why men need sex while women only need love

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  1. dianne143 profile image37
    dianne143posted 13 years ago

    Then why?

    1. lady_love158 profile image60
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Who says women don need sex??? We're just more particular about who we'll share our body with!

      1. dianne143 profile image37
        dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That's true

      2. melodyandes profile image61
        melodyandesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, you're right. Actually, I have known women who are more aggressive than men when it comes to sex.

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          that depends to a partner wink

        2. profile image0
          LogicalSparkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Can you please ask some of them to msg me??
          I am desperately looking for such women ! big_smile big_smile

    2. nightwork4 profile image60
      nightwork4posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      since when did women need only love. almost every woman i have met needs sex as much or more then love. the biggest difference is men don't tend to use sex as a tool like somewomen do .i'm not trying to be rude but many women want sex but they justify the need by acting like they are looking for love.

      1. dianne143 profile image37
        dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I do respect your opinion but that's your experienced.. In my side most man I've known just an opportunist  to what the woman felt for then they used it just to get what they wanted.. I don't want to be rude also or to provoke you but this is my honest answer.... it's because because we grew up in different cultures and traditions that is why our experiences were having differences between male and female.

        In my culture woman always looking for love because man just likely wanted to have just fun when they wanted to dump a girl they do... but I never experienced that for sure..... I am so very cautions in choosing my partner since  I have  to protect my self. But I saw and heard that to my friends....

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          its cautious

        2. profile image58
          peterwsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I can`t imagine all men are like that.  The ones that are are very ,shall we say, mobile and active.   They give everybody a bad name.  Maybe they think this is what women expect these days; could it be true?  You tell me!

    3. pisean282311 profile image62
      pisean282311posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      well i dont think women dont need sex as much as men do...both need them, it is mere how society makes us perceive both genders...

    4. Dave Mathews profile image60
      Dave Mathewsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Mostly because most women are passive partners and do not know how to be the aggressive partner in bed. They consider sex as an oblogation rather than a fun and pleasurable thing. Also most women are either afraid or find it disgusting to go the whole route and use their entire body for pleasure.

      1. dianne143 profile image37
        dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        very well said dave

      2. profile image52
        IMSansRegretsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I couldn't disagree more with you, Dave Matthews. I say this respectfully, but I in no way feel obligated to have sex, ever. I like it, no, LOVE it, and find it to be more pleasurable the more "disgusting" it is. You are speaking to the stereotype, and I am here to tell you that it is just not accurate for a lot of women.

    5. noyon_ku profile image61
      noyon_kuposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's true that women need love but not only love. They need sex more than men.

    6. speedbird profile image61
      speedbirdposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I guess even women need sex and men need love..it is all about the timing

  2. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 13 years ago

    It's a lie. Women need sex no less then men, contrary to what you have been taught at school. In fact, with age women need more sex than men - hence the viagra and stuff smile

    1. bgamall profile image62
      bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Lol Misha, I was thinking the same thing.

      1. Julie2 profile image60
        Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        All the women I know love to have sex. If they could have it a couple times a day they would be on cloud nine, not stress work, bills or the kids. Women are much more aggressive and vocal when it comes to sex now-a-days which I think is great and about time.

        Saying, "I love you" just isn't enough. Yeah it feels good to hear it and get a hug and kiss but there is nothing better then laying in bed with a man while your making passionate love and he whispers, "I love you." Believe it or not, for many women love is preferrable when expressed and shown through physical activity such as sex.

        For those that are romantics that means more because not only are you hearing something that feeds your mind and makes it feel good but you are also at the point of having an orgasm which is making your body feel good as well which is a plus.

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          True.. woman would likely to have caress, cuddle a romance.... that makes more perfect and exciting..

          1. Julie2 profile image60
            Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You are so right dianne, alot of men don't realize that just by cuddling with a woman, such a simple sensual act makes a hell of a difference in our heart and mind. That actually makes a woman crave them more.

            1. profile image60
              logic,commonsenseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Then I must be irresistable! smile

              1. Julie2 profile image60
                Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Ahhhhhh, but of course you are. Oh yeah uh huh oh yeah! tongue

            2. dianne143 profile image37
              dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              and sometimes man lacks about that thing... so there are some woman who find it so boring without it. Add some spice! big_smile

    2. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      hahahha i guess man are really more aggressive to that thing..... the urge


      1. bgamall profile image62
        bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That isn't what Misha said, lol. You must be younger. smile

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          i understand what he said wink

  3. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago


    1. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      cute pic thanks smile

      1. profile image52
        megaturd1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yea that's really cute!!!

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          funny duck big_smile

  4. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Why men need sex while women only need love?

    This above statement, I just have a few questions- (a)Did you think the question up on your own? or (b) Did someone else say this question and you are just asking it for whatever reason?

    As for answering your question? Men need sex just like Women need sex. Women do not, I repeat, do not only need love and Men only need sex.

    This singular question shows the inability of said person and their understanding of "sex" and "love". wink

    1. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      i am curios with that question so better throw this que to break my silence here..


      sex and love must come together.....

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, sex and love are two separate things.

        Sex- the action itself is meaningful to the body and requires no love to do, only lust or attraction.

        Love- is an emotion, which sometimes is attached to the act of sex, via relationships.

        You can love someone without sex and you can have sex without love.

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You are right, its has a difference.

          But it's good to have sex to someone you love.

          Now the question for you since you said so......

          How does it feels to have sex with someone without love? smile

          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            There is a difference in feelings/emotions in doing the act itself. And, as long as both people are comfortable with the arrangement without love, it makes for good sex.

            I didn't say "great" sex, but good sex. Sex with full love emotional attachment is better without a doubt, but it isn't necessary or needed to have sex. wink

            1. dianne143 profile image37
              dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I can't dare to have that kind of attachment when it comes to intimate moment... without love.... kinda scary.... but if both of you agreed with that arrangement it is not a problem.

              I guess you done it with your life experienced...... ( ? )....... wink

              1. Cagsil profile image70
                Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, I've had sex with women who just wanted sex and no attachment. It was their lead, I just simply followed. smile

                1. dianne143 profile image37
                  dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  hmmmm you just followed them? you playing safe huh? heheh

                  It's easy for you to do that because you are a man, easy for you to perform and forget cos its natural for guys to do so.....If ever you done it you still a man at least you enjoyed the round wink

                  1. Cagsil profile image70
                    Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, followed. I've not initiated the lead that leads to having sex, it was the women. wink
                    Pure assumption again. Forget? I remember each of them as a clear as day. It wasn't something that happened and I simply forgot about it, as I am able to recall and explain it to you, which I thought would be obvious. wink
                    Yes, it was enjoyed by both parties involved. smile

  5. profile image0
    ryankettposted 13 years ago

    That's not what my wife says if she doesn't get any for a few days! To be more concise, that what she told me yesterday, after the past six days that we have had lol

    Women have the ability to experience an orgasm which is four times stronger than that of a man, if a woman doesn't want sex then she hasn't had good sex before. In my humble opinion.

    1. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      you have point

      or it could be a girl is busy and tired that is why she cannot perform well....

      Its just man is high in libido

    2. bgamall profile image62
      bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Wow Ryan, that is pretty private stuff. Are you banking on your spouse not reading this? smile

      1. dianne143 profile image37
        dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        yeahhh,,,, Ryab your wifey might get mad at you


        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          sorry its Ryan wink

      2. profile image0
        ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I think that it reflects much worse on me than it does her to be honest, being too busy for the real business wink

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You must have quality time... thats the key. smile

        2. bgamall profile image62
          bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          No wonder you want to work for yourself. Now we know the whole story!!

          1. dianne143 profile image37
            dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this


  6. profile image0
    Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years ago

    Women enjoy sex just as much as men do - when they are in love. However, women do not need sex as much as men do. Ask any women who isn't looking for a man! Of course, a woman who is looking forr a man is not going to publicly admit that she doesn't need or want sex because that is going to put off all the men that she might be interested in!

    Essentially, when there is chemistry, a woman will want sex. Without the chemistry, she has no interest at all. Women do not want sex in the same way that men do.

    Men like to think that but it's not true. Having said that, about 10% of woman have a very high sex drive and I think it could be said that they do think of sex in the same way that men do.

    1. Ivorwen profile image65
      Ivorwenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well said! 
      A woman in love has as much, or more, need for sex as her man does.

      1. dianne143 profile image37
        dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah perfect answer... Actually it's both.. because we cannot deny the fact that it is really a good feelings when you love each other.

    2. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I love your answer you are really a woman... and I do agree to you as. Most of women really don't have interest with that if they don't have chemistry, the feelings for their partner if feels very incomplete, no spark no thrill at all.

      There are lots of woman out there who don't need a man because they are happy being single and there are lots of things to do and to be in mind than thinking about the urge for sex.

      As most man said they cannot live without  sex while woman can.

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Pure assumption on your part. Most men can live without sex, just like a woman can. It's a matter of many different factors. Usually, self control is one of them that many men lack, but so does women.

        It's interesting the separation created by just this thread, when the truth of the matter is that men and women, in many aspects are no different than others.

        Some things that apply to men, also apply to women. It's foolish to believe one is better than the other in any particular aspect. Making comparative aspects of life, only shows the diverse nature of each gender and nothing more.

        Each, man and woman, both have the same exact power and potential.

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Very well said It is the matter of self control. For sure man really have  this high urge because most of the time they do the first move.... wink

          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you. smile
            You're now claiming that it is the "urge" that is behind their motive of the first move? Which couldn't be further from the truth of the matter. But, not unexpected. smile

            1. dianne143 profile image37
              dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Of course,,, its the urge  the call of human urge for satisfaction....when you feel you want it what's your motive? wink

              1. Cagsil profile image70
                Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Again, you're generalizing and putting most, if not all men, into that category. If I make a first move, it isn't because of sex.

                Hence, it is not the "urge" that is my motive. It is something else. wink

                1. dianne143 profile image37
                  dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  So what is it? don't tell me its true love hahahahah kidding..... smile

        2. profile image0
          Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          For men, it's a matter of self control. For women where there is no chemistry, no self control is needed because they simply do not need or want the sex in the same way that men do.

          Men have testosterone which is known to drive people to sex. Let me share one of my life experiences with you.

          I have never had a high sex drive and it only comes into play on those rare occasions where I meet a man where there is chemistry.

          I wanted to have a loop inserted which is a method of birth control. The doctors were practising Christians and they thought that would act like abortion and they insisted on putting me on the pill - which I had always avoided.

          OMG. My sex drive went from zero to 120 miles per hour. I suddenly saw nothing wrong with becoming a prostitue and sleeping around. I could only think of sex. I dreamt of sex day in and day out. The irony was that nobody was interested because they all thought I was playing or wanted to set someone up. (My reputation for being an ice goddess preceded me).

          At the end of three months of pure unsatified sexual hell, I asked myself why I suddenly could think of nothing but sex. I realized it was the pill I was on. I stopped taking it. 48 hours later I returned to normal.

          So, Cagsil, sorry, but men and women are not the same sexually. It's the first time in my life I understood what men actually went through. And, yes, there are men with lower sex drives than most men, just as there are women who have higher sex drives than women. But generally, men have a higher biological need for sex.

          Yes, of course, there are many aspects in which men and women are similar. However, this thread was speaking particularly about sexual desire. And they are NOT the same.

          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            lol lol

          2. dianne143 profile image37
            dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            @ Sophia Angelique I really do agree to what you said.

            It's just Cagsil can't accept the truth lol..... big_smile

            1. Cagsil profile image70
              Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this


            2. profile image0
              Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              @Dianne. Cagsil likes to believe that if he says something is a certain way, then it must be that way. He has no conception of things being different to the way he thinks they are. smile

              1. Cagsil profile image70
                Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Hey Sophie, speak for yourself. It might be best. wink Considering what I know, isn't known to you. wink

              2. dianne143 profile image37
                dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                @ Sophia Angelique for sure Cagsil can't truly understands woman... smile

                1. Cagsil profile image70
                  Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Now, you're both too funny. lol lol lol lol lol

                  1. profile image0
                    Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, at least we don't have a screw loose. smile

          3. stclairjack profile image74
            stclairjackposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            i have to admit that birthcontroll had the exact opposit effect on me,... i tend to run a higher gear ratio than most women and on the pill it was greatly muted,... didnt like it one bit,.... swithched to the 90 day shot,... omg, my sex drive was non existant,.... i had the ambition of a stone. worst year of my life arguing w/ my dr,... finaly told him to shove it.

            1. dianne143 profile image37
              dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              maybe the pill prescribed by your doctor did not suits you...to how your body reacts.

              To my friends was horrible they don't experienced to what you had but to them they would always hungry and wants to eat most of the time.. They gain weight for sure.

    3. bgamall profile image62
      bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hurray for the 10 percenters. smilesmilesmilesmile

      1. dianne143 profile image37
        dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this


  7. Greek One profile image64
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

    All the women in my past were always oversexed... always "Greek One, let's do it now.. come on... again, again, AGAIN!"

    Bunch of pervs never let me sleep.

    1. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      hahhaha they are so very sexually active for sure..... and sometimes having sex is good but too much is boring and you just don't feel to do it.. in short your tired wink

      1. Greek One profile image64
        Greek Oneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        ...not to mention the scares from the untamed monkeys

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          How you handle that? they are so wild....

          1. Greek One profile image64
            Greek Oneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            simple, really...


            1. dianne143 profile image37
              dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              hahhahahahah... hmmm poor monkey..... But you can say them to stop it...

  8. stclairjack profile image74
    stclairjackposted 13 years ago

    read through this whole string and i must say,... it good to be one of the 10% women,.... frustrating at times,... but overall,... no complaints.

    not a big fan of the concept of lumping people or sexes together in groups based on gender, age, or what ever ....

    i've always been defiantly unique,... and i suspect that there are more than 10% of us out there. when i want sex the threshold is different from when i want a relationship,... and love,.... thats a whole other thing.

    1. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's for sure there are more than 10% out there just for a guessed.

      We never complain if we are not force to do so.

      1. stclairjack profile image74
        stclairjackposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        forced to complain?.. i agree,... i've deffinatly been forced into the complaint situation,.... then i remedied it,.... got rid of him.

        the complaint comment beggs a new queston...

        what might make you complain?

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I complain when i don't want to do it and he wants it... too bad! I know it can ruined a day  lol

          1. stclairjack profile image74
            stclairjackposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            i have 3 basic requirements in a live-in relationship,...

            A) conversation beyond MTV and whats for supper
            B) be usefull, iether contribute to the household financialy or help out around the house
            C) be phisicaly available,.... which is to say,.... put out.

            i complain when he cant get 2 outa 3

            i throw him out when he cant bat 300

            a non-live-in relationship only needs A) & C)

            a one way ticket to ride only needs C)

            i'm up front about my rules.

            1. dianne143 profile image37
              dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              You are good in setting up your own rules

              If one day I got married It will be always give and take unconditional rules.

        2. bgamall profile image62
          bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Do you have to be a black widow to be in the top 10 percent? Scary, very scary.

          1. dianne143 profile image37
            dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            you have to be scared  heheheh

  9. wirul profile image38
    wirulposted 13 years ago

    Man are always known as sexmaniacs rather than girls. LOL XD

    1. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      wow .....that was an answer what a spirit ! smile

      Yeah I do observed that also even in animal kingdom lol big_smile

      1. bgamall profile image62
        bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Like the goats at Hyde Park. Do they still live there? I went to London in the 70's. The female goats were getting disgusted. smile

        1. dianne143 profile image37
          dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          its just man cannot control and always on the go.....

  10. profile image0
    Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years ago

    Here are links supporting the fact that men have a far stronger sex drive than women do.

    http://www.webmd.com/sex/features/sex-d … en-compare

    http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/05/ … 2408.shtml

    There are thousands more.

    However, having spoken to many women throughout my life, I have found that most women give sex to men in order to keep the man. That's why there is so much humor about 'pretending'. Women pretend because they just want to get it over with.

    Incidentally, men also sometimes pretend - but not to the degree that women do.

    Generally, I repeat, women enjoy sex as much as men do - when there is chemistry.

    1. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I strong believe to this statement it's sad to know that you give all what you have to a man but still it's not enough for him but what he did? he wants more....

      its like tasting a food when its not good then they would likely  wants to taste another food....

      1. bgamall profile image62
        bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You want to be his only dream. Well, that takes some imagination, Lol.

      2. profile image60
        logic,commonsenseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Do you want a man that settles for less than what he desires?
        Do you settle for less than what you feel is acceptable?

        1. profile image0
          Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          @logic.commonsense. I think that it's not what a man or woman desires that's the issue. After all, some desire to murder. Other's desire to loaf and be on welfare all week long. Still others desire to take drugs, get high, steal, whatever. It's whether the deisre is for the optimal good of the species - and that means the wellbeing of both genders.

      3. profile image0
        Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        @Diantne, I think there are cycles in human history. I also think that there was a reason for the prevailing wisdom of many millenia that sex outside of marriage was not a good societal norm. Religion confused the issues.

        With the advent of the internet, porn has penetrated far more widely than it did previously. For many, it has become an addition, just like food has for some, or drugs or alcohol for others.

        Scientists are slowly beginning to understand how human biology works.

        Moderation in all things is an epic practice.

        I don't think there's any easy way out of the tangle that post modern man has got himself into - well, not without virtually complete destruction!

        1. recommend1 profile image61
          recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          This is about right - except that it is not post-modern man that has got himself into trouble it is post-modern people.  The man is wandering around in search of his metaphorical 'home' and the woman is wandering around the internet looking for how to build a nest.

          1. profile image0
            Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            @recommend1.  you're absolutely right.

            Sorry, my mistake. I should have been more clear.  I used the word 'man' as in 'mankin'd as in 'people.' smile

            1. recommend1 profile image61
              recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I know - but gave me the excuse big_smile

    2. bgamall profile image62
      bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are confused Sophia! smile

      1. dianne143 profile image37
        dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        She is not confused... That was true  big_smile

      2. profile image0
        Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        @bgamall. by what? I doubt it.

        1. bgamall profile image62
          bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You are confused when you say women don't have as strong a sex drive yet enjoy sex as much as men do. Which is it Sophia?

          Lol, Eve was confused and the beat goes on.  smile

          1. profile image0
            Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            @bgmaill. I see you are right brained and do not differentiate in terms of small details. smile Nevermind. I'll explain it to you.

            The majority of women ONLY enjoy sex when there is chemistry and love. As I pointed out repeatedly, a woman only enjoys sex if there is chemistry and then she enjoys it as much as any man. However, chemistry is not sexual attraction the way men feel it when looking at porn or a beautiful woman.. Chemistry is a lot more than that. It's when the woman actually likes the man and feels not only physically but emotionally drawn to him. She also enjoys sex when she is in love.

            Most women do NOT enjoy sex just for the sake of sex. A woman does NOT look at a man and instantly want sex becausee he is an attractive looking man. 

            A man's sex drive means that most of them will have sex with anything and anyone immediately it is offered, and especially if it is a offered by a beautiful woman. A woman, on the other hand, will have sex with a man for one or all of  the following reasons:

            a) She is paid for it.
            b) She wants something from the guy.
            c) There is chemistry
            d) She is in love with him.

            A man does not need to be in love with a woman, nor does he need for there to be chemistry. He is sexually stimulated through sight alone.

            I suggest you go read some doctoral research on the topic..

            If I'm confused, then so is every single medical doctor or scientist who has researched the topic and found the following resutls. These are not my own conclusions. I am merely repeating the research. The link below is a medical website and the discussion is between doctors.

            http://www.webmd.com/sex/features/sex-d … en-compare

            1. bgamall profile image62
              bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              So, women have the same strong sex drive, but it is just kindled by different circumstances and as you say "chemistry". But to say they don't have as strong a sex drive when in the mood for sex would not be correct.

              Besides, what do phony doctors know anyway? LOL

              1. profile image0
                Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                @bgmaill. I didn't say that they didn't enjoy sex when they wanted it. And to have a sex drive means to have it all the time, not just to have it once a year when one meets someone who one has chemistry with.

                Men have a sex drive all the time. Women only have a sex drive when there is chemistry. Chemistry, for most women, happens with two or three men in a lifetime.

                I have met three men in 40 years wrhere there has been chemistry. The rest of the time, like many of the women I know, sex bores me to tears.

                Read the very revealing article below. I guess this is a case of you just don't want to know! smile

                http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic … p-men.html

                And I quote from the above article. "The key finding of the book is that men are, on some level, physically attracted to most women, yet women are left sexually cold by most men."

                Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic … z1FUAQGgRn

                I once had a friend who ran a dating agency. She told me that the women used to tell her that they had sex with the men because, if they didn't, the man would find someone else.

                1. bgamall profile image62
                  bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Again, what you are saying is that men have a more frequent strong sex drive and women have a less frequent strong sex drive. Frequency does not equal strength. You have not made the case that men have a stronger sex drive. You are only making the case that men are more easily or more frequently interested.

                  1. stclairjack profile image74
                    stclairjackposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    having read through this section of the string i can honestly say,..... thank you sophia,... i think i'm having an identity crisis now.

                    i am the sexual equivelant to the 1% biker,..... i am the 10% woman...... and feel very sorry for anyone who is bored to tears with sex,..... if you truely are bored to years,... someone is not ding something right, and life is too short for that, kick it to the curb and trade up.

                  2. profile image0
                    Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    @bgamall... Let me quote to you my opening paragraph on this discussion because I'm a liittle tired of going around in circles... smile

                    "Women enjoy sex just as much as men do - when they are in love. However, women do not need sex as much as men do. Ask any women who isn't looking for a man! Of course, a woman who is looking forr a man is not going to publicly admit that she doesn't need or want sex because that is going to put off all the men that she might be interested in!

                    Essentially, when there is chemistry, a woman will want sex. Without the chemistry, she has no interest at all. Women do not want sex in the same way that men do.

                    Men like to think that but it's not true. Having said that, about 10% of woman have a very high sex drive and I think it could be said that they do think of sex in the same way that men do."

  11. profile image0
    blake4dposted 13 years ago


    1. bgamall profile image62
      bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Looking up to the Eiffel tower or something? smile

      1. dianne143 profile image37
        dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        maybe something we don't know big_smile

  12. rebekahELLE profile image85
    rebekahELLEposted 13 years ago

    Sophia, I so disagree with this statement. Every woman and every man are different and have their own sex drive. Those researchers never asked me or other women I know, and we're all professional, healthy, respectable women. smile

    1. stclairjack profile image74
      stclairjackposted 13 years agoin reply to this


    2. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I certainly am professional, healthy, and respectable... But woman?!?! yikes big_smile

      1. rebekahELLE profile image85
        rebekahELLEposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        wink Misha, Misha - I knew someone would take it that way. lol

  13. S Leretseh profile image59
    S Leretsehposted 13 years ago

    Males, particularly young males, need their status symbols too. However, females have been allowed - by liberal bully laws - to invade their status symbols (in pursuit of their new manhood)... and are making quite a wreck of western civilization countries. But how to get rid of the bully laws (civil rights laws)? I don't know. Sort of like dumping arsenic into a stew and then trying to remove it.

  14. salt profile image60
    saltposted 13 years ago

    men think sex sex sex, women think shop shop shop

    1. dianne143 profile image37
      dianne143posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      make sense!  smile

  15. mdlawyer profile image43
    mdlawyerposted 13 years ago

    There is some difference in the orientation, of course.  It may be due to the difference in the mechanism of sex in both the sexes.

  16. arb profile image77
    arbposted 13 years ago

    Well! An interesting thread, to say the least. I always tend to seek the common denominater and when it comes to sex,love,desire, ect., I think we all seek self gratification (self fullfillment). Where we find it differs in men and women. It is neither wrong or right, it is simply different. We bond and connect in different places. I think our deepest misunderstanding lies in this assumption, What makes you feel something is what makes someone else feel the same. Men and women relate to movies different and they relate sexually different. I think men find connection through sex (primarily, but not only) and women find connection through (emotional intimacy primaily, but not only ) They can find it sexually, but not primarily. What is important in relationship is to understand where your significant other finds connection and meet them there. We are both looking for the same thing, but, we search and find it a little differently. Women accuse men of thinking about sex all the time. I find that amusing because it is there that he connects, but, she doesn't accuse him of wanting to connect all the time. Men say women want to talk all the time, but that is where she connects and yet, we aren't accusing her of wanting to connect all the time. We owe it to one another to meet the other where they connect. There we bond and if it's a little different, who cares, we have connected.

  17. Bard of Ely profile image78
    Bard of Elyposted 13 years ago

    Some men such as myself can and do do without either!


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