will the black church vote romney?

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  1. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago

    My people don't play.  And you don't want to mess with Black Christians. If you make them angry, they gonna hurt you. They gonna send you to God in some instances.  The fact that they may hurt or destroy themselves in the process does not matter.  The Black Church put George Bush in the White House because of some kind of Gay issue had come up before that election.  They shot themselve in the foot while hitting gay people over the head with their bibles.

    Are we going to see a re-run of what happened in that election.  This time; will my fellow Blacks give this election to Rommey to teach President Obama a lesson for agreeing Gays have a right to Marry?  Will they kill themselve and the rest of us by derailing the Obama re-election campaign?  I'm hoping they will remember the hell those eight years put working fathers and mothers through. I hoping they didn't forget how he lied to us. I hope my religious Brothers and Sisters remember how many soldiers are dead for nothing. 

    President Obama is still against Gay Marriage.  He is still a good Christian.  But, he is the President of the entire Country.  Gay people are in this Country and they deserve some kind of rights and protection. My sweet people!  I beg you to have a sane discussion with the rest of us this time, and don't show your anger by throwing the President, and the rest of your People, and your entire Country under the bus again.

    1. Repairguy47 profile image62
      Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think you have anything to worry about. The majority of Blacks will vote for Obama for the same reason they did last time, because he is black!

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Really? Voting based on color? or Race?

        Oh good. roll I guess America really hasn't moved forward, but what else is new.

        1. Repairguy47 profile image62
          Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, really!

          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Like you would know what is on the minds of a person who is not you. Good for you, it must be nice having extraordinary human powers. roll

            1. Repairguy47 profile image62
              Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              You really think it takes super powers? Sad!

      2. Friendlyword profile image61
        Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yea yea...Clinton, Obama, Blacks only vote for Black people.  It's that intelligence level thing...Like monkeys chasing after a shiny thing...right?

        1. Repairguy47 profile image62
          Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Its funny you should mention Clinton, I remember him being referred to as the first black president. Tell me, why did so many blacks vote for Obama? You said it yourself, they tend to be Christian and strong Christians at that. He doesn't really seem to uphold their values.

          1. Friendlyword profile image61
            Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Blacks just like most intelligent beings vote in their best interest.  Bush/Cheney lies and actions almost destroyed this Country.  They got away with murder and billions of dollars of the tax payers money.
            Today; our choice again is between a man that has proved he has the Countrys' interest at heart, Or, we can choose to put another corporate raider type of administration back in the white house.

            note:People who repeatedly do harmful things to themselves are mentally ill.
            What person in their right mind would vote to put a Republican in office again:Rich people that want to continue to rape and rob this Country and crazy, stupid poor people that think their bad choice is going to have a good outcome this time.

            1. Repairguy47 profile image62
              Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Well, you sure responded with real substance, more of the party line. I will be glad when we kick the dems to the curb...again

              1. Friendlyword profile image61
                Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                "I will be glad when we kick the dems to the curb...again"

                You don't have the billions or the crazy stupid people needed to beat Obama in this election.
                Maybe next time, people may not remember what Republicans did to this Country.

                1. Repairguy47 profile image62
                  Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Its not always about the Presidency, as a matter of fact the presidency isn't really needed. Your emotional outbursts and those of your cohorts all across this nation is the reason we will win.

                  1. Friendlyword profile image61
                    Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    MY EMOTIONAL OUTBURST!
                    People please stay on topic.

              2. Friendlyword profile image61
                Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                LillyGrillzit wrote regarding the do nothing republicans in Congress:

                "They have taken into obscurity the ideal that Representatives & Congress is an elected body who serve the interest of THE PEOPLE, they only represent billionaires. Those who are no majority, but unfortunately have enough money to purchase souls wholesale"....

                Some Republican people are wicked, and rich, and greedy, and selfish people.
                They can buy stupid, crazy, poor, greedy, selfish people.

                The Republican agenda is to destroy middle class working people and the poor by destroying our Nations infrastructure and institutions(especially Public Education and Unions)
                They also want to keep us occupied enough  with wars and attacks on each other so we wont notice they are raping and destroying our Country

                1. Repairguy47 profile image62
                  Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, more of the emotional stuff I'm talking about.

                  1. Friendlyword profile image61
                    Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    just another Republican tactic to change the subject and avoid the issue.

                    Address the comments Sir!

      3. Ralph Deeds profile image67
        Ralph Deedsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        And because his policies benefit them much more than Romney's social Darwinist approach--deregulate business and pay for tax cuts for the rich out of budget cuts for schools, health care, Social Security, etc.

    2. profile image0
      Sophia Angeliqueposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Um, I thought Vengeance belonged to the Lord... smile

      1. Friendlyword profile image61
        Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That is a good thought...

    3. Billjordan profile image57
      Billjordanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      are you really serious asking black Christians to vote for Obama it's not gonna happen we are going to pray for him he must recant.

      1. Friendlyword profile image61
        Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I begging you Brother BillJordan, be a Christian first, last, and forever! But! Second, be a Brother to your fellow man, women, and children.  Show concern for your Country and THIS world this time. I was told by a Black Christian, that he voted for Bush for President because he though Bush was the Anti-Christ that would destroy the world. Please Brother, leave it to God this time and do the right thing for your family and the world.

    4. ib radmasters profile image60
      ib radmastersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So does this mean that all blacks think as a group, or do they have individual and independent wills?

      White people voted for Obama, so why can't blacks vote for Romney?

  2. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago

    If there are any Black Christians on Hubpages; I hope you will consider the two candidates for President carefully. 
    Actually, everybody should look at who these two men are, and which one will you want as leader for our Country.

    http://ed.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/1 … -teachings

    http://praise1027detroit.com/28485/did- … -marriage/

    1. Friendlyword profile image61
      Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's great to hear that most Black Christians will vote for President Obama. What will the 43% of Black Christians that don't vote for Obama do?

      http://praise1027detroit.com/28485/did- … -marriage/

      1. profile image0
        Brenda Durhamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        What will they do?
        Eh...show some common sense and moral sense, hopefully!  LOL

        By the way, enough of the carp statements you made like "my people" and "you don't want to mess with Black Christians", etc..   The "my people" concept wasn't right when Eric Holder said it, and it isn't right when you or anyone else says it.  Your "people" should be Americans if you're an American.  I'm pretty tired of people dividing America along racial lines.  If we're gonna go there, we might as well re-enact the Civil War, except it would be a totally twisted mess instigated by the liberal agenda.   And that's the carp Obama's camp keeps pushing people toward.
        Seriously.  I don't care whether you're black or white or what, but you can keep your racial insinuations and judgements and aggressive remarks to yourself instead of posting them for public view.  Heck, just watching the videos of him condoning baby-killing and the legalization of sodomy would be enough.  But hey, why stop there?  He's made himself out to be the poster child for all kinds of unChristian unAmerican things.

        And no, Obama isn't against gay marriage.  And no, he's not a good Christian, still or otherwise.   If you'd like to get to know (your) President better, go do some research into the subject of Larry Sinclair, plus the choir director at "Rev" Wright's church plus Senator Obama, plus the other gay people in Chicago in that area who were killed before Obama's election.

        1. janesix profile image61
          janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this



        2. Friendlyword profile image61
          Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Black People are Strong Christians, as if our lives depended on it...because for a very long hard time our lives did depend on it.  We love GOD for our very lives because of our history.  There's no argument there.

          Obama does not want to marry a Gay Man! He's now tolerant of the fact that Gays should be allowed to marry each other.

          President Obama was a Chicago Politian...So What!  That automatically means he kidnapped the Lindburgh Baby?

          He is now the leader of our Nation and he works to make this Country better.  I don't want to give this Country to another Republican Corporate Raider so he can rape and rob this Country again.  We need alot more time to recover from the last Republican President.

        3. lovemychris profile image80
          lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Read it all on Rense.com. In 2008. You believe that, but don't think 9/11 was an inside job?

          And if you do believe all that, but not that Cheney managed 9/11....where's your credibility? It's more of the same...politics and politics only.

          so don't be surprized when people give you the same treatment you have given me.

  3. MsLofton profile image61
    MsLoftonposted 12 years ago

    As christian and being "black" myself, I do honestly think that the "Black Church" is going to vote for Romney! People can see what Romney is about.

    1. Friendlyword profile image61
      Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Sister Lofton!
      Read the statistics for yourself.  Besides, the last time Black Christians put their faith in and voted for a Republican President, that didn't work out for you or the rest of us that was left with a broke, and broken, and broken up Country.

      1. MsLofton profile image61
        MsLoftonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I do not care about statistics honestly, I am not a fan of those. Statistics are numbers that changed constantly and most of them are skewed. i understand that you have some anger or some sort of feeling behind what is going on but the problem here is we are already divided by labels such as "black christians"..that does not speak for all Christians including myself and as everyone else is saying here we highly don't that Romney is going to be the choice. This election is much different from the ones in the past because a lot of politicians are slick talks even Obama and they hide stuff but Romney has definitely let out a lot of stuff about how he feels.

        1. janesix profile image61
          janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          This election is no different. Politicians have always been liars and manipulators.

          1. MsLofton profile image61
            MsLoftonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            thats not what I am saying what Im saying is that Romney is more blunt about how he feels...some will try to hide it but there is not much that he can hide..

            1. lovemychris profile image80
              lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              He destroyed all his records from when he was governor..I think he has lots to hide.

              1. Cagsil profile image70
                Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Hey Chris,

                Romney has already made one thing known to the public which is going to work against him getting elected- He doesn't believe in equality or equal rights. This primary problem is his downfall.

                1. lovemychris profile image80
                  lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Except for people who think like him. I sure hope you are right...and it seems that his own party is bashing him....throwing him to the dogs. Does it to you?  Even Fox was asking questions about this hair cutting thing....You know there are so many theories out there!

                  Let's just see if Paul takes it into a brokered convention and Jebby steps in!

          2. vector7 profile image61
            vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this


            In the job description. Requirement.

            Can't have the job without telling lies, therefore.. yeah, what she said.


        2. Friendlyword profile image61
          Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Sweet Sister Lofton
          Please forget about this angry black man, and the statistics, and every thing else anybody might feel or believe.  Look to the left and right at the people who are sitting in the pews next to you and ask them how they feel about Obama/Romney issues.
          Bless your Sweet Heart Sister Lofton.

  4. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 12 years ago

    In the church I attend a majority are Democrat and Black, they are not voting for Romney. The fans they use in the Church which are nestled in their purses all say 'Obama.'

    All people are entitled to happiness, love and commitment! I believe Obama did the right thing and I am heterosexual. I am in a couple of groups on FB backing Gay Rights and announced the decision. I thank 'Obama' for being honest.

    He is a good Christian unlike Brenda states and judging others is a sin. It is not our place to point fingers and God did not make junk. All of us are created in his image! So if you are Gay stand proud! If you are straight stand proud and all of us should come together and love one another. Just my thoughts. smile

    1. vector7 profile image61
      vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      John 7:24

      It's not a sin to discern when someone has actions that are un-Christlike.

      To accuse falsely is a sin. Not to discern.

      Obama lies consistently, and I'm not sinning because he does it on recorded video. The truth is the truth and it's not a sin to tell the truth. Is it a sin to say Satan is evil or to allow people to kill because it's "a sin to judge others"?

      People take that idea way too far, which is why there is so much corruption in the Church right now. All they need to do is say, "you can't judge me, who are you? God?"

      So now what? We just let people into the church, and allow them to stay if they i don't know.. say? Lie to the children about what the Bible says?

      And I love gays. I just don't think they need to claim Christianity and try to embrace what is un-Biblical at the same time.

      It's like being addicted to sex, [which is a struggle for me to fight off] and then saying I was born this way because I can't help but want women this bad, and that one doesn't appeal to me alone.

      It doesn't change the standard, it makes you rebellious which is what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is.. the only sin that is not forgiven.

      I can't expect God to change His terms because I'm sexually-inclined any more than they can for sexual-difference.

      It's a disservice to them to tell them it's ok, because it's a lie [if they follow Christianity]. The Bible is clear.

      It's like telling someone the military doesn't mind if you steal when they do, and then when they get off the bus [assume they are gullible] they steal something and get dishonorably discharged.

      God doesn't say it's ok. Just like the military doesn't allow stealing.

      Why would we tell someone "go ahead, God doesn't mind if you sin" when 2 Timothy 2:19 says turn from every sin, not embrace it?

      Sin is betrayal of God. That is deliberately choosing sin [God's worst enemy] over God. Choosing to rub the sin in Christ's face after He suffered for us.

      That is not loving in my opinion. Not to the person sinning, to tell them they aren't.. or to God when we choose something that hurts Him [sin] over Him. You might as well tell God you don't love Him most which is breaking the first of the two commandments under grace through Christ. Matthew 22:37 - Love God with all your heart, mind, soul.. God first. -- Not sin first, God second.

      Pride is also a big part of the problem. Christ was humble, and taught humility. He said to abase yourself, and let God exalt you. Not vice versa.

      Pride is Satan's worst sin.

    2. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's kind of sad that the church fans would have a political campaign agenda. When I was a kid, the fans had Bible verses on them. Politics has no place in a religious setting...if the reason for being there had to do with spirituality.

      1. vector7 profile image61
        vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Add a vote.

        Btw, Hi Emile, long time no talk.


      2. lovemychris profile image80
        lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        And the reason they pay no taxes. If they are being political institutions...PAY TAXES!

      3. AEvans profile image73
        AEvansposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Emile let me clarify "the fans" not all of the fans have political inclinations on them I was just pointing out which direction people were going.

        Here is my question about Obama Vs. Romney why was the question "Will the Black Church Vote For Romney?" How about " Will the White, Asian, Hispanic, etc Church  vote Obama or Romney?" Seems to me that when Obama won plenty of White people put him in the White House too. Because he didn't FIX everything in 4 years, now everyone is screaming about it. All of us knew he couldn't fix everything in four years so why is everyone upset? If they were so concerned about " What he could do, than why didn't they vote McCain/Palin?

        Nobody ever wins in politics and it appears that all of us who are Americans complain about whoever is in Office. If Mitt gets office lets see what he can do and lets see all of the complaints 4 years from now.

        1. vector7 profile image61
          vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Kennedy did ten times the job. wink

          I keep wondering why people drop the standards, as if that's how the business world works.

          If it was done in the past, it should be progressing forward, not backwards.

          It seems to me they baby the the man.. They come running to his defense like mommy to bandage a wound.

          He isn't the first with a problem country to fix, and I've seen presidents fix worse in their first term alone.


          1. Friendlyword profile image61
            Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            No other President ever! had to straighten out a Country that the previous President spent eight years destroying.  President Obama is doing a GREAT job!
            An AMAZING job with what he has to work with!  Remember the Republican Party in Congress is still trying to destroy this Country just to make President Obama look bad.  Every piece of legislation they get; they vote down no matter how much it will hurt the American People.  They don't care.  Their only goal is to hurt Obama and to hell with the rest of the Country!

            1. vector7 profile image61
              vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, I see where your ideas come from.

              I'm sorry for replying.

              But, thank you for establishing my point regarding people running to defend him like they are his mother.

              You may continue your candidate advancement without unwelcome opposition now.


        2. Friendlyword profile image61
          Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Let me clarify!
          A number of Black Christians voted Bush into office because of a gay issue.  I'm just asking them not to do that again.  It was a mean, hateful, spiteful act that made them look very bad.  All Christian! Stop using Bible verses to justify your own hate and bad actions.  Own your own hate and work through it!

    3. brittvan22 profile image76
      brittvan22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You rock Aevans! Totally agree!

  5. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    I think most blacks will still vote for Obama, even though many blacks are against abortion and gay marriage. I think they feel that Obama understands them better than a rich white guy would. Anyway, most blacks are Democrats.

  6. gregb4hope profile image69
    gregb4hopeposted 12 years ago

    I am a black conservative democrat but  am preparing to vote for neither candidate and be ready for the Kingdom led by Jesus Christ. He's got my vote.  There are simply becoming too many negative issues on both sides.

  7. Repairguy47 profile image62
    Repairguy47posted 12 years ago

    26 minutes later and nothing. Thanks for playing.

  8. MsLofton profile image61
    MsLoftonposted 12 years ago

    lol God bless you...I will speak no more on this subject, you can't speak for everyone and you cannot persuade me to feel what you feel on this issue.

  9. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago

    "Your emotional outbursts and those of your cohorts all across this nation is the reason we will win."

    Maybe Jeb or Christie will come to your rescue.  You still have a chance.

  10. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 12 years ago

    I guess we would have to assume the "Black Church" you are referring to is predominately comprised of "Christians" -

    Considering the vast majority of Christians I know, Black, White, or Hispanic  view the Romney's "Mormonism" as a small, bizarre, possibly even blasphemous cultish style organization with its originating roots emanating directly from polygamist and nonsensical beliefs and behavior, I believe the black church will once again overwhelmingly continue to support a fine, respectful, relatively honest over achiever candidate like President Obama for his progressive ideas, courage, and economic savvy as acceptance and affirmation of support for his past & future accomplishments while in the White House -

    And yes of course, they will vote for a fellow Christian who obviously cares deeply about his mainstream faith -

  11. mio cid profile image59
    mio cidposted 12 years ago

    I really don't see this as being a factor the best the republicans have done with regards to the black vote was 12 percent against 88 percent and that was a fluke and before the haters were in control of the republican party . romney will get about 5 percent of the black vote if he is lucky.

  12. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago

    Is this what you want Christians to be associated with?

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … icide.html

  13. Reality Bytes profile image73
    Reality Bytesposted 12 years ago

    I did not know we voted in groups.  I thought it was individuals that cast ballots?

    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      lol lol

  14. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago
  15. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago

    Conversion therapy will be outlawed as abuse against children.

    http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20 … 7CFood%7Cs

    1. Friendlyword profile image61
      Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Innocent People are being hurt here.  Good people are being hurt here
      People want their children to be perfect(and Straight)
      Christians don't want to see two men walking down the center aisle of their church.

      Let's straighten out these misunderstandings that are really hurting innocent people.
      If you are trying to cure your children of homosexuality; you're a child abuser and no child should be left in your custody.

      Black Christians and all Christians should understand that gay people do not want to invade your churches and force you to witness gay marriages.  Gay couples want Social Security, Federal Spousal Rights straight couples get. Equal Treatment Under The Law! Not in your church.  The few gay people that want to force themselves on churches wont have the legal right to do so. So there's really no fight here.  Please let people be.

      1. vector7 profile image61
        vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You should take that up with the good Lord who designed two sexes, not an exclusive single inter-breedable sex.

        I think some things have been blown very far out of proportion by using the word "hate" innappropriately and falsely.

        Homosexuality is not maritally established as God established marriage, and man is not the authority above God to change His Laws, nor the operation of the human body's parts in defiance by doing so.

        Secular positions on sexuality that differ from Biblical teaching and it's obvious position on the subject should be seperate from the Church entirely and NOT supported if one believes in the Bible and that the Holy Bible is the truth.

        The Bible says plainly homosexuality is sin to God and sin is not to be embraced. If you teach children that such sin is ok you are speaking against God, not for Him. God does not allow rebellion by embracing sin, or teaching others to. Embracing sin is the only unforgivable sin.

        If you state the Bible is true and then proceed to do opposite of it's doctrine and say sin is ok because they don't believe, you are promoting sin and you are against Christ.

        Matthew 12:30

        30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.

        1. Friendlyword profile image61
          Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          There are some straight and gay people I HATE! I hate people that I think are bad people the hurt me or other people. It's so cowardly to use GOD as a weapon against innocent people that never hurt anyone. The most cowardly and dispicable actions people that call themselves Christians commit is they speak about sin, they prey about sin, they preach about how Gay people may hurt their children. 

          That's cowardly punk action and God is nowhere in you!

          1. vector7 profile image61
            vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Goodness. You're a hostile one...

            Thank you for the imagery, but your accusations are not a judgement from my heart, which only God and I can see. And they are false even from outward appearances sake to boot. Scripture is what says those things, not me.

            Please stop telling people where God is, it's very silly to say you know such.

            God bless Mr. Friendlyword.


  16. brittvan22 profile image76
    brittvan22posted 12 years ago

    I had to read it again I agree with you, we can not cut ourselves off at the knees. I would say to those that dont understand your liberating view point to think of this.The black church better get real before they make the plunge to Romney? Just because you disagree with someone's personal views does not mean you abandon ship. I consider myself a Christian however, I do not subscribe to the scriptures that say, "Slave obey your master!" "Women should be silent!" "Men should not cheat on their wives and commit adultery, when they can buy a prostitute for the price of bread!" "Stone disobedient children!"  Now if I looked at the bible from the isolated view point you are suggesting no self-respecting women, black person, parent, or husband and wife would embrace it, because it would be debiliating and totally dehumanizing who they were. You cant in fact cut your leg off to spite your hand what good would that do you. I think in retrospect it is not our job nor is it our duty to judge anyone that is God's job and I think God is up for the challenge being creator and all. God did not write the Constitution nor did God write the Declaration of Independence, which did not include all of humanity any how. Teaching equality is not teaching sin it is teaching everyone should be treated equal regardless of who they are, what they do, or how they look. God gave this life who are we are mere mortals to try to tell any one person how to live the life God gave them.  No one said sin is ok, there is no sin greater than the next and only one unforgiveable sin and it isnt homosexuality. To be frank in Christ's time he bumped heads with many of the religious leaders of his time resulting in his cruxification. Those religious leaders are equavalent to many of the evangelical (not all) that are presenting themselves as fundamental christians and know "the way to God".  All I say is becareful and judge not less you be judged!

    1. vector7 profile image61
      vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Out of context argument. Seen it posted hundreds of times in the past year.

      And last sentence:

      John 7:24

  17. mikelong profile image59
    mikelongposted 12 years ago

    Referring to the original posting, Obama will be fine. He will get the support he needs to win reelection.

    Those with no vision use division...and there are too many intelligent people out there to fall into the GOP's mindless games.

    1. vector7 profile image61
      vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Too many intelligents?

      A brief overview of history says that in no case with the exception of after-the-fact severe oppression do the masses make decent choices. Ever. And even then it's a very short lived experience.

      And to top it off, the choice of president, in my opinion, is about as big a help to furthering our country right now as it is to throwing a bucket of water on a blazing house engulfed in flames.

      The country is already in a downward vortex and there is nothing to plug the massive hole it's draining into.

  18. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago

    "You should take that up with the good Lord who designed two sexes, not an exclusive single inter-breedable sex."

    That's a lie!  According to the Bible: ADAMS were on this earth possibly for Billions of years before EVES were created (which makes you ask why Women were created after men. That's another forum)to be with Adams. So, according to the bible, GOD had Adam and Steve runnin around the earth doing whatever perfect healthy men do when they run around in the woods by themselvs with no women; until they got bored with each other or childbirth was just to hard givin the equipment they had to work with.
    Of course that's just my crazy scenario of what happen; because I wasn't there(where you?)
    Anyway humans and animals have always been straight and gay on this earth from the beginning of time. How could it be a sin if God made it that way and let it go on for so long?

    1. vector7 profile image61
      vector7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Billions of years?

      No way am I attempting to enter into decent dialogue after the past two posts and then that statement.



    2. TomBlalock profile image70
      TomBlalockposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have to agree with vector7. I didn't even bother to read their actual statement, but the claim that the Bible said that ANYTHING, in its entire content, is billions of years old. even one single thing, is just mind bogglingly ignorant. Granted, the reason that is ignorant stems from the Bible's stated age of the universe, but it doesn't make your assertion any less ignorant.

      I'm not saying this to generate offense, but I really do find that statement ignorant, and am appalled one can make the statement in a rational argument without themselves realizing it.

      1. Friendlyword profile image61
        Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I think it's a real show of ignorance to admit you didn't read something you're responding to.  The entire back and forth conversation vector7 and I had was wild crazy  speculation about how and when mankind and womenkind came to be.  I wouldn't be deranged enough to call it anything but a comic conversation.

      2. Friendlyword profile image61
        Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        This is truly the most insidious affliction suffered by Right Wingnuts. Choose a word or two of a comment, and go on a tangent with your completely made up, false, and intentionally misleading comments about the subject discussed. If you can't honestly attack or criticize something you disagree with; move on to something else.  You disrespect the author with your foney ignorance of the subject matter.

  19. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago


    Romney said he supports hospital visitation rights and other domestic-partnership benefits for gay couples.

    http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories … riage.html

  20. Friendlyword profile image61
    Friendlywordposted 12 years ago

    "Avertising has been removed from this hub due to moderator review"

    I don't get it! I just happened to look at some of the hubs I wrote when I first joined hubpages two years ago. I don't even have enough hubs to make money from them. Why would a Moderator be interested in a two year old hub?

    1. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My geuss is someone here doesn't like your opinion fw....some people might be trying to shut you down. My guess is next time you do write a hub, it will be flagged and voted down.

      Free speech is not real important to the 2nd amendment crowd. IMO

  21. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 12 years ago

    Believe it or not, people often vote for someone when they don't agree with every single thing he or she does.

    Not all Christians are rabidly anti- gay.

    1. Friendlyword profile image61
      Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Actully 53% of Black Christian are voting for Obama.  My only concern is the 43% that won't vote for the president.  Romney didn't come clean on the attack and that says something about his character. listen to his friend:
      Phillip Maxwell and the four others recounted a story of Romney as a teenager cutting the hair of a student presumed to be gay while he was pinned to the ground.
      Phillip Maxwell called it a “haunting memory” in an interview with ABC News and said it was a “hack job” with “clumps” of the boy’s “hair taken off.” Phillip Maxwell even called the boys, himself included, a “pack of dogs.”

  22. Hypersapien profile image41
    Hypersapienposted 12 years ago

    Personally, I don't think that Obama's presidency or fitness for office is going to be defined by this one issue.  Needless to say, this topic sharply divides a great number of people, but I'm still looking at the whole-person concept so to speak:  what can I expect from 4 more years of Obama vs. 4 years of Romney?  Who will better serve the interests I care about?  Which is most aligned with my views on the economy, the wars we're fighting, healthcare, etc.? 

    Basically, I'm tallying up the total of each candidate and will vote for the one that tips the scales furthest in my direction on the issues I care about.

  23. Xenonlit profile image60
    Xenonlitposted 12 years ago

    I never attended a Black church that could vote for anyone.


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