Do you believe in astrology? Do you think it's useful/useless? Why or why not?
@Rad Man: but do you know what it is? can you give me a definition?
Sure, I have a dictionary. Basically the study of movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs.
A widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief.
@Rad Man: that's the textbook/Google definition of astrology. From your definition, its like you are calling astrology and superstition the same thing. How can you understand or pass judgement on something you don't understand. I can understand if you don't care for it, but to pass it off as a superstition is just crazy. Astrology lead to the birth of astronomy, and was widely regarded as science ..... anyway thank you for your response
@Aime F: Astrology isn't really vague though............ i can understand the zodiac signs part its really generalizing but astrology is more than sun (zodiac) signs...... thank you for your response so far
Sorry, but astrology is nothing but superstition. The aligning of planets and stars has no effect on anything but what we see in the sky.
"Astrology lead to the birth of astronomy, and was widely regarded as science"
Up until the time the scientific method was devised and it was recognized that astrology does not follow any of the guidelines there and could not be called a science at all. Of course, we could also make a good case for there being no science prior to that...
@Rad Man: OK that is your opinion. Anyway I am curious to know, if you don't mind answering (I understand if you don't want to answer), do you believe in God? This maybe a long shot, but what is your zodiac sign?
@wilderness: Yes, but without astrology, would astronomy and the scientific revolution had happen?? I don't think so. Astrology is the foundation of Astronomy. Astrology was used to create calenders and time, predict lunar cycles, the changes in the seasons and help with farming/gathering of crops. They looked to the sun and moon to predict events within the physical realm (earth).
By the way its impossible to predict the validity of astrology because if people understood what astrology is you know its impossible to statistically prove it. Astrology does not conform to the standards of science/scientific methodology It all about humans relationship with the stars and planets. If anything psychology as a science is more similar to astrology then anything else scientific. Carl Jung dabble in astrology, modern British psychologist and astrologer Liz Greene is highly regarded and respected. Humans are complex and are not predictable. Astrology has elements of prediction (but I don't believe in that). There is a lot of things we can't prove, but know/believe to exist? What is love? I understand this is a subjective question, but can we see or prove it? No, Not really.. Do many people believe it exists and is valid... Yes! Why do we dream? Is there any proof we dream? Or is it all in our head? Why are we here on earth? Where do we come from? Science has yet to answer that question. btw this maybe a long shot too, but what is your zodiac sign?
Yes, without astrology astronomy most definitely WOULD have happened. People the world over were studying the sky, watching lunar phases and star/planet positions long before astrology every began. The Incas, Aztecs and builders of stonehenge all used astronomy.
If you don't think astrology is a system for predicting human behavior, just what do you think it is?
@wilderness: all these ancient civilizations/peoples used astrology before astronomy was even a thought. Astrology began way before astronomy. They look to sky, stars, and planets as important and as a way to make their lives better and to help their communities/societies flourish. They believed that the sky, stars, and planets in our universe had an effect on humans and the earth. Before this was science, these ancient peoples/societies realized the importance of the sky, stars, and planets have on earth and humans. How can they even think of all of this? How did they know this was something they had to do when science and supposedly logic thought was no where to be found? Why were all these ancient societies in all these far and different parts of the world with no contact with each other, virtually doing the similar things? Clearly it wasn't science/ logical thought, it was way before all of that, when there was no scientific basis or logic to what they were doing.
It's not that I don't think astrology has elements of predicting human behavior. It's just that I don't really understand it and believe in it too much. There is too much variables and factors that can effect the accuracy of these predictions. Plus predictions lead to a very dangerous and slippery slope that makes someone lose control of themselves and give all the control to the prediction. What if someone told you something important like when you are going to die. More than likely you would obsess over that and it would control you. That is why a lot of astrologers don't do predictions. I use astrology in a very similar way to psychology to get insight into human motivations and behavior. It is used to give insight to a person's personality, to help people understand and work on themselves. Astrology isn't just about predicting behavior that is a BIG misconception. There are different categories/branches of astrology (natal, horary, etc). Plus I would say that a lot of people that don't believe in astrology, know nothing about it, they think its just the 12 signs and the horoscopes in the back of the newspapers and that's it. Its not true, people need to do their own research before dismissing something they know nothing about. If anything I challenge someone to do a natal chart using their birthday, the exact time of birth, and the location they were born in. If they still don't believe in that no harm done. You can find it free natal chart on Google and it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes.
Of course things in the sky tell us when to do what, and of course the ancients knew that. A great many animals, for instance, mate based on the phase of the moon; check out coral and sea turtles. Pretty important if you want turtle eggs for breakfast. But astrology, as we know it today? No.
"I use astrology in a very similar way to psychology to get insight into human motivations and behavior." And this differs from a prediction how? Seems you're predicting human behavior based on the location of Saturn when the infant was ejected from the womb.
Repeating myself, what will we find in a natal chart? A prediction of what we will be like in later years?
Again astrology is more than just prediction!! It has elements of prediction, but it offers explanations and promotes insight and growth. The natal chart forms around you and vice versa.
the natal chart will tell you how you behave emotionally (your emotional style (The moon), how you behave in relationships (Venus), your basic personality (Sun or Zodiac sign), how you express your energy and your sexuality (Mars), how you communicate (Mercury), how others see you/how you see the world (Ascendant/Rising sign), your values/beliefs (Jupiter).
The natal chart will assign you different zodiac signs for your 7 personal planets. Example: you have your zodiac sign or sun in Virgo, but your moon is in Capricorn, your mercury in Leo, your Venus in Libra, your Jupiter in Pisces, Mars in Scorpio, and your ascendant/rising sign is in Sagittarius. This maybe why the horoscope in the newspaper may not relate to you, because you are more than your sun sign.
As far as predictions go, that is more like the houses in astrology. If you have your time of birth they will give provide in your natal chart the houses in astrology. There are 12 houses in astrology that all represent different aspects in your life, 5th house is related to sexuality, short relationships and children, 7th house is marriage, 8th house is death. They are activated at different times in your life. They may not be relevant or useful if you haven't experience such things as marriage and being a parent.
Your natal chart is insight to your personality in different areas of your life, love, energy/sexual expression, beliefs, etc. It is a bit similar to personality tests, but it offers explanations as to why the way you are. The only way you can truly understand what I am talking about is if you do your own natal chart.
Predictions are made on observations of facts and evidence, cause and effect. Astrology does not use facts or evidence because no one has ever explained how it works, therefore anything that can considered a prediction would be little more than guesswork.
Natal charts reflect that guesswork.
Personality tests ask questions that require answers from the individual, they are based on observation, fact and evidence, which is provided by the individual. Natal charts cannot possibly offer an explanation as to why the way we are, science actually does that. Predictions tests, for example.
Nicely said.
Most folks don't realize that besides their Sun sign there are 9 other planets, 12 houses, various aspects and other points that can refine the information they get from a chart far more than, "That sounds sort of like me."
I also agree that the most useful (for myself at least) facet of astrology is to better understand myself, my thought processes and my life challenges so that I can grow as a person.
As to, "How can those celestial bodies have any affect on us?" We know the Moon affects the tides. Why shouldn't it also have magnetic pull on the tides of our own bodies? Which are, after all, 78% water.
It's said that, "As above, so below." Whether the planets actually act on us or whether they merely reflect the patterns of the greater Universe is unknown. Either way, I find the study of astrology to be illuminating.
Yes!!! Another person that gets it!!!!! Thank You for your response!!!! IF you study astrology how do you use it? In what ways?
As said, mostly for understanding myself and the patterns and challenges that I create for myself as well as a reminder of what the higher expression of those aspects are.
Sometimes for understanding the folks around me, as well as understanding how I may react to and interact with those folks.
I also use it as a tool for timing rites and enhancing them.
And last I use it as a tool to expand my brain - because learning is fun. I've been studying astrology for roughly 30 years (not full time, of course) so I hardly consider myself an expert on it. Give me another 50 years for that, and maybe I'll be able to call myself one.
I get it completely!!!!! I don't consider myself an expert AT ALL!!!! jUST an enthusiast. It all about understanding yourself and others..... I don't think it should be used as a bible or the HOLY GRAIL!!! But there is something to it and it should be taken a bit more seriously!!! I am thankful to have it in my life at this time!!!
Sorry, but there's nothing magnetic about the tides, it's about gravity, and it does affect us, but the effects are so miniscule, they are negligible.
So, what does the tides have to do with astrology?
Actually, I'm not sure at all if it's useful or not. I've never heard anyone explain to me exactly what, aside from gravity stretching it's curvature out towards us, is the cause and effect behind astrology. We know the moon and sun probably have the most influence over us, and at best it manages to give us tides.
So, if you could please explain to me what exactly is causing the influence over us from the perspective of astrology, perhaps then, we can determine if it is indeed, useful.
If you're into and believe in psychology it maybe useful to you. Its supposed to provide insight to human personality and behavior.There are many different astrology systems: Chinese, Western, Vedic (also known as Indian/Hindu) astrology, I mostly follow western astrology. Anyway in Western astrology we have the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, and Ascendant). They are directly related and unique to us because it is different for everyone. You can find this out by doing a natal chart based on the time, place, and day you were born. If you're interested just Google free natal chart on Google and click on one of the first 5 links. Be sure to have your birth certificate handy for your time of birth. After that are the trans-personal planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) that can be seen as generational because they move slower and say longer in each sign. Again you find this all out by doing a natal chart on yourself. All the planets (and asteroids) effect us personally according to astrology. Its like a blueprint of our personality and mainly offers us insight to ourselves. Anyway Astrology is a big topic and there are many factors involved in astrology, too many things to explain. Perhaps if you did your own natal chart you can begin to understand the usefulness of it.
Thank you for that explanation, however I have heard that one many times before.
I was actually asking what are the cause and effect of astrology? How does it affect us humans? Please explain.
A natal chart is not what I'm looking for, I have had those done before, they have not proved useful in anyway and appear to be little more than generalizations and characteristics that everyone possesses. How exactly does astrology affect those things? Please explain.
Its one thing to do a natal chart, its another thing to understand it. Its not generalizations/characteristics that everyone possesses. that makes no sense, if that is the case, then i am sure everyone was born on the exact day, time and place as you.
Your question does not make sense to me: What are the cause and effect of astrology? Astrology isn't really about cause and effect, the interpretation is up to you. Again it doesn't offer quick answers and explanations, just a different way of seeing things. If you understood astrology you wouldn't ask a question like this.
If you really want to know how it affects humans. Perhaps you can look at transits, progressions and ephemerides. This part of astrology I believe can be a dangerous slippery slope if people take it too seriously. Transits are the movement of the planets, asteroids, and other celestial objects in the universe at real time. During transits, planets can go to retrograde. Example: When mercury is in retrograde communications may suffer delays and problems may acquire. such as arguments, packages being delivered to the wrong places. This time is a time to reflect, not sign contracts, and not make life changing decisions. Like know depending on where you live then right now Mercury is in Я (retrograde) in the sign of Scorpio: An interpretation of Mercury retrograde Scorpio example:
"This is the time for digging deep to heal the wounds of the past. There is always a nostalgic and retrospective energy to Mercury Retrograde, but this particular one will have a more emotionally driven tone. In fact, there could be a downright obsessive quality as our minds tend to get fixated on attachments or passions of the past.
It's seductive to go back to past lovers or sources of infatuation under this transit. It's also easier to get hung up on old emotional scars. If we can summon the more regenerative quality of this transit to heal and transform some of our more deeply entrenched psychological patterns, we will be using this Mercury Retrograde as a path for healing.
On the other hand, if we fall prey to the more destructive sides of this influence like jealousy, possessiveness and mental obsession, we could literally watch our minds become our own demise. Many secrets will be shared and potentially leaked under this influence, as Scorpio rules all-things private, buried and covert. Another survival strategy for Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio is to listen more and speak less. Words can get twisted and convoluted during this time, so less is definitely more." … d-d-550184
Do your own research and make your own mind up!
Of course, it makes sense, we are all people, we are all the same species and have all the same biological makeup, that which makes up our characteristics.Of course, all of us possess the same characteristics, just in different measures.
Sorry, but that makes no sense.
Sorry, but if you can't explain how astrology works, how do you know it works? That makes no sense.
Then, it is just make believe.
You mean, I can interpret it anyway I want? And, that is useful, how?
What way of seeing things? What does that mean, exactly? If you say it tells us how we are, then that is the way we are supposed to see it, yes? How else is it supposed to be seen?
That is the reason I am asking you. Do you understand it? If so, it should be no problem to explain how it works?
True, but there is no effect on us as individuals, especially anything that has to do with our individual behavior.
Sorry, that is false, there are only two planets with retrograde orbits, the others are prograde and they never go retrograde.
That is all just guess work, there is no basis in fact at all, it's all just made up as it is based on a false premise that planets go retrograde.
That has proved fruitless, there is no information whatsoever to do any research. No one can explain how it works. You haven't either, but instead offered some guesswork based on wrong information.
If you didn't understand evolution, I could give you a summarized version of how it works, but if you really wanted to understand, as I do with astrology, I could provide links to plenty of sites that have boatloads of information, facts and evidence on how it works.
Can you not do the same thing with astrology?
@EncephaloiDead: First and foremost I am not nor do I claim to an expert on astrology. I have done research for years and determine it to be true in MY OPINION. A lot of this doesn't make sense to you, because you simply to not understand what I am saying, the terms I am referring to, etc. Its similar to explaining physics to someone who has never studied physics and do not know the basics of it. astrology can-not be summarized, there are a lot of factors to consider and has been around for thousands of years. I can give you a definition but that doesn't help or explain anything because a definition is very vague. Astrology isn't as specific as evolution (which is a theory, not a fact btw).
By the way you are wrong there is a lot of information out there, especially on the internet. For natal charts, chaos astrology, and astrolabe are good sites.For general information, astrologyzone and sassastrology, cafeastrology. For celebrity astrological information and information on transits there is astrotheme. If you want to read blogs, The Astrology Place, Elsa Elsa, and Solaris Astrology are good blogs. If you want to chat with people about astrology and like a forum environment there is the astrologers community and Lindaland are good. If you want to read books on astrology check out authors like Liz Greene, Stephen Arroyo and Linda Goodman. If you want to look at videos on astrology check out Astrolada, KRS Astrology (for Vedic astrology), LiveVision, Veerle Debruyne, Alyssa Sharpe, the Peacedealer, and Penny Astrology/whackowitch. There are plenty of information and resources. Besides your questions are very vague and you are not asking the right questions. If you understood astrology more you would understand these questions are not really good.
But, you haven't actually said anything yet, so there really isn't anything to understand. The terms are easy to understand and don't even come close to physics. I'm happy that you believe it's true, but there isn't a shred of evidence to support astrology as anything other than mindless entertainment.
Yes, I understand those sources, they have been pointed out to me by others who believe in astrology but have never been able to explain it. Clearly, it's little more than mythological nonsense.
Thanks for clearing that up.
@EncephaloiDead: I am just realizing you are a troll exhibiting troll behavior. Especially the fact that you joined hubpages for over a year, still don't have any hubs and love to comment on questions and forums mostly regarding philosophy and religion. You are not here to try to understand. I am all open for a debate I enjoy debates. When so, you came in with preconceived ideas on astrology and you actually don't want to learn. You are disrespectful and intolerant. I am done wasting my time trying to explain something to you, when clearly you don't give a f**k! about it! I am also done responding to you. Have fun being a troll!!!
No. But I think it's a fun idea when people don't take it too seriously. I always still crack open my fortune cookies!
It's sort of like psychics. They say something really vague and your mind identifies something connected with it and it all seems to make sense. But really, most other people could apply the same vague description/statement and connect it to their life, too.
If I look at my zodiac sign (Libra) I can find a lot of things that describe me perfectly. I can also find a lot of things that don't. But people are generally really excited to see something and say "wow, that is so me!" so they just skip past the parts that aren't so accurate.
BTW to everyone here, I challenge you to do a natal chart using your birthday, the exact time of birth, and the location you were born in. You can find it free natal chart on Google and it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Chaos astrology and Astrolabe are good sites for that!
What will we find if we do so? A prediction of what we will be like?
Again its not a prediction. Its supposed to give you insight to your personality. If you do it you will understand, that is not a prediction!
If it tells you what you will be like (personality) in the future, that's a prediction by definition. A newborn does not have any "personality" to speak of - that only comes with time and experience, so astrology must be predicting that personality.
I do not believe that a newborn doesn't have a personality. Why do babies act differently? Why are some quiet, and others cry a lot? And please do not tell me parenting, that a load of bull. If anything it could be genetics, but it could be other things that are playing a role too!!!.
Could you offer any examples of "other things that are playing a role"?
Seems there aren't many reasons why babies cry, unless they are feeling pain or are sick. They don't have a whole lot of needs and crying is there way of communicating those needs.
Do you know something different that we don't know?
There are lots of reasons babies cry and some of them do a whole lot of it while others barely make a peep. There are three basic temperament types that determine behaviour in a number of areas.
I don't think astrology has anything to do with it, but babies definitely have the beginnings of personality... temperament generally sticks with you for life.
Odd, why do hear so many times that people are not what they were when they were children?
Temperament would determine stuff like activity level, biological functions (eating/sleeping), adaptability, intensity, etc.
Evidence indicates that there is at least "moderate consistency" in the development of infancy onward. So, an infant who is easily adaptable, has regular eating/sleeping patterns, and positively responds to new stimuli will likely remain that way through toddlerhood and adolescence.
They can certainly change, which is why it's cited as 'moderate' consistency. It's not a lifelong sentence to being difficult or shy or adaptable, but if you had a specific temperament as a child, it's likely to stay with you to at least some extent. It might not be as evident or be something that defines you, but it'll be there.
These also aren't things that are always immediately noticeable or affect adults as much as they do infants. For example, the inconsistent sleep patterns of a baby with a difficult temperament are probably going to affect an infant's overall personality more than it will an adult's, if that makes any sense.
And, would probably be as detectable in them as any other characteristic or trait they possess or anyone else possesses.
No, not really. But seeing as you think babies don't have very many needs and only cry when they're in pain or sick, I'm not sure you really understand early childhood development at all. I was just trying to make a defence for differences in personality among infants, which are pretty glaringly obvious to anyone who has actually studied childhood psychology and/or experienced raising a child.
I will once again say that I don't think it has anything to do with astrology, however, so perhaps this conversation doesn't belong in this thread.
First and foremost this is a loaded question. Even so, let's talk about childhoods. The planets and signs all represent something in astrology. Not only that but aspects. There are different aspects in astrology, the easy aspects (sextiles, trines) and the hard aspects (squares and oppositions). Lets relate the planets and aspects. An example:
A kid with hard aspects to Saturn may not drew up with much material things. Saturn rules over Capricorn and it symbolizes fear, boundaries, responsibilities and limitations. This kid may have been living in poverty and may have had a hard childhood. On the flip-side another kid with with hard aspects to Saturn may have been rich but lacked or not had a strong a father figure (Saturn symbolizes an authority figure in astrology too, Google mythology to learn more on that). Perhaps his father worked a lot and offer a lot of material things but didn't offer love. It all depends where Saturn is in a natal chart. Hard aspects to Saturn in 2nd or 4th house may show poverty and lack of a strong father figure.
Another example: A kid with a mercury retrograde may be seen as quiet. I have a natal mercury retrograde and as a baby, my mom told me I was very quiet. I rarely cried and I mostly just stared at people. There are others signs in my chart that points to this quietness too!!! Even now I am still quiet but I am also reflective. I can be talkative if I want to, its just that most times I am content with silence!
Temperaments can be seen in astrology too. Air and fire signs are known to be more extroverted, while water and earth signs are known to be more introverted. Even so, what if you are a water sun sign with a lot of planets in an air or fire sign? Perhaps you don't fit with the water sign parts of you
Ah, so Astrology is just another mythology. Thank you for setting me straight, that explains everything.
Astrology is not just mythology. Astrology involve mythology, geometry, philosophy, psychology, history, astronomy, theology, and many more disciplines.
Sorry, that is not true at all. You haven't even explained how it works and now you're saying it involves all of those subjects which can be explained.
I think you have hit the nail on the head regarding mythology, that answers all the questions. Thanks again.
It "involves" many things. But it is fundamentally based on your fate being partly determined on what stars would have been visible in the sky in your birth date hundreds of years ago -- although actually other stars are there during those times of the year now because of the way the earth axis shifted very slightly.
That strikes me as fundamentally unconvincing.
@psycheskinner: That's a big thing with astrology, the free will vs fate debate thing. The thing is there is no such thing as 100% free will or 100% fate. Astrology gives you the tools to decide what you make of your placements. Astrology is about choice and what you do with what you have. We don't have a choice on where we were born, our parents and who we were born to, and some of the things that happen to our lives. You can say these things were all fated and apart of your fate. But in that regard its gives you perspective and the ability to take these things in stride. Becoming empowered by your situation and circumstances
Plus the information you are presenting is not accurate in regards to astrology. There is a misconception that astrology is all about looking at the stars. Its actually about looking mostly at planets and asteroids (and not stars). One thing I do know is that the planets don't change positions or disappear. If you do your own natal chart you will see that it really isn't about stars. Also most of what astrology is about, is done in real time, not hundreds of years ago. Natal charts are done for your birth-date (and unless you were born hundreds of years ago) your point doesn't make any sense. Astrology is very old, but its very applicable to modern times. Again it doesn't seem like you know much about astrology. Do your own research!!!
You do realize that constellations are made up of stars, not planets and asteroids?
Doing a bit of research in the fields of astronomy, physics and biology yourself would give you more of an understanding of stars, planets and asteroids and how they actually work and why they have no effect on humans as opposed to explanations from ancient myths and superstitions.
It being that genetics is the only thing I can see that will influence a newborns reactions to stimuli (such as hunger or fear) what else do you refer to?
As far as genetics, I absolutely refuse to believe that a planet's position, millions of miles away, can repeatedly and consistently influence how the genes of two gametes combine OR change that combination once done. It just doesn't happen.
@wilderness: You know what I am referring to. I am referring to astrology. Anyway if you refuse to even be open to the idea or try to understand astrology there is nothing I can do. I believe in what I believe, and have offered you a chance to see something differently. So I am moving on!!!!
As far as I can tell, you are referring either to planetary location at birth affecting genetic predisposition OR foretelling the future. Beyond that, you've lost me.
But you may be right that it is best to move on as I do not believe either possibility.
@wilderness: Please do not put words into my mouth. Do your own research and make your own mind up. Moving on.............
I hear ya.
This could have been such a great conversation …
I wonder why it wasn't…
I wonder why??
@Kathryn L Hill: You understand right? Its so annoying having to defend myself and astrology, and try teach people about it and answer people's questions . It's clear that some of the people have no idea what astrology is? never did their own research and then have the nerve to have an opinion on something they clearly don't understand. It could have been a great conversation, you are right!!! Anyway to answer your Neptune in Pisces question. I would say that these babies will probably be more spiritual, intuitive, and psychic. Neptune is at home (domicile in Pisces) because Neptune rules over the zodiac sign Pisces. I got a hub on Neptune if you want to check it out. From this hub:
"Neptune governs the arts music, art, dance, poetry, writing, acting, theater. Neptune is also the planet of delusions, addictions, and escapism. It’s how we retreat when life gets too rough, too mean and too real.
Neptune rules over the zodiac sign of Pisces and rules over the twelfth house. Traditionally the twelfth house is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune but now its main ruler is Neptune. The twelfth house is the house of the subconscious (unconscious). It is also the last house. It’s how we deal, reflect and ponder life. How we address our issues, our fears, strengths, pains, struggles, sorrows, happiness, etc. It is about dealing with our repressed emotions and coming to terms with who we are, what we did, and what our lives are ultimately about. "
I would say these babies are very sensitive, and have the potential to be great innovative artists and healers or be plagued with mental illness or be drug addicts (there could be a rise in drugs and drug addicts with this placement). With Pisces the 2 fish swimming in different directions it could be either or, hit or miss or high or low. Even so, I think there is great potential for this generation of kids!!!!
By the way I am not a trained astrologer and I won't call myself an expert (more high intermediate level). I am self-taught (maybe in a couple of years I may or may not get training who knows???).
Long time ago there were Astrology experts in India. They were genuine but few in numbers. So, now you can see for yourself. If they were few in number in ancient time, now its all commercial. Its all hit and trial now. If may or may not be useful.
Long time ago there were Astrology experts in India. They were genuine but few in numbers. So, now you can see for yourself. If they were few in number in ancient time, now its all commercial. Its all hit and trial now. If may or may not be useful.
So, anyway…
I think it is so cool that all the babies being born today (since 2013) have Neptune in Pisces.
What is your explanation of this configuration within their charts?
Again Psychology as a discipline is more similar to astrology then anything else scientific. Carl Jung dabble in astrology, modern British psychologist and astrologer Liz Greene is highly regarded and respected. Humans are complex and are not predictable. Astrology has elements of prediction (but I don't believe in that and don't think of it as useful).
To all people on this forum!!! I use astrology (and many others) in a very similar way to psychology to get insight into human motivations and behavior. It is used to give insight to a person's personality, to help people understand and work on themselves. Astrology isn't just about predicting behavior that is a BIG misconception. There are different categories/branches of astrology (natal, horary, vocational, etc). Plus I would say that a lot of people that don't believe in astrology, know nothing about it, they think its just the 12 signs and the horoscopes in the back of the newspapers and that's it. Its not true, people need to do their own research before dismissing something they know nothing about.
I challenge everyone here to do a natal chart using your birthday, the exact time of birth, and the location you were born in. You can find it free natal chart on Google and it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Chaos astrology and Astrolabe are good sites for that! I hope this will give you a good grasp of what astrology is. If they still don't believe in that no harm done.
By the way there is a lot of information out there, especially on the internet. For natal charts, chaos astrology, and astrolabe are good sites.For general information, astrologyzone and sassastrology, cafeastrology. For celebrity astrological information and information on transits there is astrotheme. If you want to read blogs, The Astrology Place, Elsa Elsa, and Solaris Astrology are good blogs. If you want to chat with people about astrology and like a forum environment there is the astrologers community and Lindaland are good. If you want to read books on astrology check out authors like Liz Greene, Stephen Arroyo and Linda Goodman. If you want to look at videos on astrology check out Astrolada, KRS Astrology (for Vedic astrology), LiveVision, Veerle Debruyne, Alyssa Sharpe, the Peacedealer, and Penny Astrology/whackowitch. There are plenty of information and resources.
Do your own research and make your mind up!!!!
My point had nothing to do with free will versus fate, it was about how because of gradual shifts in planetary alignment the star signs we use today aren't even accurate. Different constellations are ascendant during those months of the year now.
Sorry I thought that was what you refering to, regardless repeating what I said in response:
The information you are presenting is not accurate in regards to astrology. There is a misconception that astrology is all about looking at the stars. Its actually about looking mostly at planets and asteroids (and not stars). If you do your own natal chart you will see that it really isn't about stars. Also most of what astrology is about, is done in real time, not hundreds of years ago. Natal charts are done for your birth-date (and unless you were born hundreds of years ago) your point doesn't make any sense. Astrology is very old, but its very applicable to modern times. Again it doesn't seem like you know much about astrology. Do your own research!!!
Copying and pasting that post over and over does not make it any more true or valid.
It is about how those planets movements relate to star movements as seen from the Earth--so, still pretty much about stars.
no it isn't psycheskinner. It isn't just about stars. You are wrong!
Why are you so worried about what other people think of astrology? I think you're making a big deal over nothing.
I am not worried, I am annoyed by people that don't know what astrology is, having an negative opinion over it. It shows ignorance is bliss and I want them to understand there is more to astrology whether they believe it or not. I was hoping for a debate/intellectual conversation, but instead a group of mostly ill-formed people who have never did any meaningful outside research on astrology having opinions based on ignorance. By the way is not a big deal over nothing. There are a lot of misconceptions about astrology that I was hoping to disprove some of them.
Well you need to work a bit harder if you plan on disproving anything.
You still haven't answered "how" it works. Do you have any theories even?
I feel whatever I had said before answered the "how" it works question. Like what is it you do not understand? I also feel my words are taken with blind ear and in vain.
I mean by what means do the planets actually have influence over people's lives? Through what medium? Gravity? Something we have yet to discover? (such as the ether, or prana, things like that). I am willing to entertain any and all ideas, but I need to see it as something that science can (at least potentially) understand.
If you think I am uninterested in astrology, you are wrong. I give it the benefit of the doubt. Just like chakras and things like that.
There isn't an agreed idea of how it works (especially by scientific terms/ideas). One idea on how it works is a psychology term, known as synchronicity, coined by Carl Jung. Synchronicity can be described as meaningful coincidence, which are events that happen alongside each other and mirror each other. In this example: a person and their natal chart, or planets and a person. They do not cause each other, but they are related to each other (and interconnected). I guess it can be similar to the "as is above, so is below," esoteric quote and it is kinda what I believe in. I gotta do my own research to figure it out for myself.
Also if you wanna get all scientific, Quantum physics, suggests that objects can and do influence other objects that are far away. Scientists however have yet to figure out how. Perhaps this can be related to astrology and its effects on people. I don't understand physics like that, and if I do look into it, I really want someone to teach me (so I won't learn it wrong).
As I said before I am no expert on astrology, and whatever I know I researched on my own through books and the internet. I don't have all the answers but I really do feel there is something to it. BTW I really appreciate you saying that. I believe in astrology but there are just some things I can't touch or want to get into (on the prediction side of things). That is a slippery slope and I don't necessarily believe in that part (not that I disbelieve) I just don't touch it at all By the way here is a good website link for your how question: … ology.html
Teaching you about quantum physics will take a very long time considering you have many basics to learn first. And no, quantum physics has nothing to do with astrology, and no, scientists do understand quantum entanglement, it just hasn't been observed yet.
I thought quantum entanglement HAS been observed.
So does all this makes a little bit more sense to you? Do you have any other questions?
Yes, quantum entanglement has been observed on a number of occasions.
Here's an interesting article: … n-science/
You can't even explain how it works and have already admitted there is no explanation for how it works. It's not possible to have an intellectual debate or conversation about something that has no bearing on reality.
Sorry, if you feel others who don't swallow the astrology myth are ill-informed or don't know what astrology is just because they don't accept it as you do, that is actually opposite, we are informed, that is why we understand astrology is bogus.
If your aim was to get people interested in astrology, you're way off the mark. Your responses and the "information" you're providing in this thread make me less interested in astrology than I have ever been.
That wasn't my aim, and if you feel that way good for you. Notice I am pretty much the only one advocating for astrology and most of everyone here has set out to disprove astrology, instead of really listening or considering what I am saying. I pretty much try to answer all their questions as best as I could and clearly I feel a lot of my responses has been a waste of time because people on this forum still refuse to get it.
I do not believe in astrology , for the simple reason that they are not legit. How can the movement of celestial bodies cause harm to any human. The theories that came up are an extended information. But following it religiously is not the way to go about with it.
by deecoleworld 9 years ago
Why do many people think astrology is just prediction and zodiac signs? Do you know what astrology is? Do you have an idea? Do you believe in it? No?? Yes??
by Joe Njenga 9 years ago
Do your Zodiac sign represent your true identity?If Yes do you believe in everything you read about your Zodiac sign and do that contradict your religious beliefs ?
by deecoleworld 9 years ago
Do you believe in astrology? Do you think it's useful/useless? Why or why not?Do you believe in astrology? Do you think it's useful/useless? Why or why not?
by Chitrangada Sharan 12 years ago
Do you read the astrological predictions everyday?I just read it out of curiosity and forget it within the next five minutes. How about you?
by marinealways24 14 years ago
-Why are the religious so arrogant in their beliefs and preaching when they truly know nothing?
by Emile R 12 years ago
Although this question is going to be called inflammatory and trollish, I am compelled to ask. What possesses anyone to believe in the Christian/Islam concept of hell? To those who do, how do you resolve such a hateful, vengeful and bizarre belief to the flip side of your belief system that claims...
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