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Transformational Bridge Meditation

Updated on February 1, 2012
Glen Ivy
Glen Ivy | Source

About this Meditation

This is a guided meditation. In this meditation, I use the bridge as a transformational tool. You may enter the bridge with a certain consciousness, but by the time you walk off the bridge, there will be a shift in your consciousness. You may see the world in a different way. You may notice beauty where you didn’t see beauty before.

What is required on the journey is an open mind. Allow your mind, body, and soul to experience this moment fully. Leave all preconceived notions at the door. Imagine how a river feels.

How does it feel to go with the flow?

Allow the river to flow through you. Amazing and extraordinary things happen when you are in the flow. You will feel like a bird soaring through the sky.

You are more than welcome to click on the meditation video on the side of this hub. This will allow you to experience the meditation more fully. Enjoy.

Peace, Love, and Light

Terry Fatland

Transformational Bridge Meditation - Terry Fatland

The Guided Meditation

Close your eyes and relax.

Let’s take a deep breath in…and then slowly…blow it out through mouth. Let go of any stress that you brought with you. This is your time. This is your space.

Deep breath in…Hold it…And now let it out slowly. Your body is feeling more relaxed. You feel a calm and peacefulness wash over your entire being.

Now, one more deep inhale. Let all of the day’s stress and concerns exit your body with this long exhale. You have left this stress at the door. Continue to allow your breath to flow in and out in a natural manner.

(Pause for a few seconds)

We are now ready to begin our journey.

You notice that you are surrounded by a beautiful forest of trees. There is a wonderful fragrance of pine and jasmine in the air. You feel safe and protected here. You can see the sunlight streaming through the trees. The sun feels wonderful on your skin. You feel its love, warmth, and protection.

To your left you notice a path. You decide to see where it goes. As you begin walking, you notice the sound of rushing water. There is small brook that runs alongside the path. The sound of the water is very soothing and therapeutic. It caresses your soul. You feel its soothing love.

As you walk upon the path, you notice the earth below your feet. You feel a connection to Mother Earth. She loves you unconditionally. She is a Living Spiritual Being. You also hear birds singing in the trees. Their beautiful melodies fill the environment with pure love and joy.

You now approach a bridge. This isn’t an ordinary bridge. This bridge is a transformational one. It has the power to transform your life. It connects you to the place of unconditional love. It is a reminder of the pure love that exists inside of you. It is a bridge that connects you to your beautiful Soul. This bridge can take you wherever you want to go.

You notice that the bridge crosses the brook.

You slowly walk across this wooden bridge, allowing yourself to take in the beautiful scenery. You feel the healing power of the brook as you walk across the bridge. You allow its powerful love to flow through you. You are one with this flow. You allow nature to share her love and wisdom with you. She has so much beauty and wonder to share with you.

At the end of the bridge you notice a special animal. This animal is one of your guides. They are here to guide you along your journey. Their eyes are full of love and warmth. It brings them great pleasure to assist you. This animal is one that you resonate with. One that you feel connected to. They are eager to answer your questions. All you have to do is ask.

Your animal guide leads you a beautiful house. It’s a small cozy country cottage. You notice that there is nice warm fire inside. You can already feel its warmth and love from outside.

You know it is time to go inside and part from your beautiful animal guide. Your guide informs you that they are only a thought away. You only have to call on them.

As you enter the house, a Loving Being greets you. This may be your Angel, Spirit Guide, your Higher Self, or a loved one that has passed on. It doesn’t matter. They are here to assist you on your life path.

When you look into their eyes, you see nothing but pure unconditional love. You also notice a white golden light emanating from their heart center. This powerful healing light bathes the entire room, including you with this Transformational Light. Breathe in this healing light and feel it permeate through your entire being, bathing every cell in your body with pure unconditional love. Every organ is bathed in this healing light.

You are welcome to speak to your Loving Guide. You may have some questions. Or you may just want to continue experiencing this beautiful healing light for another minute or so.

(Pause for a minute or two)

You know that it is time to head back. You say your goodbyes to your spiritual guide. And like your animal guide, they are always there to assist you. All you have to do is ask.

As you walk through the door, your spiritual animal guide is there to take you back to the bridge. You can see the smile and love in your guide’s eyes. You can hear the sound of the brook in the distance. And just like this brook, you remember that this unconditional love flows in you too.

You reach the bridge and say goodbye to your animal friend. They inform you that you are welcome to call on them anytime.

You finally understand that this bridge is a transformational tool that can take you anywhere. You are the Dream Maker. You decide where you want it to go.

As you walk upon the path, you realize that you feel lighter. It feels like your floating on air. And before you know it, you are back in the forest of trees. You decide to sit on a log.

Now, take in three deep breaths and then slowly open your eyes.


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