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Do Those Who Oppose Gay Marriage Suffer From Homophobia?

Updated on March 14, 2014
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Bob Hunter worked for Ontario Hydro for 22 years. He later became a researcher/writer for the Christian Research Institute in California.

Stick and Stones...

Those without an argument love to throw names around, attacking the person rather than the issues. This is usually the case with those who favor Gay marriage. Opponents are invariably referred to as homophobes, or suffering from homophobia. What does this mean? According to the Anti-Defamation League:

Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals - that is, lesbians and gay men - sometimes leading to acts of violence and expressions of hostility. Homophobia is not confined to any one segment of society, and can be found in people from all walks of life. Organized hate groups have viciously attacked homosexuals and have used especially violent language in attempting to persecute and intimidate them.

Unfortunately, most pro-Gay people lump all disagreements about homosexuality together and say that those who don't agree with the Gay community are suffering from homphobia - in other words, they either hate or fear homosexuals. This, of course, is patently false, and they know it. However, words are powerful and putting a label on someone in an attempt to shame them seems, to homosexuals, to be the best way to silent opposition.

Square Dancing Gays
Square Dancing Gays

Disagreement Doesn't Equal Hatred

This writer has known several Gay individuals and they were nice people. Likewise, one of the funniest comedians in the entertainment field is Ellen DeGeneres, and one of the best singers is Elton John. However, that doesn't mean one who has Gay friends or likes some Gay people in the entertainment field has to agree with their lifestyle or that they should have the right to redefine marriage. Likewise, one can have friends engaged in other forms of immorality without agreeing with their lifestyle.

It's strange how Gay couples want to pretend to be a normal family, compete with kids - who didn't come into existence through the union of a man and a man, by the way! - and one of the partners pretending to be either the husband or the wife. This writer is convinced that they know this is an unnatural partnership and they're desperately trying to convince themselves and others that it is perfectly normal.

A recent study has shown the harmful effects on these relationships. The results of that study can be found at "A Non-Religious Case Against Same-Sex Marriage." Naturally, the study has come under immediate attack.

What about the impact legalizing same-sex marriage will have in all areas of life and "anti-discrimination" laws that will attempt to make Christians violate their consciences? The Gay community like to compare itself to the fight Blacks had for equality. That being the case, they would make it illegal for a Christian baker to refuse service to a Gay couple who want a wedding cake with a Gay couple on top. However, I wonder it they would agree it should also be illegal for a Gay baker to refuse service to a member of the so-called "Christian" Westboro Baptist Church who wants a big cake with "God Hates Fags" written on it?

The issue isn't about hatred, it's about truth and about morality, words that are becoming increasingly obsolete in today's permissive society.


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