should know better in Germany or the UK, we just have to look at Israel.

      To really interpret the silly headline you have to look at the agegroup of those infected and hospitalized (both for vaccinated and unvaccinated) and when the vaccinated had gotten their jabs.

      And indeed the UK may have more deaths in the vaccinated group than in the unvaccinated group. (protection from vector vaccines run low so many months after vaccination start). 

      Nothing not be expected from understanding the numbers. When 70% are vaccinated and 30% are not - and if 50% of the vaccinated are above 65 years, but have lost (statistically) half their protection - and 90% of the unvaccinated are below 65 years - then you get a distorted picture of the situation when only looking at the population as a whole.

      This is why booster vaccinations are so important. Only - in Germany started again way too late. We have 6 months after 2nd shot to get a booster. Looking at the diagram this too late. Again look at Israel, they have 5 months gap between 2nd and 3rd shot.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Wait til winter hit, covid love the cold most in winter.

        Yet who really knows, the Vaccines are not vaccines.  The covid has turned into something else.

    3. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Readmikenow, please choose better sources when making bold claims.  Your link to WND (WorldNetDaily), isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.  If you research, you will find that WND is an American news and opinion website that aggregates (copies) online content which is considered "fringe" and far-right, and politically conservative, and promotes falsehoods and conspiracy theories.

      Also, Alex Berenson, who’s quoted in the WMD publication is well known for his deliberate spread of covid-19 ‘misinformation’ (lies); and as such was permanently suspended by twitter on the 28th August 2021 for his repeated spread of lies about covid.

      This time last year (24th Nov) in the UK, when there was no vaccine, and when covid restrictions were imposed e.g. social distancing, mandatory masks, and regional lockdowns etc. the average daily covid related death toll was 443 and rising sharply by the week.

      Whereas, yesterday in the UK, when 88.4% of the population over the age of 12 are vaccinated, and when all covid restrictions were abolished in England months earlier (on the 19th July) e.g. no social distancing, and no mandatory masks, there were 132 coivd related deaths, andd falling slowly by the week.  The total number of Covid related deaths in the UK has fallen by 9.4% over the last 7 days; likewise, hospitalisations of covid patients has fallen by 11.6% over the last 7 days.

      So false claims made by the likes of WMD and Alex Berenson etc., are grossly misleading.

      As regards protection in the UK:-

      •    88.4% of the UK population over the age of 12 have now had their 1st vaccine dose.
      •    80.4% have now had their 2nd dose, and
      •    27.8% have already had their booster jab.

      Unlike the other European countries, the UK started its booster program early (only a month behind Israel), and over the course of the next couple of months all adults above the age of 40, all frontline health care staff, and anyone who have conditions making them high risk e.g. diabetics, will be offered the booster, six months after their 2nd jab.

      So contrary to Castlepaloma wishes, the covid death toll in the UK over winter will be very modest compared to the height of the pandemic last January (before people were vaccinated).

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Those continuous false promises and lies after every jab from beurocrates, mainstream media, pharmaceutical and technocrats are a super failure. Noooo...body can claim it's a success. When it's up nearly 5.2 million worldwide covid deaths and skyrocketing pass those billionaire skyscrapers this dark winter.

        1. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, the vaccination rollout is a great success in the UK, because our death rate is significantly lower than it was prior the vaccination rollout, and we no longer need to be lockdown, social distance or wear masks because of the vaccination program.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Wait for the super booster immune killer to kick in. Keep building back bigger hospitals and prisons.

      2. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Well, in Journalism, you provide the opinions of others.  WND had provided many sources.  The publication does not make any claims.  They provide the opinions of others. 

        Within every story there are links

        This story provides links to the Office for National Statistics, the medical journal The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, The Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal and also the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), an epidemiologist from Edinburgh.

        So, your disagreement isn't as much with WND as it is with the opinions of others cited in the article.

        I don't know if you realize the topic is rates of people with the vaccine getting covid more than those without the vaccine.  You've provided nothing that contradicts that assertion.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The most outrageous thing and plenty of times vaxxers have told me. Is unvaxxers are 99%=cause of covid deaths. 

          Biden statement along with vaccines are 100% safe. A contradiction in the same sentence. No mainstream doctor or scientists in the world will provide one crackpot fact or evidence to back any of what Biden said.
          People living in Biden's Paradise

        2. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          No, WND picks content which is generally considered ‘fringe’ and far-right, and politically conservative, and promotes falsehoods and conspiracy theories.  They are not exactly what you would call unbiased in which on-line stories they choose to republish; and although they provide genuine links to the source data, they’re quite happy to print quotes that have been ‘taken out of context’, thus twisting what was quoted to give a false impression of what was actually printed in the original source data.

          If you actually read the source information published by the ONS, the Lancet, CDC etc., you will find that almost invariably virtually all the ‘Quotes’ republished by WND have been ‘taken out of context’, and when read the quotes in context they convey a completely different picture to what the anti-vaxxers would have you believe.

          For example, if you take the first two sentences in the WND article that you gave the link to, it reads:-

          “Vaccinated people under age 60 are dying from all causes at twice the rate of the unvaccinated in the United Kingdom, according to data compiled by the British government…….."I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality," wrote former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson on his Substack page.

          Within those first two sentences is a link to raw data compiled by the British government.  Follow the link, open the spreadsheet, and study that data, and you quickly realise that Alex Berenson is trying to hoodwink you.  For example in the link to the source data, look at Table 6 on the excel spread sheet and you will see the following for covid deaths in the UK between the 2nd Jan and 24th September 2021:-

          •    Unvaccinated =    34,474 deaths
          •    Received only the first dose, less than 21 days ago =3,880 deaths
          •    Received only the first dose, at least 21 days ago = 6,663 deaths
          •    Received the second dose, less than 21 days ago = 171 deaths
          •    Received the second dose, at least 21 days ago = 4,308 deaths

          As regards you last comment “…. The topic relates to people with the vaccine getting covid more than those without the vaccine.  You've provided nothing that contradicts that assertion.”

          Actually, both Chris and I have answered this question several times in these forums, and have provided documentation in the past covering this point.  It’s a simple answer:-

          Even though the vaccines reduces the risk of you getting covid by around 60%, dropping to around 40% after six month; with almost 90% of the population over the age of 12 in the UK being vaccinated; with only 10% not vaccinated – then it’s simple statistics that more vaccinated people are going to get infected than unvaccinated:

          For example:-

          •    If you have 2,000 people, of which 1,800 (90%) are vaccinated and 200 (10%) unvaccinated.
          •    Then for argument sake if 50% of the unvaccinated catch covid e.g. 100 unvaccinated catch covid
          •    With the vaccine giving you 60% protection the rate of infection in the vaccinated will be 40% of 50% e.g. the same level of exposure to the virus as the unvaccinated.
          •    40% of 50% is 360.

          Therefore, in the above crude example, 360 vaccinated people became infected with covid, while only 100 unvaccinated became infected.  In other words, the anti-vaxxers are playing the numbers game to mislead people, rather than giving the facts in context.

          These reports below cover the same topic area, but without the ‘miss-quotes’ (taking quotes out of context):- 

          •    COVID-19: Why isn't the UK suffering a European-style surge in cases?

          •    COVID-19: How many more Britons will die?

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            There is no doubt UK covid deaths are raising again even by that news reporter. The very funny thing is he shows a dramatic drop of covid deaths in December. Haven't we heard this same crap after each jab?.

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Castlepaloma, the reporter says with the first 5 seconds “The numbers are ticking up”, then he goes on to say “not as fast as they were previously”.  I simple English that means the death toll, not the death rate is raising.  Whereas you’re trying to insinuating the ‘death rate’ is on the increase; which, if you look at the current data, is not the case:-


              But if you continue to watch the video beyond the first two minutes, you will see the statements about the death toll and death rate in context, which clearly shows that deaths in the UK post vaccination, is a fraction of what it was pre-vaccination.

          2. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Using numbers is a game played by both sides of the argument.

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              It still doesn’t alter the fact that on this date 12 months ago the daily covid death rate (prior to the vaccine rollout, and when the UK was under heavy covid restrictions) was 466, and rising sharply – to reach a peak of 1,242 daily covid deaths on the 25th Jan; and yesterday (with almost 90% of the adult population vaccinated, and no covid restrictions) the daily death rate in the UK was 125, a 14.8% fall over the past 7 days.

              1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Arthur, they will argue that this not because of vaccination success but because the virus got weaker. Same as 100 years ago with the Spanish flu. Disappeared after 2..3 years (without vaccination).
                They will argue that by now only 5 mill. people died wordwide and not 50 million (Sp. flu), because now we have ICUs and antibiotics and worm curing stuff for horses.
                They will argue that more people died after the vaccination rollout started than before. They simply skipped maths and statistics in school and don´t know the difference between absolute numbers and relative values.

                To illustrate the situation, someone came up with this psychological experiment: People were shown a photograph of a well dressed, shy and introvert looking young man. People were asked if this guy was a librarian or a farmer. The predominant answer was: Librarian.
                But that was wrong. Statistically on every (male) librarian there are more than 1000 farmers. Judging this guy to be a librarian completely neglected statistics. - And this is what makes Corona vaccination argueing and convincing quite difficult on the forum.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  If covid deaths reach a 100 million, I'm sure those numbers will change vaxxers minds. Meanwhile absolute power alway corrupts, with extreme lies, broken promises, and  fake statistics. History is always repeating itself and we are on schedule for another one. It's just the smarter people are on to them quicker. The wealthy really think people are generally that stupid.
                  Most maybe are stupid or full of BS, right now. Yet, they always manage to wake up from great abuse and I base my faith on that.

                2. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yep, I agree with you absolutely, the likes of Castlepaloma will argue that ‘black is white’ until the cows come home.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I Wonder if we can agree on what a cow looks like.

                    Certainly pharmaceutical tyranny doesn't know what a covid viruses looks like. Scientists keep mutating, different strains, variant and in cocktail mess of we don't know what the hell, we are doing
                    Mainly  force by politicains and media, who  can only create a cluster F of much greater death and damage of fear and poverty.

  16. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    One of the most ridiculous things I've read...and it's true.  It is so idiotic on so many levels.

    "No euthanasia without COVID shot, death society rules"

    "The German Euthanasia Association – has issued a new directive, declaring it will now only help those who have been vaccinated or recovered from the disease" … -customers

    1. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Indeed, appears to be quite absurd and ridicuous.

      This euthanasia stuff is quite new for Germany. Legislation to allow this only changed this year. This ..association, this club is a Swiss organisation with subunits in Germany.

      From what i read on the German homepage and press, these types of organisations assist especially in elderly care facilities. And this is what i read from the ethic agenda of that club: The people who assist in this kind of suicide travel from one care home to another and thus have to protect themselves and all involved care homes from spreding the virus.

      So this club simply doesn´t accept 90 year old "customers" who got Covid and want to finish their life:  in order to prevent spreading the virus to other elderly in care homes who don´t want to die, not from Covid and not in any way. Still a little strange, this topic, but not really ridiculous or absurd.

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe this organization should develop a do-it-yourself home euthanasia kit for people who don't want to get the vaccine. That might solve the problem.

      2. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        This is not about health, it's about wealth taking over the world by a cold wars and created worldwide civil wars that are happening between unvaccinated and vaxxers. A method of divide and conquer..

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          My daughter made a international animation film called Purple people. It's about two kings one red and the other blue. Two kings Fight it all out like unvaccinated and vaxxers until they so exhausted. Wail the purple dragon waited on the sidelines after the finished their destruction. Then moved in with solutions and to clean up the mess of the great world damages and deaths.

          My daughter and I are the purple dragons of creativity work and peace just watching the world freak Show.

  17. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    Castlepaloma, you started this forum to boast that Norway and Singapore had lifted covid restrictions, and that you expected it to be a domino effect (the beginning of the end) where it would create a domino effect; and the rest of the world would follow.  And during these discussions on this forum you constantly argued that Norway and Singapore, and countries like the UK lifting covid restrictions had nothing to do with the vaccine rollouts!

    2 months ago, on this very forum you wrote, to quote:-

    “More good news

    Sydney Australia decided to live with covid. Many lockdowns have been lifted. The heavy fighting protests worked.

    After 5 countries have lifted covid restrictions that is moving the domino effect faster than I expected.

    I'm the pendulum swings News report.”

    FYI:  3 days ago Norway went into partial lockdown; "Norway will further tighten restrictions and speed up vaccination in a bid to limit an expected surge of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus."

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I've always said the Vaccines is not about our health. It more about State, Technocrats, Pharma and Banks Record numbers in money and power.

      I said always the penludum will swing somewhere between 2 to 4 years back to people power of personal choice, not mandates of any kind because covid world order is Totalitarianism and Tyranny is at its worst.

      My daughter has won international awards in 4 continents including in UK for 3D animation. This same story happens continuous throughout human history like in her story about blue and red kings (or like the red pill or blue pill) who fight it out till they are totally exhausted. Then purple dragons like us, who waited it out and work their magic with natural remedies and solutions for the power of the purple people blending together.

      (CDC) said....

      That of the 43 cases attributed to OMICRON!!! variant, 34 people had been fully vaccinated. Fourteen of them had also received a booster, although five of those cases occurred less than 14 days after the additional shot before full protection kicks in.


      Maybe nobody shows up, for Christmas.

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        #1:  No vaccines are not about ‘control and power’ that’s just BS; the vaccines at the moment is more about protecting the hospitals e.g. so that they don’t get overwhelmed with covid patients, which would reduce their capacity to treat other people with covid.

        #2:  We already have ‘people power’; it’s called ‘Democracy’; something which as an anarchist you don’t believe in.

        #3:  As regards the early report from CDC, I shouldn’t read too much into it; it’ll be at least a few more days before we begin to get a preliminary picture of what Omicron means. 

        Besides the early study from CDC was only a ‘small’ sample, and you are forgetting that the majority of people in the USA are vaccinated, and with the current vaccines not being as effective against Omicron as they were against the Delta variant, there will be a higher percentage of ‘breakthrough’ infections.

        Nevertheless, the early studies in the UK indicates the booster jab is around 75% effective in preventing infection – and thus it’s still prudent to take the booster, not just for your own protection, but also to reduce the rate of spread and ease the pressures on the healthcare system.

        I suggest you wait for another week or two, when more is known about Omicron, before making wild allegations.

        The point I was making above is that you were boasting that Norway and Singapore relaxing restrictions a couple of months ago was a start of a domino effect, and your absurd argument that covid restrictions being lifted had nothing to do with the fact of the vaccination rollout.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Norway and Singapore created domino effect in other parts of the worlds along with protesters which Government are trying to shut free speech down online and on the street. They cannot vaccinated free spirit.

          Blue state are fleeing to the blue states in the US.

          Omicron only shows the emtreme of hypocrisy. As 80% of the vaccinated are getting it. Cutting down peoples livlyhood, choices in life and shutting down social creatures as who are, only results in emtreme backfire.

          1. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            80% of vaccinated people are getting the Omicron variant of COVID?  You have to know that is a lie - you need to double check your sources or re-word your statement.

            Perhaps you meant that 80% of those getting sick are vaccinated?  About the same percentage as those vaccinated, indicating that while the vaccine will reduce the severity by orders of magnitude it will not prevent one from getting at least a minor case?

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

     … 021-12-10/

              I already gave a more updated CDC stated first. What part is a lie, I didn't make it up, it's in the 2 links. Show me other sources.?

              I think the whole thing is a big fat lie of degree of danger in the model of state, banks and Pharmaceutical science.

              1. wilderness profile image89
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Your link says (using a stupidly small sample) that 80% of COVID cases are in vaccinated people; not that 80% of vaccinated people get COVID. 

                Which is what I said you might mean.  Where's the problem?

            2. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "Based on recent data from most Michigan health systems, MHA has found that three out of four COVID patients are unvaccinated (76%), 87% of COVID ICU patients are unvaccinated and 88% of COVID ventilator patients are unvaccinated."   Michigan's number of hospitalized COVID-19 cases reached a new high this week, with 4,291 patients hospitalized. Recently, Michigan reached 70% of residents 16 and older who have received their first vaccine dose, but cases are surging in the unvaccinated population.

              U.S. Department of Defense is providing clinical staffing support to hospitals throughout the state that are operating at capacity,, … --,00.html

              Our unvaccinated are the people that are dying.

              We have a very big problem here in Michigan, and it is very much being ignored at this point by our Governor, and the Federal Govenmnet. I would think soon the media will address our huge outbreak.

              1. wilderness profile image89
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                These stats sound about right.  Vaccines will not prevent infection by Omicron, but do absolutely help prevent severe cases requiring hospitalization.

                It tells the story when 70% of people are vaccinated but 70% of hospital patients (for COVID) are not.  So the 70% of hospital patients are coming from the 30% of unvaccinated people.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  That is not truthful since the roll out vaccines has cause the world a ball park of triple the covid deaths by the end of this year from all of the covid pass history.

                  As far as the Omicron that's is setting the world on fire again over a new fat lie. It mostly vaccinated people are catching according to CBC and at least all over the news this time.

         … le-2648394

                2. Sharlee01 profile image85
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Just read this  article from USA Today ---  " A study by Oregon researchers finds that people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 who have a breakthrough infection end up with what the authors call "super immunity."

                  They caution the vaccinated should not seek COVID-19 infection, but the "hybrid immunity" offers some solace for those who catch one despite having been vaccinated.

                  "The bottom line of the study is that vaccine provides you with foundational immunity for whatever comes next," said Fikadu Tafesse, a professor of molecular microbiology and immunology in the Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

                  The study matched 26 vaccinated Oregon Health & Science University staff people who had breakthrough infections with a similar group who were vaccinated but hadn't had COVID-19.

                  The people who were vaccinated and then got COVID-19 showed a substantial increase in antibody levels, said Tafesse.

                  "The increases were substantial, up to a 1,000% increase and sometimes up to 2,000%, so it's really high immunity," he said. "It's almost 'super immunity.'"

                  Multiple other studies have shown that infection with COVID-19 followed by one dose of the vaccine is very protective against re-infection.

                  “This is one of the first that shows a breakthrough infection following vaccination generates stronger immunity than prior infection or vaccination alone,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco.

                  While possibly equally protective, the reverse order is not recommended. Getting COVID-19 before being vaccinated is dangerous because “we cannot predict who will get very ill with COVID,” Gandhi said.

                  As the highly contagious omicron variant continues to spread in the United States, the findings will be of interest to many, and "is likely what the future will hold for most vaccinated individuals," Gandi said.

                  Omicron appears to be able to infect even fully vaccinated people, though they so far appear to come down with mild or even asymptomatic cases of COVID-19.

                  "What we're saying is, we know life happens. If you happen to be exposed to the virus, you'll have this amazing immune response," Tafesse said. "It mirrors the immunity response we get to the booster."

                  The finding shows what a good job the immune system does, said Shane Crotty, a professor at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in California.

                  Every time the immune system sees the vaccine or the virus, it is learning more and better able to fight it and potential other variants.

                  “This is what the immune system evolved to do, to make guesses from something it’s been exposed,” he said.

                  There is some information being spread online claiming that getting vaccinated after having recovered from COVID-19 is dangerous because it could overstimulate the immune system.

                  "That's completely made up, it's total rubbish," said Crotty. "It was tested in all the vaccine trials. Getting vaccinated after COVID-19 exposure is totally safe."

                  Getting a booster is still safer than getting COVID-19, said Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group, particularly for those at risk for severe disease, including those over 70, people with diabetes and those with weakened immune systems.

                  "Best is getting three doses of an mRNA vaccine and never getting infected. Complications, including long COVID and transmission to others, represent a risk even in that scenario," Poland said.

                  He offered a hierarchy of safety:

                  Best scenario: Fully vaccinated and boosted, no infection upon exposure

                  Next best: Fully vaccinated, boosted and asymptomatic or mild disease upon exposure/infection

                  Next best: Fully vaccinated, boosted, moderate disease and attendant complication risks upon infection

                  Worse: not fully vaccinated or boosted and risk severe disease/death and its risks upon infection

                  For those who have had COVID-19 and don't think they need to get vaccinated, Crotty suggested thinking of it another way.

                  "If you get at least one dose of vaccine, you'll have the best immunity of anyone," he said. "You'll have amazing immunity against omicron and any variant that's been identified."

         … 57986.html

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I will survive any vaccines  attempt attack, because the only way to penetrate me is through love and kindness. The whole entire military complex can try to chases me down like Bin Laden. I too will become the greatest excaped artist ever known. Like robot they will try  to jab me through my steel arm bracelet and brass backside to no prevail because they are mind control robots
                    They can't vaccinate the soul and spirit. The model of health by these powers to be want us to be nothing and own not-

                    is just more Tyranny backed no solid fact or no evidence. For every step of the way with promised. Have all been lies from the beginning.  Until we reach the end of the other side. Where the collective consciousness of the masses are the ultimate power and only saviour of themselves again.

              2. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                This is certainly not how it seem to be.


                1. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Really?  Your video link has absolutely nothing to do with what Sharlee was saying.

              3. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks for the information Sharlee, I didn’t realise how bad it was in Michigan; so far in Bristol (where I live) we’ve been quite lucky in that it hasn’t been as bad as other parts of the UK.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I think the video does. She think now like our Governments and big pharma will figure it all out for us, no they will increase the suffering. All government have done nothing but enslaved people and give ultimate power to the 1%.
                  She doesn't accept my gift and I don't accept Russia rollete gift of vaccines, it's the poorest Christmas ever on record for humanity.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    That's your opinion, your concept that "All government have done nothing but enslaved people and give ultimate power to the 1%." is just BS.

                    Governments in the the 'free democracy' countries do not 'enslave people'; and they certainly do NOT 'give power to the 1%'; that's BS.

                    But then, as an anarchist you do not believe in 'Democracies'; as you've stated many times in these forums.

                2. Sharlee01 profile image85
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Here in Michigan, they are encouraging upon testing positive to get the monoclonal antibodies, and actually helping schedule the treatment. Also, recommend them for the none infected people with comorbidities. My next-door neighbor was diagnosed a few days ago and opted for getting monoclonal antibodies. Her symptoms were very mild, but she went ahead and got it.  Are they offering monoclonal antibodies in the UK?

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    The side effects would be
                    Difficulty breathing.
                    Rapid/slow heart rate.

                    I'm my own best doctor in the world. Why is it necessary or forced upon  to subscribe to Pharmaceutical when they are the 4th greatest cause of death in the world prescription drugs.

                    What's so wrong with strong evidence and time tested ivermectin and vitamin D and zinc. By well proven representative establish  doctors best results I've seen. Why trust groups  of synthetic remedies with the worst horrible damage and death records. Trying the same methods like vaccines and hoping for better results. Is the  definition of insanity.

                  2. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Do you mean the new drug, Molnupiravir; developed in the USA by the American drug companies Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics.  In clinical trials it cut hospitalisations and death by about 50%.


                    The NHS purchased just under half a million courses in November to treat those most at risk e.g. people over 55 or people with underlying health conditions.  And if the Omicron variant proves to be a greater threat than the Delta variant then I can imagine the NHS will be placing further orders in January.

                  3. CHRIS57 profile image60
                    CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Interesting how differently monoclonal antibodies are used in therapy.
                    Germany bought significant quantities of monoclonal antibodies (Roche and/or Eli Lilly).
                    But was very rarely used and most doses were either donated to other countries or have expired by now.

                    A recent survey suggests, that monoclonal antibody treatment is quite useless against the Omikron variant.

  18. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    Because new covid cases in the UK has now peaked and is now falling sharply, and because covid related hospitalisation is also falling, plus the highly successful rollout of the booster jab:-

    ALL Covid Restrictions are being abolished in England as from next Thursday, as announced by the UK Government yesterday e.g. covid passes and mask will no longer be mandatory.  Also, Scotland has eased their covid restrictions, and the Welsh Government is expected to follow suit soon.

    Current vaccination status in UK, as percentage of population over the age of 12 e.g. percentage of those eligible for the vaccine in the UK:-

    •    90.7% = 1st dose
    •    83.5% = 2nd dose
    •    63.7% = Booster dose

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Covid is at large greater than ever before, don't fool yourself.

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Why, infection rates are plummeting in the UK, hospitalisations are falling, and the vaccination levels in the UK are high, giving a good level of protection from serious illness and death.  So the future is looking brighter.

        Besides, when you started this forum you were in favour of countries abolishing covid restriction and opening up their economy:  So what's changed your view?

    2. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I think this is a good thing.

      I hope the views of Boris Johnson influences biden.  I doubt it.

      FINALLY FREE All the major changes to Covid restrictions from TODAY after Boris Johnson axes Plan B rules … is-plan-b/

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, yep, the future is beginning to look brighter.

    3. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Great News I say hesitantly for now. Why? Because you just never know with Covid. Yet, great news and the trend in Europe seems to be headed the same way from an article I caught this morning by AP News. Link below as a skim is worth it.

      The two things that caught my attention is that in Europe there is generally a high vaccination rate as you pointed out with the UK. Yet, the article pointed out with third world countries that is not the case as well as not as good health care systems. Here in the U.S. I see it as iffy while it is more centered on states rather than national.

      The link to the AP News article: Europe considers new COVID-19 strategy: accepting the virus … ubscribers

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the link; yes its all seems to heading in the right direction for a change, certainly in some European countries, and hopefully the USA will follow a similar path sooner rather than later.

        1. tsmog profile image86
          tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I hope the U.S. does too, yet as I implied we can't throw caution to the wind and forget change is inevitable. It's just we desire it to change to the better and evidence 'seems' to say that is true.

          In the U.S. I use national stats as a general view while looking closely at my state of California and what they are doing. Like at the beginning of Jan it instituted masking indoors through Feb 15. And, to my understanding for kids K-12 indoor masking is required along with teachers and staff. Other states may not have those two requirements.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yep, you’re right; we shouldn’t throw caution to the wind.  And I would hope our Government’s would react quickly enough if things don’t turn out the way they desire?

            Yes I get the impression from our Media that the pandemic is very politicised in the USA, with Democratic States being more cautious (restraining the spread of the virus), and the Republican States being more liberal with the covid rules, allowing the virus to spread more readily!

            Fortunately in Europe we haven’t had the politics, so although for example the separate Governments of each of the four nations in the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) have all made their own covid rules – in spite of the fact that Wales and Scotland have socialist Governments, both nations, along with Northern Ireland, have given Boris Johnson (UK Conservative Prime Minister) their full support and co-operation in fighting a common enemy (the pandemic); so for something to not be political and to unite the nations and society in the UK for once, has been very refreshing.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this


              From this video of Boris being caught. I think UK is now moving in a better directions than even us.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Apart from the video being a cynical propaganda e.g. the two strands of the story are NOT related, so it is a coincidence; albeit, as a Socialist it is good to see a Conservative Prime Minister squirming, and his days in power may well be numbered.

                1:  Yes Boris Johnson (UK Prime Minister) has been ‘caught with his trousers down’ e.g. implicit in not just one ‘party’ that contravened covid rules, but at least 12 (if not more); and the police have been reluctant to investigate because they have been implicit in the parties themselves e.g. they provide the security for 10 Downing Street, where most of the parties look place.

                However, what happens next largely depends on Sue Gray’s report, which may be published as soon as Monday.  Sue Gray is a senior civil servant, and previously her reports (in similar inquiries) have ended the careers of three Government Ministers, so the Conservative Party is apprehensive of the publication of her report.

                Originally Simon Case, a senior civil servant was picked to do the report into whether alleged lockdown-breaking parties broke coronavirus rules, and he was seen as a bit of a soft touch (which would have pleased Boris), but Simon Case stepped aside (declined) to do the report because he confessed that he was implicit in office parties himself and therefore it would be improper for him to conduct such an inquiry on others.

                In any event, whether Sue Gray’s report makes things worse for him or not; his own political party is increasingly turning against him, so it is only a matter of time before his own party ditches him and finds a new leader.

                2:  As regards abolishing all covid restrictions:  If you’d followed the British News carefully over the months you’d know that the action the Government has taken now is as planned:-

                •    As set out in April 2020, one of the main criteria set for tightening or easing covid restrictions was clearly laid out in the chart of ‘Covid Alert Levels’ in the UK; in essence the greater pressure the pandemic puts on the NHS (and the higher the death rate) the greater the restrictions.  But with such a highly successful rollout of the booster jab, and with infections rates falling dramatically, and hospitalisations falling; then in accordance with the Government’s guidance set out in April 2020 e.g. to protest the NHS, the Covid Alert Level has been lowered and restrictions lifted.  The UK is now at Covid Alert Level 2 and the ‘R’ rate is currently between 0.8 & 1.1 e.g. 1.1 in parts of Northern England but below 1 across most of the rest of the UK.

                •    When the UK Government re-imposed some covid restrictions just before Christmas they did make it clear at the time that they wanted it to only be temporarily, and that as soon as the data (science) showed that it was safe to do so that the restrictions would be lifted; and as we know, this past week there’s been a dramatic and sustained drop in new covid infections and covid related hospitalisations; so it was anticipated that the Government would ease restrictions anyway.

                •    Besides, it’s not just Boris (a Conservative) who is easing restrictions in England; the Socialist Governments in Scotland and Wales are also started to ease covid restriction in Scotland and Wales, for the same reason e.g. the pandemic in the UK is on the wane.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I wish my province was going in a better direction like UK. Because it is making life the most horrific time of my lifetime. Yet, I'm very tenacious like your.
                  Except truth runs down river, the correct answers will reveal themselves from mass pyschosis. It not over, centralist will try another way. Their greed is unstoppable and so is my love for my work, family and we will overcome by integrity

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    There is no ‘mass psychosis’ in the UK over the pandemic; that’s just propaganda by the anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists.

                    And who are these ‘centralists’ that’s you’ve suddenly started referencing in you forum comments?

                    FYI in British Politics ‘Centralists’ are the Liberal Democrats; the most moderate of all politicians that you can get, and a far cry from greed.

                    Besides, if you knew anything about British Politics you’d know that if you want greed the last thing you would want to do is be a politician.  In the UK there are strict, and enforceable, laws governing the financing of British Politicians, and political parties, to prevent greed and ‘bribery and corruption’.  That’s why there are for example strict financial limits to how much political parties (and politicians) can raise and spend on election campaigns, and why there are strict limits on how much individual donors (and organisations) can donate to a politician or political party in the UK.

                    •    UK Conservative Government fined £17,800 ($24,100) by the ‘Electoral Commission’ for Boris Johnson failing to declare a £50,000 ($67,770) donation from a Conservative Supporter to pay towards the refurbishment of Boris Johnson’s flat (apartment) at 10 Downing Street:

                    •    In 2019, a Conservative Official was given a 9 months suspended sentence and a £5,000 ($6,770) fine for falsifying the 2015 General Election expenses for electoral campaigning in her constituency (seat) e.g. the Conservatives spent £66,600 ($90,000) on the election campaign in the constancy seat, which was way above the £50,000 ($67,770) spending limit set by the Electoral Commission: … nses-rules

                    •    Likewise, in 2018, Bob Spink MP was given a 6 months suspended sentence and a £5,000 ($6,770) fine for electoral fraud in 2016.

                    •    Also in 2017 the Conservative Government was fined £70,000 ($94,880) by the Electoral Commission following various financial breached in their election campaign expenses:- … n-expenses

                    In the UK the major political parties are limited by law to spend just a few modest $millions on their national General Election campaigns; unlike the USA where politicians can spend $billions.
                    Also, you might be unaware that the politicians in the House of Lords are unpaid; they do not get a salary or wages for their time and trouble.

                    So British Politics and Greed don’t mix.

          2. CHRIS57 profile image60
            CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Question: Besides all this masking and restriction stuff: What is happening right now in the USA? According to Johns Hopkins past 4 weeks added 5,5% of total population newly infected to the statistics. What does this do to economy? Do these people have to quarantine? What are quarantine rules?

            I only read that quarantine period was reduced to protect essential services from collapsing. But what is really happening in every day life?

            What do i mean? In Germany in my favourite next door shopping mall food parlour, 3 out of 6 food outlets had to close because someone got the virus and the whole crew had to quarantine.

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Before Christmas NHS staff absences soared by between 38% and 59% just before Christmas depending on which newspaper you read.  But such percentages can be misleading as they don’t indicate the actual percentage off work.  The BMA (British Medical Association), a more reliable source, were predicting between 32,000 (best case scenario) and 130,000 (worst case scenario) might be off work over Christmas due to Covid; 130,000 being just under 10% of the total NHS workforce.

              After rooting around I found the actual figure from the NHS itself, which quoted 36,000 NHS being off sick over Christmas due to Covid; about 2.57% of the total NHS workforce e.g. the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK employs 1.4 million people and is the 8th largest employer in the world.

              As regards other parts of the British economy, yes, over the Christmas period some Companies and Services were either running at a reduced service or had to close due to a high level of staff with covid e.g. the train service across the UK had numerous cancellations and reduced services due to their staff having covid.

              Just before Christmas the UK Government reduced the isolation period from 10 days to 7 days, and then from the 17th January followed the USA’s example and reduced it to just 5 days.

            2. tsmog profile image86
              tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              The first question can be tough as that is so very much relative; population size, population center, population region, covid variant with its characteristics/traits and on and on. Of course vaccination/booster jabs enter the mix, which is strongly stressed and a contentious issue world wide in some circles.

              So, as I hinted to in the post you replied I look at this way; World → Nation (US) → California (Pop.38.9m) → San Diego County (Where I live - 3.3m) → My region of San Diego County known as North County (1.13m) with 10 cities. (I compare that to San Diego City Metro) → Escondido (My city -  151K)→ The mobile home park I live (1,000) → Me.

              When discussions happen I tend to look at it that way. For instance reading your post I looked up Berlin not knowing where you live for population to compare to San Diego City seeing they are close.

              San Diego County Map
     … y-map.html

              Overall nationally cases are flattening, hospitalization rising, ICU rising, and deaths rising. Then comes the discussion of vaccinated vs. not as to why.

              California reflects the nation, yet my region, San Diego County does not have as steep of a rise with hospitalization, ICU beds, and deaths. It is to the extent that local news stations doesn't broadcast those daily reports now, which is my hint things are not so bad for me.

              My city doesn't have a local paper any longer, so news is scant and I can only judge by street traffic, foot traffic, retail business, and such. I see no indication whatsoever of impediment other than we mask indoors while those are tucked under the chin as they come out. Business in my view is like it always has been pre-covid. Businesses do mask seeing that when a junk hauler came and picked up an old TV as well as I wore when they got there.

              California follows CDC guidelines for quarantine, which is now 5 days with a requirement to test and mask after. Yet, people are concerned and getting home tests is difficult and testing sites are busy. We recently through the government could order 2 home test kits of two each, which I did the first day offered. It is done through the postal service.

              California Guidelines - testing/quarantine
     … quarantine

              In the mobile home park I live half the people I see walking past my window wear masks and half don't including kids. My park manager at the first of the month caught Covid, so they disinfected the office, recreation room, and now keep the office closed while the other two employees were tested. When I encounter people at the mail box and such we are not masking paying somewhat attention to social distancing. The park employees don't mask outdoors. Nobody seems alarmed and I have not had a covid conversation in many months.

              Anecdotal wise last Monday the 17th I experienced COPD Exacerbation, which is very difficult breathing, going to Emergency Care. Huffing and puffing they were not really alarmed a lot, checked my vitals, sat in the waiting room until a blood test was administered, in the waiting room again an hour later chest X-ray, and then two hours later taken to an observation room where they monitored blood pressure and oxygenation percentage. One hour later they gave me a PCR test, which surprised me it was so long until they did it

              Thus my observation is they weren't that much concerned whether I was infected with Covid or not. I did test negative and was released. The emergency room had hardly anybody there, yet ambulance wise they were busier for who knows what. Medical personnel administering the tests did not treat me any different than normal, though knowing why I was there - breathing problem.

              So, overall, though numbers are high nationally with hospitalizations, ICU beds, and deaths and definitely a severe problem in areas/cities and some states for me I am not impacted at this time. Yet, having COPD and an old guy I am cautious.

              1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                What about those who were in close contact to infected people? Do they have to quarantine also? Because this is what shuts down business and services.

                I live in Northern Germany, city of Oldenburg, some 180.000 inhabitants. This is kind of a paradise niche with low mortality and moderate infections. With Omicron dominating now, the number of hospitalizations have gone up, but the ICU load has gone down. This is an overall trend in G. ICU utilization is going down, while infections are skyrocketing.

                After writing this, i pick up 2 of my grandchildren and another van-load of their friends and we go indoor ice-scating. There are no restrictions (except masks) for kids under 18 and for us adults, we need either be vaccinated and boostered or vaccinated/recovered and tested to have access. I got my 3 shots, so i have access to almost everything, except elderly care homes, where tests are mandatory.

                1. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Currently the relaxed rules in the UK for isolation are:-

                  You need to isolate if:-

                  1.    You have Covid Symptoms, pending a PCR test.

                  2.    You test positive for Covid, either from a lateral flow test or PCR test.

                  3.    Someone you live with has symptoms or tested positive; unless you are fully vaccinated, in which case you are exempt from isolation for this reason, or

                  4.    You are told to self-isolate by the track and trace team.

                2. tsmog profile image86
                  tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  It appears they, too, must isolate/quarantine if exposed and are in the workplace. I would presume that extends to the normal population, yet who knows if exposed or not. I don't know how effective tracing is today. For more for Calif seek link following. It has tables easily skimmed for info.

         … s.html#iso

                  Yes, cases everywhere are sky rocketing, yet the strain seems less virulent (Did I spell that right?) The theory of more testing more positive cases come into play and since there are home tests done much more today that plays into the formula. I would to do a deep dive to compare tests to hospitalizations, ICU bed, and deaths and compare to the original Covid and Delta to get a big picture view.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Testing and Tracing in the UK during the first six months of the pandemic was a appallingly bad, but by the September 2020 the UK Government was beginning to get its act together, and was trying to emulate the success of testing and tracing in South Korea, for example, by September 2020 the UK Government had:-

                    1.    Launched the highly successful NHS covid app for use on smart phones, that advices you to isolate and get tested if you’ve been within 2 meters (6 feet, 6 inches) of anyone for more than 15 minutes, who’s subsequently tested positive.

                    2.    Trained over 23,000 people as trace and tracker’s, who will contact you by phone within 48 hours to tell you to isolate and get tested if someone who has tested positive gives your name as a ‘close contact’.

                    3.    In November 2020 mass trial of the Government’s preferred lateral flow test e.g. using the army to mass test an entire city of half a million.

                    Coronavirus: Mass testing begins in Liverpool (Nov 2020):

                    Then from March 2021, the UK Government offers every adult in the UK two free lateral flow test kits per week; until recently the Government was distributing 100 million free lateral flow test kits per month; but in January increased production to 400 million per month to meet current demand.

                    As regards PCR testing (as opposed to Lateral Flow tests), the NHS has to date carried out 434,562,577 PRC tests since the start of the Pandemic, currently averaging over 1.3 million PCR tests per day; with results back within 24/48 hours.

                    So yes, the high level of testing in the UK will have identified a higher percentage of people who have covid, including asymptomatic people.


                  2. CHRIS57 profile image60
                    CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Tim and Arthur,

                    Interesting information on how the US and the UK handle this period of the pandemic.

                    Germany was still under some restrictions last year in Oct.-Dec. That kind of helped to delay the surge with the Omicron variant. And that in turn allowed to evaluate the impact of Omicron beforehand from the experience other countries have made.

                    So by now i sense a relaxed attitude by administration. Actually with the huge surge of new cases, case tracing has resignated and given up. No more tracking. People are told to do this on their own and only report their own infection.

                    For me it is easy to follow the situation. All numbers are published daily and are prepared in meaningful timecharts. Example (sorry German only): … vergleich/

                    Concerning PCR tests, there is a shortage and labs are working at capacity. Quick tests however are available in abundance (over 100 different test kits available for sale). With so many antigen test kits available, there is already a "consumer ranking" on how reliable tests are on detecting high, medium and low virus loads. Something like: "which dish washer tested best".

      2. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        North America and Europe is like 1/7 of the world population, yet they think they are the  majority.
        My greatest laugh is Biden thinks the 99% to blame is the unvaccinated. Like how they called AIDS the gay disease. Maybe that's why Africans with their great failures with AIDS vaccines are so homophobic. They have wise up now, with covid vaccinated only 13% and Europe has 15 times greater Covid deaths per capita.

  19. CHRIS57 profile image60
    CHRIS57posted 3 years ago

    Tim, on my profile is a link button. Normally i try to keep my social media presence as covered as possible.
    And i had a not so little share in this:

    1. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! Impressive video from concept to engaged employees to production then arriving upon commerce on the world stage. Amazing! I use employees hesitantly as they are each a dedicated individual to their chosen path while seeking the business mission. And, Life too.

      I peaked at your bio here at HP, which I should have done to begin with, and Arthur's too. I should update mine to offer familiarity to me. I think it is very valuable as I believe most people are within their own university/universe of Life while seeing firstly through that lens. Then applying the skills and tools of knowledge, reason,and, yes, creative thought of expression and problem solving experienced at the many levels of social interactions.

  20. CHRIS57 profile image60
    CHRIS57posted 3 years ago

    Arthur, thanks for your introduction to country roads in England. Yes, they have a natural speed limit built in.

    It is not only the legal aspect of speed limits but often the road conditions and your vehicle performance that is imposing speed reduction. And - when road conditions and car performance are good, then you end up on a speed driving playground like German Autobahn.

    1. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, for British roads you are better off with a small car; although country roads are common throughout the UK they are most prominent in Cornwall, and for legal reason many of the country roads in Cornwall can’t be upgraded e.g. because of hedgerows on either side of the roads some dating back to Anglo-Saxon or earlier, 800 to 1,000 years or older.

      Such Hedgerows are protected by the ‘Hedgerows Regulations 1997’, and the penalty for removing them without consent from the Government is a fine of £5,000 ($6,700). … hedgerows/

      There are around 4,500 miles (7,242 kilometres) of country roads in Cornwall, and thus 9,000 miles (14,484 kilometres) of hedgerows.

      It’s not just their historic value, hedgerows dating back over 1,000 years or more are also rich in rare flora and fauna, and they provide wildlife corridors across the land.

      Cornwall Ancient Hedgerows:

  21. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHTER (at least in the UK)
    •    All covid Restrictions were lifted in England on the 27th January.
    •    New Covid cases fell another 6.5% over the past 7 days.
    •    Covid related Hospitalisations fell another 14.4% over the past 7 days.
    •    Covid related deaths fell 1.9% over the past 7 days.

    •    1st dose = 91% of the UK population over the age of 12.
    •    2nd dose = 84.1% of the UK population over the age of 12.
    •    Booster jab = 64.8% of the UK population over the age of 12.

    The Sue Gray Report into illegal social parties by the UK Government is due to be published within the hour.  Albeit heavily redacted so as not to prejudice the police current criminal investigation into potential offences by the UK Government breaching its own covid laws?  So although the report will be heavily redacted, sparks may fly in Parliament at 3:30pm this afternoon when the report is published?

    So, as life returns to normal in the UK, the future is looking brighter.

    1. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      You made me look ha,ha, though it has been on my mind recently with what is in the news. I couldn’t find the information as you presented. I do know case count is dropping, hospitalizations are flat, and deaths are on the rise. It is to the extent that Omicron has passed up Delta. Seven day average for Delta at 2,078 at its peak and Omicron at 2,200 per day now while the majority are the unvaccinated. The dilemma of vaccinating is an ongoing saga between instituted rules vs. not going to get the jab. Did you see the Forum post by ReadMikeNow about the truckers protesting having to vaccinate to cross the border into the U.S. with a convoy going for miles in the Ottaway area?

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        The information, as I presented it is updated daily on this website:-

        Yes, I did notice the ReadMikeNow forum on unvaccinated lorry drivers protesting in having to vaccinate to cross the border between Canada and the USA.  I haven’t commented on it yet because it seemed a ‘dead end argument’ e.g. every country should have sovereignty to set its own border control, and if for safety and security a country like New Zealand, Australia and Iceland etc. set tough covid regulations on their border then that is their prerogative, and likewise, if the USA and or Canada wish to set similarly tough covid regulations then that should also be their prerogative! 

        Out of interest I’ve just checked the UK Government website to see what the current covid regulations are for lorry drivers crossing the border from mainland Europe into the UK; and currently all that is required are for the lorry drivers to take a ‘free’ lateral flow test; the penalty for not taking the test is £2,000 ($2,695).

    2. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds like good news.

      The omicron variant seems to be less dangerous than previous variants.

      In Germany we had our Covid restriction responses tied to the ICU bed capacity. As it turns out now, Omicron does not cause lethal cases, ICU capacity eases. But now hospitals are overwhelmed with "normal" cases. People have been "programmed" for 2 years that Covid is really dangerous, so now families rush everyone with symptoms to the hospital. Even those who would normally just stay in bed at home and cure their flu.

      By the way, what is it worth that 90 something percent of population over 12 are vaccinated? In G. This agegroup is not the one driving the spreading. It is those below from toddler to school kid who are now in the lead.

      I hope Germany will follow the UK way in the coming weeks.

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yes you are right; the highest infections rates in the UK are in the age groups not vaccinated, as follows:-

        •    Age 2 to 6 = 11.8% infected last week.
        •    Age 7 to 11 = 6.5% infected last week.
        •    Age 12 to 24 = 3.8% infected last week.
        •    Age 25 to 34 = 4.9% infected last week.
        •    Age 35 to 49 = 4.8% infected last week.
        •    Age 50 to 69 = 2.9% infected last week.
        •    Age 70+ = 2.2% infected last week.

        This and other related information can be found at:- … stinsights

        In the UK the Government only belatedly decided to vaccinate children from the age 12 last September in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.   Albeit the UK Government did have it on the back burner as an option to extend vaccination to kids over the age of 5 if the pandemic had got worse, and needed slowing further.  Then along came Omicron, which changed everything e.g. although more contagious, is less deadly; so with a high level of vaccination across the board to protect those most vulnerable, coupled with a less deadly variant the Government has felt confident in not extending the vaccination programme to the younger children.

        Currently in the UK the booster jab is only available for the over the age of 16, and for children over the age of 12 if they are at high risk from covid due to other underlying health conditions.

        1. CHRIS57 profile image60
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I think by now after 2 years in the pandemic it is well understood that kids are not severely affected by the virus. It is more that this age group is kind of an instrument, a carrier  to keep the virus spreading.

          So by now the issue is only to protect the age groups with potential vulnerability. If administration considers these age groups to sufficiently protected, then full opening up is a viable option.

          And to think this opening up to the end: Then you won´t need testing any more.

          Last week i was picking some bread from a breadshelf in a grocery store. A lady was standing next to me and she was offended: "Keep your distance". I apologized but i admit i never really payed much attention to the distancing to other people. This story makes me think that the pandemic leaves deep psychological scars. Many will probably not feel safe if masks are no more required indoors. It will take a long time to "reprogram", to "reset" people to normal.

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, it will take time to ‘reprogram’ to ‘reset’ people to normal; in that respect, when the UK Government abolished all restriction on the 19th July, including ‘social distancing’ and mandatory masks, it was a good dry-run back to normality. 

            Generally, people in Britain are keeping an eye on the pandemic and becoming more confident as the statistics improves.

            Yep, where you say “And to think this opening up to the end: Then you won´t need testing anymore.” - the UK Government plan to abolish the requirement for people who test positive to isolate by the 24th March, so I guess that at the point mass testing will become pointless too?

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I'm tired of being a unvaccinated fugitive this last year. Nice for a change having our lead Tyrant on the run.

            2. tsmog profile image86
              tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Just to share some info on Sweden I follow through an English newsletter, the Local, Sweden will effect changes to their Covid rules/regulations Feb 9th. So, as you shared earlier Europe is moving away from tight restrictions. Maybe a peek if interested. Hopefully not hidden behind a paywall.

     … 2022-02-04

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                An interesting read; so by the 9th Feb Sweden will be line with the UK on abolishing all covid restrictions. 

                The one thing that caught my eye in ‘The Local’ (Swedish news magazine) is that PCR tests will no longer be free in Sweden?

                1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                  CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I wish Germany would follow the Swedish, British and Danish example.
                  But until now our new administration is barely visible neither on the national nor on the international stage.

                  By the way, PCR tests were never for free in Germany. You always needed a medical indication to get the test for free. So either you were sick (from Corona) or the quick antibody test was positive.

                  Last year i had tested positive from an official quick test. The mandatory follow up PCR test was billed to me (my private insurance). So i had to reverse this by presenting my previous quick test result.

                  Just doing a PCR test for fun or to meet travel requirements in other countries is costly in Germany. A PCR test ranges from 70 to 120 Euro.

                  May be a reason why Germany ranges 88th in worldometer statistics on testing/million.

                  Anyways, hope this is over soon.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    it maybe have an effect like the Berlin Wall.
                    Except it's for the whole world. 

                    Worst two years of my life  yet, the best thing to expose the greedy overlords.

                  2. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yeah, PCR tests in the UK for international travel aren’t done by the NHS and aren’t free, on average UK PCR tests for travel are around 108 euros e.g. international travel (holiday) is seen as a luxury choice, not a right; during the pandemic the UK government has been encouraging people to take ‘staycations’ (holidays in the UK) rather than a holiday abroad!   If you take a holiday abroad you do so at your own risk and own expense; although by other countries like Australia, New Zealand, Iceland and China etc. the UK’s covid travels rules have been quite relaxed!

                    But otherwise, if you have symptoms, get a positive lateral flow test result, or are advised to get a PCR test by the track and trace team, been asked by the NHS to get tested, been in contact with someone who’s tested positive and you’re isolating, or you’re at high risk e.g. diabetic etc. then you are entitled to a free PCR test on the NHS.

                    And of course, in the UK the NHS is a Government body and is FREE at the point of use for all, paid for from taxpayer’s money.  And as I am retired and no longer pay the taxes, my entire healthcare is 100% free to me, including any prescriptions.

                    The number of free PCR tests carried out on 3rd Feb in the UK was 1,224,823 in just one day (about 2% of the population).

                    Likewise, same sentiment; hope this is over soon.  Certainly, now that a number of countries are opening up again, and safely, with the data going in the right direction, the future does look brighter!

    3. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Pending the Police Investigation into alleged illegal social parties in Government, in contravention of the Government’s own covid laws – The Redacted Sue Gray Report was published yesterday, and sparks did fly in Parliament.  A two hour debate in Parliament, that was at time, almost as good as watching Spitting Image.  Spitting Image, a popular weekly British TV comedy satire series, first broadcast in 1984 and which used to poke fun at Margaret Thatcher (then Prime Minister) in Parliament.

      Just a couple of exerts, from Parliament yesterday:-

      1:  Where the leader of the SNP (Scottish National Party) is expelled from the House of Commons for using unparliamentarily language, and refusing to retract his statement:

      2:  Where a number of Conservative MPs, including Theresa May (former Prime Minister) turn on their leader (Boris Johnson):

      The police investigation, which is likely to take weeks now have over 500 pages of evidence and over 300 images of the alleged criminal offences against Boris Johnson and his Government.

  22. Nathanville profile image90
    Nathanvilleposted 2 years ago

    Covid Restrictions for Travel to England were eased this week (on the 11th February):-

    So that now:-

    If you are fully vaccinated you don’t have to take any tests, and you don’t need to self-isolate.

    However, if you are not fully vaccinated, the new (eased) restrictions are:-

    •    Take a Covid-19 test within the last two days before you travel to England.

    •    Book for and pay for a Covid-19 PCR test to be taken within 2 days of arrival in England.

    •    If the test is positive, or unclear, you must self-isolate for 10 days; albeit you can stop self-isolation on day 6 if on day 5 and day 6 you get two negative lateral flow test results, and provided you don’t have a temperature.

    The penalty for breaking the self-isolation rules is a fine of up to £10,000 ($13,500).

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      it's pretty well been a nasty flu all along. I don't  know anyone personally have died of Covid. Yet have plenty of times have known Canadian who have died of the flu. I didn't take the flu shot and have not caught the flu. Everyone knows just stay home with the flu sickness until you are better, no ever ending fines required.
      This should have not ever happen in the first place.

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this


        •    Flu deaths worldwide on average are up to half a million deaths per year.

        •    Worldwide, there have been almost 6 million Covid deaths in the past two years.

        No Covid is not just a nasty flu; not only is it a different type of virus to the flu, but it’s far more contagious and far more deadly.

        So you don’t know anyone personally who has died of Covid, well you’re lucky that the covid pandemic didn’t devastate Canada like it devastated the USA and Europe; I’ve known a number of people who died of Covid, and people who’ve suffered the nasty long term covid illness known as ‘Long Covid’.

        But thankfully, with a successful vaccination programme, and with the less deadly Omicron variant, we can now get back to normal life.

        IN THE UK NOW:-
        •    91.3% = 1st dose
        •    84.7% = 2nd dose
        •    65.6% = Booster

        •    New Covid Infections down 31.4% in the last 7 days.
        •    Covid related Hospitalisations down 11.4% in the last 7 days.
        •    Covid deaths down 26.9% in the last 7 days.

        So in respect to the pandemic, live in the UK has returned to normal.

      2. CHRIS57 profile image60
        CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Lets just say that Covid is between 4-6 times more lethal for world population that a regular flu. And that already includes the restriction measures to contain the virus. I am not aware that any flu required any restrictions like mask wearing, distancing.

        I am one of those who believe in self control and responsibility. So - yes if you feel unsafe, then stay at home. That responsibility also requires that if caught the virus then you stay out of the public and do everything to quarantine.

        But on the other hand all the rules and restrictions and vaccination programs do have impact on containing the virus, on preventing serious or fatal outcomes.

        Over the course of the pandemic many countries tried different approaches, from do nothing, laissez faire to strict restrictions. At the end of the day all ended up in enforcing restrictions and vaccination programs.

        And opening up , giving back freedom is only done when administrations have enough confidence that their population is protected.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Within my lifetime the flu in Canada has killed more than Covid. And much of the flu has disappeared since the Covid has arrived. Then the CDC  guesses the that on Covid death certificate it is only 6% is certainly cause by Covid along with 94,% two or more other health conditions.

          It's been a total scam of depopulation the world just like many of the other vaccines before it. When one knows the true history of vaccines and the warfare behind it.

          1. tsmog profile image86
            tsmogposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Just curious . . . why do you brag about Canada and then use the CDC to support your statement. They are two different countries. Why not use Canada health statistics if making a point about Canada. Just wondering . . .

          2. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            •    In Canada there’s an average of 3,500 flu deaths per year.

            •    In Canada there have been 35,474 Covid deaths over the past two years.

            So the above facts demonstrate how much more deadly Covid is to flu; even in Canada.

            And your constant reference that only 6% of recorded covid deaths are genuine is because you don’t understand what the 94% means:-

            The 94% that you dismiss are people who had other medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma and obesity etc., which made them vulnerable to covid e.g. diabetes, asthmas and obesity in themselves are not fatal, and if those people hadn’t had caught covid they would be alive to this day.

            In other words, certain undying health conditions, which are not fatal in themselves, put you at high risk of dying from covid.


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