Does God have future plans for Israel or has it been replaced by the Church?

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  1. jamesrk profile image51
    jamesrkposted 12 years ago

    Does God have future plans for Israel or has it been replaced by the Church?

    Many Christians believe that there are no yet-future prophecies to be fulfilled for Israel because the Church has replaced it. What do you think?

  2. Ceegen profile image67
    Ceegenposted 12 years ago

    To me, "Israel" is the spiritual church, the multitudes who follow God's path no matter what church (or lack of church) they are in.

    "Future" prophecies are happening, even right now. But the current political entity known as "Israel" is in fact, Israel in name only. Obviously God has allowed this to happen, or it wouldn't have happened at all. The only question is, what part does the state of Israel play in prophecy?

    I am honestly not sure... But:
    "Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors." - Proverbs 8:34.

    1. lone77star profile image73
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  3. Greg Sereda profile image67
    Greg Seredaposted 12 years ago

    Ceegen - You took the words right out of my mouth.

  4. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    There are still some righteous people in Israel.

    And there are many Israeli secularists who are more selfish than George Bush and Barry Soetoro Obama combined.

    America has already passed over to the Dark Side and President Soetoro (Obama), who may not even be American and very likely Muslim may be ready to give Israel to the Arabs.

    People will die, but God still has plans for them. It has been foretold that Jerusalem will be the seat of the KIngdom on Earth and that the throne of David will live again.

    Those who say that God's prophecy has been replaced by the church are spreading lies. We've already had the rebirth of Israel (1948) which was essential to the End of Days.

    We've already had the Great Star named Chernobyl ("wormwood" in Ukrainian, 1986) from which 1/3 of the world was poisoned with its pestilence.

    And the Rockefellers have already tipped their beast-like hand to their purpose to have us all microchipped (mark of the beast), which, according to NBC Nightly News, might come as soon as 2017. But we already have James Bond wearing the mark of the beast in the latest 007 thriller. And the Rockefellers have made it known that no one will be able to buy or sell anything without their chip.

    With these prophecies coming to pass with such clarity, there can be no mistake that Israel and Jerusalem will play important roles in the storm to come and in the Kingdom, afterward

  5. liftandsoar profile image60
    liftandsoarposted 12 years ago

    The political state known as Israel is no more significant in God's redemptive plan than Bangladesh or Paraguay.  However that's not to say that ethnic Israel has no future.  There is Biblical evidence that persuades me that God has some very interesting things in store for the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    Paul in Romans 11:26 says that "all Israel will be saved."  His argument is that if Israel's rejection of the Messiah was the ocassion for Gentiles receiving blessing, how much more blessed will be Israel's eventual acceptance of Jesus the Messiah.

    Then theres an intriguing passage in Zechariah 8:23  "Thus says the Lord of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’”

    I conclude that the day will come when there will be such a massive conversion of Jews that it will as though "all Israel" is saved.  Further, they will be so enthusiastic about their Lord that they will put us who are members of spiritual Israel (the faithful Gentile church) to shame. 

    Of course there will be a huge push back by an alliance of apostate churches and Islam, such that those who name the name of Christ will be tempted to think all is lost. That's when the Savior returns in power and glory.

    Sorry about the long answer, but I can get excited about this.

  6. SwordofManticorE profile image67
    SwordofManticorEposted 12 years ago

    God calls Jerusalem a whore, worst than Sodem. This city is the spiritual Sodem and Egypt found in Rev. We Christians are the new spiritual Jews. As for those who worship in vain at the wailing wall. God has givin them a second spiritual death for choosing Barrabas (Death) instead of Christ (life). No, Judah or Israel no longer holds a holy value to God anymore and as long as the Jews do not eccept Christ as the messiah, they will always face dark days.

  7. jamesrk profile image51
    jamesrkposted 12 years ago

    I hate to jump into my own question, so forgive me. But I would like to suggest three scriptures that challenge most comments made thus far.

    1) Paul's letter to the gentile Christians in Rome regarding Israel. "I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not!...God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew" (Rom.11:1-2)

    2) Daniel's prophecy of Israel's "seventy weeks" of which "one week" (or seven years) has yet to be fulfilled (Dan.9:24-27)

    3) God's own argument that Israel shall never be forsaken. "If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, says the Lord" (Jer.31:37)

    1. Ceegen profile image67
      Ceegenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You'd think #2 is a warning, when compared to #3. #1 only illustrates that God's people are wherever He finds them, Jew or Gentile.

      Don't be "caught up" in unilateral defense of Israel, which is but a namesake only, and be in opposition to God.

    2. liftandsoar profile image60
      liftandsoarposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is not a given that Daniel's seventieth week is still in the future.  See my  recent hub … -Depravity


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