Here are several reasons, I honestly believe James A Watkins should seriously consider running for President in 2012.
1. He treats everyone with grace and respect.
A. Politics can get pretty ugly on hub pages. Right wing and left wing calling each other names. Whether you agree with him or not, he will always treat you with dignity and respect. (Whether you deserve it or not!)
B. He addresses issues not people. I've seen him called some pretty ugly names by people who disagree with him. He can hold his position without taking it personally (even if it's meant personally!)
2. His view and knowledge of history gives him a context from which to make solid "long term" decisions that will stand up to time.
3. His ideas are GOOD. Yes, he's conservative. But it's not a "I'm conservative because my daddy was." He knows WHY he believes what he believes. He knows where his ideas come from.
4. He's well traveled. Although the US was founded as an isolationist nation, our choices(like it or not) have global implications. James understands and loves people from other cultures and nations without thinking he has to be like them or even be liked by them.
5. He has failed spectacularly. I've read his hubs. He has been open about his failures. There's a strength to that kind of humility. He's had some pretty high climbs and therefore some pretty hard falls. And he has gotten up, brushed himself off and kept going.
You can't buy, rent or learn that kind of life experience. It has to be earned through the school of hard knocks.
Even if you disagree with his politics and ideas ... you have to admit, the man is a class act in every sense of the word.
James A Watkins For President - 2012!
P.S. James Watkins did not know or "approve" of this post!
I've enjoyed James's writings, the ones I've had time to read, and yes he seems like a good guy.
As far as voting for anyone, I'd have to know exactly where they stand on several issues; they'd have to actually be transparent instead of just sayin' they are (like Obama and his stooges); and they'd have to.....want to run for Office! haha Does James wanna run for Office?
Of course they'd have to hold to the Republican Platform to get my vote; and show no signs of reverse racism; stick up for State and national sovreignty, and have some over-all common sense. But heck, who am I? Just a simple country gal clinging to her pepper spray and Faith.
Take a look at his hubs about his plan to unite America and Late Great United States.
I disagree with him on the legalization of drugs, but ... I consider that a minor issue ... dude knows his constitution and the role of government. And dang, he actually believes it.
As far as transparency ... He put his bankruptcy on his hubs ... that could not have been pleasant or easy...
Of course, you never get to know anybody, really via the web or TV or whatever ... but what I see so far, I like ... A LOT ...
groovy idea! James Watkins is HubPages' Ferris Bueller - everyone adores him. yeah...i can see it...
i will campaign for him but only if he appoints me Feng Shui and Bunny Rescue Czar.
You forget an important one....he is awfully hot as well.
And I bet he does not wear a toupee.
Well BP, I didn't even think of that one ... sorry!
It is quite ok I had fun evaluating LMAO!!
I have immense respect for James to be sure. I do not know whether he would want to be infected by the virus of corruption that permeates from Capitol Hill. However I would have more trust in James then anybody who currently resides in Washington DC. Especially 1600 Pennsylvania Ave !
I think that because he has been both rich and poor he will be less susceptible to Washington corruption. His hub show the character of a man who has been through the fire.
Want to ... that's another issue. I honestly hope he would consider it.
I know he COULD do a good job. I just don't know if he's electable or would want it.
I don't agree with you
eg your points 1. & 2. although is 'gentlemanly' a lot of the time, when it comes his views (he can't divorce politics & religion), he does call names and is very black-and -white eg calls people that don't share his views 'demon-possessed' , 'evil' etc & uses sweeping statements like 'all socialists are atheists' etc
LOL I love James - but as a writer. But then I don't vote anyway
This is a great idea. It's time for a strong grass roots candidate, who doesn't crack under pressure, as Ross Perot. He is smart, well travelled, grounded and a man who stands behind his beliefs. Lets get it growing.
James A Watkins for president!
Wow. I'm impressed.
I think James would make a great political figure. There are lots of open slots. Only thing is the liberal left media would focus on his "not so perfect past" so they could slime him before the world, like they always do. It's their job.
James Watkins for political office? Not a bad idea.
He's done SO well on coming to terms with his "less than perfect" past and I honestly think that is one of the things that qualifies him. ... Yes, I think the leftist media would have a field day ... and I also believe James could take it.
I agree.....
But the 'Left Press' fights dirty without a fair game. They'd tear him up, chew him up, and spit him out. I'd like to see how he would handle it though, cause he seems to be so gracious that it would literally blow their leftin-lovin mind.
But, YES, he could take it. Could we actually convince everyone else that overcoming adversity in life is a good trait? Seems like the trend is toward "oh my perfect past with no blemishes, all American, goody goody."
I'd rather have somebody who's "been there, done that" than these other joke-sters that get up there and hurl projectiles.
I did read another hub of his and loved it.
The one about the Late Great U.S.
He even had the guts to stand up for traditional marriage and show the bad consequences of the politically-correct "alternative". Unlike many who call themselves Bible-Believers. So yeah I respect him a lot already.
James is an excellent writer, researcher and scholar. More than that, he is a gentleman. However his tendency to court populist acclaim and his addiction to a failed dualistic dialectic would deny him my nomination.
But I'd support his candidature to host an Art Appreciation TV series.
One of the problems with democracy is that the skill set required to win elections does not necessarily match the skill set to lead well.
In general those from Europe disapprove of the way we have done things in America. They always have. I would have preferred the isolationist doctrines pre-Wilson. I honestly think we sided with the wrong team in WWI and therefore caused the Great Depression and WW2.
WW1 was not about "making the world safe for democracy" that was a spin ... it was just the logical conclusion of all the crown heads of Europe doing what they did...
We should have stayed out of it. Then, I would be able to say with good conscience, "Leave Us Alone what we do doesn't matter to you."
Sadly, it does. I would like for the US to be more isolationist, but that's no longer an option.
All that to say ... I see where you're coming from, but it's <snicker> very un-American.
I think his "pouplist" thing makes him electable, and his talent and knowledge make it possible that he could lead well.
Being from the UK I can't vote for James, but can we swop him for Nick Clegg or David Cameron?
Yeah, a guy who compares gay people to pedophiles. Hmm... don't think I'll be supporting anyone like that. We've already had one Jerry Falwell.
A man is known by his enemies as well as his friends ... sometimes more so.
I'm not sure what you mean by that. I don't think only leftists would be offended by his repeated suggestion that gay people want to support pedophilia. Do you support that?
I believe that the people in political power behind the gay movement, specifically Barney Frank and Larry King are pedophiles and support pedophilia, yes.
Lest you think that's a "Republican" point of view, I believe HW Bush was involved in a cover up on the issue.
I believe this story to be true:
Because you choose to believe unsubstantiated conspiracy theories does not mean that gay people being portrayed as supporters of pedophilia is right (in either sense of the word).
But thank you for sharing this; it certainly explains a lot about you and what you choose to believe.
Please do not put words in my mouth. I did not say, nor do I believe that all gay people support pedophilia.... I said I believe that the several powerful politicians behind the movement are pedophiles.
I didn't. I said you're supporting someone who has made repeated claims that gay people support pedophilia, and then you back up your support pointing to a conspiracy theory about a coverup involving a couple of politicians.
Understand, LL, I don't trust politicians on either side of the aisle at all...
I read his hub and his views on it, and I don't get that from him.
The ILGA only recently disassociated itself from NAMbLa ... and critics on both sides of the issue say it was simply for political reasons, that the "movers and shakers" within the organization are still philosophical supporters of that.
Historically, the two organizations have been linked. I'm not saying I expect you to agree ... because I don't ... but I do believe that the individuals and politics behind the homosexual agenda are "pedophile friendly."
I do oppose the very core the homosexual political agenda ... and I honestly don't know why I have so many gay friends, because they all know what I think ... I just don't treat individuals according to politics I guess.
I see the same thing in James.
I doubt any conservative expects a leftist to support him.
Not everyone is like Obama who straddles the fence at his own convenience just to gain support from all corners.
James A Watkins For President - 2012
What is his standing in the politicians in the line? I know little about them as I don't live there. America is the Capitol of the world; I should know though
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
What we need is someone who will not "cowtail" to the powers that be...EVERYWHERE! (I mean for crying out're the President of the United States...there is no more butts left to kiss at that point!)
James could do this as well as anyone...with the demeanor and decorum he has shown here in Hub World. A President should be a normal person concerned with normal things that effect or deter from the everyday normal common good. Who could do this better, then a good ol' down-to-Earth Hubber...I ask you?
James A. Watkins in 2012!
{{ (I mean for crying out're the President of the United States...there is no more butts left to kiss at that point!)}}
Um, how about China - you know, these guys who are holding all your debt??
Yeah, the problem is that works both ways ... you know what happens if we don't/can't pay?
Not sure who's bright idea this whole deficit spending plan was ... but it has to be fixed..
BD - it can't be fixed, except by re-inventing the world. Usury was deprecated in your favourite book, but espoused by your favourite nation.
The problem is that usury works within any single generation, but cannot be handed down to succeeding generations unless they have 'dominion' over new nations to exploit.
You've run out of new victims. Time to pay the bill. China expects
I think he was taking to me ... he knows my favorite nation!
I was, and I believe yours is the USA. But in fairness, usury has been espoused by every nation. The US just happened to be the first to apotheosize it so comprehensively.
He gets my vote, also! Just takes someone with a little the ol' brain dept. James qualifies for that!
Oh my.
Steve, I have a friend whose husband has the same name as yours, first name and last name!
But you're not him; I checked your pic and profile.
But that was quite a coincidence when ya put your name on here.
he has a good graps on politics, a little bit conservative but a firm ground on values pertaining to family and social values. He is a gentleman yes and his politics is accomodating.
He knows history and economy as well -- well grounded.
YES for his nomination, although he should open up a little bit more on his views about family, gay issues -- mostly social issue.
He has written a hub on his view of the homosexual political agenda. LiveLonger is correct, it's not in the least, from a political standpoint, "Gay Friendly".
BUT ... I still say he treats individuals who choose that lifestyle with respect.. He simply adamantly opposes their politics.
I think it's sad that some people like to delude themselves into thinking the gay agenda involves anything more than equality under the law.
I suppose it's easier to concoct conspiracy theories and cherry-pick Biblical quotes to justify keeping a group of people as second-class citizens under the law.
The only solace I see is that your numbers continue to dwindle.
Please show me any hubs or forum posts in which I have used the bible to attack gay people.
I was talking about James. You're on the same page as him with regard to the "gay agenda," right?
In general that's true.
I generally try not to use scripture to advance a specific political point of view. And I do try very hard to be sure that when I quote a verse, it's for the purpose it was intended within context.
If I had failed to do that, ... if I had misused scripture for my own agenda ... I was already planning an apology hub, because that would have been wrong of me.
I do not subscribe to the general theory that one must be on the political right to be acceptable to God.
I believe you believe that "all you are asking for is equality under the law ..." But I don't believe that's really what's going on.
I see you as deluded as you see me. That's the wonderful thing about delusion ... you don't know you're deluded
So what does the gay agenda entail beyond equality under the law?
Like any other special interest group, special privileges:
1. "Hate Crimes" ... somehow beating you up because you're homosexual is worse than beating me up because I'm heterosexual? Sorry... doesn't cut it.
2. "Hate Speech" ... somehow disagreeing with you is "hate"?
I don't believe that's "equality" I believe it's "special privilege".
I just re-read two of James hubs on the issue. I can find nothing in them I disagree with:
I saw nothing on them I consider an abuse of scripture and, in fact, in the hubs themselves, I saw no "cherry picked" bible verses.
Hate crimes/speech legislation is controversial and not every gay person supports it. You do know, though, that hate crime legislation *would* cover a straight person being beaten up for being straight by a gay person, right? (It just doesn't seem to happen all that often)
Regardless, this is the only other thing beyond marriage equality and ending DADT that comprise the "gay agenda" (one that is increasingly supported by straight people, too). Rights for pedophiles and other things that conspiracy theorists like to imagine gay people want won't be any more true just because you want to believe it.
Well ... I guess I can put you down for a "No" then, when we start our James A Watkins For President 2012 Fundraiser, eh?
BD - you surprise me - just when I was thinking you are a tolerant person open to other ways of thinking - you go remind me you are just another Kristian intent on making everyone else believe the same garbage you do. My way or the high way like wot Jeebus sed. LOL
Oh well - Even Jeebus warned against the Federal Reserve. Still - you guys are pretty selective about what you believe huh?
Shucks Mark, I was thinking about forging some citizen papers for you and getting you into a cabinet position.
Dang, gonna have to re-think that plan.
But to answer your question seriously ... No plan to make people believe what I believe, would just like to have someone who believes what I believe in charge. Minor difference.
1. Hate crime legislation protects all people on the basis of sexual orientation, just like they protect all people on the basis of race. Hate crime legislation does not only protect homosexuals and not heterosexuals. So beating you up because you're homosexual is the same as beating me up because I'm heterosexual.
2. I don't know who is passing hate speech laws in the US, we don't have any of that and cannot under freedom of speech.
The similar comparison is also to black people. The hate crime legislation protects whites as well as blacks, and they aren't passing hate speech laws either.
So since those aren't special privileges being sought for gays only, could you cite if there is actually anything beyond equality that they are seeking?
I responded to Live Longer because he and I have had amiable conversations in the past.
Your assertions contain a myriad of axioms at odds with my fundamental world view. As I have no desire to change your mind, I respond in politeness to say I know from experience you would be insulted.
I have no desire to insult you, but I can't think of a response that you would not find insulting.
Live Longer asked if I support James A Watkins political stance on the homosexual agenda.
I do. I stand by that.
I do not expect you to.
I'll put you down for a "No" on the fund raiser as well.
I do not understand, what I have posted are all facts about the law, and facts about what many other people think... I don't understand what axioms I have posted, or if you are saying these facts conflict with your world view and you refuse to accept them.
And why would you think explaining your view about special privileges would be insulting? It seems if it's not possible to explain your logic without you being insulting, then your world view is not based on logic but based on hatred. Do you not wish to explain because you are aware of this, and do not wish to have your views addressed and converse about them to learn, but to harbor them in secret?
Also, do you assume I'm gay, and that's why you think I'd find it insulting?
Because, when a question is irrelevant, it is meaningless in any form, regardless of who is being addressed.
That's rather rude of you to police other people's questions to other people, isn't it? Why don't you just ignore them?
Then how does one person learn anything without doing something?
Weren't you just trying to shut down my attempt to ask a question? (One that Paraglider answered quite nicely)
(This side-thread is getting a little ridiculous... )
I am proud to say I am a fan of James A. Watkins. His writing is masterful and clear and his historical works are references in themselves. I recently wrote a Hub on "Hubbers who help me" and James is the first on that list.
Would I support him for President? resoundingly No. For the record I am a red dyed in the wool Socialist. Unlike James I consider the future of the Human race is moving resolutely to the day when the ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange will be in the hands of those who produce not in the habds of venture capitalists. So James and I are on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Yet I would welcome him into my home and treat him with the respect a gentleman deserves.
One aspect of his writing that I personally find fascinating is that though I disagree with almost everything he says in political terms, he makes me think about WHY I disagree. That is a valuable service in itself.
But to support his political agenda? NO.
I read a couple of hubs that I didn't like at all. So no, I wouldn't vote for him. I was surprised of some of the comments as well.
Anyway everybody is free to dislike some kind of people.
He lost my respect when he expressed his opinion on science, evolution and society.
same here - and then he went further with loads of personal attacks - apparently I am the devil.
Sounds like the last thing the US needs is delusional leaders that keep people in the dark ages because of their superstitions … ted-States
James is good guy and i've respect for his views but when he opens his holy diary with claims that have 0 proof it gives no difference of impression between him and TK to me. Sorry if it was reality check in their own words back to them. If james is going to stand for presidents position then put paarsurray for noble peace prize,let's play fair.
Sometimes it's really funny to see people who make comment against evolution when they have no clue about single cell, speciation and abiogenesis. This applies to james and many other theists here and if you point that out then they call it personal attacks forgetting their own lack of education and manners when they do it on their hubs. You'll find people who have no clue about how to differentiate between galaxy and universe talk about jesus who died on cross helplessly being universal savior. People who have no clue where earth stands in milky way talk about universe being created by their bible or quran author. I wonder if they have stretch of imagination towards planets and species 10x bigger in size than ours.
More than 40-50% theists here are for some agenda or for religious preaching (take paar for examples) and all they do to this place is post some verse spam without any proof of their claims. No wonder these guys think we're devil and our heart is blinded by satan against god.
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