Should a father be sued for child support if he is living in the home and paying

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  1. Sundaymoments profile image61
    Sundaymomentsposted 13 years ago

    Should a father be sued for child support if he is living in the home and paying the bills?

    Recently I spoke to a father who had separated from his wife for 2 weeks while separated he filled with the Attorney General’s office on behalf of his child (to give child support to his wife). After 2 weeks the husband and wife reconciled and moved back into the house. Now a year has gone by and there life was back to normal. When all of a sudden a constable appeared at the door he served both husband and wife with papers to appear in court the court papers cited that the wife and the State were suing the husband for child support as well as back child support.
    The wife claims no involvement

  2. tngolfplayer profile image72
    tngolfplayerposted 13 years ago

    Probably what has happened is the papers never got filed indicating they were back together and child support was not needed.  Having dealt with child support courts before, they are a huge mess and nothing is ever done correctly.  I pay my ex monthly with a check because she does not want to deal with the hassle of waiting on the check from the court(and if she needs it early she just ask and I give it to her).

    If the wife is being honest and is not involved, all it will take is the court appearance with both of them together and it should be changed and fixed.  After paying court cost of course.

  3. Powerpoe1 profile image60
    Powerpoe1posted 13 years ago

    No, a father should not be sued for child support if he is living in the home and paying the bills. I believe the father has the responsilbity to provide support to his child/children. Once the couple reconciled their differences it was their responsibility to take care of paperwork that  was previously filed with the Attorney General's office.

  4. Walt Smith profile image61
    Walt Smithposted 13 years ago

    The State takes up the case in the instance that no one filed to have the support request nullified. Dead beat dads, that is the way they see it. I personally had a structured payment set up from an account for 5 years, never missing one payment, paid by the bank on the first of the month...Got served with a summons to appear in court because my ex had filed that I had made no payment, that was five years ago, and she swears she didn't...Thank God for bank statements. The court should rule in his favor, but he probably needs an attorney...W

  5. BaliMermaid profile image59
    BaliMermaidposted 13 years ago

    Plain and simple bureaucratic red tape in normal slow motion. No reasonable judge will allow that. Of course the wife will have to get on the witness stand and admit she had nothing to do with it. Then any rat in the wood pile will come out.

  6. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image77
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    Of course he should.  A father should always be sued for any reason imaginable.  You see, children should be brought up to serve the state, and so - we can't go around having healthy family structures, and . . . .crap like that.

    Just ask David Rockefeller - he might know, but asking him would be a waste of your time.

  7. davenmidtown profile image70
    davenmidtownposted 13 years ago

    On the surface the answer would be no. But consider what is not said or explain. What are "the Bills?"  We see this a lot when the state has to provide medical coverage for children while the father or mother is driving brand new cars and eating dinner out every night of the week.  Paying "the Bills" is subjective and raising children is the responsibility of the people who had them.  Everyone may need help at some point... So the answer to the question may be yes, the father should be sued.

  8. Mcham Law profile image60
    Mcham Lawposted 13 years ago

    I've handled cases like this and generally what happens is both the mother and the father show up for the hearing and tell the AG what has happened and that they want the case dismissed. The whole thing goes away.

    She probably didn't do anything. The AG's office is highly automated. The computers spit stuff like this out all the time.

  9. Indi.kreations profile image59
    Indi.kreationsposted 12 years ago

    They would have recieved some notification of collection before hand.  And her name would be on the papers as 'the otherside' no matter what in that case. The state and her vs man  but they  would have seen this coming.


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