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One, Two, Three Strikes, He Wins!

Updated on November 12, 2022
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Our life stages are unique. Kathy enjoys sharing her thoughts and stages through her writing and looks forward to learning about yours.

Running for Home

One, Two, Three Strikes He Wins!

Dissensions, demise, and division are overwhelming; tell me, you don’t hear the banter? The game of life can feel or sound like that chatter at a baseball game where your team is losing. Some shout support, others condemn, not showing their best selves. Definitely not supporters of the organization!

We try to balance the whirlwind without being blown over by it. Regardless of our connection points, we join the downward spiral, missing the link and challenging moments in our overall gameplay. Why do we give up before the next inning as a single player or as part of a team? Here’s a guess?

The world keeps the focus on giving adrenaline hype to the negative. This attention to the bad makes the fight to move forward somewhat futile. In this futility, it seems more natural to fail. While necessary, it’s essential to get back up and continue. It may take a few innings to regroup, but God makes sense of our strikeouts and brings us back into the game. Life attempts to tell us otherwise. Again, God is with us for the win.

We receive the pitch at-bat and run like hell toward home plate during the game. We may stumble, pull a muscle, or worse, get ejected from the game, causing an immediate depletion in energy. We forget all innings matter in these moments of pain or embarrassment; even those cut short are part of our season. Though some drag, emotion attaches to the joys of performance, not circumstance, but the power within that comes from Christ Alone.

Make Your Attitude Worth Catching

Taking a Base it's not Always Easy Street Even When on the Right Team

Team attitudes influence an outcome, and performance is subjective to their mindset, but there's a collective responsibility to give our best effort. The whole point is to work toward the end goal. To lose even one player along the way has a consequence.

The power of deceit is eager to divide us from our goal, and this battle is ongoing. Each inning has importance; the aim is to get home and leave no players on base. If a player has an off-game, the team rallies in support, allowing correction while understanding players will have challenging seasons. Still, sometimes the coaching is not enough, and a player gets stuck. It is not your job if they don't take the coaching to fix them. Point them toward the playbook and tell them to get studying.

We all have the same playbook at our disposal in the word of God. Give folks time to let Him coach them through the tough plays. As for you, the best thing you can do is get on your knees for them and leave them at the feet of Jesus. He will do the rest! Don't get it twisted; you are not the coach but a team player.

Take the pitch

Hit and Run

The grand slam hit is one of the most fabulous events during a game. We applaud the runner heading home uninterrupted like it's an easy street; this is rarely more so than reality. However, we learn from each run as we round the bases.

Every so often, the extra-long innings fuel with tenacity as we wait for three outs to make it to a new one. The highs and lows spar in the stretch, and the fight-or-flight reactions ensue. We hurry, considering the quickness of decision, and our best options, as all parts of the game are essential to our series.

I've had a few innings of late where I wished for a runner to take my base or for the Umpire to call the game, believing I understood the outcomes. However, challenging in play; therefore, "We need not lean on our understanding. (Proverbs 3:5-6) "

Sometimes we grow weary in the middle of an inning, needing rest, unable to take one, or not allowing ourselves to sit on the bench for an inning or two. We may require the coach to step in and guide us, and He does. Sad that the attitude of hopelessness clouds our ability to hear Him coaching. Maybe it is time to put on the rally cap of hope and let Him get you going again. We must brush off the dust when covered in the dirt and prep for another inning. Because no matter what, it is essential, and it is not about you. It is about the game, the series, and the big picture.

We can come to the end of a game, or there's a delay, and though not our choice, we try to understand the purpose even when it's not apparent. While the experience of missing a game is robust, sometimes, sitting on the sidelines, we can review the plays with God. He makes sense of it all; He shares strategies to heal and improve, and you're ready for the next inning.

A good player looks forward to using what brought them to a certain point using the wisdom earned from previous games. Trying a new approach to the repetitive negatives can move one in a positive direction, but again, there's a power on earth that wants to keep you from getting home.

It wants to keep our focus on other players or teams, their pros and cons, instead of improving us for the team's benefit and for one another. The crowd's distracting; we retreat, sit out, or stop trying, and the game falls apart. We shame and blame (Proverbs 6:16-19), argue and complain (Phil 2:14-16), all things with proper instruction within the first playbook.

There may be an inning of loss and destruction because of an opponent, or we don't need the opponent as we beat ourselves enough. We're all players on the field. One day you get the game ball; the next, you can't connect with it even once.

Life tells you once you're part of the team, it will be a forever connection, and many times, it's not the case as teammates disappoint. But God wants us connected to Him first! He's the lifeline that never unravels, even when other players or we become unwrapped.

If He allows us to fall, He's planning the rebuild. He gives us experiences, moves our position, and makes us better players. Think of the strikeouts as a means of simple correction? Consider timeouts in the innings to change strategies and create a new play.

If You Fall

God's Grace

When others assume our positions, they won't understand our care methods, too, as they aren't experiencing your inning the same way. Each person experiences life differently in a unique and spiritual pull.

Players and coaches ruffle with pride or attack when the umpire makes a call. They may share untruths and perpetuate a lack of momentum toward the win. We assume without knowing the truth about the request. Is what we hear factual? Are we sure of what we are seeing without the ability to put life in slow motion long enough to face the review of action and witness the scene's truth?

Is the call not to love one another despite our truths?

As players in the game, we wonder why God allows certain things to happen? Some innings seem okay, and others not so much. There's no need to worry when submitting to prayer as truth prevails. While we don't mean to get in the way, it happens, as our weaknesses are prevalent.

Love others in your game the best you can, period! Hold one another to His love; there's no need to fix or change people; we need to practice the virtue of patience as God walks us through our innings in His timing. He is better at it, but we forget we're not Him. We can stay in the game; we need to spend more time working on our skills as potential game-changers and stop coveting our neighbors' gifts or actions.

Why do we expect perfection from people who have flaws similar to our imperfect selves? By submitting to His sufficient grace, the Spirit of God can work through us, and only then do we supply the genuine connection with His presence toward others in our circumstances. Sometimes it's hard to recognize the power source. Is it yourself, someone else, or have we let our battery run down far enough for the pure energy of the Holy Spirit to shine through?

As we depend more on the Holy Spirit, others may scoff as we speak of Him. What if they saw God in us? I bet they would mock less, a mere thought, but provoking, don't you think? Are we showing His light, or are we dimming? When God is in the game, the field lights up with excitement, but as kids get into mischief, they throw some hardballs, knocking out some of the great light.

Like the fly ball, our words and actions can cause damage to their accidental release; hard balls hurt! We must stop flailing them in destruction and let the gameplay out with God's grace, not our own.

No One is Perfect

Let God nudge you toward unity and remove the focus off worldview. We aren't usually the ones that handle figuring out the stories! Our greed for being right focuses on the situation's sinful nature and not on forgiveness. Love people, forgive them, pray for them, and let God decide the plays. We should stop telling people how to live based on our own opinion and live according to the word of God. If we stop analyzing people and situations, we become more open to what God is working through, moving closer to unity in purpose.

No matter how we play our inning, we can mess up, cheat, lie, steal, or win, and God's show's plan for every bit of the game. He assures us of this truth. It will be tough. You may feel broken, and you will lie to yourself, to others, and then submit again to the flesh.

The good news is God loves us; He shares that love through others. Be careful, or you may miss whom they sent as your pinch hitter. He loves you, forgives you, will not harm you, and works all things for good. The focus on earth fails compared to His Majesty and our heavenly home.

Earthly good seeks to distract us as we experience this game. It's a bit of a paint-by-number game compared to the tapestry of Heaven gates. If broken today, God is moving you to your tomorrow. He is using your story as part of His. Our hearts should break for what breaks His, and then maybe the weeping in the world would turn to tears of joy.

While I'm not sure what part of life's inning you're in, the climb, the top of the downward spiral, know this: God wants you to experience Him in your moments. He will make it clear sometimes in minutes, months, or even years from now. But when you see how paying attention to the game made you sense God more, He will be all you seek.

These life moments are surreal compared to their future purpose. Are we getting answers or clouding the beautiful outcome with our thoughts and reactions? Life should draw us closer in unity to the design of God's plan and purpose, not our own. Brokenness is a breeding ground for deceit and wants to blur the entire supply of God's Spirit.

The opposing force wants us to separate and turn away from home if we look into the storm, but God's hand in ours is ours. However, the pull of fictitious wind is swirling to distract from He never let go.

When frustrated and looking at your current inning with an evil glare, He still chooses you. You may have harmed someone unintentionally, or perhaps it was intentional; always, He is there to take you back into His arms of forgiveness. Maybe you turned your back or misrepresented the truth, yet He chooses you. Then sometimes the plank obstructs your view in your eye; He still wants you.

It's understandable to get confused, even angry! Go ahead, have the tantrum, talk to Him like his real dad, and share your feelings in the conversation. Tell Him; He doesn't understand. Tell Him you can't, you won't, you don't want to, and He will still choose you. Because of the cross, John 3:16, God so loved the world He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish and have eternal life.

You don't know, but no worries God gets it!

Beware of Schemes when Making a Choice

How sad that He keeps choosing us, and we keep deciding whom to choose? I'm imperfect and flawed; we all are as we act foolishly in reaction to the game's umpire calls. Separation and division are powerful ploys of the enemy. We play into his hands when not falling into God's love.

He encourages us to beware of the schemes of deceit; while persecution is real, He brings us closer because separation breaks His heart, but He knows us so well and wants us to seek Him first.

God gives coaching for the win, telling us there will be stringent tests on what He is sharing. He allows the completion of acts for others through us. The remarkable thing is our Father chooses us when we don't want Him. When we hide or run from that which is hard, He gets closer still. When we separate body and mind, He holds our heart in the dormant state to rest it up for the new inning.

He will choose us every time, and we must accept Him right back. God is in the game with us, so get the ball back to Him because He wins no matter what, one, two, or three strikes.

You're Gonna Be Okay

© 2017 Kathy Henderson


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