Who is listening when Santorum speaks? Are they wearing earplugs or are they just plain stupid?
You mean that you don't believe that sex is meant solely for the purpose of procreation?
Or that women should practice birth control by holding an aspirin between their knees?
Those who elected him to office previously. And perhaps someone related to him. Probably not his wife, though!
Those that elected him to office previously, also voted him out by a 20% margin.
It is like common sense has gone out the window, and the more outlandish a candidates statements are, the more attention and followers he gets.
All I know, the guy is giving sweater vests a bad image. Hey, did you see that dude wearing a Santorum?
Vote SANTORUM/PALIN 2012 The Dream Ticket!!!
Oh C'on, I just over the pain in my chest from laughing at the McCain/Palin duo!
Well, I wasn't wearing ear plugs when I heard him a couple of days ago. I couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. Better hope he wins the Republican primary if you want Obama to win the election.
The republicans have got any decent to beat out Obama. They want to turn back this country into the 80's for ****sake.
The ignoscenti are listening to Santorum.
Just plain stupid, throwbacks from the dark ages.
I love listening to Santorum speak! Every time he opens his mouth he convinces me that we need more mental health workers in this country! The man is a lunatic!
Everyone knows he can't win.
Everyone knows he won't win.
Why do you always change the subject to Ron Paul?
Ron Paul beats Obama:
http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/T … ad-to-head
"Well, we hate to be the bearer of cold water, but we’ve got a couple of comments to make on this.
First, one poll does not a white-haired Texas libertarian president make. As we said, this is the only head-to-head matchup to this point that shows Paul beating Obama. The RealClearPolitics rolling average of such polls still has Paul behind by a little over seven points.
Plus it’s, you know, hypothetical. Paul is not actually running against Obama at the moment. And the polls that have to do with him getting to that point aren’t so positive at the moment."
Do you read your own links?
Nice try! You sound just like the lame-stream media.
Ron Paul beat Obama in this match up.
Deal with it.
He's the polar opposite of your man Ron Paul.
Tricky Ricky was with us here in PA gregas...I have already said on other blogs and forums things similar to what you have stated good luck Washington if he gets in ...I pray...chant...and rant and believe he will never hold a leadership position for long...hope does spring eternal for some of us
He scares me because he actually believes what he says.
Santorum is an idiot. He continues to bring back the old style of politics where your religious views played a big part but he's too late for that. unfortunately he just doesn't understand politics as a whole and covers up for it by spewing religious mania during debates.
He isn't smart enough to realize you can't play the religious ticket these days. There is too much of a variety of religions in this country these days.
I certainly am not listening, There are so many of his type in our government it is sad.
I would kind of like to know what happened to the debates about the economy and the war. It's a lot like he knows nothing about those and just wants to talk about what he really wants to control. That being the people and their rights and freedoms. My opinion, Greg
He was just the flavor of the month. With the losses in Michigan and Arizona today, Santorum will be forgotten within a couple weeks.
Over here in the UK, Santorum is big news. We are all just sitting here speechless and open-mouthed. I do hope he wins the GOP nomination as then Mr Obama is guaranteed to be re-elected.
I don't think any of the leading Republican candidates at the moment can beat Obama, unless Obama really really screws up.
I hope those leading Republican candidates keep imitating Larry, Curly, and Moe and they find somebody else.
Tom Ridge is a name that comes to mind.
He's not so bad....that is if we all lived in the 1800's.....
I think Santorum should win.
The more exposure believers like him have, the more they are "exposed" and the less chance their religious beliefs have in being part of our world.
It's all good.
Ayatollah or Santorum?
http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2 … _old_party
Santorum = theocracy. He is the most dangerous of all the weak Republican candidates.
Romney and his people know he's had the nomination from the beginning. My theory is that a whole three ring circus of candidates were placed around him and systematically knocked down in an attempt to make him look as appealing as possible instead of just mediocre. I was waiting for Gingrich to get the beat down next, but I called it wrong. I guess they're saving the most hilarious one for last.
Just watch Romney at any of the debates. When anyone else is talking, he stands there with a stupid grin on his face, almost like he is confidant he has this in the bag. But that grin makes him look so stupid. I don't think anyone else notices it but me. Maybe it is because I don't trust him either. But hey, I don't trust any politician. My opinion, Greg
Maybe it's like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders or whatever. They are trained to smile at all times. He probably needs someone to coach him up on that.... or is it coach him down?
That's the hallmark dumb grin of carefree confidence. Either way he still looks better on camera than any of the others and is more charismatic and eloquent as well.
True, and he also has about 50 IQ points on a couple of them.
LOL. You are not the only one who notices.
I personally like it when he breaks into song.
It is a lovely counterpoint to the smarmy grin.
It does not matter.
I am not concerned about the grin. I am only concerned if he is going to get the job done. Hopefully he will still have that grin after he defeats Obama for the presidency.
So he will have everything in the bag and his grin was not silly or in vain.
It's sad to know that our one great nation is slowing declining to the point where we begin to accept just about anybody to lead us. The fact that so many people have been rallying around Santorum, is telling us that most of us don't really care about the future of this country! With so many smart, honest, and intelligent people, in this country -- why Rick?
Because for the most part, people don't listen. They accept everything at face value, Like you said "it is sad"
Better than Obama and he is just bad news. Maybe if we had someone with promise run.
Enlightened me please, on which ground is he better? It would be great if you could share some of his accomplishment with me, or at least his philosophy, plans to help struggling Americans etc !
How about if we had some who cared about the American way and the American majority? I guess that would be hoping for too much. Greg
The thing is the "election strategy" is to give the voter hope, tell us what we want to hear, make promise that they can't possibly keep because the power money people are the one pulling the strings. Most people don't really want to believe this....they vote, someone wins and then we are totally forgotten and push aside.
Even when we vote it doesn't make any difference. The electoral college has the last say in the matter, and they are the ones having their strings pulled by the money people. My opinion, Greg
Oh I'm so glad someone else realises this; most Americans are completely unaware of how a representational democracy even works, because they're never taught and are too lazy to find out themselves. Even college educated nitwits will argue on and on about how THEIR vote matters in choosing the president. Keeping people stupid keeps the powerful in power.
And as for mackyi's comment - you're talking about a welfare state. Do what I'm planning on doing and move to one of the Scandinavian countries. Or Germany, they're doing a way better job than this joke of a system.
In a nutshell, this is all we need Gregas -- Government for the the majority of people, not a government for a chosen few!
Yeah, you are so right.....if the mouth moving....they are either lying or saying nothing.
Santorum is a niche player all the way. He is speaking "to the choir." He is speaking to people who believe in the Bible. He is speaking to people who believe abortion is murder. He knows he's not going to win but what he is doing, in a cynical way, is getting his name out there so he can cash in on speaking engagements. I'm not sure what the Republicans can do to stop a man like this from taking over their message because I have to believe there are many Republican insiders who are dismayed that Santorum has had so much time at the microphone.
You mean, when you read Kennedy's speech about the separation of church and state, you don't throw up? Come on you can plainly see that JFK is suggesting that only people of no faith should be allowed to speak in the public square. I bet you thought he was trying to quell fears that he would let his Catholic Faith dictate policy to Protestants.
You are probably brainwashed by a false theology that believes conservation of the creation is a worthwhile cause. Didn't you know that God put man here to use the earth’s resources with reckless abandon to fuel a futile lifestyle? Pollution in your drinking water is no big deal. God will bless you for drinking it.
How is listening to Obama speak any better?
I think Santorum is a good man. I would rather listen to him than ANY Democrat any day. He is a soldier of the Catholic Right. Too bad the Catholic Left has joined the ranks of the anti American Left in general.
@ Peelander Gally. Amen! Running this country as if it was a Socialist nation is just plain ridiculous. Other countries in Europe may have a better system in place and be well established but believe me when I tell you that those countries are hanging on too. Why do you think taxes are SO high in England? Because someone has to pay for all those people to stay on welfare and receive a poor quality of health care. Yeah! I can't wait to see what happens when someone is told they have to go on a waiting list to have the cancer removed from their body but don't hold your breath as it could be up to a 6 month wait. Yeah! Roll on Socialism. That's exactly what this country needs. I mean the Socialist countries may have been doing well for the most part but that sure as hell isn't happening now. You can't keep giving things away. Eventually, the money runs out. More government and more government control can not and will not be the saving grace of this great nation. Santorum is way too right even for my pallet but quite frankly neither side has any great options. One is way too left and the other way too right.
Btw, I am from England, enjoyed all the perks there were to be had including free college, rent paid and given money to live on but don't hate me. I was brought up a Socialist lefty and it wasn't until I came to this great country that I woke up and smelt the coffee and thought, "Holy crap! The opportunities are just fantastic over here!" Some Americans just don't know how great they really have it. You couldn't pay me to move back to England, not unless I was independently wealthy and could keep my wealth in an off shore account where the money grabbing Socialist government couldn't get their hands on it. But what do I know? I've only had the opportunity of seeing both sides as well as living in both countries.
Well half of my family lives in England, so believe me, I know what you're talking about.
If you ask me, paying high taxes and probably being put on a waiting list to have your cancer treated is better than having vampire insurance and pharmaceutical companies and fancy top-notch facilities suck hundreds of thousands of dollars you don't have out of you, leaving your family penniless, to keep you alive for however much longer you can afford, or maybe even save you. If you're rich enough to afford cancer treatment, you can simply go somewhere else if the system where you live isn't working for you. Cancer is a whole new can of worms that could spawn days of healthcare debate.
The difference is that the point of everything in America is just to make as much money as possible, and cancer patients are worth a lot more sick and eventually dead than they are alive. Having to pay for college because the government flippantly decides you're not quite poor enough isn't exactly a picnic, either. I paid for half of mine myself and had to borrow the rest of the money; it'll take longer than my degrees took to complete to pay it off, and I went to the cheapest school possible. My loans only paid for tuition, and sometimes didn't even cover that because it keeps going up.
You think America is so amazing because you didn't grow up poor here.
Half of my mom's gross income went to taxes and health insurance when I was growing up, and I was one of the only kids I ever knew who had health insurance and actually went to the doctor and dentist, and one of the only early 20 somethings I know who has it today and who now will until 26 thanks to Obama. Even with good health insurance care is too expensive for me. There are a few times I really should have gone to the emergency room for fairly severe allergic reactions but couldn't afford the $150 copay and 5-12 hour wait.
The grass is always greener.
And anyway, I never suggested anyone move to the UK. Denmark's income tax rates are outrageous, but while they are still high in Norway and Sweden, both of those countries are consistently and statistically the best places in the world to live. They have the highest ratios of income equality, basically pay YOU to go to college, are extremely clean, safe and efficient with technologically advanced infrastructure and public transit, and are then understandably home to the happiest people in the world. I would rather fork over half of my income to taxes that pay for state of the art suspension bridges and that pay for people like my mother to actually be able to retire (which won't happen here until I can make enough to help support her, yay USA!) than see it pissed away on an out of control self defense budget that represents a dying dinosaur's final senile attempt to demonstrate the last days of its hegemonic dominance over the planet, among other equally disappointing nonsense.
If I had it, I would be more than happy and willing to give to everyone who is less fortunate than myself -- it doesn't matter of color, class or creed. It's because I genuinely care about all human beings. Some people have tried so hard to make life easy for themselves and family, but keep on failing time after time. Some, I must admit, never tried -- these are the people you can label lazy and shouldn't be giving too much to. But what about the vast majority who want to work or have already paid they dues to this country? and what about those who have become ill and can no longer work? These people shouldn't be denied of a half-way decent life. When we die, we take nothing with us, so if we can help a falling brother or sister for love sake why not just do it. I give away so much, and the fact is, I don't really have much, but I am contended, because i have a roof over my head and I can also provide a meal or two.
It's so sad to see how the old, veterans, children and especially the "Mentally Ill" people are treated in this country. There are some of these people who depend on medications just to stay alive -- but who cares, only a few. For all those people who have never gone to bed hungry or have never been in a situation where they have been experiencing excruciating pain but just can't go to the doctor, you are all missing the point. Nobody likes to be burdened with tax, but as long as it is going towards a good cause I am willing to play my part!
Far too many people in America can't afford the medications they need to function or even survive. I'll use my own mother as an example for that, too. It's always a choice between medication and like two weeks' worth of food. Most of the world assumes we're all rich, and we are compared to kids digging for copper wiring in landfills in the Philippines, for example, but the cost of living continues to increase on all fronts while the average wage has actually *decreased* since I was born. Oh, maybe we if have freedom of speech and consumer electronics and other great things that improve our quality of life no one will notice that the omnipresent corporate oligarchs are ass raping us every day before breakfast! The lower and upper middle classes represent two completely different lifestyles in America and the chasm between them grows wider every week.
Peelander Gally: First, (before I bore you with my epic novel that was supposed to be a quick response, LOL) let me just say that I didn't grow up here but I do have an American family, quite a big one actually and they are not rich. They are working class and some may even be referred to a good old country boys but I love them to bits no matter what. They call me and my husband "the city folk" and we all have a really good laugh about it. Although I was brought up in England and for the most part was classed as working class or just plain poor I remember the days my mum and I went without. My mum worked three jobs and went back to school when I was 10. We moved all over and I remember the utilities being turned off a couple of times. I remember putting some items back at the grocery store too when I didn't have enough to pay. That was life at the time.
When I moved to the States with my husband our first tax return for one year's wage was just under $12,000. If memory serves me correctly the military didn't include his $450 a month on top of that towards housing and food, so that adds another $5,400 per year. After tax my husband used to clear approximately $850 a month for rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, groceries, gas, etc. etc. Now I may not live that way anymore but we made individual choices to improve our lifestyle.
When I made the statement that I loved this country it is because for ME it was the start of a whole new life. I have attained more opportunity here than I ever would have back home and I almost moved back there at one point. Good sense took over though. I have worked my butt off and eventually got to drive nice sports cars and get my lovely house and own my own business for a few years. I didn't marry into money. I made my own and did it for a time as a single parent. Some may say, "Whoopee doo doo!" I got to live the American Dream. I think that it is different for those who come over here from other countries. We see things a little more differently.
We actually agree on healthcare to a degree. I have had times when we did not have insurance and I take medications that are approximately $400 a month and they are generic (not brand name) and there were times that I had to research online for programs that helped with my meds until we got insurance again. There were some months when we just had to bite the bullet and pay full price too.
Please don't think I am heartless. I totally agree that the health care system needs some major revamping. The insurance companies need to be sorted out as well as the pharmaceutical companies. I just believe that the government shouldn't have a right to tell me what to do with all my hard earned money. I also think that the healthcare reform should be very carefully studied as I don't want people getting all excited about it and then when they are told they can't get the treatment not due to unpaid dues but due to the fact there is a waiting list, there will be some majorly pissed off people. Unfortunately, you can't appease everybody all of the time.
My Uncle back in England had a serious injury to his leg and had pins and a frame from his hip to toe. Two of the pins slipped or moved and he was in agony and was very likely going to be crippled for life. After months of waiting on a list to get surgery and actually being bumped back a couple of times his specialist told him when he would be on duty in the ER at the hospital and told him to come into the ER and make so much noise and fuss they would be forced to perform the surgery. Emergency surgery costs the tax payers way more than regular surgery but after 6 months of waiting he'd had enough. He now has a limp but he got his surgery.
Unfortunately, there is a chasm in the middle classes and it is becoming more and more noticeable. When we had to close our business last year due to the economy and lost all of our savings it was my working class upbringing that helped get us through it. I lost my business, drive a 12 year old SUV and currently trying to do freelance work whenever possible until a stable job comes along. I still have my lovely home and my kids and husband. I can't afford to put my eldest through 4 years of college anymore but did manage to save something in a 529 Plan and helped him apply for Aid and/or loans to go to school. We now live on one wage and go from payday to payday but we are not unhappy. I'm a survivor. LOL! It sounds like you and your mom are also! My heart and prayers do go out to you and your mom and I can assure that I sincerely mean that. I'm not a Bible basher whatsoever, but I have faith so will include you and your mom tonight in my prayers. I do feel your pain and completely understand what you are going through.
It's difficult to put into words on a hub what you truly mean sometimes and things can always be misinterpreted. I am only sharing with you because I don't want you to think I am some rich kid with an attitude that was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I wanted you to know a little about my background. I don't think either side is ever going to make it all alright for us and that is the saddest fact of all. I'm afraid putting your trust in any man is futile. They are imperfect just like the rest of us. However, I do wish you and your family all the best and I appreciate your return comments very much. I believe that's how we grow as people, by looking at other's experiences and life situations and sometimes trying not to be so judgemental. JF
Oh man, I just came back to check this, that might be the longest reply ever.
I wasn't offended by anything you said, first of all, and I don't deny that America does have more available opportunity than most places, but usually not unless you have money to begin with. I know what it's like to be homeless, to have to gut the house I grew up in before walking away from it, to be hungry and to have to depend on the kindness of others while choking on what pride I've had left. The problem I have with this system, though, is based in principle: the callousness of building a society based on profiteering and exploiting the weaknesses of others strikes me as pitifully sub-sapien, and I wish that humanity could do better. Actually, I believe that humanity has done better, in the form of the social democracies of Scandinavia I mentioned previously, and every statistic agrees with me.
And screaming in the ER is the rule of thumb everywhere, haha. Everyone knows to make a scene if you want to be seen, at the hospital and elsewhere. If you start swearing at an automated phone system it'll usually direct you to a human automatically. Expedites the process.
You are so right. I need to start writing hubs instead. Lol.
I never listen to people who represent an old cliche of the U.S.! I am originated from a generation that was economically sacrificed to the benefit of capitalism, I learned my lesson.
None of the Republican candidates aspire to independence besides Ron Paul! He was the only one who awakened in me rebellion. Had he been independent, I would have voted for him. The fact that he considers the government as enemy of competition bothers me too. The government is the best tool for competition in the way that it will drag the prices down, and that, is at our benefit!
I never will lower myself to hear a word from his mouth!
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