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FATHER FATHER Why have You Forsaken Me?

Updated on April 9, 2013

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me,
so far from my cries of anguish?
2 My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer,
by night, but I find no rest.

PSALM: 22; 1-2

Why was Jesus forsaken by God? This age old mystery has always been the gateway into understanding the concept of CHRIST. Those who were present at the crucifixion begged HIM to perform a miracle and escape the crucifix. Others mocked HIM to perform the same escape tactics because He had performed so many miracles.

Why did not Jesus the CHRIST save his own self?

The Test of Humanity

Would mankind really kill an innocent person? Yes.

It happens all the time. People, who go about doing good and nice things for humanity have been repeatedly targeted and eliminated.

Jesus came as the lamb to be slaughtered in order to fulfill the final sacrifice needed for humanity to be forgiven for their wickedness and brutality.

The Passover Lamb

In Exodus 12, the FATHER promised to strike down the first born of every household in Egypt. The children of Israel (Twelve Tribes of Israel) where instructed to prepare a sacrificial lamb as a feast and mark the top of the door frames with the sacrificial lamb's blood. When the FATHER went through Egypt that night, He will see the mark of the blood and Passover that household of His children.

Jesus the CHRIST is a representation of the sacrificial lamb.

Those who are covered in His Blood will be passed over.


The Bronze Snake That was Lifted Up

During the Journey in the desert away from Egypt, the people sinned by becoming ungrateful by wishing that they were back in slavery. The children of Israel wished they could go back and eat the slave master's food because the journey was tedious.

The children of Israel were then afflicted by venomous snakes because of their ungratefulness to be free. They cried to Moses to intercede with the FATHER in order to be forgiven.

Moses was instructed by the FATHER to construct a bronze snake and erect it on a pole. Anyone that looked upon the snake would be healed from the bites of the venomous snakes.

Jesus the CHRIST is a representation of the BRONZE snake that has to be lifted up in the desert in order to spare the life of the FATHERS' children.

The Passover Feast (The Lords Supper)

Before the CHRIST was crucified, He attended the Passover feast along with his twelve disciples, who represents the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They broke and ate from the same unleavened bread and drank from the same cup.

At this point, Jesus the CHRIST was the sacrificial lamb sitting at the table. His blood will be spilled as the final sacrifice.

Matthew 26:27-28

27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

The Trinity

The trinity is the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Before being crucified, Jesus the CHRIST was the embodiment of the trinity.

John 14:11

Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.

You can always judge a person by the actions they take in life. Evil people do wicked things. Good people do good things. Jesus the CHRIST was basically saying that He can only do the works of His FATHER.

Jesus the CHRIST and the FATHER were in one accord before the crucifix.

My God My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me

When Jesus the CHRIST was lifted up on the cross, the trinity was broken. The FATHER had turned His back on His son. Jesus was forsaken by god. All the spiritual and miraculous powers that were once possessed by Jesus the CHRIST was gone. He screamed out in great pain and anguish "My God My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?" or "FATHER FATHER Why have You Forsaken Me?"


Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani - (Syrio-Chaldean Matthean) - Aramaic

Eli Eli lema sabachthani - (Aramaic Marken)

Allah Allah lama tarak tani - Arabic

ēli ēli lama zaphthani - Codex Bezae (Greek)

My God, my God, for what have you forsaken me? - English

ηλι ηλι λιμα σαβαχθανει - Greek

Aramaic- אלהי למא שבקתנ

Why did the FATHER separate from the SON?

Why was Jesus forsaken by God?

The SON had taken upon himself the wickedness (sin) of the world by being the sacrificial lamb. The FATHER does not mix with sin. He only knows GOOD. The SON would have to bare the sin of the world by Himself.

The Resurrection

The wages of sin is death. The only hope for the SON was to not have committed any wicked activities while He was with Humanity. If He had sinned, His reward would be death. The resurrection is the reward for doing GOOD works amongst humanity. Jesus the CHRIST would have to do everything on his own merit without the intervention of His Father.

Each human being can attain the CHRIST spirit by doing GOOD.

Within each human being the trinity has been broken. We become the embodiment of the trinity whenever we do GOOD.

Eli Eli - God God

Lama - Why

Sabachthani - Forsaken (left) me

Last Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

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Peace and Love My People

Copyright © 2012 Rasta1


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