A Triad Has to Do With 3 Parts of You - Rising Sign, Moon Sign, Sun Sign. Your Power Lies in Your Self Consciousness.
Breakdown of the Triad Identity
The Triad
| Components of Core Self
| Determinant
Rising Sign
| Outer Personality Public Self
| Hour of Birth
Moon Sign
| Soulful Center - Inner Self
| Geographic Position
Sun Sign
| Basic Ego - Central Self
| Zodiacal Position of Birth
A Triad is 3 Elements that Rule Your Ego, Your Inner Emotions and Your Outer Personality
Triad just Means 3. But they can Differ in Relative Space and Intensity
Do Your Bad Moods Wreck your Close Relationships?
Moon too Strong, Ego Unruly, Personality Weak
Do You Interrupt a lot and Spoil Good Conversations?
Big Ego, Moon is out of Touch, Personality on High
Do You Charm Your Desired Companions?
Ego in Balance, Personality Shines, Moon is Mellow.
Do you counsel and console well?
Strong Listening Moon, Ego in Moderation, Personality Lit, but not overbearing
All People Have their own Special Identity. You and Your Triad - The Self in Three Parts
The answer to the question as to why that Aries is so talkative? Why the Taurus so glum? Why the Cancer bites their fingers? Why the Capricorn puts me down? Is not what you would think. Its what YOU think of that particular sign coming at you! The weird thing about Astrology is the dynamic of the mixture of YOUR sign with THEIRS, and then the way your Sun Sign, Rising Sign and Moon Sign combine together to create your Outer Identity. This is your "Triad", and it makes the Core of Personality. When people look at themselves in the mirror each morning, they have that sense of their own uniqueness because after all we are all "experts on ourselves". I like this and I don't like that, and that's the way it is. We most often say that proudly.
The Struggle is in Your Moods and Temperament and the Issues of Your Day.
However, sometimes people don't feel so proud. Often people look in the mirror and wonder over their individuality; and then they give it some kind of personal appellation that they have called themselves for years, but never say out loud to anyone else.
The Triple Leo
I recently commented on a Triad in which a Leo Sun, Leo Rising and Leo Moon wanted an analysis. She said: "I can take it.". You see, she already knew she had a strong set of characteristics that were imprinting her.
Gemini Sun, Taurus Rising. Pisces Moon
If you are a Gemini with Taurus Rising and a Moon in Pisces, you can walk around wondering why half the time you feel shallow, clever, uncaring and airy, then why you turn a corner and you get a psychic feeling that sits there and demands attention. You wonder why you suddenly want to take a nap, and feel like an Introvert.
How Do You See Yourself? Do Certain Moods Create Difficult Selves?
Everyone understands that they are a special construction. Some don't call it the Divine. Some just call it chance, or fate, or the way DNA is jumbled together, but whatever their explanation, everyone knows their own special identity. They characterize it according to mood, self esteem, disposition and life phase.
As You Grow Change Changes in Different Ways! And Then There's Gender!
As those who read astrology know, "one man's meat is another man's poison", or put another way, "you never know who is going to get along with who". Astrology presents an ancient system which describes the complexities of individuality. As we mature in life, starting with those opposite gender people called boys and girls, we begin wondering what the other gender thinks. We often are repelled by the opposite sex in our very young states. Then puberty hits, the world changes, as wechange and we begin the marvelous merry-go-round of how to get along with humanity regardless of their gender!
Finally There's a ME, and your Triad Becomes Integrated
But always no matter our age or activity, we are that special person looking out from our eyes and feeling our special feelings. We apprehend a special self and know that this the gifts that we have, that we call "me" are the tools and components with which we will greet each challenging day. As we age the three parts of ourselves become more fluid, synchronous and harmonic.
Its Not Them, Its You and Them Together -
"Seeing eye to eye" is an interesting phrase. In this short phrase the whole world of relationships can be "crystalized". An unevolved person sees the outer external world as having specific qualities, and that outer world is fixed. They do not see that it is their own nature that mixes with the "outer external world" that constitutes their world.
More Enlightened - More Evolved
The evolved and enlightened person sees and understands that regardless of whether you believe in astrology or some other set of forces, one's world is made up of how you as an individual react to, stimulate and are stimulated by -- your around. Life is not about "them out there" and "me in here". Life is about the grand dance, the way we twirl around the dance floor, the ever-moving cavalcade of life's movements on a daily ---- NO, moment-by-moment basis.
Your Sun, your Moon, your Rising, combined with Their Sun, Moon and Rising.
If you are a Gemini, you wake up and greet the day as yourself. Then as you greet the day, you engage in short term, long term, shallow, deep, friendly, testy, formal and informal, distant and close -- relationships. This is how life goes for everybody. When a relationship rises to the level of being important to you, that is your own indication that you should probably seek an understanding of each of you as a "blend". That blend astrologically can be an analysis of both of your triads.
A Triad Analysis can be done if the Moon Sign and the Rising Sign are known. The Rising Sign is based upon your Hour of Birth, and Moon Sign is based upon the geographic placement of your birth (what town and state you were born in). Both of these are often known and are obtainable without getting the entire chart done, but if you have done your chart, this information will be provided.
Here is something to consider: Why does that person that you can not abide suddenly become "much easier" for a new person?
We are highly complex individuals coming at our loved ones with our complexity in full flower. Perhaps it is good to remember that this same process goes on all around the planet every day. It is ceaseless and challenging. But regardless of whether you are a fire sign, a water sign, an air sign or an earth sign, we can all apply our creative consciousness to making things work in the many branched trees of human activity that we all nurture every day!