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Affirmations for the Overcomer

Updated on March 9, 2012

He that has an ear, let him hear

Why affirmations?

There has been a lot of confusion concerning affirmations and declarations. I think this is mainly because we feel the natural world we live in dominates and dictates things to us the way they are, and we might as well accept it and live with it. But this is far from the whole truth.

You might feel as I have 'this seems so shallow' or 'I feel like I am lying' or 'I don't believe this stuff, how should I expect others to believe it' or 'I fell so stupid telling myself this'

The woman in the bible with the issue of blood said to 'herself' if I touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole. I don't think that she casually mentioned it to herself a time or two. It was a burning desire that she meditated on day and night. In other words she repeated it over and over to herself till she knew it would happen and it did. She never asked Jesus to heal her, nor did Jesus seek her out. It was her faith that made her whole.

So affirmations are for you, they are one of many tools you can use to change your inner man. While you are feeling good and seeing clear, you see revelations about yourself and the goodness of your God. But seeing it in your spirit is not enough, because your spirit alone can not change your surroundings. It must pass through your soul, of which consist your mind and emotions.

We think that once we see something as true, then the fruit will automatically appear. We forget about the thieves, persecutors, and weeds that are in our mind, and the minds of others that we might share our new understanding with. The accuser either steals the seed, bears down hard against it till it withers, or chokes it out with weeds of his own. This is explained in the parable of the sower. So we return to our old thoughts like a 'dog returns to his vomit', making our new, beautiful revelation unfruitful. We return to the familiar and our life remains the same. Oh I have been caught in that trap to many times!

Changing the way we think in the inner man of the soul is the way to manifest the truth and the life, which are fruit of a new kingdom, a good and awesome kingdom.

Maybe what you think about you is just not true?

You must consider that the way you think now is what brought the things into your life, good and bad, some wanted, some unwanted. You might have believed lies about yourself and about God, which caused you to produce lies in your life that you think are truth. You can change years worth of bad programming in a lot shorter time, but it takes commitment, discipline, and mental work. It will not be easy, new thought paths will have to be created in order for the life of God to flow through. You know when Jesus said 'wide is the way to destruction, and narrow is the way to life' I believe He was referring to how easy it is to continue the same thought ways, and how hard it is to change your thoughts.

Meta Neo, which was translated repent, actually means change your thoughts. You can do this. A command given is not void of the power to complete it. As a friend always says 'Da power there'

Do you know who you are?!

Understanding who you are and that you are not in competition with others will help you decide how to change your thinking about yourself. Understanding who you are will take some studying and praying till you see how your creator made you.

Below is an affirmation that was based on my understanding about God and myself thus far. There was more personal stuff in the original but I only printed that which others could associate with easily. Enjoy and God Bless

Include purpose with others.

Many lives are being changed to the fullness of the gospel of salvation and restoration. Many are being enriched by the understanding the Lord brings.

The miraculous power of the Spirit of God is displayed everywhere we go, and we carry the Kingdom and Dominion we are intended to walk in.

The angelic world follows me around to receive the command of the Kingdom. Liberty multiplies as people become free in Christ.

The Fathers heart is seen in ways that only He can show it. People are feeling loved and important because the truth of His will is exalted.

As the Lord showed me He would. He is burning the roofs off our protective, complacent, deforming doctrines, replacing it with real comfort, direction, and protection which comes from walking in the spirit and dominion as sons of God.

I am awed by the abundance that fills my life in every area. I am having awesome relationships with my wife, with my children, and with others that are brought to us to love and father. These relationships are blessed in every way possible.

Money, wealth, Gold and Silver, along with other precious metals are drawn to me because I have a giving heart. I am able to manage and grow moneys and wealth with almost no effort. I spread wealth like scattering seed. One hundred fold returns are being produced, returned and sown again. Prosperity is seen and talked by myself and those I am in covenant with me. Hope is overflowing everywhere we go.

The accusers head is smashed by every step we take and every word we speak. The truth of his defeat is in clear manifestation as people see their liberty as children of God.

Things blossom and spout at the sound of my voice. Rhythm and harmony are my companions. Every thing that opposes us converts to our gain and the gain of the kingdom of God. Unsung songs are being sung and unseen realms are being seen. Life is multiplying with natural vigor and vitality.

New discoveries and inventions follow us because creativity has been unshackled, and hearts are bold and free. Desire is unleashed and purified. Creation is laughing again, dancing and cheering us as we go. Growth is in abundance.

Doctrine is purified and darkened translation is enlightened by the Fathers heart. Fallen mindsets are conformed to God's mindset. Real love and sacrifice emerge and guild our way.


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