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How important is your bedroom to your marriage

Updated on November 16, 2010

I know this is a strange question, but it is one that my mother asked me a while ago while frowning at the pile of washing stacked in the corner of my bedroom, the baby products spilling out from where I had stuffed them under my bed. At the time of course I assumed she was having a dig at my house keeping skills (which I have to admit where not the best at the time)

But a few years later I realized she was saying more then clean your room. The bedroom that I share with my husband should be treasured by both of us. It should be a place where we can feed the flames of romance and keep that vital spark alive.

After all it’s not very romantic to trip your way to a messy bed covered in washing.

Trust me on this, spice up your bedroom, turn it into your boudoir. Ladies make it what you want even if you have to give him another room of the house as his. If you find it more romantic then chances are so will he and it will do wonders for your marriage not to mention your sex life.

A few nice touches...

The bed

The bed is the biggest feature in the room, therefore in my opinion the most important. My preference is a four poster bed but any bed can be made romantic with the right use of colour and fabrics.

Stay away from negative colours like black, stay more with colours of lighter tones like blues and greens.

Red is a favourite of mine, but can be used too much. But as the colour of passion I think it’s a must.

Think comfort, luxury you both deserve it.

I Love satin sheets the feel of them in winter or summer is simple bliss, explore what you like, go shopping with a open mind you might be surprised by what you can create.

Walls and Curtains.

I am so over white walls so I refuse to have them in my room, think about all the wonderful colours available to us these days. But again go for a soft colour.

Long drapes or wispy curtains are my personal favourite.


Easily created with the right lighting, and the humble candle has stood the test of time, with so many different types and choices the hardest part is choosing which ones not to buy.

 Place lamps around the room, a light scarf over the top can create an instant romantic mood.

For the over head light I recommend getting a dimmer. The different light settings is great for various moods

If you don’t mind the power bill then one of those blower heaters with the fake fire light can cast a beautiful glow on a cold winter’s night.

If you’re playful fairy lights or Christmas lights strung up can do wonders in creating a magical feel to your bedroom.

De Clutter

This is a vital one of the process; clutter spreads like a disease especially in a house with children But ban it from your room. If it distracts from the romance you want in the room then it has to go. little Bobbie's painting can go else where in the home as can so much more once you start.


Mosquito net.... come in many colours these days and can add a touch of romance over a bed.

Mirror.... a long lone standing mirror is a classic and if placed right can make a room feel bigger if you are working in a tight space then a nice long wall mirror can have just as nice as a effect.

Flowers...a simple but beautiful touch, buy a few different vases so you can change the arrangement style with the seasons and your mood.

Fabric...the right fabric pinned up over the wall can create a unique touch to any room, and is quite a cheaper option then painting with the ease of changing it when you need to spice it up again.

Art...important that you choose this together, it should be something you both agree on.

Doesn’t have to be sexy but it dose have to help create the mood of the room.

Pillows...pillows and cushions of different sizes for the bed and if you have the space the floor. Colours again can vary,

Scents...some candles come with scents but spend the little more for higher quality if your going for scented candles as some (not all) of the cheaper ones smell nothing like they promise. Incense can be used as well as oil burners.

Personal...don’t forget in all of this that it still your room, so add your personality to it. Your favourite scent, his and her dressing gowns on the back of the door, massage oil by the bed. What ever you like

The biggest piece of advice I have is go for it have a look around on the net find a few ideas that you like and go from there. It’s worth the effort. romance starts at home once your married and when you have kids the bedroom is the heart of that...

Please feel free to add to this list, the more ideas the better for all of us :)


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