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Emotional Unravelling, How to Move Through the Juggernaut

Updated on July 30, 2016




a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.


Emotions range from positive to negative instantly. They play with our pain and seek to take us to heights never before felt. In this piece I will share what I think is a positive way to deal with emotions that wouldn't be considered so positive. We all set the stage in our lives and once in a while it reveals stages like that of a flipping and burning car speeding and crashing as if in an action movie. What should we do in these moments? Embracing them and turing them into something we can learn from is how I feel we can manage through this crazy thing called life. Remembering we are human and have faults is important in this process. There is no such thing as perfection, trying to be perfect is a major factor in finding yourself in situations that bring you to the brink of emotional unrest! Live as stress free, as much as you possibly can!

There are those times when the flood of emotion is too overwhelming to let it wash through you and or pass over your life and your day..those times when anger spews from you and your mouth...when no matter what is about to happen you cannot think about being positive and you unravel. These are the times when it just has to come out...when we need to forgive ourselves for allowing it to manifest almost simultaneous to the the act of it being committed. Attempting to be other than human is a certain death sentence. Putting ourselves on a self induced pedestal leads to destruction and disappointment. Emotions are a part of being whole and allowing them to take you to places that aren't always the right place is a part of being human.

Emotional unrest can test you...teach you and uncover who and what you are as a spirit walking through this life...I believe in its importance. Without this turbulence we cannot know what true balance is...without this unrest we cannot know what serenity feels like.

It is not a pleasant place to dwell in...I therefore don't dwell there...I move out of it as fast as I move into it...I acknowledge it as a way to light my path to the next moment. There is no greater gift than to bring light to your own apologize to those around you that you have caused discomfort to. To bring an awareness to your children regarding these moments and to explain to them the purpose and how to reconcile with to move past them and actually use them to learn from.

There are good and bad days which equal a great life. I find myself keeping busy looking for a way to smile all of the be positive when darkness sits on my doorstep...I find myself running...running from this cloud of unforgiving gloom. Sometimes it's as simple as sitting still under the cloud and watching it disintegrate before my very eyes. It always clears...nothing stays the moment can match another. Allowing things to inherently take their course is a sure way to walk through the fire without getting burned. Trusting ourselves to feel and release emotions as quickly as possible is knowledge...passing that knowledge on to our children is where we break the chain and grow.

"Trusting ourselves to feel and release emotions as quickly as possible is knowledge...passing that knowledge on to our children is where we break the chain and grow." KGR

Ten Ways to Move On From Emotional Unraveling

1. unravel

2. sit still after the emotions have been released...even for just 2 minutes

3. connect to your breathing...consciously...and feel your breath move in and out

4. allow the emotions to dwell without judgement...without trying to destroy them

5. remember to be grateful for the conscious awareness of what is going on within

6. gather yourself when you are ready to move forward

7. forgive yourself

8. apologize to anyone that you dragged into your moment of unravelling (please don't worry about reciprocation...this is for you)

9. embrace the new moment

10. be love


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