What is the Condition of your Heart?

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  1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
    ginjill ashberryposted 12 years ago

    What is the Condition of your Heart?

    Is it content, or longing for something that is missing?
    What does it desire to achieve?
    Are you aware of the hidden motives of your heart?

  2. krishnnaa profile image39
    krishnnaaposted 12 years ago

    we dont want to aware of our hearts hidden motives. we just to want to live with the directions of heart, not with the directions of brain. then we can see love every where.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for answering, Krishnnaa. But that's the point; the direction that your heart takes is the appetite of the condition of your heart. And it is good to to have love in a person's heart to be able to see love every where.

    2. TOBE54 profile image60
      TOBE54posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Love is a gift of self, total, complete, with no hidden agendas. This was a beautiful question as we all ponder on this mystery!!

  3. Peter Geekie profile image75
    Peter Geekieposted 12 years ago

    When I first looked at this question I thought you meant the physical condition - which is rather poor. However, from the other point of view my heart continues to be full of love for my darling wife after 43 years and still full of wonderment for this beautiful world.

    1. Born2care2001 profile image71
      Born2care2001posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The condition of your heart touched and improved the condition of mine! Thank You!

    2. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Peter, I understand the physical; as I've suffered 3 types of heart disease at once, years ago. I've survived the 2; but the ASD.  It was the condition of the other 'heart' that healed me when I had 27% of heart function. Bless your loving heart.

  4. rcrumple profile image81
    rcrumpleposted 12 years ago

    In the realm of romance, my heart is very content.  32 years together with the one I love is a comfort I cherish.  In the professional arena, I have much to seek in the writing world.  It is now only beginning to crack its door and I see a glimmer of light shining through.  In the real world, it is frustrated by current economic conditions that keep the professionals on the sidelines as amateurs run wild in positions they have no idea how to responsibly handle.   In mankind, there is little faith or hope as greed controls the masses and self centered individuals are the norm.  With God, one can only have faith that all will come together as tests have accompanied me my entire life, it seems, one after the other without pause. So, what is the condition of my heart?  Probably the same as most... content, frustrated, loving, yearning, dissatisfied, happy, sad and wishing all mankind could enjoy the peace of loving one another as was meant to be.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Rcrumple, .
      You just described all of us through different phases in life.  I thank you for such honest sharing.

  5. profile image0
    rgmg50posted 12 years ago

    Sometimes we don't know what is in our hearts. There is a saying: Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So what we say should give us a clue what is going on in our heart.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I must agree with the truth of that saying regarding myself. I found out things that I've suppressed coming out of my mouth. There was first the surprise, then the quiet acceptance. Thank you.

  6. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    My heart is now in search of enlightenment. I have been searching a long time and yet to find the answer that I am looking for. Sometimes I asked myself what is the answer my heart wants but I couldn't answer myself.

    Hope I will be able to find an answer that my heart wants otherwise it will have to wait for another lifetime.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Edhan,
      And may you find the answer you are searching for. It hope for you that it will come sooner than you expected:))

  7. Buzzbee profile image66
    Buzzbeeposted 12 years ago

    My doctor recently told me I have the heart of a Jaguar! I don't know if he meant the car or the cat, but in either case it was a good sign!

    Hearts are the engine that runs our body and mind and everything we can do to keep them in tip-top shape is wise.  For example drinking green smoothies or fruit shakes and beet/carrot juices...all are excellent heart-helpers.  Diet is paramount, and then of course having a philosophy of life that gives you the least upset and stress is the way to go in my opinion.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing the diet! And yes, the balance of all things works as a perfect supplement of a joyful heart.

  8. TOBE54 profile image60
    TOBE54posted 12 years ago

    This is such a beautiful question! Of course the heart must remain true to others; especially in terms of espousal love. Sharing in a mutual gift of self relies on our not trying to fool ourselves of any misconceived notion of appropriating each other. This can lead to false relationships and miserable suffering.

    When we love, we give the gift of self! It is beautiful, wonderful, even ecstatic; if nurtured in a manner of simply not trying to fool each other and appreciate the true freedom that lies within this beautiful and essential gift of self.

    Excellent question!!!

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, sir.
      I have just take a step out of the cell I built around my heart. Fear is a force; still, nothing is added by being a coward(me). Courage conquers. But perfect love casts away all fears,no? Thank you so much:-)

  9. Born2care2001 profile image71
    Born2care2001posted 12 years ago

    What a compelling question!

    It was necessary for me to sit back momentarily and reflect, to feel what was actually in my heart in order to convey to you its condition as I perceive it now.
    There are two words that describe what I felt during that reflection. The first is balance. The Yin and Yang of life. There have been times of great sorrow balanced and offset by times of great joy. My heart has been driven by desires of seemingly unobtainable passion, yet tempered and relieved by periods unbelievable beauty and serenity.

    The second word is open. With all that has passed through this almost 60 year old vessel it is my constant and primary desire to maintain an open heart filled and consumed with gratefulness. Through all of my experiences involving my heart, I have found this to be both easy and difficult, but in either case, profound. There is one measure of life that I know; in order for me to experience Love and Peace, my heart must remain open. I value those two elements of life enough to allow any experience, no matter how painful or obtuse to enter my heart because I know as long as I keep my heart open, the Source of All Being also flows through. Without balance and openness my heart becomes dark. With it, there is light and I AM.

    Thank you ginjill ashberry for asking such a conscious question.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's more my pleasure, Born2care.
      The question itself was thought provoking for me at first that I had to hear what others think and feel. It has been a real eye opener reading all the uniqueness of each persons here! I say, an open fist receives. .

  10. profile image0
    An AYMposted 12 years ago

    It is mostly content.
    It isn't longing for something which is missing, but it has pockets of very strong longing for things I want to accomplish.  I believe there are no motivations hidden to me within myself because I strive to be self-aware of all parts of me.  Even the facets of me which I don't find as pleasant.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      An Aym,
      You have a positive and embracing one! TG!

  11. Cristale profile image75
    Cristaleposted 12 years ago


    Excellent question. My heart is longing for someone that is missing. It's been trampled on and torn apart along with my sweet dreams and every thing that mattered.

    1. TOBE54 profile image60
      TOBE54posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Do not give up Cristale!! I waited 30 years for my love. And this was worth the wait! You will not have to wait that long; pray with all your heart for the man your heart really knows and love, and then allow the divine Will of  God to come to pass!

    2. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Dear Christale,
      I've been there & I've overcome the pain. You CAN too. When it feels like ur heart is bleeding & it feels frozen cold. Pray. Not to have what you think you need now but for the STRENGTH & FAITH to pass through the season &

  12. Ericdierker profile image48
    Ericdierkerposted 12 years ago

    This is a wonderful question because it can mean either the physical or the spiritual -- or both. For me the answer is in the question. My heart is doing fine because it is healthy in both aspects, but more importantly those aspects are communicating and finding common ground. Striving for a synergism is, for me, a journey without destination.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good to know this, Ericdierker..
      Thank you for the thought.
      Mutual understanding, respect, compassion and empathy.

  13. phillippeengel profile image81
    phillippeengelposted 12 years ago

    All I know about the motive of the existence of my heart is this: My heart pumps blood through my arteries, capillaries and veins so that oxygen can be supplied to my respiring cells and carbon dioxide being removed. Furthermore, my heart provides me a bulwark against diseases and threats as it pumps blood containing white blood cells and platelets. My heart enables me to live; without it, my blood will be stagnant, devoid of life and vitality.

    1. profile image0
      An AYMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The heart is such a fantastically cool device.

    2. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing, Phillippeengel smile

  14. Marie Flint profile image75
    Marie Flintposted 12 years ago


    I agree with Born2care2001 completely. The heart is very sensitive. The condition of the heart is greatly affected by our willingness to give love. Remaining in the giving mode, my heart feels warm, happy, and healthy. For visualizations, the color for love at the heart is pink, sapphire to royal blue for protection, and emerald green for healing. I clear "hidden motives" with violet and affirmations: My heart is an organ of violet fire; my heart is the purity God desires! My heart desires to give ever more love to all whom I meet. God bless you.

    1. TOBE54 profile image60
      TOBE54posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Beautiful !!!

    2. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Marie Flint,
      That's beautiful. God bless your heart!

  15. Gabriel Wilson profile image93
    Gabriel Wilsonposted 12 years ago

    My heart was doing fine until recently; I thought my heart knew what it was to love, desire and achieve. Then I had my daughter: now my heart is swollen with love for the one through thing that will always make it beat that little bit faster: my daughter.
    I suppose that means it's in good condition a part for the permanent ache of love smile

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      A heart that couldn't content a growing love. Let it flow out, Gabriel.. What a blessing.

  16. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    Very interesting question in which involves so many facets of one's life. Spiritually my heart is where it needs to be. As far as romance and all that kind of stuff, I'm a mess. My Heart was broken pretty bad and cannot learn to trust again. I am aware of this, But as hard as I try? I cannot fix it. My heart toward my fellow Man/Woman is better as I have gotten older and life has humbled me. I go out of my way to help as many as I possibly can. To sum it up, I suppose my heart is healthy when it comes to others. It is just detrimental to myself. I am more than willing to give love, But am scared to death to receive it. Hope this makes sense.

    1. ginjill ashberry profile image78
      ginjill ashberryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It makes sense to  me, JThomp42. You have a need to give and feel afraid to receive. Just maybe..(If you are like me) because you don't wanna risk being hurt with the hope you might find there. It's alright. Everything always works for good. Thanks!

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are very welcome.


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