The Freedom Caucus and Its Rich Spoiled Brat Kids.

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  1. peoplepower73 profile image84
    peoplepower73posted 16 months ago

    1. Sharlee01 profile image84
      Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      It's important to note that some have a different view on the Freedom Caucus. Yes, they are highly polarized, and many critics argue that their uncompromising stance on issues contributes to political gridlock and even hinders bipartisan cooperation.     However, for those who align with their conservative values and principles, the Freedom Caucus is viewed as a crucial advocate for limited government and individual freedoms within the Republican Party.

      Keep in mind many applauded the Freedom Caucus due to their commitment for a strong commitment to fiscal conservatism, and advocate for limited government spending, reduced deficits, and a balanced budget. They also adhere to strict constitutionalist principles. Which I appreciate.  They argue that government actions should align with the original intent of the U.S. Constitution and that the federal government should not overstep its authority. Another attribute, in my view, they champion individual freedoms and personal liberties.

      I understand as a liberal you most likely do not see anything of value in regard to the Freedom Caucus. However, there are always two sides to a coin.

      In regards to the budget,  at some point do we not need to say "the buck stops here"?

      1. Willowarbor profile image59
        Willowarborposted 16 months agoin reply to this

        In regards to the budget,  at some point do we not need to say "the buck stops here"?

        Maybe but my money would not be on the freedom caucus to achieve that end. The last time we had a balanced budget was under Clinton and before that, Johnson. Both of those times involved raising taxes, something Republicans are loathe to do. It would seem that Republican strategies in terms of the budget aren't really all that effective through history.  Why do we think doing the same thing will produce different results?

        1. Sharlee01 profile image84
          Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this


          At some point, we need to take accountability for the budget and recognize that ultimately, someone needs to make the tough decisions about spending and revenue.  However I realize achieving a balanced budget is a complex and challenge, and it involves making difficult choices that can have both short-term and long-term consequences.
          The historical context you've mentioned is relevant. Achieving a balanced budget can involve strategies, such as big spending cuts or tax hikes or both.  The U.S. did have a balanced budget under Clinton, I believe it involved a combination of factors, including a strong economy, spending restraint, and yes small tax increases for the top 1%.  We need to note that different economic conditions and policy priorities exist today and would make it very challenging to balance the budget.

          In my view, no one in Washington is even interested in achieving a balanced budget.

          I don't think the FC thinks a shutdown will fix anything. In my view, their motive is more likely to make Americans stop in their tracks take notice of the deficit, and express that the government can not continue to spend. That we have hit a wall. What better way to make their point, get their point out to Americans that as a rule don't take time to listen.  It is ultimately a ploy that would truely hurt our economy.


          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 16 months agoin reply to this

            One needs to recognize the position America is in.

            Our Fiat currency is at its end... this is why spending is at insane levels, we are going through TRILLIONS of dollars in MONTHS now, not decades, not years... months.

            When the Dam has broken, you can't fix the problem, its too late.

            How many years we have left... if that... remains to be seen.

            Japan has survived for decades in economic stagnation, as well as other nations... but they had America's economy to rely on, to back them, to keep their own economy afloat.

            America has no one to fall back on, there is no back-up support, save for the crazy notion that they can create an international currency to replace the American Dollar as the Global reserve.

            This won't happen.

            China, Russia, and many other nations don't want that.  They have created their own trade and currency alliances, they have created BRICS, and they intend to subjugate America and the West in similar fashion to how America treated them in the past.

            The absurd notion that China was ever going to wantonly join in seeing "the West's NWO" entrenched around the world, and themselves be subject to it, and subjugated by it, is laughable.

            China went along with this western concept so that it could build itself up, so that it could drain our nations of wealth, all the while funding the worst elements within us to facilitate and hasten our social and economic decline.

            You can see the precipice America (and the EU which has tied itself to us) stands on, the Ukraine war is evidence of our inept and ineffectual ability to control... anything really.

            Russia's economy was supposed to have collapsed by now... watch any current news or videos showing Moscow or St Petersburg, their streets are far cleaner, more lively and decent than any you will see today of San Fransisco or LA.

            America, its allies, the EU, for about a decade now have Sanctioned Russia, and for the last two years they have fought them on the battlefield, freezing assets, shutting them out of their banking systems, tried to twist arms to keep other nations from trading with them.

            Russia, China, and others only seem the stronger for it.

            Our economy is current in debt around 129% of GDP, if I remember correctly, the UK and the EU are doing no better.

            Russia... not so much, maybe 20% of their GDP.  They are doing fine.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image84
              Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

              Ken, your clarity in explaining how America finds itself in this dire situation resonates deeply with my concerns. It's disheartening to witness some government officials leading us astray, seemingly ignoring the lessons from the rapid deterioration of the EU. The EU, which initially held promise, quickly succumbed to high poverty rates, exorbitant taxes, rampant homelessness, and stark food inequality. Does that all now sound familiar?

              They pursued what Biden and his associates like Kerry and Gore label as the "New World Order," advocating for expansive social programs, porous borders, and an increasingly autocratic governing body. Regrettably, it appears that the damage may be irreversible, with more destruction unfolding right before our eyes.

              I can only hope that fellow Americans awaken to the trajectory this political party is steering us toward. The recent poll results do offer some encouragement. Can we dare to hope that Americans will resist surrendering the democracy we once cherished?

              The Freedom Caucus must indeed raise its voice resolutely and stand its ground. Making any headway necessitates being vocal and resolute in our convictions.

      2. peoplepower73 profile image84
        peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        Sharlee:  When it comes to the budget and the national debt, the buck doesn't stop.  We are a debtor nation.  Each president inherits the national debt from the previous president.  If Trump were to become president today, he would inherit a national debt of $33,045,119,511.934, and counting, according to the national debt clock,

        As far as the fiscal budget goes. We have to pay for all the expenses that were put on credit for the last fiscal year.  In order to balance the budget, the revenue has to equal the expenses. The largest revenue comes from taxes.  The GOP always wants to lower taxes, so they are being contra- productive on their demands.

        Their demands are dead on arrival when they are submitted to the democratic controlled  senate.  What the FC is doing is nothing more than political theater to take the focus off of Trump. 

        I don't know about you and others, but if I miss a Social Security Payment, I'm going to be really upset.

        Their investigation of Merrick Garland is for the same reason. They are whining that Hunter is getting preferential treatment compared to Trump and that the AG has weaponized the justice system against Trump. It doesn't matter to them that he has four indictments pending and that he has already stated that he knew he lost the election.

        Here is the National Debt Clock

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 16 months agoin reply to this

          "The GOP always wants to lower taxes, so they are being contra- productive on their demands."

          Because there is someone in Congress holding a machine gun on them in case they cut spending, right?  If they actually exhibit some fiscal responsibility they will be shot, right?

        2. Sharlee01 profile image84
          Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

          I realize this is a lengthy response. I would find it hard to use a few words to expound on such an important subject.

          Paying down our national debt is a critical economic and fiscal responsibility for several reasons. While you argue that increasing debt is sustainable, there are compelling arguments for actively managing and reducing our national debt rather than letting it grow unchecked:

          As the national debt increases, so do interest payments on that debt. These interest payments can consume a significant portion of the federal budget. The more we spend on interest, the less we have available for important government programs, such as education, infrastructure, and healthcare. Nations that accumulate high levels of debt ultimately crowd out private investment in the economy. When the government borrows extensively, it competes with private borrowers for available capital, potentially driving up interest rates. These higher interest rates can deter businesses from investing as well as individuals taking out loans for homes and other investments. High levels of debt can make a country vulnerable to economic shocks. In times of crisis, governments often need to borrow to finance emergency responses, such as stimulus packages for the COVID-19 disaster relief.

          Spending clearly has caused inflation. An excessive increase in the money supply to finance debt can lead to inflation, eroding the purchasing power of the currency. This can result in harm to retirees on fixed incomes, as well as undermine the stability of the financial system.   A growing debt burden limits a government's ability to respond to future challenges. When a significant portion of the budget is already committed to servicing debt, there is less room for maneuver when unexpected crises arise. Accumulating debt without a plan to reduce it can be seen as passing on financial burdens to future generations.

          Another pitfall is high national debt can lower a country's credit rating,  (as we witnessed -  Fitch Ratings has downgraded the United States of America's Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer  ) making it more expensive to borrow money in the future. This, in turn, can exacerbate the debt problem by increasing interest costs.

          So, as you can see I do not agree with what I see as a simplistic ideal in regard to our growing debt. I do realize many do abide by your thoughts on growing debt. I just find it irresponsible.

          Trump and Hunter have different problems It is clear Hunter committed several felonies in regard to lying on a gun application to breaking several felony tax laws. However, it is being reported he can't be charged due to the time limit to charge him lapsed.  Which gives the appearance that Hunter did get special treatment.   I do not intend to argue the Hunter Biden tax evasion problem -- one only needs to watch the whistleblower's testimony to see that the IRS proved Hunter evaded taxes, and the lapse prevented an indictment.

          1. peoplepower73 profile image84
            peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

            Sharlee:  That was a very nice generalization of why we need to reduce spending, reduce the national debt and, try to balance the budget.  Here are the ramifications of what the Freedom Caucus and the GOP want while holding McCarthy hostage.  By the way, holding McCarthy hostage while threating to shutdown the government is not a very democratic policy in my view.


            1. Sharlee01 profile image84
              Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

              I feel the narrator offered a view on an if come. Here are the demands of the Freedom Caucus --- you tell me do any sound as if we could not shelve  them to help bring about a smaller budget --

              House Freedom Caucus members want to cap nondefense discretionary spending at fiscal 2022 levels for the next decade, arguing Republicans should use the upcoming debt limit fight to force Democrats to agree to steep spending cuts they say would save $3 trillion.

              The group of roughly three dozen ultraconservatives held a news conference Friday to announce their spending demands.

              This also includes rescinding unspent pandemic funds.

              Repealing mandatory spending in Democrats’ climate initiatives,

              Tax, and health law  --  "Under the Biden plan, raising the tax rates on individual incomes of $400,000.  His proposal for new expanded tax benefits, including the child tax and earned income credits as well as provisions for child and dependent care and health insurance premiums.

              Blocking President Joe Biden’s student debt relief executive action that the Supreme Court is reviewing.

              The Freedom Caucus also wants to impose work requirements on various federal benefit programs like Medicaid, which they estimate would produce $30 billion a year in savings, and enact legislation to curb government regulations and spur domestic energy production.

              In my view, it appears they want to curb new spending and draw some cash back from previous amounts of money that were passed in previous bills.

              None of this seems outrageous to me. I mean it sounds like once again Biden is trying to set up costly giveaways. Which in essence is not bad
              but ill-planned due to our struggle to bring back our economy. Just a really bad time to add social-type giveaways.

              Just might cause more problems. Biden has a propensity to make problems and be unable to solve them. Just seems not to be governed by common sense. And his administration of the same mindset. Very liberal bunch, that doesn't look at the long picture.

    2. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      The Freedom Caucus did not realize that they have to govern. … &ei=56

      1. tsmog profile image86
        tsmogposted 16 months agoin reply to this

        Liked the satire. Talented writer exposing perhaps unseen truths?

      2. Sharlee01 profile image84
        Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        I noted you did not respond to my last comment.   Again do their demands seem unreasonable?

        1. peoplepower73 profile image84
          peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

          Sharlee:  Yes totally unreasonable.  Again you have generalized their demands,except for the 3 trillion dollars. 

          They are going to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to make their demands work. Shutting down the government in order to get their demands is unreasonable. 

          We have to pay our bills from the last fiscal year. It serves no one to shut down the government.  They are spoiled brat rich kids who don't know what they are doing.

          As far as defense spending with Ukraine, it is a proxy war.  But the alternative is we go to war with Russia. In the final analysis, their demands are dead on arrival upon submittal to a democratic controlled senate.  This is all political theater.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image84
            Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

            I did generalize the demands due to the length of my comment. Some really don't care for all the variables of a given issue.

            No not robbing Peter to pay Paul...  They hope to draw back money unspent, and some from projects that they see as not beneficial to all Americans.  They want to end the Biden dream of paying off college loans once and for all. Many Americans are on board with this.

            It seems that some use the byline "we need to pay our bills" --- we need to stop accumulating new bills... Please consider that. The statement we need to pay our bills is a very political cry. No one brings up all the BS added into the budget above paying out bills. So, I find that statement not as effective as those that say it want it to be. Downright simplistic.

            Again --  Tax, and health law  --  "Under the Biden plan, raising the tax rates on individual incomes of $400,000.  His proposal for new expanded tax benefits, including the child tax and earned income credits as well as provisions for child and dependent care and health insurance premiums.

            Do you have any idea what this would end up costing? Do you know the problems that are already facing SS?    I would not think another burden on taxpayers would be acceptable at this time. This kind of giveaway would guarantee taxes to be raised across the board, in my view.

            No robbing Peter to pay Paul --- Peter has been broke for some time.

            I believe the Ukraine and its people are being used as collateral damage.
            I don't buy we are helping them, or that Russia will come after us next... I believe this war will be like most we have entered into, death of their citizens, and ruin of their nation. NATO could have stopped Russia the moment it crossed into Ukraine if they believed that line of crap.

            Can't believe that this BS was sold to US citizens.  We will pick up and pull out if we see the time has come, as we always do in proxy wars.  And Ukraine will be nothing but rubble.  As I say they could have been stopped, the day they entered Ukraine.   

            Russia is not a military threat to the US.  And their aggression should have been stopped on day one.  It might have been if we had a man in the White House who knows how to show strength and use better common sense.   This war was totally avoidable.

            1. Willowarbor profile image59
              Willowarborposted 16 months agoin reply to this

              I believe the Ukraine and its people are being used as collateral damage.

              How? If we weren't offering aid and assistance, Ukrainians would still be dying but just in larger numbers.  Unfortunately, it's a fact that innocent citizens are always collateral damage in  a war.

              NATO could have stopped Russia the moment it crossed into Ukraine if they believed that line of crap.

              Under which provision?

              This war was totally avoidable.

              Putin himself had been telling the world for a long time war was coming.
              Putin is  obsessed with Ukraine.  Ironically, Putin provides some of the necessary answers in his 2021 publication “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians.” Putin has made it explicitly clear that Ukraine belongs to Russia and the West should not interfere. Invoking ethnonationalism, Putin claims that Russians and Ukrainians are “one people- a single whole” and blames the West for Ukraine’s separation from Russia. Putin also stated that “true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.”    This is a man with deeply held views on the matter.  It's not surprising that diplomacy failed.   

              I can agree to disagree on some of these issues but for me, the morally correct response from the United States is to support Ukraine.  I would be deeply disappointed if we were taking any other stance.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image84
                Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

                "How? If we weren't offering aid and assistance, Ukrainians would still be dying but just in larger numbers.  Unfortunately, it's a fact that innocent citizens are always collateral damage in  a war"

                I did not touch on the current situation Biden got us into. My comment touched on my feelings it could have been handled differently the moment the Russians were gathering on the Ukrainian border.  Just did not share my view of the here and now. Only that I felt it could have been avoided with a stronger president at the helm. That is just my view. You read something into my comment that just is not there.

                There is no provision, just a crisis that needs to be realized as a crisis and handled with a brand-new spanking provision.  They sold a bill of goods, they needed to stop a war, not watch one be initiated. 

                "I can agree to disagree on some of these issues but for me, the morally correct response from the United States is to support Ukraine.  I would be deeply disappointed if we were taking any other stance."

                Again you need not pull out a pedestal --- I did not share a view on this matter. My comment concentrated on my view that the entire war could have been avoided. If we had stronger people at the helm.

                I have never shared my view on what we should or should not do now that we have a screaming proxy war.

                We as well as NATO could have sanctioned Russia into literally starvation. But the EU needed their fuel.

                "Does Europe still buy gas from Russia 2023?  OH YES
                In the week 36, 2023, the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) received the largest volume of natural gas from Russia via the pipeline TurkStream, at 329 million cubic meters."
       … %20meters.

                So, who is helping Russia pay for their war?

              2. Ken Burgess profile image67
                Ken Burgessposted 16 months agoin reply to this

                Imagine that?

                Similar to America's policies and threats regarding the Americas, Mexico, South Korea, etc.

                Russia has direct ties to much of Ukraine, a history going back longer than America has existed as a nation... as recently as 2014 half the Ukraine nation (or more) spoke Russian and identified with Russia, preferring relations with Russia.

                America has no business there and to say that the Biden Administration has not done everything to instigate this war and escalate this war is a wanton decision to remain ignorant of the facts and spread the nonsense that perpetuates our entry into WWIII.

                1. Willowarbor profile image59
                  Willowarborposted 16 months agoin reply to this

                  Putin clearly has explained his mindset, where is the instigation by the US? I don't think we needed to goad  to him into anything as far as invading Ukraine.  His mission has always been clear

                2. Readmikenow profile image96
                  Readmikenowposted 16 months agoin reply to this

                  "Russia has direct ties to much of Ukraine, a history going back longer than America has existed as a nation... as recently as 2014 half the Ukraine nation (or more) spoke Russian and identified with Russia, preferring relations with Russia."

                  Do you really want me to prove to you how wrong you are on this topic?

                  All I can say it is obvious you are a biased russian sympathizer with little or now knowledge or understanding of Ukrainian history.

                  Again, you say things such as this that prove you do not know what you're talking about when it comes to Ukraine.

                  It is exhausting constantly correcting the things you say.

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image67
                    Ken Burgessposted 16 months agoin reply to this

                    Ah, a little history lesson is in order.


                    Ukraine is an East European territory which originally formed a western part of the Russian Empire from the mid-17th century.

                    The process of self-constructing identity of the Ukrainians after 1991 is basically oriented vis-à-vis Ukraine's two most powerful neighbors:

                    Poland and Russia.

                    In the other words, the re-constructing Ukrainian identity are neither Polish nor Russian but heavily influenced historically by both, throughout hundreds of years.

                    Therefore, an existence of an independent state of Ukraine, nominally as a national state of Ukrainians, is, and always has been conflicted, from both perspectives: historical and ethnolinguistic.

                    The Slavonic term Ukraine, for instance, in the Serbo-Croat case Krajina, means in the English language a 'Borderland', a provincial territory situated on the border between at least two political entities.

                    In this particular historical case, between the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as the Republic of Both Nations (1569−1795) and the Russian Empire.

                    In the other words, Ukraine and the Ukrainians as a natural objective-historical-cultural identity never existed as it was considered only as a geographic-political territory between two other natural-historical entities (Poland and Russia).

                    Today, it is absolutely clear that the most pro-western and anti-Russian part of Ukraine is West Ukraine ... the lands that were historically under the rule by the Roman Catholic ex-Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the former Habsburg Monarchy.

                    It is obvious, for instance, from the presidential voting results in 2010 as the pro-western regions voted for J. Tymoshenko while the pro-Russian regions voted for V. Yanukovych.

                    It is a reflection of the post-Soviet Ukrainian identity dilemma between "Europe" and "Russia".

                    In general, the western territories of the present-day Ukraine are mainly populated by the Roman Catholics, the East Orthodox and the Uniates. This part of Ukraine is mostly nationalistic and pro-western oriented. The East Ukraine is in essence Russophone and subsequently "tends to look to closer relations with Russia" [John S. Dryzek, Leslie Templeman Holmes, Post-Communist Democratization: Political Discourses Across Thirteen Countries, Cambridge−New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002, 114].

                    So... since we can date back Russian control of much of Ukraine to 1654 or earlier... and since America did not exist as a Nation prior to 1776, before 1776, the United States was called the "United Colonies of North America" and was not a independent Nation... it is therefore impossible for you to correct me, as the statement I made was true, factual and correct.

            2. peoplepower73 profile image84
              peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this


              "They hope to draw back money unspent, and some from projects that they see as not beneficial to all Americans."

              Exactly, that is robbing Peter to Paul. Who are they to determine what is beneficial or not for Americans?

              The money has to come from some place.  What is wrong with raising the taxes on people earing over $4000,000 per year? It's much better than raising taxes on the backs of the poor and middle class.

    3. abwilliams profile image67
      abwilliamsposted 16 months agoin reply to this

      Somebody needs to be jumping up and down, screaming and having a temper tantrum!

      1. Sharlee01 profile image84
        Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        Hey, I am with you. If they don't sooner or later many in America will be jumping up and down, having a temper tantrum.

        1. abwilliams profile image67
          abwilliamsposted 16 months agoin reply to this

          Maybe if enough of us participate...we will turn this country upside down. Anything will be an improvement to what we currently must deal with!

          1. peoplepower73 profile image84
            peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

            ab:  What happened to your patriotism?  My country right or wrong, my country.  If you don't like it here, you can always leave. That would be a big improvement. I am so tired of your meaningless platitudes.  But there is a part of me that will continue to reply to you.

            1. abwilliams profile image67
              abwilliamsposted 16 months agoin reply to this

              I love my Country, I would never "leave" it!!
              Don't bother replying to me, I can save you the trouble and remove myself from this discussion and any future discussions which you might initiate.

              What I will continue to hate, is that so many are willing to destroy this country in the name of politics, their political party IN matter what, financial gain, power trips, etc; whatever the case - this country never comes first for them!

              1. peoplepower73 profile image84
                peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

                ab:  The country you love is your version of America.  It is not the United States of America. If you really loved your country, you would love the good, the bad, and the ugly and it would come first for all Americans, not just your version.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image84
                  Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

                  " If you really loved your country, you would love the good, the bad, and the ugly and it would come first for all Americans, not just your version."

                  Right back at you ----   I guess you get to judge what is right -- for all...

                  Plus the political power that now sits in our White House has provided us with all of this ---  And YA think some of us would not have the common sense to realize what has been done, and what is being proposed? So, do you love all of this?

                  Here is the truely ugly.

                  Our nation is increasingly reliant on foreign countries, including Russia, for a substantial portion of our energy needs. This reliance is great. (Source: link) … _1&f=M    Inflation is on the rise and is subtly impacting the cost of essential goods like food and energy.   Our open border policy is not only a financial burden on taxpayers but has also resulted in the influx of drugs and a recent surge in life-threatening diseases such as TB, polio, leprosy, measles, chickenpox, and HIV/AIDS.  Crime rates are increasing across the country, posing a growing concern for public safety.

                  This president has the U.S.  involvement in a proxy war. That is challenging, as we often find ourselves constrained by conducting this war with one hand tied behind the back

                  We have become accustomed to a pattern of unnecessary spending, even proposed new social programs that will further increase our debt and reliance on money printing. Such as paying off school loans, and tax goodies for those that have children.  (Although this most likely would cut down the need for abortion, and create welfare children, in my view.)

                  Lastly --  The current occupant of the White House appears to be facing governance challenges associated with aging. Yet he is being supported by the Democratic party presently, polls are showing at present that the moderate majority do not support him due to his age, as well as poor job performance.

                  So, for the moment things are looking up, perhaps Americans have realized all the problems I have offered. One can continue to have faith in the innate ability Americans have when it comes to good old-fashioned common sense. 

                  So, do we need all of this to come to a head, and be dealt with, faced up to, or do we need to continue down the same path that has led us to our current deficit, and a budget that is filled with unnecessary spending?

                  Is it well overdue, that we demand cutting spending that will most definitely turn into greater problems down the road? 

                  People read some of what is in this budget!  My God, it's clear to me that most are mimicking the media in regards to what happens if we shut down. Maybe think about the budget, and YA might agree we have a great big problem.

                  1. peoplepower73 profile image84
                    peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

                    Sharlee:  .

                    "Right back at you ----   I guess you get to judge what is right -- for all.".

                    No more than what you do.  Your entire reply is about judging what is right for the country.

                    So much for ab's comment about her version of "America first" and your's about Biden leading us to rack and ruin.

           … 39118?s=20

          2. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 16 months agoin reply to this

            Well, one thing you have to give the Biden Administration credit for, they are going to do what they have decided to do, and they don't care if it's liked, if it's constitutional or if it's within the purview of the executive office.

            They want to go after guns, forget trying to pass laws, or making a Constitutional Amendment, these are things that Americans will never go for, not in our life times.

            So forget the Constitution, State's Rights or Laws on the books, create a First-Ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, To Be Overseen by Vice President Kamala Harris, and start doing whatever the heck you want to do.

            Same for immigration, States try to fight it, the Supreme Court rules against  it, to hell with them, DACA, Border Enforcement, doesn't matter, the Administration does what it wants.

            Same for Ukraine, Kid's and sex change operations, whatever they decide is right, that is what they are going to do, whether or not the States, the Supreme Court, the Law or the Constitution tells them otherwise.

            Two things I am willing to predict with some certainty at this point:

            We will be at war with Russia by November 2024, whether declared or not, America will be directly engaging Russia with its own forces.

            Trump will be banned from being on the ballot of enough States to make certain he cannot win an election, if, for some reason, he is not in jail by November 2024.  Americans will not be allowed the choice to vote for him.

            1. peoplepower73 profile image84
              peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

              Ken:  You are right, they are your predictions.   What is the source for your crystal ball?  Without a source, they are nothing more than your hyperbolic opinions.

          3. Sharlee01 profile image84
            Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

            Hey, I am for time to take another path --- shut it down, and don't budge until many cuts are made, and drawbacks on all of Joe's spending. Just can't keep on spending. The time has truely come.

            I hope you saw the news polls from WAPO/ ABC --- I have been sharing that we need to keep up hope, and pray for more Americans to open their eyes and see what this president has done to America --- well, I truely feel they have.  I think there is only a small minority that is clinging to this president, and defending his job performance.

            I have great faith in the innate common sense that most Americans possess, and the love of the Country.  The tide is turning swiftly.

            WAPOs polls --     you will really want to have a look
   … 25185.html

      2. peoplepower73 profile image84
        peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        The Wrecking-Ball Caucus: How the Far Right Brought Washington to Its Knees
 … =url-share

      3. peoplepower73 profile image84
        peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        ab:  Talk about who is throwing a temper tantrum and jumping up and down screaming.

    4. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

    5. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      Here is the net worth of the dynamic three.

      Mat Gaetz = 25 million
      Marjorie Taylor Green = 56 million
      Lauren Boebert = 45 million

      And they want to cutout food stamps to the needy.

      Kevin McCarthy was ousted from being the Speaker of the House because he made a deal with the devil when he was running for speaker back in November of last year. There were 15 sessions that they had to go though in order to get Mc Carthy and Gaetz to agree to a ruling that he could be vacated from his post by one vote.

      He sided with the democrats to have a continuing resolution to delay the shutdown for 45 days until November. Gaetz and company didn't like that, so they ousted him.  Now there is no speaker of the house and instead of voting on separate bills, all the bills we be grouped into one big bill called the Omnibus Bill.  There will be no time to review the separate bills and it will be subject to an up or down vote.

      This is how far we have come with rich spoiled brat kids that have a lot of leverage because of their wealth.  They don't govern anything but just attack the other side and their own members of house.  They think that is their job in government.

      John Boerner was subjected to the same deal with the devil, but he left before they ousted him. So is the new norm where a small group of very rich people get voted into congress because of their campaign money and then they screw up the tra, la las because they don't know what they are doing?

      They are now going after Hunter Biden for illegally purchasing a gun and want to impeach Joe Biden with their congressional investigations which are based on you are guilty until proven innocent. How many people have illegally purchased guns in the past?  But because he is the president's son, they want it to be political theater. 

      In my view all of this is a smoke screen to take the focus off of Trump and his 91 indictments.  He is the the puppeteer behind the curtain controlling his puppets.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image84
        Sharlee01posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        What happens if you lie on Form 4473?
        "This Form requires buyers to answer several questions, including those about the buyer's competency, criminal history, drug use, immigration status, and history with domestic violence. Applicants who knowingly make false statements may also face criminal prosecution for a felony and up to 10 years in federal prison."

        " In the 2019 fiscal year, when Hunter Biden purchased his gun, federal prosecutors received 478 referrals for lying on Form 4473 — and filed just 298 cases. The numbers were roughly similar for fiscal 2020."

        As you see many citizens are charged for lying when on a form to buy a gun.  298 Out of 478 is 62.34%  I am aware of the many left-leaning media out and out using these stats, yet stating "Virtually no one gets charged. I find this really funny. They openly seem to think their follower can't do the math.  What does that say to you?  Is 62.34 % virtually nobody?  I must say this makes me really laugh.

        Source of my views … al%202020.

        No comment on the shutdown. I support it, if the demands are not met. I found the actual demands ( not the media hype) very much sensible. I won't repost the demands, I posted them here the other day on this thread. link to comment that lists the FC demands … ost4308257

        1. peoplepower73 profile image84
          peoplepower73posted 16 months agoin reply to this

          Sharlee; Do you think the Mat Gaetz rule of all it takes is one motion to remove the speaker of the house  is reasonable?

    6. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 15 months agoin reply to this

      In my opinion, the reason the house GOP is so dysfunctional and not able to have a speaker is because they are really good at attacking the other side, but they are not good at passing bills, making laws, and governing. 

      They have spent their time trying to impeach Biden and his son, instead of acting as a governing body.  Boebert, Green, Gaetz, et al have all come to congress because they are super rich, but know nothing about governing.  If they did, there would be a speaker. 

      Gaetz should be expelled for championing the one vote to remove a speaker. And yet he sits in his office with totally immunity.  In addition, they have Trump as their role model.

      Let's see what happens in November when they are willing to hold the people hostage while they threaten to shutdown the government again until they get their way. In my view, the Freedom Caucus is a joke, but yet has sway over the house.  They could care less that we have to pay our bills that were incurred from the previous fiscal year and fund the government for next fiscal year.

    7. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 15 months agoin reply to this

      This is what I mean by rich spoiled brat kids. … amp;ei=100

      1. Willowarbor profile image59
        Willowarborposted 15 months agoin reply to this

        And some want to give these people more  power? 

        They are incapable  of governing and the infighting is tearing the party apart.

        Just the other day McCarthy shoved a fellow Republican congressman from Tennessee.

        A Republican senator stood up to fight the head of the teamsters during a hearing in which Bernie Sanders ( the adult in the room) had to tell him to sit down.  This is crazy stuff.

        Meanwhile their leader, Donald Trump is calling a large portion of the citizens here in America, vermin that must be rooted out.  Such a great throwback to Hitler.
        Just incredible. These people need to be kept out of government.

        1. peoplepower73 profile image84
          peoplepower73posted 14 months agoin reply to this

          They have lost all manner of civility, because they are immature, arrogant rich kids. Boebert, Green, and Gaetz are all multi-millionaires who think their job is to attack others and impeach those who they don't like.  But then Trump is their role model and they want to make daddy happy.

    8. peoplepower73 profile image84
      peoplepower73posted 14 months agoin reply to this

      MTG needs to familiarize herself with the government organization charts. She might learn the difference between the head of the FBI and DHS, Her arrogance and ignorance are appalling  for someone who is supposed to be conducting a hearing.

  2. Credence2 profile image79
    Credence2posted 16 months ago

    I revel in the the disarray of Republican factions, as they will be squarely blamed if the Government shut down over their squabbles.

    Just another thing that detracts from their brand.....

    1. Ken Burgess profile image67
      Ken Burgessposted 16 months agoin reply to this

      The infighting, the animosity, and the abuse of power structures within and without our government is nothing to be happy about.

      Unless one is cheering for the collapse of America, which will not be pleasant for all of us "common folk" who will have to pay for their arrogance and incompetence, if not outright evil actions.

      I am not defending Republicans, I am not siding with them.  But shutting down the government would be a boon not a bane at this point in time.

      Anything that will slow our current march toward annihilation would be better than the course we are on now, with this Administration at the helm.

      1. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        Shutting down the government denies thousands of people paychecks, how is that going help. The Republicans are responsible for this "abuse" totally and completely, there can be no passing off of the blame, here.

        They are there to govern and bringing the wheels of government to a halt is not an acceptable solution.

        The Right and Republicans will bring us to this annihilation you speak of sooner rather than later...

        1. Ken Burgess profile image67
          Ken Burgessposted 16 months agoin reply to this

          It is the Biden administration leading us into WWIII.

          It is not Republicans aiding millions of migrants in their efforts to get to America and fighting for them with every Executive Order they write, it is Biden, it is Democrats.

          It is not Republicans supporting men to be women, or trying to make pedophilia a non-crime, or supporting mutilation of children as a 'right'.

          It IS the Biden Administration's actions, across the board, at home and abroad, with China and Saudi Arabia, with Mexico and Russia that is bringing about disaster for our nation across multiple levels.

          The price for this will most assuredly be paid for just as much by hard core Democrats as it will be Libertarians like myself.

          Some things just cannot be turned back.  Whether its the tens of millions of new folks now living in America, or whether its WWIII, there is no going back... there is only how much suffering and cost is to come due to it.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
            Kathryn L Hillposted 16 months agoin reply to this

            Is there really no hope?

            - honest journalism.
            - informed citizens.
            - appropriately educated children.
            - cutting taxes across the board.
            - balancing the federal branch with the senate and house / getting their constitutionally mandated power back.
            - all branches do their duties and represent the people.
            - firing the deep state.
            - holding federal judges and FBI accountable to follow the law of the land.
            - giving back state power.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image67
              Ken Burgessposted 16 months agoin reply to this

              That is a nice list... of things you will not see anytime soon.

  3. peoplepower73 profile image84
    peoplepower73posted 16 months ago

    Sharlee:  This is for your own edification and education.  You research was wonderful, but your post were not presenting the entire picture about mining lithium in the Salton Sea. The difference is the under ground geothermal aspect of the Salton Sea that the other world lithium mines don't have. It's 13 minutes, but is well worth the time.


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