How would you deal with a rude neighbor kid who is about 15 years old

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  1. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    How would you deal with a rude neighbor kid who is about 15 years old

    A boy came by looking for my son who wasn't here. I opened the door my cat is around my feet and I was telling him that my son had left already. He tells me "woo I can tell you have cats it's overwhelming".  Really? because the litter is clean and nowhere near my front door. 

    Now I have a complex, yes we have several kitties we foster, but I clean after them constantly. Why would a kid that age say something like that. If my son ever offended someone by insulting their home I would be very embarrassed by his behavior. All the kids in this family behave this way.  What happened to manners?

  2. RealityTalk profile image61
    RealityTalkposted 11 years ago

    I would, and have, smile & "remember."  I think it is fair to say that very few of us believe our homes to have an aroma unique to ourselves, but it is true. In the past, I have noticed a unique smell in homes of smokers, eaters, homes with children and definitely homes with pets.  The smells tend to find their way into not merely the air, but carpets and furniture, despite best efforts to clean.

    For some reason my sense of smell has diminished the last 5 years to the point that cattle could be living in my house and I would not smell anything offensive.  That's good for me, but maybe not guests if I do not remember to clean up after the kids and pets.

    I agree it is irritating when someone forgets to use  a little decorum when noticing such things, but then I think it is the way so many people are these days; speak your mind - no matter who you offend.  I would just let it ride and don't let it bother you so much.  Maybe even take it as a tip that maybe the cats are leaving a lingering odor that needs correcting.  I'd rather be told by a teenage kid that not be told by close friends who never mention it and avoid my house because of it.

    Just so you know, I have pets as well.  We own a boxer, two Russian tortoises, a tank full of fish, a Guinna pig, a hedgehog and a hamster.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I hear you, but my friends and family don't avoid my house fortunately! so I think I"m good. We have gatherings quite often and no one seems to complain, but now I have a complex lol.

    2. CraftytotheCore profile image73
      CraftytotheCoreposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's good to know fellow animals lovers, Reality!  I have 2 cats, 3 dogs, 3 birds, and a pot-belly pig.  All adopted/rescued.

    3. RealityTalk profile image61
      RealityTalkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A pig?  Now that is cool!  I checked out a picture of one.  How are they as pets?

    4. CraftytotheCore profile image73
      CraftytotheCoreposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote a Hub about our Wilbur.  He is awesome.  He thinks he is a dog, sometimes human.  big_smile

  3. Lee Tea profile image85
    Lee Teaposted 11 years ago

    Tell him it's pest deterrent...then bid him good day and close the door smile 

    I bet this could work for all KINDS of unwanted rude guests....salesmen, religious fanatics, salesmen, rude kids, in-laws, salesmen...the possibilities are endless!

    Stand your ground.  If there's any ground you can call your own, it's your home.  You care for it and the people inside of it - have confidence, take pride.  Can't please everyone, especially pubescent boys.  He can go smell somewhere else...

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Pest deterrent - I like it smile lol I'm not a crazy cat lady yet and mine are too lazy to catch mice but hey, it's a good line lol

  4. CraftytotheCore profile image73
    CraftytotheCoreposted 11 years ago

    First off, I commend you Christin for fostering animals.  It feels so good to do something for the helpless.

    The fact that this teenager came to your door and spoke to you like that, I would say that common sense disappeared a long time ago.

    I have 3 rescued/adopted dogs, 2 cats, 3 birds, and a pot-belly pig.  My house is virtually spotless.  I hired a dog behaviorist who told me he had never been in a more clean and friendly home for people/animals where everyone got along. 
    But having said that, and despite the litter box being in the basement, I've had grown adults come in my home and tell me they think I'm crazy for having animals.  (My cats have their own room, a curtain dividing their area, and a kitty door to run up and down from the basement to the rest of the floors in the house). 
    Yet, the people who have said this have more animals than I do and they don't clean their house half as well!

    What I think is that this person, 15 or otherwise, has never had the life experiences that can bring them the joy that holding an adopted pet, feeling loved by one, or caring for one can bring to the owner.  Because when someone truly loves someone or something, or whatever they do, they would have been more joyous over the fact that you have a big heart to take in helpless critters that can't fend for themselves. 

    People are always looking for the negative side of life.  Maybe suggest he work at a homeless horse farm shoveling stables, doing something good for something other than himself.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's awesome smile We have 6 and a 1/2 at the moment. I say 1/2 because he's a stray that we feed outside so he doesn't contribute to the problem lol he only comes in if its cold, he likes it outside the others are divas.

  5. rutley profile image65
    rutleyposted 11 years ago

    You can say, "Wow, I just got a whiff of heavy B O when my door opened, any clue where that would be coming from?"  All my 15 yr old son talks about is who smells like B O. Most of the time it's him and he just doesn't know it, ha ha.
    Hormones are at the highest and the zit factor is amazing!

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      lol I can relate. My 14 year old is terrible some days. He keeps his hair longer and the oily phase is in full gear lol. He showers twice a day sometimes and is still oily looking I hated that phase wink.

  6. Billie Kelpin profile image88
    Billie Kelpinposted 11 years ago

    Welllll...I have never been able to think this fast, but I have it in my back pocket to say, "That hurt my feelings."  Actually, I think I did manage to spit that out of my mouth once, and the person apologized.  I think kids need to know when they are saying hurtful things.  Obviously, there's a parenting issue going on there.  I love some TV programs like "Two and a Half" Men.  It's funny for adults, but certainly doesn't model behavior for children. But it all comes down to empathy, I think.  A young person who can't understand that that might be hurtful, to me has issues.  If it was a little 4 year old -  no problem.  Of course, little ones are going to say what they feel. But at 15? To a neighbor and the mother of a potential friend? No. I understand boys and their need to be humorous and cool, but still...

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's what I was thinking little ones don't have a filter and that's understandable, but older kids you would think would be polite about such things.

  7. Borsia profile image37
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    Kids of that age tend to say things without thinking they just blurt out whatever pops into their minds.
    There may well be an odor that you have become so accustom to to notice hey it happens. I'm a cat lover and for many years we had 2. No matter what we did there was an odor and our cats were indoor only and very clean. They used their box which was one of those electric type that self scoop and place in an odor tight container and we changed the litter everyday.
    Could also be that your son mentioned it to him and he just parroted the thought.
    A rebuttal insult is just lowering your own behavior to his level, you won't feel any better for it.
    If you know your house is clean and it doesn't bother you consider that he will probably stay away in the future.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I wouldn't do that, but still it is kind of rude. Part of me was thinking if it isn't clean enough for you here stop showing up uninvited all the darn time wink - but I held my tongue lol.

    2. Borsia profile image37
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Should he ever mention it again you can point out that nobody is forcing him to come over, or to stay.

  8. CrescentSkies profile image68
    CrescentSkiesposted 11 years ago

    This is where you sic that cat on him and say "the cat can understand human language and says you'd better learn some manners or he'll attack you in your sleep".

    Except for the following lawsuit...I did not think that through...

    1. Borsia profile image37
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think I've ever seen an attack trained cat but it might be worth a try

  9. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    Just shrug it off as a rude teenager Christin. Unfortunately, respect your elders is not very high on their list anymore. That is great that you foster cats that do not have a home. Good for you!!

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you. Unfortunately, you're right about many kids not respecting their elders. There's a pack of teens in town here that will curse at people and the parents think it's funny - sigh.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It all starts at home.

    3. Billie Kelpin profile image88
      Billie Kelpinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      J, I  think you're right that it starts in the home, but I guess I always try to let kids know, if only my kind of "embracing them" in my mind, and showing who I am by my actions.They know that it's not ok with ME just like it's not ok with a teacher

    4. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Billie.

  10. MizBejabbers profile image90
    MizBejabbersposted 11 years ago

    Wow, you have some great answers from fast thinkers. I was just going to say ignore the little s**t and don't open the door next time he comes by. You say that all the kids in the family exhibit rude behavior, so I guess I'll stick by my advice. I'm sorry you were treated so rudely. As a cat lover, I find that if I become accustomed to an odor when the litter box needs changing, just going outside in the fresh air and returning inside tells me that the box needs attention.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      definitely, I can tell coming from outside if a box needs attention usually. We try to be on top of them daily, but sometimes other stuff comes up smile

  11. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    First of all, his parents need to have a little chat with him. That was rude.  I can tell you as someone who isn't fond of cats that for many non-cat owners they have a very distinctive odor..I know this sounds strange coming from a dog owner like myself because yes - dogs, especially the hunting breeds smell bad to non-dog owners--and dog owners too!

    But because cats constantly lick themselves and the saliva dies on their fur, they have a very bad odor (to me) maybe that is what he was smeling - and albeit should have kept his mouth shut.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Could be, but he was on my front porch not even in my house, so I can't believe it was that bad. I think just a rude kid smile. It did allow me to remind my kids of manners and how we address people though.

  12. wittywanderer42 profile image72
    wittywanderer42posted 11 years ago

    I think manners flew out the window when computers, internet and social media came in. We cannot deny that teenagers today spend more time on Facebook or on "twitterverse" where they can speak their mind freely and sad to say, arrogantly, rather than spend time with parents and siblings.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is true, it's really depleted social skills. Ironically the more connected we all get, the further apart we grow. My kids don't use twitter and only FB once in awhile not daily. I am glad for that!

  13. Koyna Sen profile image59
    Koyna Senposted 11 years ago

    I truly feel sorry for you, since you were treated rudely and that too by a kid. But take my words, nowadays most kids, if not all are not aware of any decorum. Their behavioral attitude are also quite weird sometime. They just speak their mind, without thinking that how others feel. So, the best thing is just ignore them. You are truly doing a noble job and just continue with it.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you. I agree. I don't understand why parents don't teach kids to use some tact - but then again a lot of parents don't seem to have it anymore either.

  14. BuffaloGal1960 profile image70
    BuffaloGal1960posted 11 years ago

    I think I might be tempted to say something like, "Yeah, they pee all over the place every time the doberman's scare them."  lol. 

    Seriously though, I would probably just say, "Are you always rude like that?  Because that is rude."  And be done with it. 

    Perhaps a talk with his parents would help but then again, he could have learned it from them. 

    So I think I would just acknowledge his rudeness, making sure he knows that it's rude and maybe he won't repeat the behavior.  If that didn't work, I'd sick the dobies on him.  smile

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      smile the funny thing is he has a habit of saying rude things to a lot of people I've found out and the parents don't discipline him. Their daughter is also rude, but in other ways. The one that is the friend of my son is ok so I deal. lol.

  15. profile image0
    delleaposted 11 years ago

    Cat urine reeks to people who don't own cats. It doesn't matter how much you clean. What happens is after years of getting used to the smell you don't really smell it anymore. We had cats when I was a kid and we never realized how bad the smell was despite daily cleanings. Now that I'm older and have allergy issues, I definitely notice when I enter a house with cats and their urine smell gives me an instant headache, I have a hard time coping with it and there are many people who are allergic to the potent odor. But in contrast, cat owners simply don't notice it because over time they lose their sense of that particular smell.

    As noted, we had cats and we got tired of having to clean up their puke and pee all the time. They destroyed chairs and couches as well as lots of woodwork around the house with scratching because they refused to use scratching posts. Despite all the cleaning, the years of them peeing on the carpets had soaked into the floorboards and we didn't realize how bad it was until we did recent home renovations, despite the carpets were clean the smell was in the wood beneath! I like cats, but as long as someone else owns them... they are nasty and unclean and I'll never own another cat again.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No, they aren't nasty and unclean if you care for them properly. I'm sorry your house reeked, mine does not. My cats don't pee on the floor and are trained not to scratch furniture and use a post

  16. PoeticFailosophy profile image57
    PoeticFailosophyposted 11 years ago

    You have become used to the smell so that you don't notice it, but it is there, or else he wouldn't have said anything.  When someone says they can smell your pets, the don't necessarily mean their waste products.  The animals themselves have odors about their bodies, just as people do.  Cats bodies smell very strongly to me, that's why I don't have them.  Dogs have a very strong body smell too.  Some people are more sensitive to the smells of animals than others.

    Rather than get offended by a side issue, why don't you just air out your home a little more.  For your own health, not to please some nosy neighbor and their ill-mannered kids.


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