What would it take to convince you that God exists?

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  1. days leaper profile image60
    days leaperposted 11 years ago

    What would it take to convince you that God exists?

    If you are a non-believer, why?  And what would need to happen for you to make you think, hang on a minute there might be something in it...etc.  ?

  2. davidkaluge profile image59
    davidkalugeposted 11 years ago

    Well, I think that if God can speak to the world then they will know that he is there. For instance, if the heaven will open and all mortals hear a voice speaking to them. That will bring immediate change. However, he can also talk to people individually. The point am trying to state here is that to man can't convince his fellow man by mere talking or preach because at the end we can only belief that God exist but for man to be certain then God has to do the work and it is important if he wants to save humanity.

    1. profile image0
      Rayne123posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      God does talk to us, he sends us messages/signs and leads us places.

      Just like you listen to your voice you have to listen for Gods voice
      Have a good one
      May God bless you

  3. dghbrh profile image80
    dghbrhposted 11 years ago

    First of all I am a firm believer of God.
    Then I would like to ask you that, what it would take to convince you that God does not exist?
    I am believer of God as I have seen and felt enough of His being around. Everything here including the sun, moon, stars, sky , wind, river and the boundless beauty and power of nature ....is not more then enough to make feel the very existence of God?
    Thank you and sorry for asking so many questions as a reply to your question here.....LOL !

    1. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi.  dgnbrh.  Thanks for thought provoking question.  Tried to answer but ran out of characters!  Will try to find another way to respond.

  4. mintinfo profile image63
    mintinfoposted 11 years ago

    I am  a non believer because the history of human behavior reveals that there is no higher moral entity. I "judge" the world by the actions of people in the past, present, and their intentions for the future of mankind. I Judge my own actions and determine that most are reactionary due to how others interact with me. One on one  our actions are often civil but the ideology of groups, cultures and races taint goodwill because it often turns into a situation of "us against them".

    For me to believe that there is a god as described in the bible (the caring one) she would have to show me what her ultimate goal is in allowing the flawed nature of humans to feed on the hopes, desires, and dreams of each other like cannibals.

  5. CrescentSkies profile image68
    CrescentSkiesposted 11 years ago

    He'd have to get his butt down here and show himself. Or speak with millions of people all at the same time with the same voice and sentence so that we can all corroborate we actually heard god and aren't just going insane at the same time.

    I'm a non-believer due to all the lack of evidence. On the contrary there's plenty of evidence and models out there showing that the laws of nature and probability could do the same things a lot of religious people are saying they couldn't.

  6. Titen-Sxull profile image70
    Titen-Sxullposted 11 years ago

    It would probably take some kind of objectively verifiable evidence.

    Let's say that I was out for a stroll and suddenly a ball of light appeared before me glowing and speaking with a booming voice and talking about how it was a god and it had such and such power and wanted to contact mortals. Well that's all well a good, a personal experience would be nice, but it wouldn't be objective, I may well be hallucinating.

    But if, as I was talking to the orb, people around me began to gather and they all saw it as well, and then the next day there were photos of it in on the newspaper that would be even better. Better still if the orb hung around town until scientists arrived to study it.

    Even than though there's no guarantee we're dealing with a God. A sufficiently advanced alien culture might have technology that seems supernatural or that is designed specifically to deceive. Even terrestrial technology we currently possess is capable of some incredible things. So jumping to the conclusion that we are dealing with a deity isn't a good thing.

    And than there's the question of whether such a being wants or even deserves worship. A God would have to be pretty full of itself to want mortals bowing before it.

    Scientific evidence would be the quickest way to convince me.

    To answer your first question last, there are quite a few reasons why I'm a non-believer. I have a hub about my upbringing and deconversion from Christianity if you're interested in the long-story. The main reason is because I sought the truth, I went looking for the "true" God of the universe after Christianity turned out to be complete BS and that eventually led me to realize that there was no good reason to believe in any deities.

    The reason I REMAIN an non-believer is that no version of theism has ever met it's burden of proof. Every argument I hear for god's existence is logically broken or flawed and there is no solid evidence of any kind for any god's existence.

    1. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Titen.. will look at your long story.  Thanks for comment.

  7. days leaper profile image60
    days leaperposted 11 years ago

    dghbrh.  Thought provoking question, Thanks.  I'm not sure anything would convince me of God not existing.  However, if a lot of problems happened to become very close to home, very serious, long standing, happening often etc.  I may become convinced that God fell out with me, and be worried.  But then I'd seek answers!  If a lot was 'going down' so to speak, as the world is I might wonder; whether it was God 'losing' or people not being firm enough and practicing their faith properly.  Fall outs with friends can occur due to careless words and mis-interpretations.  More so with the stuff of God etc.

    ALL, Would this do it?  On reaching death, finding there is an "I" which is independent of our material bodily self.  And upon looking up seeing loved ones  that have reached death before 'our'/oneself.  And seeing that a doorway of light has opened and these loved ones are standing by this 'gateway' and beconning 'me'/'you' in.
    Would that convince You, and would you be rready to go in?  If so, my hubpage brothers and sisters, you are Agnostic rather than Athiest.  And I have hope for you, your soul!
    Best Wishes from
    Days ...

    1. dghbrh profile image80
      dghbrhposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Going down may not be for there is no God but for God knows you have strength to come up to. If everybody individually go in the way to farther faith world will be a better place. I do believe in God , In low phases even my love for Him grow. Thanks

  8. SwordofManticorE profile image67
    SwordofManticorEposted 11 years ago

    What made me believe that there is a God was the fear of going to hell when I was a little boy.


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