How do you keep tuned to good vibrations to stay aligned to the things you want

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  1. shellemie profile image62
    shellemieposted 14 years ago

    How do you keep tuned to good vibrations to stay aligned to the things you want to attract?

    While practicing the Law of Attraction, we experience things that are keeps us out of focus. Can you give practical tips to stay "in" the feeling?

  2. Teresa McGurk profile image59
    Teresa McGurkposted 14 years ago

    Like everything else, it's impossible to be optimistic ALL the time.  We have to recognize that setbacks need to be mourned, and give ourselves a break -- it's ok to take a little time out to regroup and recover, so that we can be more positive in the future.

  3. alexd181 profile image61
    alexd181posted 14 years ago

    In the Law of Attraction, what you resist persists, sometimes it's just a matter of surrendering yourself to the process. The more you focus the more distractions go out of focus. If a distraction is persistent enough, maybe it's trying to tell you something?

  4. Quiet Stormn profile image59
    Quiet Stormnposted 14 years ago

    Try letting go.  I find that if I surrender all the things that I cannot control anyways, things seem to move along at a much better pace, and run smoother as well.  Being positive always helps, so make sure to look for all the things in your life that you already have.  Remain grateful, and say thank you often.  Remember that sometimes unanswered prayers turn out to be blessings in disguise!

  5. pjk_artist profile image64
    pjk_artistposted 14 years ago

    Think FROM the things and situations you desire instead of thinking OF them.  Choose your goal and DARE TO ASSUME you are it!

  6. mymagicview profile image63
    mymagicviewposted 14 years ago

    The most important and the difficult thing while using the law of attraction is to stay aligned with the things you really want to attract. You can stay on what you want for a while but whenever something happens into the reality that is far away from what you want; your mind easily gets deflected form the thing that you really want to attract. Perfect inner knowledge is very important to convince your mind that who you are!? And what you can do in your life!? That is beyond your imagination. read more

  7. Real Estate Lady profile image60
    Real Estate Ladyposted 14 years ago

    Gratitude. The simple and easy answer to your question.

  8. pipedreamergirl profile image61
    pipedreamergirlposted 14 years ago

    First, ask yourself what do you really want. Then once you figure it out go after it. You can not merely sit back and hope things fall into place. Its like when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake. When does your wish ever come true unless you do something to make it happen. It is not always going to be easy, but you have to put effort forth inorder for things to go the way you want them to. Although, you will see in the end that the effort asserted was well worth it.

  9. Mystique1957 profile image66
    Mystique1957posted 14 years ago

    I definitely agree with Real Estate Lady: The answer is Gratitude! That is the way to tell the Universe, God, Great Architect, whatever or whoever you believe in you are happy. It works like a charm, but your Gratitude has to be shown through deeds. Saying it and not believing it equals not saying it at all.
    Blessings to you!

  10. alexandramatute profile image57
    alexandramatuteposted 13 years ago

    I would just keep what you want to attract in mind.  keep it present in your heart.  even if negative things do happen and they affect you, you still have the choice to control your reactions to things.  it's hard to keep a practical attitude sometimes but just find a way to shift your energy so that you have the right attitude about what you desire.

  11. LuxmiH profile image60
    LuxmiHposted 12 years ago

    having the desire is a great start! The simplest way is to care about feeling good. The way that works well for me is to focus on what I appreciate... even if it is something that really makes me dig deep for SOMETHING to appreciate. I also read my goals and intentions every morning and night so that I can saturate my vibrations with things for me to eagerly anticipate.
    In a nutshell, keep looking on the bright side of life and know that something wonderful is coming.
    I have written a few Hubs around this topic. I hope it all helps.


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