"In Four Months, Republicans Introduced 916 Bills Against Women’s Right To Choose
On April 20, 2011, in Domestic Policies, by Ezra Grant"
"Four months, 916 bills introduced. Sounds like a new record is about to be set. Whatever happened to Roe v. Wade? You know, the 1973 decision by the Supreme Court that gives women the right under the 14th amendment of the Constitution to make that choice? The law that has guided this issue for the last four decades?"
Your title says "Remember you all had mothers".....
Well, yeah, we did. All those of us who weren't aborted. So what's your point?
The point is pretty clear. Republicans in the House (because that is the source of the bills) are more interested in limiting a woman's right to choose than they are on jobs. How many jobs bills have been introduced by the current House? NONE.
So in essence he is pointing out that they bambozzled the folks that believed that was their sole focus, as stated during the campaign. They continue to do so today, and keep pounding falsehoods at every opportunity. Look at the recent shutdown talk. (Because their rationale for a clear path to job creation is cutting spending and lowering the deficit.) After all is said and done, the cuts will be in the millions,and not billions. So again it was political theatre... for nothing.
So back to the point of the post, republicans, have proven that they are more focused on limiting a woman's right to choose than they are with fixing the economy or lowering the deficit. Which is a paradox in itself because the Ryan budget calls for substantial cuts in early childhood education (Head Start), medicaid (for poor mothers), and take away avenues to get low-cost pre-natal care. So that tells me that they care about a child UNTIL he/she are born.
No. It tells me they're finally focusing on the right to Life that each person has. It's about time they quit letting the Left distract them from the most important points. I sure hope they get around to dealing with the other moral issues as well, soon. Those are the issues that the Left are using to destroy America's morale and morality. If those are dealt with correctly, the issue of jobs and money and foreign policy will follow, put back in place as they should be.
Morale and morality? Who had that, and when did America have any? Marale, maybe, morality NEVER. Being pro-life if your belief and you are free to feel that way. However, you nor I should be able to tell someone else that they can't do whatever they want to or with their body. Morality is relative, and tied to a religious faith. We can all be law abiding people, but have a completely different outlook on morality. Morals are personal, as is a person's decision as to what her and her doctor views as safe and legal.
Jobs, won't come after morality. Nor will the money. Foriegn policy problem is that we are an imperilist country, but don't want to be. There is no turning that overnight or a generation for that matter
Morality is not relative, whether a doctor does it or an individual. And it can, and should, be legislated. The same way we legislate the acts of theft and murder and fraud and all the other crimes.
How is it not relative by definition? One person's sense of morality often will differ from another. There is no problem with that. It's why we have religious freedom. Isn't that where the notion of morality comes from?
Abortion is a medical procedure. One that should only be discussed by a doctor and patient. Not my business. What should be regulated (not legislated) are safety measures and protocols.
That's like saying we should give criminals an easier way to commit crimes. There's no justification for the abortion agenda.
We do give criminals an easy way to commit crimes..they become police officers, or Republicans!
And excuse me dear, but there is no justification for you to worry about my private life. Worry about your own!
First of all, if you can go around accusing conservatives of "forcing women to give birth" and "chaining them to the floor", you make a generalization that's unnecessary and untrue.
Secondly, if you can talk about those things, I sure can too. I'm not interested in your private life. You're the one who keeps bringing it up.
Geuss you didn't listen to the song...
"And do respect the women of the world. Remember you all had mothers."
Oh, so THAT explains the mystery!
Too busy chip, chip, chipping away at women's right to privacy over their own reproductive systems to give much (read: ANY) attention to JOBS.
Where are those jobs they promised, anyway???
Oh No--Bachmann said herself today!: the most important thing is the debt and deficit.
code: Cut from the POOR!
But, that does not square with forcing women to give birth.....
WHY do they want more of a serf-class? What do they plan to do with all these unwanted babies?
All I can think, is some kind of sex-slave cult, or use them in cult ceremonies? Or make them soldiers in their world army of conquest?
Whatever it is, it is no good.
This cult is deranged.
Which is a paradox in itself because the Ryan budget calls for substantial cuts in early childhood education (Head Start), medicaid (for poor mothers), and take away avenues to get low-cost pre-natal care. So that tells me that they care about a child UNTIL he/she are born.
Wow, pathetic, isn't it?
I never quite understand though, the whole 'a woman's right' idea - whether or not to KILL A BABY? Where does that come from?! The choice is made when you have sex, isn't it? But I know it seems a little unclear because pregnancy isn't guaranteed. Still, a man is required to support a baby he didn't want but a woman can actually kill one?
Doesn't really matter. You should worry about how you run your own life, that's it.
And any party that spends this much time and effort to chain women to the floor, is dangerous as well as stupid.
Speaking of stupid and dangerous, if you could see beyond your extreme hatred of Republicans, you would see that it is not about restricting the rights of women, rather it is about saving a child. How terrible of them.
I agree they are going about it the wrong way. Leave Roe v. Wade alone and try to change the mindset about abortion. Educated and informed freedom of choice is the best venue.
Those that are all over Republicans in the house for not fixing the economy and reducing unemployment, conveniently forget that the Senate and the White House are controlled by the Democrats. That until this year the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress as well as the White House and despite their wonderfulness, they did nothing but dig a deeper hole.
So how about reducing the venom and vitriol, and postulate some serious, thoughtful, bipartisan solutions? Yeah I know, it's too much to ask.
"So how about reducing the venom and vitriol, and postulate some serious, thoughtful, bipartisan solutions?"
Umm, Obama has been trying to do that for 3 years. Maybe this time, your guys will give it a chance, instead of obstructing every little thing--instead of demanding that everything be your way or the highway...but I'm not holding my breath.
Enuff trying--you people don't want to play? Then sit on the sidelines and be ignored.
Don't you kill a baby slowly by not funding programs that fight child poverty and hunger? We always forget that we have over 24 million children living in poverty in America, over 3 million of those are under 5. We also have 17 million children living in food insecure environments. That is where they are not in an environment where they can expect to eat on a daily basis. This is not a personal responsibility issue. Many people get abortions because they simply can't aford to keep the child
Also with cuts to headstart and other early childhood education programs will only further the plight of these kids. Call me a liberal if you want, but if you are not willing to give a child an equality of opportunity to succeed in this country, then what does it matter if kids are aborted?
"In Four Months, Republicans Introduced 916 Bills Against Women’s Right To Choose"
---what is the opposite of choice? Force.
"Morality is not relative, whether a doctor does it or an individual. And it can, and should, be legislated."
--morality IS my private life! You live by yours, you have no business in mine.
Rights versus Morality = Rights Win. Morality cannot nor should it be forced upon people/individuals. The "Right to Life" has been completely skewed by the religious majority and those who have a religious belief, should check their religious beliefs at the door, when it comes to dealing with other people. Meaning, keep your beliefs in your life and out of other people's life. It isn't your place to dictate "how" other people are to live their life.
If you want morality to win out in the end, then fund the education of people, instead of attempting to force them to conform.
"It isn't your place to dictate "how" other people are to live their life."
ESPECIALLY in such a personal matter as this!!!
916 bills introduced related to abortion.
The last poll I read said that less than 1% of Americans consider abortion a top priority for legislators.
Americans voted these yahoos in because our economy is in the toilet and people have suffered enough. We NEED jobs.
So instead of focusing on what they promised, they are busy pushing their religious agenda.
It's like excluding every other major issue we face and ONLY focusing on gay marriage.
This is not what the electorate wants Congress to be focusing on.
Get with the program.
Or get voted out next time.
It's really very simple.
Meanwhile, America is having a very rude awakening as to WHAT they've done. Buyer's remorse for those who were bamboozled.
"I hate to say it, but we tried to warn you!" from the rest of us.
And not for anything, but how in the world is having more children going to reduce poverty or the deficit, create more jobs or solve our international woes? Does not compute.
They have no idea how much they have angered the American people. And this is REAL outrage, not the fake outrage of the paid-for Tea-bags.
Get Rid of Paul Ryan Facebook page http://goo.gl/MCCBx
"It's not that Paul Ryan doesn't want Medicare and Government to work,
it's that Paul Ryan want's Medicare and Government to work for big business."
So you don't want women chained to the floor or forced to give birth. I'm wondering if you are equally interested in the rights of all those unborn females who are ripped limb from limb in the almighty name of "choice"?
My guess is "no"....
"ripped limb from limb" it could just manage emotive if it wasn't ridiculous.
Research what happens during an abortion and then we can have an intelligent discussion on the subject....
As soon as you agree to end all war.
End the use of depleted uranium..ooops, that's already outlawed!
End the use of white phosphorous...ooops...also against the law to use on civilians, but WE DO!!
And here we have a legal procedure that has 916 bills against it......
Yet wars carry on as if no one ever dies, has their rimbs blown off,their skin burned, their mom and dad killed, their child killed, their family blown to smithereens.
Just what is it about abortion that makes it any more wrong to you than war?
Intelligent discussion in this kind of thread - I don't think so.
Why do these unborn people's rights become less important to you once they are born, I wonder.
That's nothing...they have a church here that used to put dead fetuses in jars as you walked through the door....morbid cult.
My favorite question on this matter came from a populist talk-show host, Gerry Williams.
He said:
"If you walked into a burning building, and there was a woman,and a fetus in a tube, and you could only save one...which would it be?"
This argument will never end.
The solution is simple. Pass laws making it mandatory that all right to lifers must adopt or at least pay child support for at least 1 child that is not theirs, with severe penalties for noncompliance.
That should satisfy both sides.
Not me--they're still forcing me to do something against my will.
Something that is none of their business.
Well, that certainly still allows the irresponsible to have their way, doesn't it....
Pregnancy isn't a punishment, it is a natural consequence of risky behavior.
If you are going to spread your legs, you should be willing to step up and take responsibility if the fun you engage in happens to create a life.....
No, that's treating it like a punishment.
And what about women who have been raped? Should they be punished for something they didn't choose too?
Abortion has always been legal in the case of rape, and would continue to be legal in this case even if Roe were outlawed tomorrow.....it's a straw man argument.
So you are saying that men and women should not feel any great need to take responsibility for their sexual activity?
Oh, so you're okay with killing a life if it's created by a rape? Why are people's lives worth less if they were conceived via rape?
Either you believe a fetus is sacred and abortion is murder, in which case making an exception for rape implies that a life created from rape is somehow less valuable, or you believe that women who have been raped should be forced to give birth. Choose.
I never said that. I personally believe that a child cannot help who his father was, and two wrongs do not make a right.
I was pointing out that abortion/rape scenarios had always been legal and would most likely remain so.
Try again.....
So you do believe in forcing women who have been raped to give birth, after nine months of trauma.
I see.
I never said that either. I believe it is wrong, but I also know what has historically been allowed legally.
You can try to put words in my mouth all day long, and you will continue to fail....
I've already told you you have two choices. You cannot reject them both if you wish to maintain a standpoint. Unfortunately transplanting the fetus into the body of a willing woman isn't actually possible, so either the woman gives birth or she does not. Which do you think should happen?
Every child deserves life. Apparently that offends you. And I couldn't care less....
So it is what I said. Force women to go through nine months of body and life-altering trauma and then give birth.
As I said before: I see.
Memo to dingdontington: nobody is saying rape victims should be forced to carry a baby to term. My personal feelings on the subject aside, abortion in the case of rape has always been legal, and nobody in the mainline pro-life camp is trying to change that.....
Oh right. So people in the mainline pro-life camp think it's okay to murder people conceived via rape, then?
If I stab both Fred and Billy, it's good to know that my stabbing Billy won't be a problem since his father raped his mother. Only Fred is worth protecting.
Memo to richie...it aint the "mainline" who is in charge of the camp!
This is exactly what my dad told my mom (okay, not EXACTLY) when they were discussing abortion. They did take in children whose mothers didn't want them.
I think abortion is wrong but I certainly see that many babies would have been better off dead or never born.
"If you are going to spread your legs, you should be willing to step up and take responsibility if the fun you engage in happens to create a life....."
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the crux of the issue.
So-you should agree with my solution then.
Vasectomize all males. When they want to "put it in",and responsibly make a baby, they can have it reversed.
No more unplanned for babies.
I'm fine with aiming my arguments at men. Bottom line, if you're gonna screw around, you know what might happen. Both parties should "man up" and take responsibility for it....
Then instead of forcing women to give birth, let's make a law forcing boys to have vasectomies.
In fact, that is much MORE responsible....since it prevents the pregnancy from even happening!
Forced vasectomy, instead of forced birth....that really does make more sense.
So you're fine with forcing someone to do something, just so long as it is the person or gender that YOU want something forced upon?
Unfortunately, LMC, woman have been designated by God or Mother Nature to be the bearer of children. A baby should never be viewed as a punishment. But if you are going to engage in behavior that may result in a baby, you should be responsible enough to step up and take care of that baby.
What is it about the word "responsibility" that liberals are so allergic to?
Let's say a woman who is extremely poor and struggling along on a minimum wage job that only barely covers her rent becomes pregnant. You are advocating she keep her baby, naturally lose her job along the line, and finance a pregnancy (they are expensive) and then raise a child (even more expensive)?
Sounds like you don't care about the woman OR the child, because they would both starve, possibly to death.
I know women who have done it......just because something is hard doesn't mean you take the easy way out.
You ignored me.
Would you agree to force boys to have vasectomies rather than force girls to give birth against their will?
Vasectomies are a much simpler, easier procedure, it can be reversed, and it would spare a lot of pain and suffering on the girl's part...having had 3 deliveries, believe me, it is pain and suffering.
If it truly is abortion you want to prevent, this makes infinitely more sense!!
No, I am not going to line my ten year old son up for a vasectomy to make sure he doesn't make a mistake when he's older. Instead, I'm about educating him as to why things work the way they do, as well as the possible results.
I'm also raising him and my daughters to take responsibility for their actions.
Apparently that offends our liberal friends....
No, what offends me is you unwillingness to put your money where your mouth is when it's suddenly YOU that is affected!
The argument that a fetus/baby or whatever you want to call it, actually has a choice in being born.
STOP and THINK- Did YOU have a choice in being born? If not, then don't argue that others have a choice.
Well has EVERY Conservative adopted an unwanted child yet? Republicans are heeding the cry :"we've lost control of those darn women"
Hmmmm, I've thought so too!!!
Especially when the "should have kept your legs closed" comes into it....
Oh but those guys don't want women to keep the legs closed, oh my, no, no. 'Boys must have fun' A lot of those guys also don't care to stick around to raise kids, blaming women because, you see, men have Not learned about birth control for themselves 'that's a woman's job' you know. Some men also don't care to pay child support, so do Conservatives give us answers for Those social problems, or do they just point fingers at women in general?
It isn't a matter of conservatives adopting unwanted children, it is a matter of our society rediscovering the concept of "responsibility".....
YES! Exactly, now Teach some MEN about responsibility of sticking around once they had their fun? HMMMMMMMMMMM?
I'm all in favor of holding a man's feet to the fire on this issue. But at the same time, you are perfectly willing to throw the man's rights as the father out the window if the woman chooses to abort......
The "responsibility" you're arguing about is nothing but distortion. The woman's responsibility is to self, so as to provide for her own future and if the pregnancy is going to damage or put that future in jeopardy, then it is her RIGHT to do what she can to ensure that HER future is how she wants it.
Good point. I told MY sons to post This above any bed Before they get in that bed with a woman: "Hell hath no fury" I told them to Read it Before proceeding. :0)
And when you engage in actions that create a life, you have responsibility to that life. Sorry for the biology lesson, but Mother Nature deemed women to be the baby carriers.....
And some Men have just pointed fingers. NOT a biology lesson but a lesson on Men and responsibility. I can tell you the great lengths Some guys I KNEW went to to Avoid child support. Preach this to guys!
Hey Billy,
Again, you have no ground to stand on. You lack understanding "rights" of the individual. But, I guess that's nothing new for you.
You engage in sex- yes there is a possibility a life could be the end result. Forcing your beliefs on others isn't the answer, yet you're too blind to see that. Know your place?
Sex between two people, should be responsible. And, accidents do happen? Those accidents shouldn't ruin the future of two people or more people. Which is something again, you FAIL in understanding.
It takes a special kind of callousness to consider a baby the "ruination" of someone's life.
All of us know people who ended up with unplanned pregnancies, and who also stepped up and did the right thing and took responsibility for that new life.
I realize the word responsibility is out of favor with the left, but hey.....
Again, you distort as per usual. It is a fact that some children after birth are more of a burden and literally destroys people's life. If you don't want to accept that, then it would be just a lack of knowledge on your part.
Good for you. However, everyone's situations/circumstance don't permit it or make it even possible, which again, you FAIL in understanding.
You refer to me as from the LEFT or RIGHT, then you need to get a life dude.
I am neither. I am all about advocating the RIGHTS of the individual who is already living their life. Again, being BORN is NOT a choice.
This whole health, future in jeopardy stuff is a load of crap. The vast majority of women are able to lead fully normal lives all the way through pregnancy. My ex wife worked right up until the day before she delivered all three of our kids.
Of course there are cases where pregnancy might pose problems, but they are an extremely small percentage....
You're too funny.
The whole crux of your argument falls apart as per usual.
The woman's life can be destroyed. The man's life can be destroyed. The child's life can be destroyed.
Therefore, you're blowing nothing but smoke.
I'm glad the thought of murdering babies is so amusing to you.
Sorry, but an unexpected pregnancy hardly is the destruction of one's life. It happens all the time to people who actually man up and take responsibility for their actions.
You'll forgive me if I have very little sympathy for somebody who takes the selfish irresponsible way out....
You've misunderstood as per usual. I find your above statement in bad taste. Simply because you think I am amused. How pathetic.
That's because they have the right to choice and see a path in which they can survive a livable life. Those who cannot, must have another option, which YOU are trying to take away from them.
That's your opinion, because you cannot see beyond yourself. But, that would be nothing new.
You'll forgive me if the thought of murdering a baby isn't as palatable for me as it obviously is for you.....
Billy, Billy, man, you need to learn your place in this world and what boundaries you simply have no place interfering in. Damn man.
There are no boundaries when it comes to the preservation of life.
Many women cannot work up until the day they give birth. Not everyone has a cushy office job.
My ex wife is a nurse, hardly a cushy office job......she's on her feet for most of her twelve hour shifts, and working with other expecting mothers is a very physical requirement.
Again, nice try....
Warning - uninformed about politics and usually like it that way because of the fury, unclearness, and corruption involved question:
I see that people saying abortion should be looked at as a woman's right to choose by liberals, right? As opposed to conservatives (and conservatives are considered religious usually)? But I thought liberals are the ones who want government involved in people's lives with lots of programs and funding. Do I have it backwards?
"I am all about advocating the RIGHTS of the individual who is already living their life."
Perfect and so simple. That is it in a nutshell. And anyone who is advocating anti-abortion is advocating against the rights of the individual to live their life as they see fit.
Which, is supposed to be their due as a citizen of the United States.
But the unborn child is not allowed to live out their life as they see fit.
Precedent for such has already been set many times over by court cases where unborn children are identified and treated as murder victims. Many courts recognize the humanity of the unborn.
Again, there is NO CHOICE in being born. What are you not understanding?
So none of us had the choice to be born, so it becomes perfectly acceptable to kill them......wow, what a brilliant argument....
Again, you fail to understand RIGHTS. Nothing new.
Um, dude? A right is different from a choice.
Your lack of understanding is appalling to say the least.
Rights are derived from CHOICE.
Um, dude, an unborn baby has no ability to choose its destiny. Neither does a three month old baby....so I assume you would condone the murder of a three month old baby if it became a hardship to the parents?
Condone it? Again, you are trying to distort what is said, so you can suit it to your needs.
A 3 month old baby is already born. Therefore you argument is just distortion
But it still cannot make choices on its own. Therefore, your argument still applies. Either follow your arguments through to their logical conclusion or get out of the way and let more rational, intelligent debate proceed....
It is NOT a right of an individual to infringe upon the individual rights of another. Those who are advocating the stripping of a woman's right to life and right to choose, are infringing upon the her rights.
Pregnancy is an automatic 'infringement' on a woman's rights, just because the US and other countries decreed it unfair doesn't change nature. Aren't the people arguing this way the same ones who claim nature should decide a person's sex? That it's natural to be homosexual and therefore you can't say it's wrong?
Instead of screaming (yes, people here are screaming in fury, you can tell by word choice) about how nature works and you don't like it, wouldn't it be better to argue about the baby's right to a decent life which won't happen when they're unwanted and unfed?
Actually, this argument hold no weight. Pregnancy isn't an automatic "infringement" on a woman's right.
Nature doesn't determine a person's sex. Genetics determines a person's sex. Being homosexual is a choice.
I understand where you're coming from with this statement. That is why I advocate for woman's rights and suggest that education is better than abortion, but abortion is just an option. It all remain a choice.
Something else, it used to be common to hear of people wanting babies and they couldn't have them. People spend so much on fertility drugs to have kids - aren't these people adopting?! Where are they? Or has the situation changed that drastically in the past generation?
by Jackie Lynnley 5 years ago
I read this was true and I just have to know if it is, please! Please provide links to prove what you say. Surely we are not going to be aborting babies ready to come into the world fully developed and healthy?
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NEVER, EVER understand about a woman's unmitigated right to choose & control her reproductive destiny?
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