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Is It a Great Idea to Live Together With Your Partner Before Marriage?

Updated on March 9, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Marriage and Relationships

I lived with my partner for a year and a half before marriage. Surprisingly, my parents were fine with the idea.

Most cultures do not approve of that happening before marriage.

In Indian custom, it is not allowed by many families.

At that time, I was twenty-one and my parents did not interfere with my decisions.

Being old enough to know what I was getting myself into did not make them feel too concerned.

Growing up in a westernized lifestyle my life was different in comparison to the traditional lifestyle.

· I was not told ''not to,'' or ''do not!''

Living together with my partner before marriage allowed me to see him for who he really is, and we grew to accept each other’s habits.

My observations each day allowed us to know one another much deeper in thought.

The way we approached each day made us see our lives together as one.

I think living together before marriage does help many couples in their later married lives.

To live together in the same apartment, and to sleep in the same bed, you know what you are expecting in the relationship.

It helped me not only know more about my partner but also, to see our different moods at different times.

I knew of a couple who lived together for ten years before marriage.

Another couple lived together for four years together before marriage.

They too are still together after marriage.

The understanding between two people becomes clear each day, and they tend to trust each other easily.

It may not work out for every couple to live together before marriage and still succeed in marriage.

For those who have been successful, it shows they have a much better relationship.

Do some people feel it is a whole lot of nonsense living together with their partners before marriage what do you think?

It is a great idea to live together with your partner before marriage.

Is It a Great Idea to Live Together With Your Partner Before Marriage?

· Look at it this way:

Living with your partner before marriage does open your eyes to many aspects of the whole relationship.

You get to test yourself with your partner.

You have an opportunity to see how you can get along each day.

Arguing about the daily chores shows you what else is wanted of you in the relationship.

Your love here is put to the test, and you get to see how you can make changes if needed.

The little arguments allowed me to figure out other options. I found ways to deal with the small stuff.

I learned about my partner and myself and the important conversations, of our lives together each day.

We learned how to communicate, and respect each other’s needs.

There was no time to walk away from stupid fights or arguments.

We solved our issues then and there which left us with no apologies.

The importance of our relationship showed every day.

With both feet in the water, we swam together and did exactly that swimming together back to back and front to front, also side by side.

If you are happy together you are good to be in the relationship.

Some couples feel the success of their relationship is not determined.

Whether or not they are still together mostly depends on their happiness.

Happiness surely counts for many relationships.

Another issue with partners living together before marriage, they feel the spark is blown out the window.

The actual spark of excitement is not in the marriage but once they spend their time living together before their marriage.

The idea of moving together is very exciting but later in the marriage, they feel the excitement no longer exists.

However, your choice of lifestyle may not work out for every couple.

Some couples while living together break up before they even get to the altar.

Some parents still do not accept the idea of their children living together with their partners before marriage.

You make your own choices.

The way you choose to deal with the consequences is entirely your choice.

Problems arise with some couples when they do not live together.

They do not know where their partner is spending time and what they are getting up to for themselves.

In such cases, trust is not easily developed between couples.

Most couples who live together do not feel satisfied in their marriage.

A fact indeed only if they reach the altar.

If you love your partner enough to live together then you can pass all obstacles.

Love him or her for what you see not for what you want to see.

People are not happy with living together the real excitement passes by quickly and it leaves their marriage less satisfied.

On the other side of things living together does show you to stay or to you could leave if you did not feel like staying with your partner.

You can always move out if you do not want to live with your partner.

In this way, you will not feel trapped in the relationship, and then tying the knot will not be so stressful.

When you marry your new life begins with your partner.

You will not be living in the one-bedroom apartment instead move into a home to plan a family.

You have a different perspective on the relationship when you live together before marriage.

Moving in together sounds the same as a marriage, and if the dating process does not work out you break up.

The same is for marriage when you want out you get a divorce.

People move in together for the wrong reasons also, and they marry for the wrong reasons.

· If you found you are not compatible while living together will not be better to know before marriage?

The rush into marriage can make many couples feel excited and overwhelmed with themselves but when married they see their true self and they do not want to go further.

Trouble begins in harmony and before you know it divorce is on their minds.

In real relationships, you face all times together not only the good times whatever comes your way you must take it.

Surviving the battles shows you are in a good marriage.

You discover your partner's values and true self when you live together before marriage.

The commitment deepens between two people and your disgust with your partner truly shows deeply and directly.

When you wait for marriage to see all what concerns then you would want to leave that marriage.

Some couples can find this a complicated matter especially when there is a lack of commitment to the other.

To leave your partner hanging and waiting for better days means you have doubts about the relationship.

Many dating relationships go on for years without a true commitment.

When not in a marriage they just live together hoping for the best or are too scared to give in.

Married lives change all the time with two people involved.

Whether you are in a relationship or still looking for one with careful thought you can make your decisions.

Your choices made can enlighten your plans.

· To sum up:

I think couples should live together before marriage there are certain personality traits and habits that become apparent.

When two people live together, they get to see everything about each other.

One can gain a specific preview of what their lives would be like together when married.

You understand your needs for each before entering the legal act.

Is It a Great Idea to Live Together With Your Partner Before Marriage?



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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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