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Ideas for a Great Wedding That Was Memorable

Updated on September 26, 2021
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Claudette is inspired by positive thinking that she tries to share with as many people as possible to give them hope for the future.

A Wedding We Will Always Remember. Photos are by Chelsea Olivieri, Wardell Coleman and Audrey Schaener

Muhammad Bey and Wanisha, became husband and wife on June 28th, 2015. Photos below are by Chelsea Olivieri.
Muhammad Bey and Wanisha, became husband and wife on June 28th, 2015. Photos below are by Chelsea Olivieri.
Wanisha's parents, Walker and Claudette both walked their daughter down the isle to break the old tradition of just the father. Recommended by the Anita, the Wedding Planner.
Wanisha's parents, Walker and Claudette both walked their daughter down the isle to break the old tradition of just the father. Recommended by the Anita, the Wedding Planner.
The handsome groom prepares for his day. Photo by Chelsea Olivieri
The handsome groom prepares for his day. Photo by Chelsea Olivieri
The beautiful bride Wanisha, prepares for her day. Photo by Olivieri
The beautiful bride Wanisha, prepares for her day. Photo by Olivieri
The two now gather as one before the sight of the originator of marriage, Jehovah God. Photo by Chelsea Olivieri
The two now gather as one before the sight of the originator of marriage, Jehovah God. Photo by Chelsea Olivieri
Bridal party clowns around as bride and groom are focused on a special moment.
Bridal party clowns around as bride and groom are focused on a special moment.
Bridal party with Wanisha and Mo. Photo by Chelsea.
Bridal party with Wanisha and Mo. Photo by Chelsea.
Chelsea, captures a beautiful black and white of the back of Wanisha's wedding gown.
Chelsea, captures a beautiful black and white of the back of Wanisha's wedding gown.

Wedding video of the ring ceremony shot by Ken Fletcher on his cell phone.

Family and Friends that gathered to celebrate with us at The Waterfalls Venue in Delaware

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Photos of the bride and groom with their bridal party and the beautiful cake.The bridal party form a receiving line after the wedding ceremony.The parents of the bride Walker & Claudette.Lush greenery within the garden area of the Waterfalls where cocktails and appetizers were served abundantly.  Fire exudes from behind the platform and stage like area as well as water flowing around the gardens.One of the stretch limos provided for the bride and groom in front of the Kingdom Hall.One of the beautiful fountains within the newly decorated Waterfalls.The couple take a moment for a photo with Mo's twin brother. Family members pose with the couple.The bride gives her grandmother a kiss during a photo session.  Wanisha and Mo, complete their first dance.Photographers gather for a photo of guest who were enjoying themselves on the dance floor.Family members of the bride gather for a quick photo.Cousins of the bride tease her during a photo.A quick family photo before they were introduced at the reception.A beautiful display of seating arrangements with table numbers for the guests at the reception created by Aunt Mary Coleman, of the couple. The chocolate, vanilla, carrot and red velvet cake was by "Dana." It was absolutely delicious. The Bride's cousin Byron and wife Carla, came from Texas to be a part of this special occasion. Derwin and Sonya Canty, were also present.Darryl and Zenda Brown, flew in from Chicago to be a part of this ceremony.Andres Ramos, Jr., and his wife are best friends of the groom and he served as an attendant.Darlene and Karsyn, presented an amazing bridal luncheon for the bride and members of her bridal party.               John. Jim and Sheryl, attended as well.  Evan, one of the groomsman enjoy a brief photo opp.Friends of the bride and groom enjoy a photo opportunity.Friends enjoy the day.Dancing was enjoyed by the guests.The uncle and cousin of the bride and groom. A duet of chicken and fish, stuffed with crabmeat was served for dinner, although appetizers left the majority of our guests completely stuffed. Top shelf open bar existed throughout  the evening.The reception for Wanisha and Mo was held at the extravagant Waterfall, in Claymont, Delaware.A variety of appetizers were served based on different cultures to please our guests during cocktail hours.The bridesmaids perform their line dance for the couple.The father of the groom Robert Bey with his beautiful wife, Ollie Bey.A photo of the waterfall at the entrance of the venue where the reception was held.Grandmom Susie, looks on along with bridesmaids, Darlena, Sheena, Nisha, LaShae and Jaleesa. Cousin Audrey and Angie Cohen, enjoyed the wedding and reception. Angie especially enjoyed the lollipop lamb chops.
Photos of the bride and groom with their bridal party and the beautiful cake.
Photos of the bride and groom with their bridal party and the beautiful cake.
The bridal party form a receiving line after the wedding ceremony.
The bridal party form a receiving line after the wedding ceremony.
The parents of the bride Walker & Claudette.
The parents of the bride Walker & Claudette.
Lush greenery within the garden area of the Waterfalls where cocktails and appetizers were served abundantly.
Lush greenery within the garden area of the Waterfalls where cocktails and appetizers were served abundantly.
Fire exudes from behind the platform and stage like area as well as water flowing around the gardens.
Fire exudes from behind the platform and stage like area as well as water flowing around the gardens.
One of the stretch limos provided for the bride and groom in front of the Kingdom Hall.
One of the stretch limos provided for the bride and groom in front of the Kingdom Hall.
One of the beautiful fountains within the newly decorated Waterfalls.
One of the beautiful fountains within the newly decorated Waterfalls.
The couple take a moment for a photo with Mo's twin brother.
The couple take a moment for a photo with Mo's twin brother.
Family members pose with the couple.
Family members pose with the couple.
The bride gives her grandmother a kiss during a photo session.
The bride gives her grandmother a kiss during a photo session.
Wanisha and Mo, complete their first dance.
Wanisha and Mo, complete their first dance.
Photographers gather for a photo of guest who were enjoying themselves on the dance floor.
Photographers gather for a photo of guest who were enjoying themselves on the dance floor.
Family members of the bride gather for a quick photo.
Family members of the bride gather for a quick photo.
Cousins of the bride tease her during a photo.
Cousins of the bride tease her during a photo.
A quick family photo before they were introduced at the reception.
A quick family photo before they were introduced at the reception.
A beautiful display of seating arrangements with table numbers for the guests at the reception created by Aunt Mary Coleman, of the couple.
A beautiful display of seating arrangements with table numbers for the guests at the reception created by Aunt Mary Coleman, of the couple.
The chocolate, vanilla, carrot and red velvet cake was by "Dana." It was absolutely delicious.
The chocolate, vanilla, carrot and red velvet cake was by "Dana." It was absolutely delicious.
The Bride's cousin Byron and wife Carla, came from Texas to be a part of this special occasion.
The Bride's cousin Byron and wife Carla, came from Texas to be a part of this special occasion.
Derwin and Sonya Canty, were also present.
Derwin and Sonya Canty, were also present.
Darryl and Zenda Brown, flew in from Chicago to be a part of this ceremony.
Darryl and Zenda Brown, flew in from Chicago to be a part of this ceremony.
Andres Ramos, Jr., and his wife are best friends of the groom and he served as an attendant.
Andres Ramos, Jr., and his wife are best friends of the groom and he served as an attendant.
Darlene and Karsyn, presented an amazing bridal luncheon for the bride and members of her bridal party.
Darlene and Karsyn, presented an amazing bridal luncheon for the bride and members of her bridal party.
John. Jim and Sheryl, attended as well.
John. Jim and Sheryl, attended as well.
Evan, one of the groomsman enjoy a brief photo opp.
Evan, one of the groomsman enjoy a brief photo opp.
Friends of the bride and groom enjoy a photo opportunity.
Friends of the bride and groom enjoy a photo opportunity.
Friends enjoy the day.
Friends enjoy the day.
Dancing was enjoyed by the guests.
Dancing was enjoyed by the guests.
The uncle and cousin of the bride and groom.
The uncle and cousin of the bride and groom.
 A duet of chicken and fish, stuffed with crabmeat was served for dinner, although appetizers left the majority of our guests completely stuffed.
A duet of chicken and fish, stuffed with crabmeat was served for dinner, although appetizers left the majority of our guests completely stuffed.
Top shelf open bar existed throughout  the evening.
Top shelf open bar existed throughout the evening.
The reception for Wanisha and Mo was held at the extravagant Waterfall, in Claymont, Delaware.
The reception for Wanisha and Mo was held at the extravagant Waterfall, in Claymont, Delaware.
A variety of appetizers were served based on different cultures to please our guests during cocktail hours.
A variety of appetizers were served based on different cultures to please our guests during cocktail hours.
The bridesmaids perform their line dance for the couple.
The bridesmaids perform their line dance for the couple.
The father of the groom Robert Bey with his beautiful wife, Ollie Bey.
The father of the groom Robert Bey with his beautiful wife, Ollie Bey.
A photo of the waterfall at the entrance of the venue where the reception was held.
A photo of the waterfall at the entrance of the venue where the reception was held.
Grandmom Susie, looks on along with bridesmaids, Darlena, Sheena, Nisha, LaShae and Jaleesa.
Grandmom Susie, looks on along with bridesmaids, Darlena, Sheena, Nisha, LaShae and Jaleesa.
Cousin Audrey and Angie Cohen, enjoyed the wedding and reception. Angie especially enjoyed the lollipop lamb chops.
Cousin Audrey and Angie Cohen, enjoyed the wedding and reception. Angie especially enjoyed the lollipop lamb chops.

A Wedding Can Be A Memorable Event With Proper Planning

Wedding Planning and the fulfillment of this blessed event can be blissful when you relinquish planning to professionals. Numerous comments were made concerning the success of the wedding. "It was one of the best weddings I have ever attended," said India Giles. Edward Coleman stated, "The talk given at the wedding ceremony was the absolute truth." An overwhelming amount of people said, "It was an affair to remember. Especially, with the abundance of food which started with appetizers from all nations." Our savvy decision to bring in Anita Broady, who served as our #Wedding Planner from the origin of our plans was tremendously beneficial. This decision not only saved us money, where most people who previously had a wedding at The Waterfalls, located at 3416 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont, Delaware, paid almost twice what we paid without a Wedding Planner. The majority of venues acknowledge that such professionals will return with new clients more readily than individual bookings. Bartering can become useful with the help of a professional planner as well.

We prayed constantly during our family Bible studies that our daughter's wedding would be for the glory and sanctification of the Originator of Marriage, Jehovah God. Thankfully, when we arrived at the #Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 3011 North Heald Street, Wilmington, Delaware, around 5 pm, the bridal party was ready to be organized. The groom was hidden in his stretch limo with his trusty groomsmen as the bride arrived in her limo with her faithful bridesmaids. The groom Muhammad Bey was escorted into the front of the hall. Next, the grandmothers, Tonya Chandlerglover and Grandmother Hazel, were escorted by the twin brother of Muhammad, Ali Bey. The grandmother of the bride Susie Carter was escorted by Attendant and friend Andres Ramos, Jr. His groomsmen were Evan Williams, Ian Giles, Ron Goldston, Cyron Cran and Best Man, Leon Hyson. The bridesmaids were Nisha Williams, Darlena Bailey, LeShae Dalie, Sheena Jones and Jaleesa Carter served as Maid of Honor. These resplendent looking bridesmaids and groomsmen gracefully walked to the left and right of the groom. The adorable little flower girls were Saniya Bey and Nyla Stevens. Their off-white gowns consist of draped tiers laced with ribbons.

Now, it was time for the bride. Wanisha was stunning with no worries because Anita, along with her husband an Assistant Selwyn, took care of every little and major detail. The doors remained closed after all the wedding party marched in. To maintain the dignity of the wedding and to give honor and praise to the Originator of Marriage, Jehovah God; the sublime voice of Grant Beauford, was utilized to read Genesis 2:21 which states, "So Jehovah God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, he took one of his ribs and then closed up the flesh over its place. And Jehovah God built the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman, and he brought her to the man." At that time we were organized as father and mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carter, on each side of our daughter Wanisha. Our arms gently locked with her arms as the doors to the hall opened. Grant continued to read the awe-inspiring divine words of our Heavenly Father. "Then the man said: 'This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman Because from the man she was taken.'" The melodious Kingdom melody #36 entitled, What God Has Yoked Together was played discreetly as the bride arrived with parents on each side, continued down the aisle to the exalted words of Almighty God. "That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh." The time had arrived for mother and father to give the bride to her husband just as #Jehovah God, gave Eve as wife to Adam. This was appropriately orchestrated by Anita Broady, our Wedding Planner which was in harmony with what we wanted to bring honor to the wedding ceremony.

Joel Hendley gave the outstanding wedding talk. People of various religious backgrounds were present. Amazingly, many attendees stated, "That was the best wedding talk I have ever heard." The omnipotent God Jehovah's name was mentioned throughout the talk as well as the divine purpose of God's beloved son, Jesus Christ. Personal garments of the couple were used by Brother Hendley, to explain the scripture at 1 Peter 3:7 were husbands should, "continue dwelling with them according to knowledge. Assign them honor as to a weaker vessel, . . ." The woman should be handled with loving care just as the silk garment owned by the bride would be handled. Although the husband maintains his role as head of the family, he should not be abusive toward his wife but loving as he would his own body. Janie, who attended the wedding stated, "I loved that the speaker used so many scriptures during his talk." Some audience members took notes, recorded the talk and expressed a genuine appreciation of reminders from God's point of view concerning the roles of husbands and wives.

The video that is included of the ring ceremony was thankfully shot by Ken Fletcher, on his cell phone. We await video and photos from Chelsea Olivieri, who served as photographer for the wedding which will be included in the future. The song on the video is Phyllis Hyman's, "Meet Me On the Moon."

Allow me to tell your "Wedding Day" experience through personal interviews, photos, and video. For more information contact me:

The Reception Was Held at the Waterfall in Claymont, Delaware

The Waterfall, has become a dazzling jewel within the Claymont, Delaware community. Wanisha and Muhammad Bey's reception was held there on Sunday, June 28th, 2015. With the new million dollar renovations, the Waterfall's alluring interior and exterior, appeals to the bride who desires to make her day a spectacular one. Debbie, our spiritual sister and close friend excitedly explained, "Y'all did it up right. That wedding was the bomb!" From the moment you enter the grounds of the venue, an awesome waterfall with its soothing sound, captivated our attention. The white marble look of the foyer, with symmetrical blue lighting which hovers over a charming fountain with sprays of water, gave the room pizzazz. Sounds of music penetrated our ears as Traxx 9, performed for us during cocktails. The group consisted of Jerry Blake, on sax, Steven Pratt, on guitar, Tass Yarbray, on keyboards, Bill Mitchell, on guitar, Kenny Calloway, on drums and Ted Robinson, on base guitar. Traxx 9, enthralled us with sweet, melodious sounds of jazz. Upon our arrival into the cocktail lounge, located in the rear of the Waterfalls, delectable appetizers from various cultures were presented for our guests. Gracious honor and praise had been given to our Heavenly Father Jehovah, through the wedding talk and ring ceremony. Now it was evitable that our guests wanted to enjoy the wedding feast.

The #Waterfall's venue, displayed a yummy and luscious arrangement of salads, meats along with a conglomeration of scrumptious cultural dishes. Savory platters of crab claws, shrimp and grilled lollipop lamb chops were served on butler's trays by professionally dressed staff. Skewers of filet mignon with peppers and onions, taco and potato bars, spicy wings, succulent pasta and green salads were available. Fresh, ripe and juicy fruit trays were displayed as well. The hit for the evening amongst the appetizers was the deliciously tender oxtails with beans and rice. Roxanne, our spiritual daughter from Trinidad explained, "Those oxtails and the beans and rice were absolutely delicious. There must be a Trini, in that kitchen." Top shelf liquor as well as a variety of drinks were available from the open bar which remained open, until the end of the evening. Anita, the Wedding Planner even had specially designed drinks named after the couple. The unique flip books that were recommended by Anita, was also an unusual party favor that can be enjoyed for years to come with tremendous laughter and fun.

While cocktails and appetizers were served, many of the guests sat outside where there was also a bar and seating. Guests mingled, in the venue's beautifully designed atrium and bridal garden. Within the vision of white marbled, towering columns was lush green trees and exotic bushes that enhanced the gardenlike setting. The sound of trickling water flowed over neatly placed rocks. In the rear of this tranquil garden was an area filled with white chairs, surrounded by ravishing columns, trees and charming flowers. This was obviously designed for the couple who prefers to be married in a gardenlike setting. It was possibly somewhat of a glimpse, based on what our Grand Creator Jehovah God, the originator of the first marriage established in the Garden of Eden.

A few hours later, it was time for the reception to begin. Elusive doors that were once closed, swung open to receive inquisitive guests for the continuance of our wedding feast, although very few quests were still hungry from the abundance of delicious appetizers. Grant Beauford, served as the Master of the Wedding Feast. The bridal party was once again introduced with adoration and applauses. Once again, it was time for the wedding guests to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad Bey. There was a clamor of whistles and applauds as the new couple entered into the room, for they were now spiritually and legally, husband and wife. Mo, slowly took the hand of his beautiful wife and led her to the dance floor for their first dance. The couple chose Phyllis Hyman's, Meet Me On the Moon. Tears of joy flowed from the eyes of parents and guests because this couple was now as one, surrounded by the threefold cord which is Jehovah God. The father of the bride Walker, also danced with what was once his baby girl. Then it was Muhammad's turn to dance with his beautiful mother, Belinda. The bridesmaids also created a special line dance in honor of the couple. It was so inspirational to see.

A tribute video was featured on a screen, which showed Mo, as a child who developed into a man. Wanisha, was also shown as a child who developed into a woman. They fell in love, after an honorable session of dates to get to know each other, witnesses were here to recognize them as husband and wife. Dinner was served which consisted of a duet of flavorsome chicken and fish stuffed with crabmeat. Many of the guests decided to receive containers because they were fed abundantly. My twin sister Paulette, along with Jaleesa, Walker and myself, presented a epithalamion in honor of the bride and bridegroom. A special song was also performed by Emmanuel Blake entitled, For You where one guests explained, "He sang that song beautifully." It was an event filled with good association, outstanding talent and delectable food.

The day before the wedding a #Rehearsal Dinner was held at the Lincoln Towers, in Delaware. Robert Bey, Mo's father explained how the twin were raised by their grandmother Hazel, whom the twins dearly love. Mo, loved to play little league baseball in the Spanish League with Ali, his brother and best friend, Andres Ramos, Jr . He also mentioned that he named his twin sons Mo and Ali, after the professional boxer Muhammad Ali. Mo's youngest sister Erin Bey, described her big brother as, "A kind soul." These were some of the attributes of Mo, that were shared with the wedding guests concerning the groom. This wedding ceremony brought families together to celebrate the marital arrangement as Almighty God intended that we do.

Now it was time for dancing by our wedding guests who had been so patient during the presentations. Many of the guests were dressed in elegant evening wear for this special occasion. It brought pure joy to our hearts to see them enjoy themselves. Dancing continued throughout the evening. This was a special occasion that the bride and groom, will never forget as well as the guests who attended. Anita, served as the Wedding Planner and her Assistant, Selwyn, along with so many volunteers who provided food for the bridal showers and rehearsal dinner, are truly appreciated. We also thank the extremely talented band Traxx 9, as well as the vendors who helped put this special event together.

Each of us agree that the success of Wanisha and Muhammad's wedding, was a blessing from our Heavenly Father Jehovah. We are thankful beyond measure that so many unexpected blessings came through financially that allowed us to support our daughter and Mo, in this endeavor. We definitely appreciate how the Waterfall, worked so diligently with Anita, who said, "Y'all threw an amazing event." Yes, it was amazing and only possible with the help, support and constant prayers during family Bible Studies to our Creator Jehovah, in the name of our precious King Jesus Christ. We humbly thank each and every family member and friend who gave us such amazing support. That is exactly what made Wanisha and Muhammad Bey's wedding, "A Wedding We Can Remember."

For more information on the Originator of Marriage, Jehovah God or for free home Bible Studies for you or your family members go to:

Angelladywriter, is not responsible for advertisements that surround this article.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Claudette Coleman Carter


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