Good Friday Reflecting, Get Your Focus Easter Is Coming
On This Day We Mourn
Because of Good Friday Leave it at the Cross
Good Friday is a sad reflection of a daily reminder of what is coming. Perhaps the weather will be perfect; no matter the clouds and trials of life, we remember the death of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and await celebrating His resurrection.
Any day could bring difficulties. Perhaps it will be one of the most challenging moments of our life. One can feel lost, sad, and abandoned, but we are never alone. Because of Good Friday, you can never be alone.
When God gave His only Son, we received the ultimate gift. Jesus, our Lord, and Savior, His blood, shed as He took the Cross for all of us. We could debate the reasons, details, and methods, but just close your eyes. Find peace in the quiet and imagine the power of someone loving you without condition. Sufficient to cover your cost, cleanse you of wrongdoing, and grant you eternal life with Him.
Jesus is available to everyone! God understands us; He knows the winding road, and you have a journey because of His selfless act of love. Wow, I wish we could all love one another like that! You know, He was selfless and we are not worthy, yet He still loves us. To see His unconditional love and forgiveness humbled me of my flesh.
Looking into a mirror, one may see a fragile reflection with subtle or significant cracks; this is not the reality, as our Jesus sees us whole, covered by His grace and mercy. Because of Jesus, we live in the light of what is coming on Easter morning after morning on Good Friday.
I ask one favor of you today that you close your eyes just once and allow Him to speak to you right where you are. He will come to you in your weakest moments and lift you when you want, only to fall. He will pull you toward Him when you want to run and hide. Why not give Him a chance?
He is Waiting
The remarkable thing about our God is that He is reaching down, and all we need to do is place our hand in His and walk with Him. He is right there waiting. How about you start with trusting in His promises? It will all be okay; you can take a baby step of faith for the rest of your life to begin or continue. This world would tell you to let give in, but the truth is we need to let God!
Matthew 17:20 New International Version
20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I say to you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can tell this mountain. Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
I believe we can find this faith and strength if we are open to the call of Christ. Close your eyes and talk to Him. There is no right or wrong way to call on Him. Speak from your heart. Allow Him to hear your plea, and He will respond. Once you do this, ask Him to come into your heart forever, live there, and ask forgiveness for the sins He knows you have committed. When we focus on the sin of others, we are missing our part in the fall of man. We are all forgiven, and He said, forgive as I have forgiven you.
Because He knows everything about you, and He made you. Imagine the beginning where He created the thought of you. He knew when you would beckon Him and recognize He was always by your side.
I find it funny that we think we are purposeful in seeking Him when He is reaching down to us all along. He promised to be with us, and He is. God is in the details.
Whether we recognize our core, work it out, or neglect it, the truth remains we have one. If we pay attention to it, we become more robust, and our endurance improves. For that same reason, we must attend and give glory to the power at our center of that core. That power is Jesus Christ within us, where core exercises strengthen one. The same is correct about exercising the center of our heart. We do this by applying discipline to the study of His word.
The lack of discipline in exercising our core makes us weak. While the muscles are there, they can only become stronger if we give attention to them, remaining true to our faith walk. We must exercise the discipline to improve understanding. Our strength lies in embracing the faith and belief in Christ that defines our very being.
Galatians 2:20 New International Version
20 They have crucified me with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved and gave himself for me.
The Steady Trunk at our Core is Jesus
Know that God is with us
I am thankful that God is with us in every trial and every joy. Our life on this earth is full of peaks and valleys, which will not change; believing in Him allows a forever love that holds fast in every storm. Even the most damaging winds, He is right in the center, shielding us from the evil that attempts to knock us off course away from Him. His hands are high and steady, with the tightest grip that never loosens.
When we recognize Christ is dwelling inside of us, everything changes. We still have pain and days where we can barely breathe or understand as we make mistakes of the flesh because we are human and live in the flesh. Also, some trials are confusing as they are out of our control. Therefore, don't be too hard on yourself. Remember that you now live by faith, and Christ lives in you.
Occasionally, you may lose your footing. You might make a desperate cry to the heavens. You could say, "I can't do this, one more day, hour, or minute." But see, God can!
He paid for it all, and when we forget that, He reveals Himself through others. Perhaps with a kind word of encouragement or some respite until we can re-group. When we go to Him, He will help us get through the minutes, hours, and at last, every day. Until we go to be with Him, or He comes again to bring us all home together.
How cool is it to have someone that unique looking out for you and to find Him so easily when He is your center, your core?
We mourn because He lives, and Good Friday allows us to leave it at the cross!
Jesus paid it all
© 2012 Kathy Henderson