Opportunity knocks?
Italian village offers $1 homes to Americans upset by the US election result by CNN Travel (Nov 19, 2024) [5 min read]
https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/19/travel/i … 2057446584
" While many communities around the world have been wondering what to make of Donald Trump’s presidential re-election, a village on the Italian island of Sardinia has sniffed a potential opportunity.
Like many other places in rural Italy, Ollolai has long been trying to persuade outsiders to move in to revive its fortunes after decades of depopulation. It’s been selling dilapidated houses for as little as one euro — just over a dollar — to sweeten the deal.
Now, following the November 5 vote outcome, it’s launched a website aimed at would-be American expats, offering up more cheap homes in the hope that those upset by the result will rush to snap up one of its empty properties."
Thoughts, criticisms, accolades, and/or commentary?
I think splitting time between two countries is a great idea. For many years, my husband and I fell in love with Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. When we first started visiting, it was just a quaint, scenic fishing village. Over the years, we watched it grow into a vibrant and thriving city, yet it still kept its charm.
When we retired, we began spending our winters there and eventually decided to buy a condo. It has truly become our second home. Honestly, if we ever felt the need to leave the U.S., we could do so without hesitation, knowing we’d simply be going to a place where we’ve already found so much joy.
So I think if one is unhappy in their surroundings, one should seek new surroundings It is a great big world, life is short.
I think it is awesome you are fortunate to have two homes and with one in Mexico. It is the same with some friends of mine. Puerto Vallarta from my understanding is a beautiful setting. I imagine spending winters there for you and your husband is a blessing compared to Michigan. One friend I have has small ranch in the Sonora region he is at about half of the year. My parents at one time were thinking of retiring to Mexico.
With my last job of 24 years the owner had 5 auto repair & tire stores in Mexico with four in Tijuana, one in Ensenada, and a tire warehouse in Tijuana. For about a two year period it was my responsibility to oversee the tires shipped to them. I dealt with the customs stuff. That meant I crossed the border at Tijuana. What a zoo at times with a 3 hour wait sometimes. The San Diego/Tijuana (San Ysidro) port of entry is the busiest US one and is considered one of the busiest in the world.
Do you speak any Spanish/Mexican? I speak a little Spanish/Mexican and fair amount of Spanglish. Mainly stuff about cars and repairing them.
Great post... advice worth listening too...
Another alternative?
These should be forwarded to Cred. ;-)
I think that this is a great idea, I just doubt that I could afford a 4 year cruise ship junket. Perhaps, I can find a place in 3rd class, steerage?
Any alternative to the Rightwinger's depths of hell has to be an improvement.
But, we are getting the passports and not underestimating Trump like Jews during the thirties did with Hitler, making good our escape before the deluge?
Check yourself bud. That one was across the line.
On the contrary, Bud, it is right on target and you will see....
If this is "too far over the line", then you would do well to exit at the next stop because we are going further and beyond.
We will see... sour grapes... or clear vision...
I think you will have every right to crow 'I told you so"... if your worst predictions come true...
But now is the time you have to reckon with my "I told you so"...
I told you Biden would be the worst of all choices... for America... its future... your political goals or mine...
I underestimated how twisted that crew was... the bunch of them Clinton, Biden, Nuland, etc. ... made every American poorer... they made the American dream harder for the average person to aspire to... they made the world a much more dangerous place... they left us with a world at war...
"I think you will have every right to crow 'I told you so"... if your worst predictions come true..."
We'll see, I have been known to hit and miss at times.
Trump as far as my aspirations and goals are concerned is the worst possible outcome for me, if not for you. We are not the same, fundamentally.
I will shadow him and his administration closely to see if, in fact, my "I told you so" comes to pass.
Perhaps it would help if you can "throw a monkey wrench" into the works somehow. Tell enough people how terrible he is, repeating it several times daily. Say that everything he does, from getting rid of the education dept to how he parts his hair, is evil and wrong - repeat THAT several times a day.
There ought to be something that you can do to cause harm and thus use your "I told you so". That we will all suffer when he fails is irrelevant if you can get the words out, right?
I don't need to do "it" he will do it to himself and all will be witness. I agreed only to behave in a law abiding fashion, but that is as far as it goes as far as he is concerned. The "words" are going out either way, with frequency and without letup.
As far as I am concerned, he is the worst person to be in this lofty perch of the Presidency since George Washington. I am going to express my opinion, just as you and Rightwingers did regarding Joe Biden. I am going to exercise my First Amendment Rights while I can before Trump brings down the jackboot.
I think you should always exercise those rights, regardless of the result. If it causes an insurrection and the government falls to a bunch of liberal yahoos, exercise it! If it causes people to die, exercise it! If it causes the Great Divide we see in our country to expand, exercise it!
As long as you get to say "Told you so!". That's all that matters, as long as Trump goes the way of the dodo bird at the same time.
Trump going the way of the dodo bird or passenger pigeon, would not keep me up nights.
What are we lefties supposed to do, Wilderness, keep silent? Well, you can forget that. Are you that intimidated by folks expressing dissenting ideas? Are you afraid of the concept of free speech or the right to peaceable assembly? There will be peaceful protests against such a man and I am waiting for Trump to bring out the U.S. military and show his brutal hand to silence us all. Well, when he does it is going to be hard to conceal both here and internationally. That will be part of my "I told you so".
If the rift described as the "great divide" cannot be healed fairly and equitably then it is going to remain and I am all for that.
"What are we lefties supposed to do, Wilderness, keep silent?"
Work toward a better America. That includes compromise and working with the enemy, even an enemy you might find completely abhorrent, evil and disgusting (any Republican, in your mind and certainly anyone voting for Trump).
Instead great effort is made (including by you) to widen and deepen the rift in the country. That you approve of it says quite a bit and explains much of your reticence to work towards improving our country.
Yes, Wilderness, we are working for a better America, but our formula is different from yours. Your idea of improvement is not my idea of improvement, is that so hard to comprehend?
Compromise? You have to be kidding. A political party and candidate that put this country through turmoil by not admitting that they lost the last presidential election in 2020.
A political party that is determined to ram their form of religious hypocrisy down my throat?
A Trump and political party that has made havoc with the concept of reproductive rights for women.
A political party that does not want compromise but instead want subjugation and the capitulation of the other side. With that attitude, the rift is just going to be that much larger
So, it's no soap.
So, I will tell the Republicans, conservatives and the entire rightwing community to DROP DEAD.
Here is the reality... Harris only won States with NO ID laws...
In other words, Harris did not win ONE State that has fair and honest elections.
The Democrats cannot win on policy... the majority do not want kids getting sex changes, deranged men competing with women in sports, insanity being accepted as normal (IE people who think they are Furry).
These things are insane, or worse, predatory and harmful, and should never be allowed in society.
You don't ask the world to change its ways for an insane few... you take those insane few and remove them from society... when you make them your politicians and pop-stars... well you get the type of world/society we have seen the past few years.
Where have Progressives left to go... now that everyone in America (based on race or sex only... not on mental acuity) is equal?
Well, we see where Progressivism has gone the last 10 years... walked right into insanity and never batted an eye.
It was that... which created the opportunity and support for Trump.
People were fed up... and still are.
"Here is the reality... Harris only won States with NO ID laws."
That is just an excuse. You imply that illegal, non-citizens explain Harris victory is a handful of states, I don't buy it.
These things are insane, or worse, predatory and harmful, and should never be allowed in society.
Right now, that is the GOP and MAGA,
In the eyes of the law and the principles of parity which has to be a linchpin of society for its continued existance, the only ones with "mental acuity" cannot be solely white males.
I don't know that I agree about the past 10 years, but tyranny and despotism may well be the future for the next 10.
When the Right continues to stir the cauldron to a boil are they so naive as to believe that they will not be burned when the contents spill over?
Our people are fed up as well, so there will be no kumbaya....
The Trump administration will be synonymous with turmoil.
Very simple... require ID... require Absentee Ballots for those who require it only. States with mass mail in ballots should be discluded from National elections.
You live in a State that requires sanity... that requires you follow the law... because you can't afford to live in CA or CO.
The very reasons you don't want to live in CA... you want to import that ignorance into Florida and other States that don't allow it.
That to me is crazy.
So, now for the rest of the story? How many of the Trump voting states did not require ID to the standards that the Harris states did?
I heard Trump one state that did not require ID.
You should not be allowed to vote unless you are a citizen.
There should be no mass Mail In Ballots sent out to voters.
If you can't get a State ID you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Everything else done in life requires ID... to drive, to fly, to buy tobacco or alcohol, to buy a car or home.
If for some reason you do not have the ability to get such ID... then voting is the last thing you should be concerned about.
No voter ID is for fraud purposes only.
"That is just an excuse. You imply that illegal, non-citizens explain Harris victory is a handful of states, I don't buy it."
Interesting "coincidence" though, isn't it? Republicans have said for years that we MUST have voter ID to prevent fraud, Democrats have refused for years to institute it...and the Democrat in the election cannot win a state WITH voter ID. But, just coincidence, right? I think not.
(Fact checking this claim that Harris won no states with voter ID shows it is patently false. She won several with that requirement.)
She won several with voter ID?
Only Ten states have strict photo ID laws. Voters who lack acceptable photo IDs must vote a provisional ballot and take additional steps to verify their identity after Election Day for their ballot to be counted.
Three of those states accept other forms of identification. In Arizona, for example, a recent utility bill or bank statement is acceptable as ID.
In 23 other states, voters without acceptable identification can cast a regular ballot without having to act further after Election Day. That means a voter without proper identification may sign an affidavit or poll workers may vouch for a voter’s identity.
In only 22 states, voters applying for a mail ballot must show ID, provide an ID number, such as from a driver’s license, or obtain a witness or notary signature.
In 7 states and Washington, D.C. they have universal mail in ballot voting, so ballots are automatically sent to voters ahead of every election, without voters needing to request them, or prove who filled them out.
States Harris won with 'Voter ID":
Photo ID is requested in Rhode Island, according to the group, and if voters don’t have one, they must vote on a provisional ballot and then election officials match their signatures against the signatures on record.
Photo ID isn’t required in Connecticut, but identification is requested. If it’s not presented, voters must give their name, date of birth and address and sign under penalty of making a false statement.
In New Hampshire, a voter without identification must sign a challenged voter affidavit. After the election, a mailing is sent and the voter must sign and return it or risk a voter fraud investigation.
In no State considered a "toss up" that requires Voter ID did Harris win.
It is only an assumption on your part that solid Democratic States over several voting cycles would have voted for Trump if the all had your vaunted voter ID. I think that that is a stretch,
I took the word of a fact checker, though I do not recall which one.
But your original post just said "voter ID"; you cannot now change that to "photo ID".
Can I change it to government ID?
Yes it was an over-simplification, and the laws vary in every state.
I don't think it was a rejection per-se of Harris... though she will be the scapegoat for the loss, with the switch at the last minute also being what people will factor as a cause.
I think the switch at the last second gave her a better shot than she would have had if people had listened to her schtick for a year or more.
I think they were going to lose no matter what.
People were rejecting the "Woke", the Open Borders, War & more War, and the dollar losing 25% value in 4 years.
And then at the end... they were shooting themselves in the foot... they went from we are "Joy" to 'Hate and Anger' for Trump quick enough to give most voters whiplash.
What is scary to me, is that Harris received as many votes as she did... considering the Migration, Inflation, Wars and Woke of the last 4 years.
Thanks for your edit, obviously there are disputed facts, I will get to the bottom of it.
I could go for that, but it would be a lot more than a buck. However, the buck for an Italian home doesn't cover travel and renovations if needed. I have read articles about people retiring and living on cruise ships.
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