How Do you deal Insecurities? please answer

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  1. jujanester profile image80
    jujanesterposted 13 years ago

    How Do you deal Insecurities? please answer

  2. amymarie_5 profile image62
    amymarie_5posted 13 years ago

    I remind myself of all the good things about myself and of what I've accomplished. It helps me feel a bit more confident.

  3. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    First of all you have to put things in perspective.
    Every single person has some insecurity about something in their lives. It's not a unique problem to you.

    Secondly you have to address it with the following question.
    Can I change (whatever it is I feel insecure about)?

    If the answer is yes then you would make a plan and execute it.
    Read books about other people who had the same issue and how they overcame it, purchase products, attend workshops/seminars, research articles online, and if necessary get support through a group or from a therapist. It all depends on what the issue is. Primarily you just want to be "proactive" in finding a solution.

    Thirdly - If you determine that it is NOT something that can be changed. In other words, "It is what it is". You will have to learn to "accept it" as part of you. For example a birth defect or some other physical issue.

    You will probably want to join a support group as well as learn to focus on the atributes you are proud of. It also doesn't hurt to learn to utilize a little "self deprecating humor" to break the ice and acknowledge the big elephant in the room. Once that is done display your confidnece with whatever you came to discuss with them. The majority of people will get past it and hone in your personality and accept the knowledge you are offering. People respect and admire others who are confident and are able to deal with challenges in life.

  4. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    insecurities are a tough thing to deal with. for me i just look at my good points and use them as a way to overcome whatever i'm insecure about. i think everyone has strengths and if we use them to overcome our weaknesses, it makes things easier.

  5. seriousnuts profile image61
    seriousnutsposted 13 years ago

    When I feel insecure, I always remind myself that insecurity will make me ugly. I never fished for others compliments out of nowhere. Though I might be one of the most insecure people on the planet, but i would never ever show it to others. By not thinking about my negative side too much, I tend to forget about my insecurity. Try it, you might surprisingly become confident. And people would love you for that. Act confident and you will be.

  6. silverlungs profile image61
    silverlungsposted 13 years ago

    We all have insecurities because no one is perfect. Yet the way we cope with them honestly depends on what type of person you are, and how much strength you have. You can build up this strength, and I don't mean physically, more mentally actually through a variety of ways.

    List one thing you like about yourself each day for a month, they can't be duplicates. They could be about your looks, or your personality or something you have done. Then, when the months up you'll have a list of all the wonderful things about you. It forces you to see what a beautiful person you truly are and lets you appreciate yourself a little more.

    Try socialising with more people, it is often the case that if we're insecure we don't like to make new friends. Taking a chance and meeting new people allows you to ignore the negatives and focus more on the positives.

    There are many ways insecurities can be battled, but remember we all have them. Not one person is 100% happy with themselves, but don't let insecurities rule your life. It's our flaws that make us all different.

  7. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    This is hard to answer since I personally have never felt insecure about anything.

  8. TheBlondie profile image60
    TheBlondieposted 13 years ago

    1) I remind myself that no one pays nearly as much attention to my flaws as much as I do. If I'm stressing about a red spot on my face, or if I haven't excercised in a while and feel fat, I just tell myself that chances are no one will notice at all. We are our worst critics! If we pay no attention to flaws, no one else will.

    2) Inner beauty improves outer beauty. Be nice, smile a lot, and beauty will follow.

    3) Judging by your profile pic, you are very pretty! Not only was this a compliment, it was a piece of advice: compliment other people, and they will compliment you as well. You'll also feel good that you improved their self confidence, and yours will improve too!

  9. lostdogrwd profile image60
    lostdogrwdposted 13 years ago

    I face them and the sad part about that that most of the time I was right about what I was insecure about. but after failing and being turn down so many times , I learn to deal with them and appreciate the accepted one more

  10. curiousx profile image60
    curiousxposted 13 years ago

    For a few days, I will try to live like a man who was born a 2000 years ago. He definitely wouldn't have this insecurity!!

    Sounds a little crazy, but it is true. I will keep away from almost everything that was not there a couple of hundred years ago - the TV, internet, mail, mobile phone and even transport if I have time. Once I finish those days, I feel more happy and a lot sane that I ever was. You just need some time figure that insecurity for yourself.

  11. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 13 years ago

    You don't deal with them, focusing on whatever makes you insecure gives it too much power, too much weight and too much power over your mind and life.  Whatever your insecurities may be, ignore them.  Just focus on the things that you are good at.  Spend time getting to know you and if you are not aware of that which you possess.  Take that time to become familiar with and perfect those areas that will be an asset to your experience

  12. zduckman profile image60
    zduckmanposted 13 years ago

    I find that focusing on what you are , and what you have is the key. There is always something to be grateful for. If that doesn't work someone less fortunate with no concern of what you will "get" from it.


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