Is it CRT? Would they have allowed pictures of Lincoln or Washington?

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  1. Credence2 profile image80
    Credence2posted 2 years ago … 10412.html

    So,what do you think? This is just the kind of stuff I expected from our illustrious Governor Desantis.

    I don't see the harm of photos of American heroes in the classroom,  black or white.

    But I have to wonder would they taken down a likeness of honest Abe or George Washington under the same lame explanation, "not age appropriate"?

    Sounds kinds of silly to me as these are 10 year old kids, not preschoolers. But again, it is just another revealing aspect of "the Right" and Rightwingers.

    So, why is it that they continue to earn my distrust?

    1. GA Anderson profile image83
      GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      You are quick to make assumptions and accusations. Did you look around to check the details of your article? It doesn't look like you did, just one more "revealing aspect" of the Left and Leftwingers.

      Here's what appears to be the seed article for most of Google's search listings: Pensacola News Journal

      Escambia school district refutes teacher's account of removal of Black leaders' photos

      "Escambia County Public Schools system has concluded an investigation into allegations made by a former exceptional student education teacher . . .

      In a statement released Thursday, school district officials refuted the allegations made by the teacher, Michael James, and claimed there were "inaccuracies" in his account of the incident."

      There were plenty of blurbs that counter the 'picture' presented by your link, but it's better if you read them for yourself. At least that's what I think.


      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for weighin in.

        The Superintendent's  "investigation"

        Still sounds a lot like damage control after the fact. This woman that took down the images, did she not work for the school district? Where did she get her marching orders?

        1. GA Anderson profile image83
          GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Yep, that's what I mean. You have unanswered questions, yet still, make slanders that should depend on your questions' answers.

          Since I was reading the article looking for a rebuttal to your claims, my bias left me with a different reading of the 'facts.'

          The teacher not only bypassed but also blindsided the school. That raises its own questions. Reads like an agenda to me, but charitably, maybe not. It appears there were instructions that the materials could be placed elsewhere in the room. The 'explanation' stated and inferred in the article seemed to be about the direct teaching area, (as described).

          So, you don't trust the superintendent, why? Considering that the timeline is a day and a half, it looks like the school took the right actions.

          Imagine the implications of your OP if the "behavior analyst' and "behavioral coach' turn out to be of color? The area and school are said to be predominantly black or brown so that seems probable. Would they be the Rightwing CRT provocateurs you spoke to in your OP?

          Geez Louise bud, you should look before you leap. ;-)


          1. Credence2 profile image80
            Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Maybe you need to reevaluate your reasoning? Where did this woman come from that obviously had the authority according to the teacher to rearrange his classroom?

            You speak of possibilities but not probabilities. What I speak of is quite obvious while your explanations strain the idea of credibility.

            If the behavior coach was one of color, he or she may well be acting on a policy directive even if misplaced coming out of Tallahassee. That does not absolve what has happened, nor make it any more palatable.

            I don't know where your facts come from except to say that the Superintendent indicates that what has happened was not authorized.

            This story is all over the place and I have yet to see that it has been refuted in any serious way.

            I did not see anything about the teacher "bypassing" the school. Of course, for conservatives, these issues always come across as leftist agenda.

            1. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              I don't have any more facts than you do, I based my comments on your link and the Pensacola News Journal article.

              By "bypassing" the school I meant that he didn't involve the school to resolve the issue, he simply resigned and contacted the press.

              The situation could be just as you say, or it could be just as the "behavior coach" says: they were setting up a specific teaching arrangement for special needs kids "from kindergarten to 5th-grade" levels.

              As for the charges being refuted, I thought the Pensacola article did just that.

              Keep us updated, we'll see how it turns out.


              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Being the devil's advocat, GA

                If you just got a new job, how quickly would you be willing to buck established authority, considering the confusing and touchy nature of the DeSantis policy? That is, of course, if you wanted to keep the job.

                This entire CRT thing has been a mess from the point it was "rolled out". So now, Barack Obama and Frederick Douglass are controversial?

                The behavior coach needs to explain what was behind her actions in that classroom. It is just a stretch to believe that her actions were not related to directives from higher authority.

                I will follow the story for further developments.

        2. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Why do you even presume she was told to remove those pictures? Let's play your game -- I say this is a very liberal characteristic --- Condem before you investigate, point the finger without evidence of malice, and look for a conspiracy.  You toss the word rightwing around, so I have used fair play. Which I have tried to stay away from doing.  It is so clear there is no longer any in-between or room for giving one the benefit of the doubt.

          Was it damage control or just simply the truth?

          Man, step back, be fair, and keep a bit of open-mindedness.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      First, what did Desantis have to do with this incident? No really. I read the article twice, did I miss something? This kind of twisting context is BS. Guess, it will stick with some.

      There is no harm in American heroes being displayed period. The context of the article tells me we had one woman taking it upon herself to take down the display, she was out of bounds, period to think she had the right to do such a thing. Hopefully, she will be reprimanded, it's that simple. Why the hell blame anyone other than this woman?

      I can just about assure you this woman would not have taken down Abe...She appeared to be prejudiced. Was she a
      right-winger"?  Who knows.  What sticks out in the article was the last paragraph, which today many never get to IMO.

      "Our office was made aware of this employee's resignation and his stated reasons for resigning very early this morning, Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022," the statement read. "Around the same time, we were copied on an email written by this individual and released to the Governor's Office and various media outlets before we had any opportunity to investigate. We are now in the process of conducting a full investigation. If these allegations are deemed factual, we will certainly take corrective action, as it is our aim that all of our teachers feel valued and supported."

      Maybe the context of this paragraph says a lot --- Send it out to the media before having the problem even investigated. Let's crucify in the public eye, let's even (as you did) add DeSantis to the mix.

      Your distrust?  Are you at all willing to consider this was all due to one woman, not a group, not Desantis, not anyone but one possibly prejudice woman?

      Do you think this could have been investigated before this teacher rushed the incident to the media?

      Do you think it fair to just say -  "So,what do you think? This is just the kind of stuff I expected from our illustrious Governor Desantis."

      How the hell did Desantis have anything to do with this woman taking down pictures? This is a perfect example of an incident being tested out of context.

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        First of all, I am going to ask you to remove your "red tinted" shades and take a closer look?

        This "woman" was an employee of the school district not just some dumb Dora who just happened to stumble in.

        "James described the person who took down his images as board-certified behavior analyst for the school district."

        So, without this authority she was free to come into the teacher's classroom and just ruffle things around just for fun?

        The authority that she wielded comes from her position with the school district. And I still think that it is a stretch for her to have disrupted everything on her own volition while facing the resistance of the teacher.

        Have you been reading the papers, Sharlee? DeSantis has created this antiwoke policy explicitly attacking CRT. Well unfortunately "CRT has come to mean any truthful aspects of race relations history particularly the unpleasant ones for the Right. DeSantis is the catalyst whose latest shtick on public educations would have me terribly surprised if this woman and her "age appropriate" judgements were not an extension of that.

        This is an outrageous interpretation, so of course all the powers that be will be in deniability. I have seen it before.

        That is the most logical explanation thus far, how do you refute it?

        Post note: in all fairness to your argument, an explanation was proposed by the school district saying the Images were removed because they felt that the materials were beyond the students' comprehension. They also said that If  teacher just had "sat down
        them, this could have been worked out as they now said that the teacher was an alarmist.

        But these are the kinds of oversights that I watch for to make sure that they remain the exception and not the rule.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          "First of all, I am going to ask you to remove your "red tinted" shades and take a closer look?

          This "woman" was an employee of the school district, not just some dumb Dora who just happened to stumble in.

          "James described the person who took down his images as a board-certified behavior analyst for the school district."

          So, without this authority she was free to come into the teacher's classroom and just ruffle things around just for fun?"

          I came right out and gave my view of this woman. Note I said my view, no one else's, all mine --- I feel she was out the door straight up prejudices. I am not willing to presume she was told to take pictures down without some form of proof that happened. Either way, she was showing prejudice. I am not willing to think Desantis had anything to do with this incident.

          " And I still think that it is a stretch for her to have disrupted everything on her own volition while facing the resistance of the teacher."

          You think, need I say more. I could add what I think too. The matter is being investigated. For all, I know this woman could already be out of her job. But, I guess that does not matter. Is it not smarter to wait and see if this woman did this all on her own or was told to do what she did, before adding our own spin to this story?   

          I am aware of Desantis stand on CRT. I agree that CRT does not belong anywhere but high school.  You seem to be reading into what this woman may have been thinking.   

          Desantis makes no secret about CTR, and seems very forthcoming in regards to his right-leaning ideologies. He is about transparent as any politician can be.

          Personally, I don't think Desantis has anything to do with this woman's mindset.  Many in our society are racist and prejudiced.  And have been for hundreds of years. We now have politicians that race-bait
          on both sides.

          1. Credence2 profile image80
            Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

   … 24707.html

            I guess my point is that the DeSantis policy promotes prejudice and bigotry disguised behind the ruse of a non intimidating educational experience. Anything of the slightest controversy is to be expunged from the classroom. This one teacher explains in the article how he has had to negotiate the mine field created by DeSantis.

            These policies make it easier for bigoted people to take cover behind interpretation of "official policy". Such the case being for this lady, "behavior analyst".

            We have problems with Righties who are anxious to censor books not just over pornography, but over conflicting ideas that they just as soon not be considered or discussed. It is happening primarily in Red States, and I am not surprised.

            WE are all automatically considered  controversial based on a less than stellar American historical record.

            I guess that is why I link DeSantis to the behavior of this woman, and I still ask would she have pulled down likenesses of Washington or Lincoln in her zeal for "age appropriateness" in that classroom?

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

              In my view, she would not have taken down Washington or Lincoln. I beleive she exhibited racism. It seemed she was the only one present that even took note of the display, and took it upon herself to take it down.

              I will be surprised if she is not fired.

  2. RJ Schwartz profile image85
    RJ Schwartzposted 2 years ago

    Hey ya doing?  Wonder if there is another side of the story on this topic?  Every article on the web is almost exactly the same.

    1. GA Anderson profile image83
      GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      The Pensacola News Journal article seems to be the seed all the other articles grew from.


    2. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Hiya, RJ, it has been a while.

      The problem is just that, I have not seen where the premise of the story has really been refuted, anywhere.


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